IIS 7.0 reflect web site changes - asp.net

I have published a website on my windows server using IIS 7.0 and visual studio 2010. Its an asp.net project.
While publishing it I chose the option
"Allow this precompiled site to be updatable"
But what I do not know is how to update it when I change my templates/pages/IP address etc in my visual studio project files? I have to remove the corresponding App from IIS and then re-add it whenever I make changes. Any help would be great. Thanks.

You will still need to publish your updated pages to the new site using something like the "Copy Web Site" ability in VS. What the option you select does is allow for dynamic compilation of the page as opposed to a static compilation. For more information look here


Debug ASP.NET web forms in full IIS

I'm running Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate on a Windows 8.1 (with Update 1) laptop, and I would like to debug an ASP.NET web forms project against IIS, which is installed on the local Windows 8.1 instance.
Previous versions of Visual Studio had an option to use IIS Express or full IIS, but I cannot find that option in the Project properties anymore.
How do I deploy & debug my ASP.NET web forms project in full IIS?
EDIT: When I right-click on my project, I see this:
And then if I click on "Properties Window" I see this:
This is one way to have your project available in IIS:
Press Ctrl+X, type inetmgr
Open your IIS Manager Application.
Expand the tree on the left.
Add WebSite
Give a name to the website and port
For file location provide the same file location were your project is.
Assuming your port number is 3000 just simply type http://localhost:3000 in your browser.
Now from Visual Studio go to:
file Open...
WebSite (you will see that IIS is available on the left).
Open your new web site
This will let you debug from IIS and any changes you make will be directly made on IIS as well.
I just double checked one of my local Web Forms applications locally running in Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate on Windows 8.1. The settings are still there. If you open the project properties for your Web Forms project, you should see the following:
After selecting Local IIS, setting a port, and saving, you should be walked through the process of configuring a Virtual Directory for your site (if one isn't already configured).
After looking at your edit, it looks like you've created a Web Site Project rather than a Web Application Project. You can read about the various differences here:
Web Application Projects versus Web Site Projects in Visual Studio
If you haven't written any significant code yet, I'd suggest deleting the Web Site Project and creating a new Web Application Project. You'll then see the settings as described above.
If you really want to keep the Web Site Project, you'll have to configure the site in IIS and then open it in Visual Studio using the 'Open Web Site...' dialog (and then choosing Local IIS as the source):

How to make asp.net app run with visual studio server instead of IIS?

I have downloaded this blog engine
I cannot run it within Visual Studio because it wants IIS : how to change this ?
If your project doesn't load in Visual Studio (it is greyed out), you need to manually edit the project file (MiniBlog.csproj) in a text editor. You just need to look for the UseIIS tag, and change its value to False:
When you do the above, Visual Studio should be able to load the project. It should now default to the Visual Studio web server.
Once you are able to load the project in Visual Studio, you can choose another web server, if you wish. You just need to right-click on the project in the tree view and then select Properties. From there, if you open the Web tab, you can choose the legacy Visual Studio Web Development Server, IIS Express (you may need to install this), or the Server version of IIS.
Just a note - I was unable to actually build the project that you linked to. There appear to be missing dlls, but that is out of the scope of this question.
try to add IIS Express 7.5 for visual studio http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=1038

Can't find the Publish Website Option in Visual Studio 2012 Express Web

I created an Empty Website (not a project) using File > New Website > Aps.net Empty Web Site. Usually when I click on Build, there is an option to "Publish Web Site". However, I don't see it here. All I can see is build and rebuild solution. What am I doing wrong? Even when I right click on the website, it just gives me an option to Build, but not Publish. I previously was using VS 2010, and it has the Publish option.
Publishing is only support for web application projects, not web site projects.
I don't know if this is true in all cases, but I just uninstalled VS 2012 Web Express, deleted the contents in the Microsoft Visual Studio 11 folder, and then installed the Professional version instead. Maybe the Express version doesn't have this, but after installing the Professional version, I do have the "Publish Web Site" option.
I believe this problem can be solved by downloading and installing the relevant Web Publish Update from this web page:
I had the same problem in Visual Web Developer 2010 Express. When I installed the update, the option to "Publish Web Site" became available to me.
EDIT: You may find that when you click "Publish Web Site", you get an error like this:
the imported project "C:\ProgramFiles\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\WebSites\microsoft.website.publishing.
targets" was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk.
I solved this problem by going into "website.publishproj" (found in the Solution Explorer with my website open), and "hardwiring" the WebPublishTargetsVersion element like this:
For some reason, the existing code was returning 11.0, instead of 10.5.
Hardwiring it like this might cause problems later if you update your version. So do it with caution.

ASP.NET Website No Publish Option

I took on a project that was developed by another developer. The client needs a few alterations made to the site so I got the source code and found out it was developed as an ASP.NET Website project (not web application). Looking at the FTP site, each code behind file is complied down to its dll in the bin folder.
I opened up the web site using Web Developer 2012 Express, made the alterations and even successfully debugged the application and everything looks good. The problem is I can not figure out how to publish it! When I build the web site no dlls are generated in the directory structure of the application. Further, there is not Build menu and thus no Build > Publish option to publish the website.
I've build and deployed major applications using APS.NET MVC but I can't for the life of me figure out how to deploy this simple website project as no dlls are being created.
How does one publish or deploy a website project with no Build > Publish option and no dlls created when Building?
I think it's a visual studio express thing. I don't have the build menu here at home on express but at work it shows up fine on projects.
Have you tried right-clicking on the site in Solution Explorer and observing any possible Publish Site options there?
Failing that, you might try copying the files directly to the site's root folder on the webserver.

How to automate deployment of Web Application in Visual Studio 2010?

I have been trying to use WebDeploy in Visual Studio 2010 to deploy our Web Application but it deploy the whole code as it is. Is there an option somewhere like before "Allow this site to be updateable" for WebDeploy?
Ok, there is no option available for Web Application and only for Web Site projects.
For Web Application projects, you could add a Web Deployment project which helps you getting a precompiled version, but it doesnt automatically publish it to IIS. Any way to automate that?
u can use the options in the publish website as to get 1. make my site upgradeable 2.make different assembly file for each page 3.pre compiled version when you right click your web app and publish it. Hope i got it right
