Software for tracking how popular a web site is -

Is there a (free!) software/components that I can use to track how my web site is being used - which pages are most popular, how many times was the site visitied today, yesterday etc...

How about Google Analytics?

The information you want is (mostly) in the server logs, so I'd ask the server admin to give you access to some statistic-script (if it's installed).
Here's an open software for website analytics:
And you can - of course - always give your data to Google and let them generate the statistics using "Google Analytics". It requires including a piece of code into your website.

AWStats is a good option, but +1 for Google Analytics.


Track count of views,likes and comments in a community site

Can anyone tell me how can I track number of views,likes,comments and shares in a collaboration and community site. This is not a Google site. This site was created using lumapps. It's a collaboration site, Which works similar to Google+, where you can write a blog, post and like/ share the same. I need a way of keep tracking the likes/shares/views on such posts or blogs, So that I can display the same in Google data studio.
I heard it's possible using Google tag manager. Can anyone confirm this OR let me know about anyways of achieving the same.
Thanks and Regards
You would do this by sending an event to Google Analytics and using this source in Data Studios.
Please see reference on how to send events using Google Tag Manager and custom Variables.

Google Analytics Demo

I'm trying to find a web site/resource that has a working demo of Google Analytics to use.
As I have no website etc to be able to link my Analytics account to, I have no way of reviewing/learning to use Google Analytics.
Is anyone aware of such a demo available to the public?
Are you're asking for is a site where you can see GA working?
Years ago I set up 3 unusual but extremely effective GA learning sites mainly for myself (so they are crude).
I still use 2 of them today with Real Time reporting and Chrome extensions dataSlayer & WASP.
They accept your own Web Property ID (UA-xxxxx.yy) and save it in a cookie so the data goes into your own account.
Captures data to be sent to GA.
It's currently at
It still uses Classic GA (_gaq) - any offers to upgrade it to Universal gladly accepted
I also cloned a site used by the GA Dev team's (with permission)
It tested almost every feature of GA at the time.
Which is at (has a history of the site link in the footer)
Finally, and probably what you may want to clone/create yourself, is a free form version of the concepts behind the above sites at
Let me know if that works for you.
Google team released a Google Analytics demo account: You can start "playing" with this account to get familiarized with google analytics api!

Google analytics with a Chrome Web store packaged app

I have a couple of small packaged apps on the Chrome Web Store (that's packaged, not hosted, so I'm not hosting anything myself). I was wondering whether I can still use Google Analytics, and how to test whether it's working before publishing the app.
I'm guessing the answer might be no, because their FAQ just says this:
"Can I use Google Analytics?
Yes. Hosted apps use Google Analytics just like any other website does. For help on using analytics in packaged apps (and extensions), see this tutorial."
Anyone know if there's a way around this?
Followed the advice from the answer, but with a couple of small differences. First, I did not modify in any way the code that I copied from GA. Second, I pasted my GA ID in the app publishing form in my developer dashboard (go to developer dashboard, click edit for the app in question, then find the GA field).
I hope this might help:
I recently submitted an app and found that there is a text field for adding your Google Analytics code.

count website traffic

hey, i was just wondering how would I go about monitoring or measuring the number of hits my website gets. I want to do this from code as opposed to downloading a plug in to the page. It is an website. Any tutorial or code suggestions would be nice. thanks in advance.
You want to check out Google Analytics, they are awesome, and one line of code to add!
It's what I use for all the websites I manage!
You could also have a look at installing AWStats, which works by reading your web servers logs. All you need to do it change the logging settings on your server (IIS if your using Windows Server), install AWStats, which runs as a separate website, and schedule the collation of stats with a scheduled task.
Advantages: More in depth stats, particularly with visitors IP address which Google does not collect.
Disadvantages: More effort to get up and running.
The best way to monitor traffic and other important metrics is to use Google Analytics. Not only can you see historical numbers for your site, but you can monitor traffic in real-time. Additionally, you can track conversions (sales) from ads or outside links.

Google Analytics on non-public pages

Is good to place google analytics in pages like admistration, article edit page, ... ?
The reason why I use Google Analytics is to give important information to my clients about how their websites are being used. Because of that I wouldnt include the admin area of the website because it doesnt affect their sales or conversions.
By adding code into the admin zone you are inflating the total pageviews. If you really want to track this information then its not a disaster, you would just need to be sure to setup a profile which filters out these urls when making business decisions with your Analytics info.
Technically I think to use Google Analytics it is supposed to be on a free, public website but I guess having some of the pages locked isnt going to get your account closed.
Yes, it keeps stats on how often you or others use admin features. I also suggest that you use Google webmaster tools on them too.
