How to change values of Fields in GridView/RadGrid EditTemplate when a chkBox is checked? -

When a 'Update' is clicked the row shows the Edititem mode.
I have a check box that when it is 'clicked' I want the other fields to dissapear/become read-only.
How can this be done client or server side?
My best guess is for server side I have something like this below.. but then in the event how do I get access to those items in edit mode and change them ?
<asp:CheckBox ID="cbNR" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True"
Checked='<%# Boolean.Parse(Eval("NR").ToString()) %>' />

This would be pretty simple using jQuery. Code to hide the other cells when checkbox is checked:
jQuery(function() {
$("input[id*='cbNR']").click(function() {


getting the RadGrid checkbox column value in server

I have a RadGrid having a checkbox column, i have added the column as a ItemTemplate to make it editable in the regular mode.
<telerik:GridTemplateColumn UniqueName="IsSelected" DataField="IsSelected">
<asp:CheckBox ID="chkBoolean" runat="server" Checked='<%# Convert.ToBoolean(Eval("IsSelected")) %>'Enabled='<%# Convert.ToBoolean(Eval("IsSelectionDisable")) %>' />
Using this I am able to display a checkbox as editable. Now my problem is how do i get the checked value of the checkox for saving it when the user has changed the checkbox. On click of a button i need to get all the rows that are still checked and save them. The below code does not work as it does not get the checkbox. Is there any way possible to get the value.
foreach (GridDataItem item in rgUnavailResult.MasterTableView.Items)
Found the checkbox

Getting text out of textarea from a ASP.NET GridView update

i'm loosing my mind. Using ASP.NET in a GridView, amongst other controls, I have the following:
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Intention">
<asp:TextBox ID="IntentionInfo" Enabled="true" TextMode="MultiLine" Wrap="true" runat="server" />
<asp:TextBox ID="IntentionInfo" Enabled="false" TextMode="MultiLine" runat="server" />
I would like to take the value out of this textarea and save in a database. However, server side, I try to pull the value out, like such:
string txt = (TextBox)DonationResultsTable.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[6].Controls[1].Text;
... but I keep getting the value that was SENT to the Client.
I wrote this javascript and I can see the values change in the DOM, but still the server keeps taking the old value.
var txt = $(this).val();
So my guess was ViewState, but I disabled it for those controls, like this:
<asp:TextBox ID="IntentionInfo" ViewStateMode="Disabled" Enabled="false" TextMode="MultiLine" runat="server" />
Still nothing! Any ideas?
One option could be to use a hidden field and update it on text changed for the text area. You could do this with jQuery like this:
$("textarea[id$=tbTest]").change(function () {
Then on the server side, you can retrieve the hidden field's value and save it to your database.

Enable/disable RequiredValidator on client-side / CustomValidator not firing

I've got a drop-down where the user selects a Country. It is a required "field".
Next to it, there is a textfield named State. If the user selects US, then the field State is required. If the user selects e.g. Sweden, the State is not required, since Sweden has no states.
Example code:
<asp:DropDownList runat="server" ID="Country"></asp:DropDownList>
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ControlToValidate="Country"
runat="server" Display="Static" ErrorMessage="Required field" />
<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="State"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:CustomValidator ClientValidationFunction="DoesntGetFiredIfStateIsEmpty"
runat="server" Display="Static" ErrorMessage="Required field" />
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ControlToValidate="State"
runat="server" Display="Static" ErrorMessage="Required field" />
My question to you is: How can I make this CustomValidator fire validation when it is empty?
Or put simplier: How can I make a RequiredValidator fire conditionally?
Or simplest: How can I enable/disable a RequiredValidator on client-side?
Try doing this with javascript to enable and disable validators
ValidatorEnable(RequiredFieldValidatorId, false);
Check out this question that I answered. has a client side javascript function to manage the validators, the "ValidatorEnable" function,
ValidatorEnable(RequiredFieldValidatorId, false);
you can call it simply using javascript, you must send the validator object to the function (not only its id).
if (x==y) {
ValidatorEnable($('#<%=rfvFamily.ClientID %>'), false);
} else {
ValidatorEnable($('#<%=rfvFamily.ClientID %>'), true);
if (x==y) {
ValidatorEnable(document.getElementById("<%=rfvFamily.ClientID %>", false);
} else {
ValidatorEnable(document.getElementById("<%=rfvFamily.ClientID %>", true);
full documnet on:
another way is to Set in your DropDownList CausesValidation="false" to avoid that the validators block a postback when you change the DropDownList entry.
(*) Remember this function is for client side, for disabling validator in server side, you must to disable validator on page postback too.
if (IsPostBack){
if (x==y) {
rfvFamily.Enabled = false;

Gridview Hidden Field - how can I get a hidden field value using JavaScript?

I have Gridview like this:
<asp:GridView ID="gvPartsSearchResult" runat ="server" CssClass="MRJ_TextGrid">
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Select">
AutoPostBack ="true"
Value ='<%#Bind("FILE_EXTENSION")%>'/>
I want to read the hidden field value when the user clicks on the radio button. Can anyone help me with this?
One of the things about ASP.NET that is tough is that the ID's of your controls get mangled, This can make them tough to work with in JavaScript.
ASP.NET 4 offers a new ClientIDMode which eases this pain but until it is released we are stuck using workarounds. I wrote an article explaining the pros and cons of some of these workarounds - hopefully that will get you on the right track.
You could use some jQuery to make your JavaScript more unobtrusive and get rid of your inline event-handler on your radio button:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('table.MRJ_TextGrid input:radio').click(function() {
var hiddenValue = $(this).next().val();
// continue processing...

How to find checked RadioButton inside Repeater Item?

I have a Repeater control on ASPX-page defined like this:
<asp:Repeater ID="answerVariantRepeater" runat="server"
<asp:RadioButton ID="answerVariantRadioButton" runat="server"
Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Text")%>'"/>
To allow select only one radio button in time I have used a trick form this article.
But now when form is submitted I want to determine which radio button is checked.
I could do this:
RadioButton checkedButton = null;
foreach (RepeaterItem item in answerVariantRepeater.Items)
RadioButton control=(RadioButton)item.FindControl("answerVariantRadioButton");
if (control.Checked)
checkedButton = control;
but hope it could be done somehow simplier (maybe via LINQ to objects).
You could always use Request.Form to get the submitted radio button:
var value = Request.Form["answerVariants"];
I think the submitted value defaults to the id of the <asp:RadioButton /> that was selected, but you can always add a value attribute - even though it's not officially an <asp:RadioButton /> property - and this will then be the submitted value:
<asp:RadioButton ID="answerVariantRadioButton" runat="server"
Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Text")%>'"
value='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "SomethingToUseAsTheValue")%>' />
Since You are using javascript already to handle the radio button click event on the client, you could update a hidden field with the selected value at the same time.
Your server code would then just access the selected value from the hidden field.
I'm pretty sure that the only thing you could use LINQ to Objects for here would be to take the conditions from within the foreach loop and move them to a where clause.
RadioButton checked =
(from item in answerVariantRepeater.Items
let radioButton = (RadioButton)item.FindControl("answerVariantRadioButton")
where radioButton.Checked
select radioButton).FirstOrDefault();
