Drupal node demystified - drupal

I'm new to Drupal, and wish to understand how this platform works.
Specifically, I'm mystified by the Node object.
What is it, how does Content-Type get in?!
It seems like the whole of Drupal is just nodes, nodes, nodes.
Would love to hear you insights.

The node, in Drupal, is an odd animal when you first encounter Drupal, but once you get it you'll find that it's quite useful.
A Drupal Node is a unit of information. Usually, it's a unit of interrelated information that for the site is not usefully divisible. For example, if you had a node that represented people and their addresses, you could split it into address nodes and people nodes and associate them, but unless you've got functionality that displays how many people are at a given address, it's not useful to split it into two nodes, and better to keep them together as one unit. Consider: If you were sorting the data out onto index cards, or pages of paper, would you list the information together, or would it be more useful to keep it apart? If together, then they probably belong together on a node.
Since most of the data on a Drupal site are nodes, it's useful to classify the nodes so you can find the ones you're interested in. One of the most basic of these classifications is the Content Type, which is basically what kind of information the node represents, and is not changeable once created. Each Content type has it's own separate form for creating and editing the node type, and represents a different type of information. Page nodes are nodes that represent static pages on your site - like an About page. A Story node represents an article or story which should show up in lists of content. A Blog node would represent a blog entry... in Drupal 6 you can create as many Content Types as you like.
Once you go beyond Content Types, there's quite a lot of different ways to classify your nodes. CCK (The Content Construction Kit) is a wildly useful one, and it's so useful that in Drupal 7 most of the functionality in CCK has been included in the core of Drupal. CCK allows you add many types of fields to a node out of the box, and then there are other modules (Filefield, Imagefield, Link, Location) that create new field types to add.
In core, another way of sorting out your nodes is the Taxonomy module, which allows you to define vocabularies of tags or terms that can be assigned to nodes. These terms can be defined by the site admins ahead of time, or they can create a 'Tag' vocabulary which allows users to create terms as they create or edit their nodes.

A node is a content container. Nearly all content in Drupal resides in nodes. Non-content data (e.g. users) does not typically reside in nodes. As most data on a website is content, nodes are a central concept in Drupal. There are several ways to assign content types to nodes, but the most common is the CCK module.


Drupal Views Entity Reference Limiting results

I have a lot of experience with Drupal 7 views but I am running into a roadblock and I am wondering if what I want to do is even possible.
Here is the scenario. I have two content types - Game and Score.
Scores reference Games via entity reference. I want to create a view that shows all of the games. Easy of course. Then I added the relationship to bridge to the content that is referencing game. This allows me to pull score field data into the view fine.
Here is the issue: Now I want to limit the view to show each game node only once regardless of how many score nodes exist that reference it. I only want the score that is the highest to be displayed with the game.
Is this clear? I need some sort of aggregation on the score nodes data I believe.

Drupal Views.. how to combine duplicate values and then display nodes that have that value?

I have a site where students can post their own content on it. Whenever they create content they are asked to type in their School Name. Since there will be multiple students from the same school I want to combine all of the duplicate values for the School Name field. I also want to link each School Name so it displays content from only the selected School. Is this possible? If so, how?
you really should consider using the school_name variable for a taxonomy vocabulary (http://drupal.org/node/23405), this way, the field wont be a duplicate, because it references the same term in the vocabulary.
then, when creating the content-type (or user) fields, use the 'relation to taxonomy' field option.
since it seems like you do not know all possible schools, use the tag widget.
in any case, you should think about deduplication, since this builtin method is not considering misspellings or different spellings of the same school name. (although the tag field has a autocomplete function).
a better approach is to present the user with all possible schools, however, that means you need to know all possible schools..
[EDIT] this, of course, is suggesting you are using drupal7 (or later). if not, use cck instead.
From the tags, it seems the situation is Drupal-6.
I think for you to get really good advice, we would need more information about the scope of the project and how many schools would be covered. If you are talking about a worldwide or US-wide scope, there are many schools with the same name, so you might need a school name / City combination (or something) to have a unique identifier for a school. I would suggest you have some way of selecting from a preset list, whether the project covers just a small school district, or there are thousands of schools, that way you won't have issues with duplicate "schools" created during the content creation process.
Since taxonomy terms are not fieldable entities in Drupal 6, you might want to consider creating a separate content type for schools (which would allow you to include location information, etc) and which would be represented as a node reference when students enter content that identifies a school. In Drupal 7, a vocabulary should work for the "school", since you can add fields, but there might be modules that you'd want to use which work better with nodes (a content type) than with fieldable entities (e.g. adding location data or other fields to a vocabulary).

Measurement sheets in Drupal 6

I'm doing a project for a surveying company in Drupal 6. Ultimately, employees will need to enter measurements into a new content type. Currently they do it in a big Excel spreadsheet that has a bunch of macros to do calculations between cells (Meters to Feet, m^2, some pricing stuff).
My question is:
How would one go about replicating the functionality of this spreadsheet best in Drupal 6, keeping in mind the amount of data the employees using this system gather varies between projects (I.e., 3-floor house versus 1-floor with basement; etc.).
I have two ideas so far:
Create a new content type and populate it with CCK fields. Use Sheetnode's CCK functionality to drop Sheetnode CCK fields to replicate the spreadsheet exactly. Use Views to display this data other ways.
Create a new content type and populate it with CCK fields. Use Views (and possibly something like Views Calc) to get varying measurement values.
That said, I'm completely open to suggestions outside of these two implementations.
Thank you!
I dont have an answer so much as a caution. I did a project where a number of pieces of content were rendered simultaneously on a page, each piece being in its own node. The down side to multiple nodes is the performance hit you will take having at least one (possibly complex) query per node.
So in this case, if there were many many lines in the sheet, and each line was a node, you might take a pretty heavy performance knock.
This might be acceptable - but I thought I'd give you the heads up.
This might be one of those times where its best to actually create a purpose-built mechanism on-top of the Drupal API instead of using nodes+CCK.
Like I said, I could be being over cautious. It depends on your exact usecase.
This seems like the kind of question http://drupal.stackexchange.com was made for...
I ended up doing this with jQuery, Measured Value Field and Flexinode; see: Auto-updating width/length/area using jQuery and Drupal6

Drupal: module, cck or other

I have a legacy PHP form that I'm moving over to Drupal 6. I'm trying to make things easy for me as well as the future admins of the site. The below form is the heart of the old site data. So far in cck I have Locations, in taxonomy I have Countries, now I just need to allow these Species data to be added. I would do it in CCK, but I also want to be able to add N number of Species to each form with all 12 Quadrats of % Cover and Density. (For each species in that location there is % Cover, Density, Flower, Fruit, etc ie alot of data!)
Basically my question is, can this form be accomplished in 1) CCK where the whole form can be filled out on one page, 2) by creating a custom CCK field to enter in a Species (using FormAPI) or 3) bite the bullet and write a custom module with FormAPI fields and keep track of the data in tables myself?
Thanks for your insight.
It can be helpful to think of CCK the way you would an Object Oriented challenge: what are my Things, and how do they relate to each other.
If I'm reading you correctly, you're creating some kind of Botanical Entry type. I gather that Location is set up as a separate type, and that field could be a node reference in BE. (Or perhaps it's just a list in an text field with a drop down widget.) Same thing with Transect and Station. Researchers could be a user reference field.
Then you want to add your species data (the second form). I don't really know what all those fields are for, but I'll bet that interface could be simplified. Species might be a separate CCK type, which you'd connect via node reference, or you could create a custom CCK field type. Either way, you could allow adding more than one of those to a node to get the mulitple entries. If you do the node reference approach, you could probably use http://drupal.org/project/popups_reference to make the adding easier.

Drupal: Upgrade Node strategy

I effectively want two nodes:
Normal Node
Premium Node
The only difference will be that the premium node can take more images and a few other features. What is the best strategy to go about this?
have two distinct nodes with the differences
have one nodes and somehow find a to apply an UPGRADED attribute to it?
I would prefer (b), as I want users to be able to upgrade nodes. And migrating a normal node to a premium node will be very difficult.
Any idea how I can accomplish b?
I would create two different content types (CCK), and either write custom code to translate between the two or use a module like Node Convert (in order to upgrade a node); it might be complicated at first, but you would have the advantage of being able to apply all of your restrictions (allowed image count, permissions etc) on a per-content type basis.
Here is an excerpt from the Node Convert project page:
... adds a menu tab "Convert" on the node view page, i.e. node/1/convert, which gives the ability to convert the node from its current node type to another node type. The module provides the means to transfer all the field values of the current node type into fields on the destination node type, or discard them.
The module integrates with Actions, Rules, Views Bulk Operations and Admin Views nicely. It has support for exporting templates into Features using CTools Exportables. It also provides a hook that enables developers to execute additional code on conversion.
You might be able to implement (b) as two different input filters - one for non-upgraded and one for upgraded. Then "upgrading" the node would be as simple as changing the input filter applied to its contents.
