qstring white space - qt

QString fe = "C:\\Program Files\\Autodesk\\Maya2008\\bin\\imconvert.exe ";
This line gives a problem because of space between Program and Files. How is it possible to decode it so that it is treated as one complete string

You can use a QFileInfo object to store it. This object accepts all path even if they have spaces. In addition you have some functions to do all checks you need before using it.

Use QUrl::toPercentEncoding static method

In windows you would do:
QString fe = "\"C:\\Program Files\\Autodesk\\Maya2008\\bin\\imconvert.exe\"";


Qt Set image to label reference variable

I have some pictures in the resource file and their file names correspond to their staffIds. this is how I set the picture into my QLabel but nothing is shown.
QString staffId;
QPixmap managerPic(":/staff/\'"+staffId+"\'.jpg");
I'm with #Mike here, most probably the single quotes aren't part of your filenames. You can use the debugger to see what is passed to the QPixmap constructor, or put the name into a separate QString variable and write it to qDebug() to see what it contains.
In general you better use QString::arg() to build strings instead of concatenation; usually it's easier to read and understand:
QPixmap managerPic(QString(":/staff/\'%1\'.jpg").arg(staffId));
QPixmap managerPic(QString(":/staff/%1.jpg").arg(staffId));

QSettings INI file: value containing semicolon

I'm trying to read and edit a Desktop Entry .desktop file using Qt QSettings. The problem is that these files contain keys with multiple values separated by semicolon ;. I tried reading these as QStringList but no luck. I only get the first value. For example:
Getting the values with:
settings.value("Desktop Entry/MimeType").toStringList();
settings.value("Desktop Entry/MimeType").toString();
returns only the first value (in my example: disc, GTK or application/x-cd-image).
How to I return the full value from those keys? And how do I write it back using QSettings?
Update (first attempt was completely useless)
Variant 1
QMap<QString, QString> settings;
QFile inFile("<input filename.ini>");
QTextStream in(&inFile);
while (!in.atEnd())
QString line = in.readLine();
QStringList linelist = line.split("=");
settings[linelist[0]] = linelist[1];
Variant 2
use QSettings::registerFormat().
This is probably the only "clean" way to do it with QSettings. The advantage is that you can register it with the .desktop extension. You'll have to write a pair of ReadFunc() and WriteFunc() functions.
I think you can't do it. QSettings has certain interpretation of .ini file format, which is very close to Windows interpretation, and is not meant for generic parsing. Semicolon starts a comment, and apparently QSettings allows comment after value until end of line, and AFAIK there's no way around it.
You need to find a different library to handle .desktop files, or implement one yourself.

`fprintf` with SD.h's File type

I'm using the SD.h library to write onto an SD card with the Arduino Uno. I need to write out in a file a template string with some placeholder replaced by certain values, in the way of printf behaves. I would use the fprintf function, but when I tried this:
File dataFile = SD.open("myfile.txt", FILE_WRITE);
fprintf(dataFile, "mynumber: %d\n", 100);
I got this error:
cannot convert 'File*' to '__file*' for argument '1' to 'int
fprintf(__file*, const char*, ...)'
How can I manage this?
printf() makes your executable object ~1000 bytes larger, so you may not want to use it if size is a problem.
The fprintf is not intended to use with the SD.h so I think
The simple solution that comes into my mind is using sprintf to format your text then write it to the file with the println function
File dataFile = SD.open("myfile.txt", FILE_WRITE);
char text[100];
sprintf(text,"My number: %d",yournumber);

BizTalk SourceFileName becomes dehydrated

I'm trying to use a custom filename since i need to create two files (a backupfile) so i followed the following tutorial to create filename Here
now when i test this with DELCUS%MessageID%.txt everything works fine but when i change it to DELCUS%SourceFileName%.txt the interface becomes permanently dehydrated.
the only thing i do for the filename is this
fileName = "ContExt" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString();
Message_send_Belspeed_BeautDay_ContExt(FILE.ReceivedFileName) =
is there any reason why the use of SourceFileName would cause this to dehydrate?
Found the issue.
after a while the interface did crash and the filename looks like
DELCUS2012 10:50:40.txt
having : in a filename is not good.
This is just a standard windows file naming limitation, you can't name your file using any of these characters "\ / : * ? " < > |". So obviously your instances are going to get stuck!!

How to set the directory separator character to match the operating system?

I am writing a qt application, with the goal of it being portable to the 3 major operating systems.
I am using QFileDialog to select a folder, and then adding it to a QListWidget. However the folder name is being returned as E:/media even though I am on Windows. I would want it to return E:\media
I could use a simple string replace, but then on Linux/Mac it would look weird to have \home\user\Documents
My code if it helps:
void LibrariesForm::on_addButton_clicked()
QString dir = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, tr("Select Folder"), "/", QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly);
if (dir.isNull() == true)
ui->librariesList->addItem(new QListWidgetItem(dir, ui->librariesList, 0));
I guess you are looking for QDir::toNativeSeparators().
If you use the string just internally, you don't need to convert slashes to backslashes. Qt's classes work with linux-style pathes, too. If you want a "pretty printed" string, take Jérôme's answer. :)
