same regression, different statistics (R v. SAS)? - r

I ran the same probit regression in SAS and R and while my coefficient estimates are (essentially) equivalent, the reported test statistics are different. Specifically, SAS reports test statistics as t-statistics whereas R reports test statistics as z-statistics.
I checked my econometrics text and found (with little elaboration) that it reports probit results in terms of t statistics.
Which statistic is appropriate? And why does R differ from SAS?
Here's my SAS code:
proc qlim data=DavesData;
model y = x1 x2 x3/ discrete(d=probit);
And here's my R code:
> model.1 <- glm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, family=binomial(link="probit"))
> summary(model.1)

Just to answer a little bit - it's seriously off topic, question should be closed in fact - but neither the t-statistic nor the z-statistic are meaningful. They're both related though, as Z is just the standard normal distribution and T is an adapted "close-to-normal" distribution that takes into account the fact that your sample is limited to n cases.
Now, both the z and the t statistic provide the significance for the null hypothesis that the respective coefficient is equal to zero. The standard error on the coefficients, used for that test, is based on the residual error. Using the link function, you practically transform your response in such a way that the residuals become normal again, whereas in fact the residuals represent the difference between the observed and the estimated proportion. Due to this transformation, calculation of the degrees of freedom for the T-statistic isn't useful anymore and hence R assumes the standard normal distribution for the test statistic.
Both results are completely equivalent, R will just give slightly sharper p-values. It's a matter of debate, but if you look at proportion difference tests, they're also always done using the standard normal approximation (Z-test).
Which brings me back to the point that neither of these values actually has any meaning. If you want to know whether or not a variable has a significant contribution with a p-value that actually says something, you use a Chi-squared test like the Likelihood Ratio test (LR), Score test or Wald test. R just gives you the standard likelihood ratio, SAS also gives you the other two. But all three tests are essentially equivalent, if they differ seriously it's time to look again at your data.
eg in R :
For SAS : see the examples here for use of contrasts, getting the LR, Score or Wald test


Output from Linear Mixed Models differs from Estimated Marginal Means

I have a query about the output statistics gained from linear mixed models (using the lmer function) relative to the output statistics taken from the estimated marginal means gained from this model
Essentially, I am running an LMM comparing the within-subjects effect of different contexts (with "Negative" coded as the baseline) on enjoyment ratings. The LMM output suggests that the difference between negative and polite contexts is not significant, with a p-value of .35. See the screenshot below with the relevant line highlighted:
LMM output
However, when I then run the lsmeans function on the same model (with the Holm correction), the p-value for the comparison between Negative and Polite context categories is now .05, and all of the other statistics have changed too. Again, see the screenshot below with the relevant line highlighted:
LSMeans output
I'm probably being dense because my understanding of LMMs isn't hugely advanced, but I've tried to Google the reason for this and yet I can't seem to find out why? I don't think it has anything to do with the corrections because the smaller p-value is observed when the Holm correction is used. Therefore, I was wondering why this is the case, and which value I should report/stick with and why?
Thank you for your help!
Regression coefficients and marginal means are not one and the same. Once you learn these concepts it'll be easier to figure out which one is more informative and therefore which one you should report.
After we fit a regression by estimating its coefficients, we can predict the outcome yi given the m input variables Xi = (Xi1, ..., Xim). If the inputs are informative about the outcome, the predicted yi is different for different Xi. If we average the predictions yi for examples with Xij = xj, we get the marginal effect of the jth feature at the value xj. It's crucial to keep track of which inputs are kept fixed (and at what values) and which inputs are averaged over (aka marginalized out).
In your case, contextCatPolite in the coefficients summary is the difference between Polite and Negative when smileType is set to its reference level (no reward, I'd guess). In the emmeans contrasts, Polite - Negative is the average difference over all smileTypes.
Interactions have a way of making interpretation more challenging and your model includes an interaction between smileType and contextCat. See Interaction analysis in emmeans.
To add to #dipetkov's answer, the coefficients in your LMM are based on treatment coding (sometimes called 'dummy' coding). With the interactions in the model, these coefficients are no longer "main-effects" in the traditional sense of factorial ANOVA. For instance, if you have:
y = b_0 + b_1(X_1) + b_2(X_2) + b_3 (X_1 * X_2)
...b_1 is "the effect of X_1" only when X_2 = 0:
y = b_0 + b_1(X_1) + b_2(0) + b_3 (X_1 * 0)
y = b_0 + b_1(X_1)
Thus, as #dipetkov points out, 1.625 is not the difference between Negative and Polite on average across all other factors (which you get from emmeans). Instead, this coefficient is the difference between Negative and Polite specifically when smileType = 0.
If you use contrast coding instead of treatment coding, then the coefficients from the regression output would match the estimated marginal means, because smileType = 0 would now be on average across smile types. The coding scheme thus has a huge effect on the estimated values and statistical significance of regression coefficients, but it should not effect F-tests based on the reduction in deviance/variance (because no matter how you code it, a given variable explains the same amount of variance).

Multiple meta-regression with metafor

I have performed a multiple meta-regression with the package metafor, but struggle with the interpretation of the Test of Moderators (i.e., QM). My model includes two variables: (1) sample type (dummy: community vs. forensic) and (2) proportion of females in sample (continuous).
This is the output I get:
The results indicate that proportion_females is significantly predicting the effect size while controlling for sample type. However, QM shows a non-significant result (p < 0.05).
How is that possible? It was my understanding that QM tests the hypothesis H0: β_sample = β_females = 0. If Proportion_females is clearly != 0, why does QM not yield a significant result?
This can happen just like in regular regression (where the overall/omnibus F-test can fail to be significant, but an individual coefficient is found to be significant). This is more likely to happen when the model includes multiple non-relevant predictors/moderators, since this will decrease the power of the omnibus test. It can also go the other way around where none of the individual coefficients are found to be significant, but the omnibus test is.

How does fixest handle negative values of the demeaned dependent variable in poisson estimations?

I need to perform glm (poisson) estimations with fixed-effects (say merely unit FE) and several regressors (RHS variables). I have an unbalanced panel dataset where most (~90%) observations have missing values (NA) for some but not all regressors.
fixest::feglm() can handle this and returns my fitted model.
However, to do so, it (and fixest::demean too) removes observations that have at least one regressor missing, before constructing the fixed-effect means.
In my case, I am afraid this implies not using a significant share of available information in the data.
Therefore, I would like to demean my variables by hand, to be able to include as much information as possible in each fixed-effect dimension's mean, and then run feglm on the demeaned data. However, this implies getting negative dependent variable values, which is not compatible with Poisson. If I run feglm with "poisson" family and my manually demeaned data, I (coherently) get: "Negative values of the dependent variable are not allowed for the "poisson" family.". The same error is returned with data demeaned with the fixest::demean function.
How does feglm handle negative values of the demeaned dependent variable? Is there a way (like some data transformation) to reproduce fepois on a fixed-effect in the formula with fepois on demeaned data and a no fixed-effect formula?
To use the example from fixest::demean documentation (with two-way fixed-effects):
base = trade
base$ln_dist = log(base$dist_km)
base$ln_euros = log(base$Euros)
# We center the two variables ln_dist and ln_euros
# on the factors Origin and Destination
X_demean = demean(X = base[, c("ln_dist", "ln_euros")],
fe = base[, c("Origin", "Destination")])
base[, c("ln_dist_dm", "ln_euros_dm")] = X_demean
and I would like to reproduce
est_fe = fepois(ln_euros ~ ln_dist | Origin + Destination, base)
est = fepois(ln_euros_dm ~ ln_dist_dm, base)
I think there are two main problems.
Modelling strategy
In general, it is important to be able to formally describe the estimated model.
In this case it wouldn't be possible to write down the model with a single equation, where the fixed-effects are estimated using all the data and other variables only on the non-missing observations. And if the model is not clear, then... maybe it's not a good model.
On the other hand, if your model is well defined, then removing random observations should not change the expectation of the coefficients, only their variance. So again, if your model is well specified, you shouldn't worry too much.
By suggesting that observations with missing values are relevant to estimate the fixed-effects coefficients (or stated differently, that they are used to demean some variables) you are implying that these observations are not randomly distributed. And now you should worry.
Just using these observations to demean the variables wouldn't remove the bias on the estimated coefficients due to the selection to non-missingness. That's a deeper problem that cannot be removed by technical tricks but rather by a profound understanding of the data.
There is a misunderstanding with GLM. GLM is a super smart trick to estimate maximum likelihood models with OLS (there's a nice description here). It was developed and used at a time when regular optimization techniques were very expensive in terms of computational time, and it was a way to instead employ well developed and fast OLS techniques to perform equivalent estimations.
GLM is an iterative process where typical OLS estimations are performed at each step, the only changes at each iteration concern the weights associated to each observation. Therefore, since it's a regular OLS process, techniques to perform fast OLS estimations with multiple fixed-effects can be leveraged (as is in the fixest package).
So actually, you could do what you want... but only within the OLS step of the GLM algorithm. By no means you should demean the data before running GLM because, well, it makes no sense (the FWL theorem has absolutely no hold here).

Has the Heteroskedasticity been resolved?

I created a linear regression model of two continuous variables Income and Expense. The former is the independent variable and the latter is the dependent. I initially found that there was heteroskedasticity in the model after looking at the spread of the data and then calculating a post-estimation function (Breusch-Pagan test) which calculated that p-value < 2.2e-16. Since this was less than the significance level of 0.05 I rejected the null hypothesis that there was homoskedasticity and concluded that heteroskedasticity does exist.
In trying to correct the heteroskedasticity I used the box-cox transformation on the dependent variable using the following code:
lmodI = lm(LCF2010$expense ~ LCF2010$income, data=newexcel) #my original Original model
boxcox(lmodI, lambda = seq(0,0.5,0.1)) #Found the ideal lambda value to be 0.35
newexcel <- cbind(newexcel, newexcel$expense^0.35) #Added the new variable to the original dataframe
names(newexcel)[14] <- "Yprime" #Changed the column name to "Yprime"
lmodINew <- lm(Yprime ~ income, data=newexcel) #Created the new linear model
I then decided to compare the old model to the new to see if I had corrected the heteroskedasticity - creating the following diagnostic plots:
original model:
new model:
I also ran the Breusch-Pagan test for the new model and found that the p-value stayed the same at p-value < 2.2e-16. This and the fact that I couldnt see much of a difference between the two diagnostic plots has confused me as I expected the method I used to fix the heteroskedasticity.
I expected the p-value for the new model to be higher than 0.05 so I couldn't reject the null hypothesis and thus have homoskedasticity. Have I done something wrong during the box-cox transformation?
From your plots it seems you have a couple of hundred of observations. Remember that the Breusch-Pagan test is essentially the number of observations times R-squared, where the R-squared comes from the auxiliary regression of the residuals on the regressors (see eqn. [8.16] in Wooldridge 2015). If n is large, this statistic will always reject the null hypothesis.

beta coefficient in Anova with R and XLStat

I’m working with the software R and XLStat. I’ve conducted an one-way ANOVA (my categorical variable is 3 modal (1,2,3) and my response variable is quantitative on scale 1-10).
I’ve conducted this ANOVA on R and XLStat and the outputs for the F fisher, p-value, coefficient estimations, t-values, std error … are exactly the same.
However, XLstat offers an extra output : the standardized coefficients (called too beta coefficients). Firstly, I was surprised, because I didn’t think we could calculate beta coefficient for a categorical variable and according to the bibliography I read, it doesn’t have any sense.
Anyway, I tried to find these coefficients with R, thanks to the unique formula I found : beta = estimate * sd(x)/sd(y). sd(x) being the standard deviation of the categorical variable (which is automatically transformed as numeric variable with R, in order to calculate sd(x), seems logical ) and sd(y) being the standard deviation of my response variable.
The first beta I obtained with R is the same than in XLstat , but not the second and the third. Given that the first one is the same with R and XLStat, I suppose that Xlstat convert too the categorical variable in numeric variable (which is senseless but this is not the question).
Moreover, I conducted the anova on Statistica in order to see if XLStat did any mistake but its outputs for the beta coefficients are the same than in Xlstat …
So, my question is this one : what is the formula to obtain the beta coefficient in a one way Anova ?
Then, I would like to ask you about the relevance of these beta coefficients for a categorical variable. According to my thoughts and publications I read, it doesn't have any sense …
ps contrasts in R and Xlstat are sum(ai)=0. For beta coefficients, XLStat remove the intercept. I guess this fact could be important but I don't know somehow
The formula for obtaining beta coefficients from metric coefficients for an ANOVA is the same as for a linear regression. The coefficients have no sensible interpretation (for categorical variables), but standardized coefficients are useful in comparing the relative effects of IVs with different metrics.
In R, either use scale() to transform the data to z-scores before fitting the model, or use lm.beta() instead of lm().
It is not clear why you would obtain different beta coefficients with XLStat, but it could have something to do with degrees of freedom if it's not an error. This example compares the lm.beta() function in R with SAS and obtains the same coefficients.
