ASP.NET MVC2: modifying master css property depending on query string parameter -

I am migrating a web site to a new one using ASP .NET MVC2.
In the original site, master page has code-behind to check a query string parameter value. Depending on this value, code-behind dynamically modify some CSS property to hide / display master page elements.
As MVC2 has no code-behind because we are supposed to perform everything in the controllers, how should I proceed in this case ?
I see this : mvc modifying master file from a view
It partially answers my needs but the query string processing is common to all pages. How can I move this processing in a common code section ?

A helper method looks like a good place:
public static class HtmlHelperExtensions
public static string GetCss(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper)
// read some request parameter
// here you also have access to route data so the
// parameter could be part of your custom routes as well
var foo = htmlHelper.ViewContext.HttpContext.Request["foo"];
// based on the value of this parameter
// return the appropriate CSS class
return (foo == "bar") ? "barClass" : "fooClass";
And somewhere in your master page:
<body class="<%= Html.GetCss() %>">
Or if you are always going to apply it to the body tag only it might be more appropriate to do this in order to reduce the tag soup:
public static class HtmlHelperExtensions
public static MvcHtmlString StartBody(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper)
var body = new TagBuilder("body");
var foo = htmlHelper.ViewContext.HttpContext.Request["foo"];
var bodyClass = (foo == "bar") ? "barClass" : "fooClass";
return MvcHtmlString.Create(body.ToString(TagRenderMode.StartTag));
and in your master page at the place of the body tag:
<%= Html.StartBody() %>

I can think of two solutions to this:
Derive your controllers from one controller base and set the ViewData parameter there depending on posted Form values
Don't use ViewData at all, but simply look for the form value in the view (using HttpContext.Current)
The second method violates the MVC pattern. IMO it is still acceptable in some scenarios, for example I am using this approach to highlight the currently selected item in a navigation menu.


How to create shared form in ASP.NET CORE Razor Pages?

I have to create a reusable form in my page header. It should be displayed on each page. Simple input and submit button that will send a POST request.
Options that I'm aware of are partial views or view components.
I checked a documentation about view components but there is no mention that it works with forms. Only InvokeAsync method is available to initialize a view.
With partial view, it may be hard to define its page model and I don't understand where to put its POST handler.
One other option I see, somehow to place a form directly on _Layout.cshtml, but, again, it doesn't have its page model (afaik),
So what is a way to create a shared form, and where POST request should be handled?
You should use a view component, as this allows you to have a somewhat self-contained model and view interaction.
public class SharedFormViewComponent : ViewComponent
public Task<IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync() =>
Task.FromResult(View(new SharedFormViewModel()));
Then, put your form HTML code in Views\Shared\Components\SharedForm\Default.cshtml. For your form's action, you'll need to specify a route. More on that in a sec. Then, to display your form:
#await Component.InvokeAsync("SharedForm")
Now, as you've somewhat discerned, view components can't be posted to. It's not an issue of "not supporting forms"; they're literally not part of the request pipeline, and therefore can't respond to requests such as a POST. You'll need a distinct action that will handle the POST on some controller. On your component's form tag, then:
<form asp-action="SharedFormHandlerAction" asp-controller="Foo" asp-area="" method="post">
The asp-area attribute should be provided just in case this is used in the context of different areas.
You'll also need a "return URL". This will be the URL of the current page, so that after the user successfully posts the form, they'll go back to the page they submitted it from. You can achieve that by adding a hidden input to your form:
<input type="hidden" name="returnUrl" value="#(Context.Request.Query["returnUrl"].FirstOrDefault() ?? (Context.Request.Path + Context.Request.QueryString))" />
Your handler action should then take a param like string returnUrl = null, and on success you should do:
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(returnUrl) && Url.IsLocalUrl(returnUrl)
? Redirect(returnUrl)
: RedirectToAction("SomeDefaultAction");
Where things get a little tricky is in handling validation errors. Since you're posting to a different action, you can't return the previous view the user was on to show the validation errors within the from in the layout or whatever. Instead, you'll want a view specific to this handler action which will simply be your shared form. You can use the view for your view component here as a partial:
<partial name="~\Views\Shared\Components\SharedForm\Default.cshtml" />
If you want to use a PageModel, you could do so in a BasePageModel class that inherits from PageModel and that all your pages inherit from. You can use a named handler ( in the BasePageModel class to process the form submission. Add the form directly to the Layout, which will need an #model directive for your BasePageModel type.
public class BasePageModel : PageModel
public string SearchString { get; set; }
public void OnPostBaseSearch()
// process the search

Issue with TextArea inside MVC 5 Html helper

I'm trying to do a very simple Html helper in MVC 5:
#helper GetMyTextArea()
Then i try to include it in my view: (the helper is in a file called MyHelp.cshtml, located in the App_Code Folder)
If i render my view now, i get following exception:
System.Web.WebPages.HelperPage.Html.get returned null.
Anyone know this issue? I think i can work around it with a partial view but this shouldn't be a problem with a html helper.
There are certain limitations apply when using #helper in App_Code folder, such like no direct access to standard HtmlHelper methods (you need to pass it manually by including it in your method, e.g. #helper GetMyTextArea(HtmlHelper Html)). You can add #functions which enables direct access to HtmlHelper methods:
#functions {
public static WebViewPage page = (PageContext.Page as WebViewPage);
public static HtmlHelper<object> html = page.Html;
Hence, MyHelp.cshtml content should be like this:
// adapted from /a/35269446/
#functions {
public static WebViewPage page = (PageContext.Page as WebViewPage);
public static HtmlHelper<object> html = page.Html;
#helper GetMyTextArea()
Afterwards, you can call the helper method in view page as #MyHelp.GetMyTextArea() without passing HtmlHelper manually.
Similar issues:
Razor: Declarative HTML helpers
Using #Html inside shared #helper in App_Code

Using ViewBag in Layout page

I have my _Layout.cshtml file that uses the ViewBag model to render some dynamic content.
I understand ViewBag can be populated in the controller and accessed in the view and/or layout page.
My question is, if my Layout page is using #ViewBag.SiteName, I want to avoid having to set this variable in each controller before I return the view. Is there a way to set this variable on a global level? Or how else should I pass this data to the layout page?
If you set anything in ViewBag - this happens after the Layout has been rendered -
You've missed the boat.
As others have mentioned, you can create a "helper" controller:
public class LayoutController : BaseController
public ActionResult SiteName()
return new ContentResult {Content = "Site name goes here"};
Then, in your layout:
#{Html.Action("SiteName", "Layout")}

How to create a module view and stick it onto a position in asp.NET MVC 4

Sory about my question, I am brand new to MVC 4 Razor, it's different from Asp.NET Web form.
Look like joomla, and other web languague, how can i create a "module", eg: "news, ads, counter" and stick it to asp.NET page.
I have a layout.cshtml in share folder, i think it's "Master Page" (like Master Page in Asp.NET webform)
How can i create some positions in that layout ?
You can create partial views or controller/actions that return a partial.
Partial Views
First create a partial view (which is a razor view without boilerplate markup like doctype, html and body elements.
To use a partial view in Razor:
#Html.Partial("name-of-partial-view", model-for-the-partial-view)
Actions returning a partial
To have a controller create a partial for you, create an action like this:
public DemoController : Controller
[ChildActionOnly] // Optional attribute, making this action invisible to the routing system
public ActionResult Demonstration(string someparam)
// Do something with someparam to get information to display
return PartialView();
You'll need to create a partial view to be returned from this action. (As before, a partial doesn't have the boilrplate markup like doctype, html and body.)
And to call it from Razor:
#Html.Action("Demonstration", "Demo", new { someparam = "something" });
If you want this partial on every page, put it somewhere in your layout page.

Central HTML templates to prevent duplicate presentation code in ASP.NET MVC

In my application I have a lot of UI elements (particuarly buttons) where I am repeating the same code over and over.
For example in multiple views I might have an edit button that is created with the following code:
#Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit", "SomeController", null, new { #class="button large blue" });
The problem here is that I am hard coding the label and styling, so if I want to make changes to the button styling or label, I would have to make them in multiple views. This would be tedious to do, as I would have to track down every button.
So now I am looking at creating a templating mechanism, where I can define a button template in a central area and bring it in to any view I want to use it in.
I have considered two options, which I have tried to sketch out in semi-real world code below.
My question is, am I on the right track here? Which option would be better and for which reasons? Is there already something out there I could consider using, or is there another way which I haven't thought of?
Thanks for your help.
Web.Config Templates
Create a custom class that can bring in template configuration from web.config file. For example:
<add templateKey="FormCancel" tag="a" class="form-button large black" />
<add templateKey="FormSave" tag="input" type="submit" class="form-button large green" />
And then could call them in with syntax such as this (method signature is contrived)
#HtmlTemplates.Build("FormCancel", Url.Action("Index", "Home"))
Partial View Templates
Create strongly typed partial views with the template I want.
public class UiButtonModel
public string Url{ get; set; }
Partial View
// Assume the file is called "_Button_FormCancel"
#Html.Partial("_Button_FormCancel", new UiButtonModel(){Url = Url.Action("Index", "Home"));
Another option is to create extension methods off of HtmlHelper to create prepackaged HTML output using code:
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Routing;
public static class MyHtmlExtensions
public static string SaveButton(this HtmlHelper helper, string title = "Save", IDictionary<string, object> htmlAttributes = null)
var builder = new TagBuilder("button");
builder.Attributes.Add("type", "button");
if (htmlAttributes != null) builder.MergeAttributes(htmlAttributes);
return builder.ToString();
public static string CancelButton(this HtmlHelper helper, string title = "Cancel", string actionName, string controllerName, RouteValueDictionary routeValues = null, IDictionary<string, object> htmlAttributes = null)
var urlHelper = new UrlHelper(helper.ViewContext.RequestContext, helper.RouteCollection);
var builder = new TagBuilder("a");
builder.Attributes.Add("href", urlHelper.Action(actionName, controllerName, routeValues));
if (htmlAttributes != null) builder.MergeAttributes(htmlAttributes);
return builder.ToString();
Then just make sure the namespace of MyHtmlExtensions is either added to your page directly, or included in all pages via web.config, and use it like this in your view (razor syntax):
<div class="form-buttons">
#Html.CancelButton("Index", "Home")
This method is particularly well suited for creating output consistently across several solutions, as all you need to do is reference the containing assembly and import the namespace.
I create these kinds of templates and put them in my Views/Shared folder.
I have templates like:
Then, when I need to call one of them in whatever View, I just call this for example:
Using T4MVC, it gets even better with compile time checking (no more literal strings):
Doing so I have a common/central place to change a specific button config. No need to go view after view to change something.
This is the problem that css was designed to handle. I fail to understand the problem. If you want to make changes, you change the CSS and it affects all the buttons that have that styling.
Part of your problem is that you're using style like "blue". If you want to change it to red, you have to change it everywhere.
Instead, you should have a class for the button, then you can simply change the button style and you don't have to worry about redefining blue to red.
