when do i use wordpress [closed] - wordpress

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Closed 12 years ago.
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Well I have a lot of confusions about wordpress. And I unfortunately could not find a satisfactory answer to my questions. So expecting a detailed answer.
To what extent we can customize a wordpress website?
for what kind of projects we should use wordpress.
Can we create a database oriented website in wordpress?
For example I want to create a website that will probably have Home | Products| Contact Us pages. And there will be two tables categories table and actual products table (where each product belongs to a category). Admin will like to add/modify categories and products later.
Should I use wordpress or simple php/CodeIgniter for developing this kind of project?

This post could be of some help....
Innovative uses of WordPress


Multi Language Wordpress Site [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm building a site for a client that requires several languages. They have all the text required for all the languages. But what's the best (correct) way to implement this?
Thanks for your help!
I understand from your question that your client has different pages/posts already translated to several languages. If you are using wordpress I would recommend to use a wordpress translation plugin such as WPML (this is the only one I tested and It has always given me good results but it´s a premium plugin).
In case you want to investigate more, I found a good post comparing different wordpress translation plugins both free and premium.
Hope it helps!

Can I make wordpress act like stack exchange? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Does anybody know a way to make wordpress act like stack exchange?
reader accounts
thumbing up and down posts
ability to edit posts
ability to add or remove keywords
SE markdown
Yes you can make it. There might not be exact plugin to fulfill your requirement so you need to customize plugin or need to build custom plugin or theme to fulfill your requirement.
Furthermore, bbPress plugin nearly meets of your requirement (about 50 to 60 % ). You can customize it to enhance other features.

Wordpress editor / subscriber role [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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On one of my websites, the editor and subscriber have access to Dashboard, Profile and Plugins. This is really strange. There is no access to anything else - pages, posts etc.
Have tried re-installing wordpress and makes no difference.
Not using any user access plugins
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
You should test the capabilities of your users and re structure them accordingly. Have a look at The Codex to get a list of capabilities for editors and subscribers.
If you want to use plugins, you can find some that will allow you to edit the capabilities.
else you can then use get_role(), add_cap() and remove_cap() to correct their capabilities.
You should switch to a standard theme such as twenty twelve and see if it woks properly, of it does the problem is your theme and you should contact the theme author.

Orchard CMS premium themes [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am planning to use Orchard CMS as a base for several web sites and would like to have wide chose of themes. The ones in gallery are not bad, but I would like something different. Can you please tell me are there any places I get purchase any themes and widgets/modules.
I think there are some really nice templates at Bind.pt. They also allow you to design/make changes to the template on the page, and then simply order it - and the pricing is very competitive.
The send you the package, and you can either upload it or if you choose unzip it and customize it further.
Hope this helps

Question about wordpress blog [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I have started a wordpress blog hosted on (free)wordpress.com. Now it has good alexa ranking. I post after two or three days. I want to earn from this blog via google adsense. What is the best way to earn money from this. Please Give Suggestions.
Buy a domain and hosting, Host wordpress blog there. Work hard to generate unique and quality contents.
Then apply for google adsence account...!
That's it.

