Is there an IDE for CSS with code validation? - css

What's a good IDE for CSS that makes validation of the code as you type?

Netbeans also has that and is free. And for what its worth there is also dreamweaver but I have no idea how good it is compared to more "serious" ide's.

I would suggest Aptana or Visual Web Developer Express 2010
Aptana is Eclipse-based, cross-platform, needs no installation, just JRE. Pretty neat, I use it. In CSS it even provides code completion for selectors (based on what you have in HTML). If a line is invalid an error sign appears next to it, hover your cursor and read what's wrong.
Visual Web Developer is harder for me because I spent too few hours CSSing in it. From what I've seen it does a pretty decent job, but I still prefer Aptana.

All of the jetbrains IDE products (with the exception of the free CE edition) include a every good CSS editor.

If you use a Mac for any development then I would advise CSS Edit although I expect that is not the case.


No CSS Highlighting and Completion in Intellij

Somehow I don't get any highlighting and code completion in Intellij IDEA. Even though on the website they advertise highlighting and code completion: JetBrains Intellij IDEA. HTML on the other hand works.
Is there an option to set or is it just not possible in the Community Edition?
This is the way it looks for me in the .css file
Sorry, CSS support is only available in the Ultimate Edition. Check out the Jetbrains feature comparison page.

What do you use to edit and develop Classic ASP [closed]

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What editors and tools do you use to develop in Classic ASP. I am currently use TextPad but its not great so I am looking for alternatives.
The problems that i am having with TextPad is that it seems to try to do syntax highlighting but it gets messed up which makes it hard to read. I feel like using a better tool could be more productive.
Some tools I've used:
Visual Studio
Visual Studio (both for fee and free versions) works really nicely. Intellisense is a big plus. However any text editor that has code highlighting built in for asp all you really need.
I think you should get extra votes if you start using WinVI
In 2000 (the only time I used it) I used Dreamweaver (I think it was version 4).
Back in the days I used Homesite
VIM is great because you don't have to be on a Windows box to use it. If I'm looking for something easy to introduce somebody to I usually go with the free Komodo Edit.
Visual Web Developer Express - Free download from Microsoft.
Emacs and vi are always good too.
The Zeus IDE has fully configurable syntax highlighting but there is no default configuration for ASP.
But Zeus can import Textpad syntax files so to it should be fairly easy to configure it for ASP using your current Textpad configuration details.
I also use emacs, but sometimes Ultraedit does the job for me.
Expression Web from Microsoft seems to get the job done. Although I'm not using it to write classic asp, sometimes when I open up .asp files, highlighting seems to be in place. (and it's a great html editor anyway IMO)
Expression Web2
We used Visual Interdev as our ASP 3.0 development environment. It had debugging capabilities and code completion however that was around 5 years ago so I expect there are better options available now.
When I developed classic ASP in 2001/02, I used EditPlus.
Allaire HomeSite used to be really good, until it got bought by Macromedia, which then got bought by Adobe. The code editing features got somewhat merged into Dreamweaver which is 10x slower, and although Adobe still sells HomeSite, it doesn't appear to be an actively developed product anymore. There haven't been any updates in a very long time. It's also a little buggy and crashes quite often (probably due to the fact that it hasn't been updated in ages).
Also tried WeBuilder 2008 briefly, but also found it to be quite buggy and crashed frequently, though it's got a good set of features and feels like a newer and better version of Homesite.
I've used Ultra-Edit in the past, which has lots of useful features and worked fairly well, and Notepad2 is also a good free application, though it seems better suited to quick changes rather than a full-blown IDE for Classic ASP development.
Emacs would be my choice but it can be quite daunting for new users.
A lisp extension for adding a major mode for editing ASP/JSP/PHP/HTML can be found here
Visual Studio 2008 SP1 re-added support for Classic ASP.
Coda is excellent if you're on a Mac. There are syntax highlighters available for ASP as well.
I haven't been able to find a good editor (highlighting, collapsing, completion) for ASP, really.
When you open an ASP document, Notepad++ allows you to collapse functions and script blocks, but not HTML elements, even if you set the Language to HTML! (When you open a .htm file in Notepad++, it does allow you to collapse those elements though.)
The VS 2008 text editor is the other way around - HTML elements are fair game but not ASP code itself.
Visual Studio 2008 for me, used to use Ultra Edit but as soon as I got 2008 i stopped using it.
Visual Studio 2005 works good. so does 2003
I use EditPlus ( very simple with color and tab coding and very good search and replace functionality including regular expressions.
I work on mac and after some time looking for something similar to notepad++ found one that really works for me.
Sublime Text

Beginners guide to learn how to use Subversion with Visual Studio [closed]

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What's the best way for me to learn how to use Subversion as a source code control for my Asp.Net Web Projects?
I haven't had much contact with source control before; however I have a very basic understanding of its features, so I'm looking for a way to learn the best practices.
Any tip will be very appreciated.
Once you've setup SVN you'll need to setup your repository structure. A common setup is to have a Branch, Tag, Trunk setup however there are others that may suit your needs.
Once you've setup your server you'll need a client. The most common one is TortoiseSVN. It doesn't integrate with Visual Studio, however it's extremely powerful.
Once you install tortoise, you'll want to setup your exclusion list to make sure you only commit files that are relevant to your project.
Then for a better understanding of how to use source control in general check out Eric Sinks Source Control HOWTO
Pretty easy to use...
It's integrated into the windows shell so basically it works from Windows Explorer.. I'm not sure if its integrated into VisualStudio 2008, but it's so easy to use anyway that I dont think you'd need it.. :)
EDIT: Plus, it's free.. :) And it's got a bunch of tools like Diff/Merge.. :) Although for that I think WinMerge is better.. But that's beside the point.. :)
I really recommend VisualSVN. It is a great product for integrating Subversion with Visual Studio.
I would recommend ankhsvn for integrating with visual studio. I works nicely and looks similar to TFS. I also use tortoise svn for windows shell integration. Both complement each other nicely.
Not strictly related to Subversion, but Eric Sink has an excellent source control primer if you need to review the basics. Don't forget that the Subversion book is free, and it's probably the most complete (and yet still quite practical) resource on Subversion.
Like Web and Jerry, I generally like AnkhSvn for Visual Studio integration, and also make use of TortoiseSvn as a complementary tool. (For example, Tortoise's log viewer is still a bit more advanced, so sometimes I'll go in with that.)
That said, I'm not totally sure I would suggest using AnkhSvn for ASP.NET Web Site Projects. (I use it for ASP.NET Web Application Projects, Class Library Projects, and Console Applications.) There are some quirks that you might find frustrating. See this message in particular and this thread in general, from the AnkhSvn mailing list:
You could probably live with the quirks, and maybe the AnkhSvn will eventually eliminate them all, but in my case I chose to move to Web Application Projects (instead of Web Site Projects) partly because they work better with AnkhSvn.
Also, if you do go with AnkhSvn, I suggest running one of the nightly builds, rather than the latest stable release; the nightly builds seem to have many fewer bugs and to be more useful.
I didnt get any answers when i was getting my first svn set-up for php development... so i would like to help you but i dont know any visual studio integration.
I used tortoise(btw is great and is for windows, i could help you im sure) and theres a couple of tutorials on how to set up a small repo in your own pc
Get familiar with source control terms and concepts first. Eric Sink has written a great guide for getting up to speed.
I know someone has already said "AnkhSVN", but I'd like to second that nomination. I use AnkhSVN for my department, and I love it. It integrates completely with VS2008, and gives me almost no trouble.
I also use TortiseSVN for its "Repo Browser" functionality... but I rarely ever have to go into that anymore.
Both are EXCELLENT solutions, and used jointly, should be all you need. And both are free.

Telerik Reporting Problems

Anyone else using this? I've just installed it, documentation is hidden somewhere, and so far it's not doing to well. It's Toolbox tab is missing, and when I add the items manually, they disappear again seconds later. I have managed to get one report done, but nowhere can I find how to make the viewer show it, without a very long winded error about not finding a certain path.
As Mark and Martin already pointed out Telerik support is second to none, so you would surely get help in their forums/support threads. I'm currently working with their Reporting product and honestly I have not experienced any problems so far. I've read that they had problems with the toolbox in x64 bit machines, but it has been resolved in the latest service pack, so you might want to make sure you are using the latest version first. However adding the items manually to the toolbox would definitely work and if you are having problem with that too, it sounds more like a Visual Studio problem to me. Also looking at their system requirements, VS Express editions are not supported, so this might be the case as well.
Looking through their help, I find a whole section about their reportviewer and how to use it - check it out:
You can find the complete documentation and tutorials online in the support section of their site. If this does not help, ask in the forums. And since you have valid license, you can also create a support ticket.
I can't comment on the reporting component, since I have never used it. But I do use the ASP.NET controls and from that I can tell you that you will usually get help very quickly (especially when creating a support ticket).
Telerik offers many useful controls and is generally quite conscientious about their code and support. You're likely to have more luck on their site's forums.
With that being said, I found their reporting tool to be quite buggy and unusable.

Is Flex development without FlexBuilder realistic?

Is it realistic to try and learn and code a Flex 3 application without purchasing FlexBuilder? Since the SDK and BlazeDS are open source, it seems technically possible to develop without Flex Builder, but how realistic is it.
I would like to test out Flex but don't want to get into a situation where I am dependent on the purchase of FlexBuilder (at least not until I am confident and competent enough with the technology to recommend purchase to my employer).
I am experimenting right now, so I'm taking a long time and the trial license on my Windows machine has expired. Also Linux is my primary development platform and there is only an alpha available for Linux.
Most of the documentation I've found seem to use Flex Builder.
Maybe I should use Laszlo...
IntelliJ IDEA works as a Flex IDE, if you happen to also be a Java developer. It's free if you contribute to open source projects.
Check out FlashDevelop for Windows. I like it better than Flex Builder.
I've been using Flex since version 2 and Flex3/BlazeDS since it came out of beta. I also have some experience with Lazzlo and the difference is day and night (Flex rocks!). I have not regretted once using Flex. Regarding FlexBuilder, it is worth every penny. While it is completely possible and reasonable to write Flex application without FlexBuilder, the productivity gains of using it will more than recoup the investment. Try the evaluation for 30 days and compare it to some of the other options suggested about (I'm going to try FlashDevelop).
Some things you get with FlexBuilder include:
Code completion
Visual editor
Debugger (it is fantastic!!)
Profiler (also very good)
Regarding Linux, the alpha version of FlexBuilder does not have a visual editor. Other than that, I understand it is reasonably feature complete, still free, and many of the Adobe employees I've talked with that use Linux are happy with it.
FlashDevelop is really easy to setup with the Flex SDK. Just download FlashDevelop, then download the Flex SDK. In FlashDevelop go to Tools > Program Options > AS3Context (under Plugins) > Set the "Flex SDK Location" to the root of the folder you extracted the SDK to and build away. FlashDevelop even has a basic MXML project that will get you going.
If you use ColdFusion for the backend, having FlexBuilder in Eclipse and CFEclipse can mean one less IDE to have to get familiar with.
I'm going to join the choir here and say FlashDevelop for an alternative. The only reasons you might want FlexBuilder are:
Flex charts
Step-through debugging.
Profiler (I haven't used it)
Visual style editor
However, the code-completion and general bloody-awesomeness of FlashDevelop's code-completion and syntax highlighting knocks the gimpy eclipse crap out of the water. So, pretty much what Todd said, except for the code-completion part. Flex Builder is very flakey in that department.
Short answer: Yes
I'm working on a team of developers and designers. We code our .MXML and .AS in FlashDevelop 3 and our designer creates .FLA with skins and widgets that get [Import()]ed in ActionScript.
I wrote a little more about this subject here:
Flash designer/coder collaboration best practices
I have been using FlashDevelop for along time (4/5 years), I am actively using it to develop Flex4.5 applications, it has built in support for code completion, it has a profiler and a debugger that work excellently. The IDE itself is responsive and require the .Net framework, in fact here, I'll list some stuff.
FlashDevelop Pros
Free IDE
Code completion feature
Very capable Debugger
Ability to build Air / Flex files
FlashDevelop Cons
Lack of UI desing support
.Net support only (Won't work with Mono)
Everything else is pretty simple to get running with, the instructions are available at
Absolutely. I've been a Flex developer since Flex 2 and until recently I've used my regular editor, TextMate, for coding and Ant for building. TextMate has some good extensions for ActionScript and Flex coding, but I think you could get that for any decent editor.
What's been missing from my setup is a usable debugger, the command line version is a pain to work with. Because of that I've been starting to use FlexBuilder on the side, using it in parallel with my regular setup.
Having a profiler doesn't hurt too.
I've been using FlexBuilder for awhile now and just started to switch to using Eclipse with Flex SDK. I work for a non-profit so the word FREE is huge.
Initially, it is fairly intimidating so if you have the money, you might want FlexBuilder.
There is a lot you need to know and do if you use the SDK. The learning and experience may pay off though... I am still undecided myself.
I second FlashDevelop. You don't get the visual design stuff for the MXML, but for the code (both MXML and AS) it's excellent.
I also use FlashDevelop when working on AS3 projects. For me, the ugliness (UI design) and sluggishness of Eclipse/Flex Builder is enough of a deterrent to stay away from Flex Builder.
In addition to the weaknesses of FlashDevelop pointed out previously, one of my biggest gripes is that it is not a true .NET only app and therefore will never work in mono and therefore can not be easily ported to the mac - which is my platform of choice for development web/javascript/AS3 development.
Amethyst is also a pretty good option to try. It is a plugin for MS Visual Studio, and takes advantage of a lot of the goodies there. It is significantly less sluggish than FlashBuilder, has a really good debugger, and a decent visual designer as well.
The personal version is free, but quite crippled. You have to buy the pro version after a 60 day free trial. However, it is (at time of writing) almost 1/3 the cost of Flash Builder.
As an added bonus you don't need to pay for Visual Studio since it works with the free (albeit hard to find) "shell version (integrated)" of Visual Studio. It won't work with any of the free Express editions, though.
