repair data in csv file - sqlite

I have a huge csv file, separated by comma's and I want to do a analysis with glm in R.
In one column there exists data with a comma implied, something like: bla,blabla
When reading the file in R with read.csv.sql there comes a error-message:
RS-DBI driver: (RS_sqlite_import: ./agp.csv line 47612 expected 37 columns of data but found 38)
This is due to the 'extra' comma in some of the data, not the whole column has an extra column.
How can I fix this? I want to remove this extra superfluous comma.
Thanks for the reaction,

The CSV format is very simple and can easily be hand edited. In order to include a comma in a value, you must surround the value with quotes quotes. Try this: "bla,blabla". If that data happens to contain any quotes, eg. blah,"thequotedblah",blah, those quotes need to be escaped with another quote, like this: "blah,""thequotedblah"",blah".
Although there is no official standard around it, there isn't much to the CSV format. Wikipedia has a great CSV reference that I have personally used to implement CSV support in applications. Spend 5-10 minutes reading it and you'll know everything you ever need to know to manually create/read/repair CSV data.

Is it just this one line that contains a non-quoted comma - or are there several such lines? Editing the .csv with an editor that can handle large files (e.g. Ultraedit) to sanitize that one record would certainly help. Asaph's suggestion of quoting is also a good 'un.


R read csv with comma in column

Update 2020-5-14
Working with a different but similar dataset from here, I found read_csv seems to work fine. I haven't tried it with the original data yet though.
Although the replies didn't help solve the problem because my question was not correct, Shan's reply fits the original question I posted the most, so I accepted his answer.
Update 2020-5-12
I think my original question is not correct. Like mentioned in the comment, the data was quoted. Although changing the separator made the 11582 row in R look the same as the 11583 row in excel, it doesn't mean it's "right". Maybe there is some incorrect line switch due to inappropriate encoding or something, and thus causing some of the columns to be displaced. If I open the data with notepad++, the instance at row 11583 in excel is at the 11596 row.
Original question
I am trying to read the listings.csv from this dataset in kaggle into R. I downloaded the file and wrote the coderead.csv('listing.csv'). The first column, the column id, is supposed to be numeric. However, it shows:
[1] 2015 2695 3176 3309 7071 9991 14325 16401 16644 17409
13129 Levels: Ole Berl穩n!,16736423,Nerea,Mitte,Parkviertel,52.55554132116211,13.340658248460871,Entire home/apt,36,6,3,2018-01-26,0.16,1,279\n17312576,Great 2 floor apartment near Friederich Str MITTE,116829651,Selin,Mitte,Alexanderplatz,52.52349354926847,13.391003496971203,Entire home/apt,170,3,31,2018-10-13,1.63,1,92\n17316675,80簡 m of charm in 3 rooms with office space,116862833,Jon,Neuk繹lln,Schillerpromenade,52.47499080234379,13.427509313575928...
I think it is because there are values with commas in the second column. For example, opening the file with MiCrosoft excel, I can see one of the value in the second column is Ole,Ole...:
How can I read a csv file into R correctly when some values contain commas?
Since you have access to the data in Excel, you can 'Save As' in Excel with a seperator other than comma (,). First go in to Control Panel –> Region and Language -> Additional settings, you can change the "List Seperator". Most common one other than comma is pipe symbol (|). In R, when you read_csv, specify the seperator as '|'.
You could try this?
lsitings <- read.csv("listings.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
listings$name <- gsub(",","", listings$name) - This will remove the comma in Col name
If you don't need the information in the second column, then you can always delete it (in Excel) before importing into R. The read.csv function, which calls scan, can also omit unwanted columns using the colClasses argument. However, the fread function from the data.table package does this much more simply with the drop argument:
listings <- fread("listings.csv", drop=2)
If you do need the information in that column, then other methods are needed (see other solutions).

How Can I Properly Export data from DB in which some values have special character like "\r"?

I have a table on my DB and one of which columns has some special characters like "\r"(enter). Maybe these were done by typist who surveyed this data. This column was originated from essay question, in my opinion.
The problem is this. Because of situation above, some cells have special characters.
With DB tool, export table into Excel file does not go wrong. But export it to delimited file like CSV is different, even in R write.table. Some character ( "\r") does something; It make another line; 69297 → 69454.
So is there a way to handle this things??

readcsv fails to read # character in Julia

I've been using asd=readcsv(filename) to read a csv file in Julia.
The first row of the csv file contains strings which describe the column contents; the rest of the data is a mix of integers and floats. readcsv reads the numbers just fine, but only reads the first 4+1/2 string entries.
After that, it renders "". If I ask the REPL to display asd[1,:], it tells me it is 1x65 Array{Any,2}.
The fifth column in the first row of the csv file (this seems to be the entry it chokes on) is APP #1 bias voltage [V]; but asd[1,5] is just APP . So it looks to me as though readcsv has choked on the "#" character.
I tried using "quotes=false" keyword in readcsv, but it didn't help.
I used to use xlsread in Matlab and it worked fine.
Has anybody out there seen this sort of thing before?
The comment character in Julia is #, and this applies when reading files from delimited text files.
But luckily, the readcsv() and readdlm() functions have an optional argument to help in these situations.
You should try readcsv(filename; comment_char = '/').
Of course, the example above assumes that you don't have any / characters in your first line. If you do, then you'll have to change that / above to something else.

Stray commas when importing CSV into R

I have a large CSV file (170k rows), which I'm importing into R. Each entry in the file is comma-delimited - however, in some of the columns (particularly those with a collection of URLs stuck together), there are commas in the strings. An example below:
Will Smith,25/09/68,null,male,08/10/14,450109,TRUE,,_2.jpg?width=300,_2.jpg/200px-Will_Smith_2011,_2.jpghttp:.....
The added comma has a knock-on effect - it makes R (and Excel) think that it is a separate column, which then extends out over other columns and destroying the formatting. Given that there are roughly ~10% of the data affected, is there a quick way to get around this?
If the rule suggested by this limited example is to remove the commas that appear before underscores, then this succeeds:
gsub("[,][_]", "_", s)
Without some rule for when commas should be ignored, no.
If you have some consistant rule then use str_replace_all with regex to find the exceptions.
If you're the one making the csv I'd suggest you delimit with a different character.

Improperly formatted CSV, how to repair?

I have a csv, and each line reads as follows:
",video title,video duration,thumbnail,<iframe src="""" frameborder=0 width=510 height=400 scrolling=no> </iframe>,tag 1,tag 2",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Is there a program I can use to clean this up? I'm trying to import it to wordpress and map it to current fields, but it isn't functioning properly. Any suggestions?
Just use search and replace in this case. remove the commas at the end and then replace the remaining commas with ",".
Should anyone else have the same issue. Know that this solution will only work with data much like the example giving. If data has a lot of text and there are commas within the text that need kept. Then search replacing comma will not work. Using regex would be the next option and that can be done in Notepad ++
However I think the regex pattern depends on the data so not much point creating an example.
PHP could be used to explode each line also. Remove values that match a regex out of many i.e. URL, money. Then what is left could be (depending on the data again) just a block of text. That approach may not work if there are two or more columns with a lot of text
