Counting Likes and shared times in google reader public profile - google-reader

We've collected a list of google reader profiles of our members and now I want to make a hot list board and show the most shared and the most liked items to be shared with our members.
I've checked a couple of unofficial google reader APIs but I did not find anything related to the like or sharing.
do you know how can I count the number of likes for each feed item in the shared profile of our members?

Likes are exposed in the Atom feed for the shared items as gr:likingUser elements (one per user who liked the item, up to 100). Additional likers (and their profile information) can be fetched by making a GET request to has more information.


GA 360 export to Big Query

We have just linked our GA360 account to BigQuery but we noticed from the docs that the userId doesn't get exported. This is really annoying as one of our main use case was to join the userId with our CRM system.
Why is Google not exporting the userId ? Is there workaround ?
Thank you for your answers.
The solution is to create a User level custom dimension and pass your user's ID into that as well.
There's no restriction on exporting your custom dimensions, and these are exported to BigQuery.
Enjoy :)
How User-ID works
User-ID enables the association of one or more sessions (and the activity within those sessions) with a unique and persistent ID that you send to Analytics.
To implement User-ID, you must be able to generate your own unique IDs, consistently assign IDs to users, and include these IDs wherever you send data to Analytics.
For example, you could send the unique IDs generated by your own authentication system to Analytics as values for User-ID. Any engagement, like link clicks and page or screen navigation, that happen while a unique ID is assigned can be sent to Analytics and connected via User-ID.
In an Analytics implementation without the User-ID feature, a unique user is counted each time your content is accessed from a different device and each time there’s a new session. For example, a search on a phone one day, purchase on a laptop three days later, and request for customer service on a tablet a month after that are counted as three unique users in a standard Analytics implementation, even if all those actions took place while a user was signed in to an account. While you can collect data about each of those interactions and devices, you can’t determine their relevance to one another. You only see independent data points.
When you implement User-ID, you can identify related actions and devices and connect these seemingly independent data points. That same search on a phone, purchase on a laptop, and re-engagement on a tablet that previously looked like three unrelated actions on unrelated devices can now be understood as one user’s interactions with your business.
From Google analytics about the userid feature the user id is used in the background by google analytics to analyse your data.
If you want to analyse on the user id you can just add it as a custom dimension you will then be able to see it.

How to make a dynamic room for multiplayer quiz app using firebase?

I am making an app.. I mean a game type app. it's a quiz app where two people can
pair them up and can answer questions one by one and so on.
what I want is:
I want to make a virtual room,
when USER1 want to play he will click search competitor, a virtual room with random string key will be made with one player.
then when USER2 will click on find competitor button his room will also be created and he will also search all rooms created before him, if any room have less than 2 users then he will join that room and start playing.
I am new so I am not sure if that is good approach but that's all I have planned.
how to count childs of a node (node that we does not know whats its key..
see attached image
please find image here
Good start. It's always best to articulate precisely what you want before your start coding. It sounds like you have a pretty good idea of what you want.
I would recommend using Firestore and firebase.auth, even if only anonymous, so that each user can have 'state' and univeral id in their app. In other words when they close and re-open the app, the app keeps a universal id, uid, for them.
If I understand your requirements:
each user can have more than one room
each room has a max of 2 users
As far as searching existing rooms, this will not scale without some categorization. What happens if you have 1,000 rooms? How will users search all that? So you would want to add subject matter, or tags, to each room. That way you can query where("tag")==chosenTag.
Basically each virtual room has fields identifying the 2 users (uid's), AND has subcollections - each collection has a document
uid has fields (accountCreateDate, favoriteColor, AND the uid of each room (as a key) they engage in where the value would be an integer where, for example (1== awaiting response, 2==closed, 3==whatever).
Firestore Structure
users(collection > userUid(document containing aboce said)
rooms(collection) roomA(Document w field identifying subject/name) AND sub-collection containing a doc for each pair of participants.

Adobe Audience Manager External data

At my organization we are starting to use Adobe Audience Manager. We need to read online data from the website, but also to load data from our private database. Today, we do it by using the FTP, but it actually takes almost 3 days to load all the information so we can use it, which is a lot of time for us. I would like to know which is the best way or some alternatives so we can load information in a more agile and fast way, and ideally to read ir in the most real time possible from other sources (like our database or similar).
thanks a lot for your help
AAM offline data can be uploaded either on an FTP location or to an AWS S3 bucket, and unfortunately both of them take from 12 to 24 hours to load on AAM (Adobe Audience Manager), and then it takes another 12 to 24 hours to load them into your DSP (Demand Side Platform).
Given that the only real-time like signals in AAM (that I know of) comes from the online datasources, the best way to achieve your requirement is to do the following:
Send as much information as possible from the online channel channel.
Build an integrate between your CRM data (database in your case) and the online data (user behaviour data on your website).
The CRM data should contain the user details that do not change much, such as demographics (age, gender, ...etc.), and it should also contain the data that are collected via the non-online channels (e.g. retail purchases, customer service phone calls, ...etc.). On the other hand, the online data should contain all the user behaviour data, collected from the online channel. For example, the user search parameters, visited page names, purchased items, clicked links, …etc.
The integration between the online and CRM data can be done by using the same user ID in both activities. The following diagram should give you a high level view of integration. Simple AAM diagram
Here is an example of passing the user ID and online behavior data to AAM
var user_id = "<add your website user ID here>";//ex: user1234
//Add all your online data here
var my_object = {
color : "blue",
price : "900",
page_name : "cart details"
//Create the Dil object
var adobe_dil = DIL.create({
partner : "<partner name goes here>",
declaredId : {
dpid : '<add your online data source ID here>' ,
dpuuid : user_id
//Load the object and append "c_" to all keys in the key-value pairs and send data to AudienceManager.
And here is an example of the offline data upload
user1234 "age_range"="1","gender"="F","city"="LA","status"="active"
user5678 "age_range"="2","gender"="M","city"="CA","status"="inactive"
Another Idea, which I haven't done before and I don't really recommend, is to send all your CRM data as online transactions, by calling the online API directly from your back-end. It may cost you more though, given the number of activities you will make to AAM from the back-end.

Can I get the companies a user is admin of AND their picture urls via LinkedIn API?

Using LinkedIn API Documentation for company pages, I know how to retrieve :
The list of companies a user is admin of
Several profile fields for each individual company
Can I do that in one call instead of N+1 calls ?
Well, I ended up answering my own question pretty quickly. Calling the API in the following way gives you the list of companies AND the list of profile fields you need :,name,ticker,description,website-url,square-logo-url)?format=json&is-company-admin=true

Google analytics: how to count occurrences of each item in internal search listing

In company I am working on a website that presents users' announcements. Announcements can be searched through our internal search engine. SO far we have implemented Googla Analytics API to present our users 'pageViews' information of their announcement, but they also want to know how often their announcement has been shown in search listing (probably to compare with pageviews and later modify some information like title or thumbnail of announcement to gain CTR). How can we collect such data? I obviously tried to google it, but couldn't find any information.
