Flex checkBox: disable state change when clicked on label - apache-flex

I would like the native Flex checkBox to change state only, when the box is clicked. If user clicks the label the state shouldn't change.
The click event cannot be muted as it is utilized in parenting components.
Any ideas how to obtain such functionality? How to detect, that user has clicked the label?

Marty Pitt was very close to the right answer. I've added an event handler to his code, that stops the propagation - and now it works perfectly (as expected)!
The code below is a class that extends mx:CheckBox:
override protected function createChildren():void {
this.mouseChildren = true;
textField.mouseEnabled = false;
textField.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, textFieldClickHandler);
protected function textFieldClickHandler(me:MouseEvent):void{
Thank you.

Workaround - checkbox without label and separate label nearby.

If it's a Halo checkbox, I would create a subclass, and override createChildren(), with something like:
override protected function createChildren():void {
// in Button, this is false by default, however we want to restrict
// clicking to the button itself, not the label, so allow the children
// to recieve mouse events, to prevent the button from dispatching them.
this.mouseChildren = true;
textField.mouseEnabled = false;
That seems like a pretty kludgy hack, but it may work (I haven't tested it).
If it's a Spark checkbox, then you can just create a seperate skin. Much cleaner!


Interaction with parent control triggers RippleDrawable in Xamarin.Forns custom renderer

I have implemented a custom clickable label class in Xamarin.Forms along with a custom renderer, that adds a RippleDrawable as the controls Foreground. I am creating the RippleDrawable with the following code:
public static Drawable CreateRippleDrawable(Context context)
var typedValue = new TypedValue();
context.Theme.ResolveAttribute(Resource.Attribute.SelectableItemBackground, typedValue, true);
var rippleDrawable = context.Resources.GetDrawable(typedValue.ResourceId, context.Theme);
return rippleDrawable;
In my custom renderer I assign the drawable
this.Control.Foreground = DrawableHelper.CreateRippleDrawable(this.Context);
and update the ripple when the user touches the control
private void LinkLabelRenderer_Touch(object sender, TouchEventArgs e)
if (e.Event.Action == MotionEventActions.Down)
this.Pressed = true;
if (e.Event.Action == MotionEventActions.Cancel)
this.Pressed = false;
if (e.Event.Action == MotionEventActions.Up)
this.Ripple.SetHotspot(e.Event.GetX(), e.Event.GetY());
this.Pressed = false;
// raise the event of the Xamarin.Forms control
Now, whenever I click the control, the ripple will be shown, which is the expected behavior, but if I touch (tap or long-press) the parents of the control (e.g. the StackLayout, Grid or whatever layout contains the label, including their parent Layout, Page or View) the ripple animation will be triggered. Anyway, the event handler LinkLabelRenderer_Touch in not called in this case, only when the actual control is touched.
I can work around this behavior by adding an empty GestureRecognizer to the respective parent(s), but I really dislike this solution, because this is but a hack. And to make things worse it is a hack I'll always have to remember whenever I use the control.
How can I prevent the RippleDrawable being shown when the parent is touched?
Turned out I got things fundamentally wrong. Subscribing the Touch event is not the way to go. I had to make the control clickable and subscribe the Click event
this.Control.Clickable = true;
this.Click += LinkLabelRenderer_OnClick;
There is no need to handle all that RippleTouch stuff the way I did (via the Touch event) but could let android handle things for me.

How can I get a datagrid to behave like the ctrl key is active?

I want my data grid to behave by default as if the user is holding the control key down. So when an item is clicked, then another item they are both part of the selection, clicking them again removes them from the selection.
I already have allowMultipleSelection = true but I can't seem to find any setting that does this. I'm working on the itemclick event in the meantime, but it seems like there might be an easy to use setting I'm missing.
Any thoughts?
You could also extend DataGrid and override the selectItem method like so:
override protected function selectItem(item:IListItemRenderer, shiftKey:Boolean, ctrlKey:Boolean, transition:Boolean = true):Boolean
return super.selectItem(item, shiftKey, true, transition )
Less code and less likely to have impact on other elements that might be listening for that MouseEvent.
You could try adding event listeners to the grid for MouseEvents (UP and/or DOWN) with the highest priority, stopping propagation, and redispatching a new MouseEvent with the same properties on the original event.target but this time with ctrlKey=true.
I'm not sure if it'll cause 10,000 other things to break.
I tried Nalandial's idea but had no luck...can't really intercept those events, but it got me going in the right direction. Worked a lot on this then found that the solution was a lot simpler than I was making it. I just needed to extend the dataGrid class and override two functions (mouseDownHandler and mouseClickHandler) adding the ctrlKey = true there then calling the rest of the function workes perfectly. In case you want to implement it, here's the code:
package com{
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import mx.controls.DataGrid;
public class ForceCtrlDataGrid extends DataGrid{
public function ForceCtrlDataGrid(){
override protected function mouseClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void{
event.ctrlKey = true;
override protected function mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void{
event.ctrlKey = true;

How to disable delete button in ASP.NET Dynamic Data?

I need to disable delete button GLOBALLY based on some condition?
The following solutions will not work for me:
Again, I do not want to go into every list and detail page and disable it there.
Why not just extend/inherit from button. You could make your own button that "knows" how to check if it should be hidden:
public class MyButton : Button
public void HiddenCheck()
bool visible = true;
//Check to see if the button should be hidden
this.Visible = visible;
Then, just use this button instead of the "System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button" button wherever you need the delete button functionality.
-Make that "Enabled." I read the post again, and I guess you aren't trying to "hide" the button, but disable it. The idea is the same though.

How do I change the State in an itemRenderer based on an action in another itemRenderer?

I have a DataGridColumn with an ItemRenderer that extends the Box component. The default display is a Text component. When the user clicks on the text component, I change the State to add a PopUpMenuButton child, and make the Text component invisible. This works fine. However, I only want to allow one PopUpMenuButton to be visible in the DataGrid at a time (similar to how an itemEditor works). I don't want to use an itemEditor, because I've run into too many problems trying to get that to work in this instance.
I am implementing IDropInListItemRenderer in my itemRenderer, in order to access the listData property, which will give me the owner (DataGrid), but I don't know how to "turn off" the "editing" state in other itemRenderers in the DataGrid.
How can I accomplish this?
Here we go. I simply added an Listener for Change Events in the listData.owner - if it is triggered, I update the currentState to null. Works like a charm. Much easier than trying to access the itemRenderers in the column and resetting them all. Better on performance too.
private function label_clickHandler():void
private function showEditor():void
this.currentState = "editingMode";
var ownerListBase:ListBase = ListBase(listData.owner);
ownerListBase.addEventListener(ListEvent.CHANGE, ownerListBase_changeHandler);
private function ownerListBase_changeHandler(event:ListEvent):void
this.currentState = null;
var ownerListBase:ListBase = ListBase(listData.owner);
ownerListBase.removeEventListener(ListEvent.CHANGE, ownerListBase_changeHandler);

How can I tab accross a ButtonBar component in Flex?

I have a button bar inf flex along with several other input controls, I have set the tabIndex property for each control and all goes well until I tab to the ButtonBar.
The ButtonBar has 3 buttons but tabbing to it, only the first button gets focus, tab again and the focus goes back to the top control...
How can I make tabbing go through ALL buttons in a Flex Button bar? Is there a way to do this or do I need to create individual buttons for this?
This seems like a possible bug to me...
The component is written so the user must press the left/right arrow keys when focus is within the bar to traverse the buttons--this is a fairly standard GUI behavior (you also see this in other places like radio button groups). If you look into the SDK source for ButtonBar, you can see where they've explicitly disabled tab focus for each child button as it's created:
override protected function createNavItem(
icon:Class = null):IFlexDisplayObject
var newButton:Button = Button(navItemFactory.newInstance());
// Set tabEnabled to false so individual buttons don't get focus.
newButton.focusEnabled = false;
If you really want to change this behavior, you can make a subclass to do it, something like this:
package {
import mx.controls.Button;
import mx.controls.ButtonBar;
import mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject;
public class FocusableButtonBar extends ButtonBar {
public function FocusableButtonBar()
this.focusEnabled = false;
override protected function createNavItem(
label:String, icon:Class=null):IFlexDisplayObject
var btn:Button = Button(super.createNavItem(label, icon));
btn.focusEnabled = true;
return btn;
