'lein jar' and 'lein uberjar' not setting the main-class properly - jar

I ran lein uberjar on my project and it created the corresponding jar files. When I run the jar a ClassNotFoundException: explodingdots.core is thrown. I specified explodingdot.core as my main class. I extracted the jar file and there was indeed no core.class in the corresponding directory. What did I forget?
I have the following code in src/explodingdots/core.clj
(ns explodingdots.core
(:import (java.awt Color Dimension Graphics2D AlphaComposite RenderingHints)
(java.awt.event ActionListener MouseAdapter WindowAdapter)
(javax.swing Timer JPanel JFrame))
[ ... ]
(defn -init[] exploding-dots)
(defn -main[_]
(let [ed (new explodingdots.core)]
(.init ed)))
The content of my project.clj is:
(defproject explodingdots "0.1"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.2.0"]
[org.clojure/clojure-contrib "1.2.0"]]
:main explodingdots.core)
Note: I am using leiningen 1.3.1

Ok I solved my original problem. It is kind of embarassing to admit it, but I think I have to do it for the sake of completeness of this thread. I got mixed up with my paths. I have the same file within a Netbeans project and in a leiningen project. And I was editing the Netbeans file. Sorry.
But then I had an other problem. The main method is found but I get an
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Wrong number of args (0) passed to: core$-main
I tried changing my main method from
(defn -main [_] ...) to (defn -main [& args] ...) like Arthur suggested but that didn't work. To solve this I wrote just (defn -main[]...) with no args.
The next problem was that calling (init) from (main) resulted in an error. I worked around that by not calling (init) at all but calling (exploding-dots) directly from (main).
So to make everything work my src/explodingdots/core.clj looks like
(ns explodingdots.core
(:import (java.awt Color Dimension Graphics2D AlphaComposite RenderingHints)
(java.awt.event ActionListener MouseAdapter WindowAdapter)
(javax.swing Timer JPanel JFrame))
[ ... ]
(defn -main[] (exploding-dots))
By looking at the solution I have to think, why didn't I write that right ahead. It is the most simple and most straight forward way. Maybe I need a vacation ;).

I had to add a third component to my main name space and move everything into the com subdirectory under src.
I also declare main to take an arg vector, not sure if that makes a diference:
(declare main)
(defn -main [& args]

I ran into this, and fixed it by adding
:gen-class to the corresponding missing class.


Changing the dir errors and hunchentoot - Dir not found?

I use a macro called use-db and change-to-path in a lot of my projects.
(defmacro use-db (db project-name &body query)
(change-to-path ,project-name)
(clsql:connect ,db :database-type :sqlite3)
(unwind-protect (progn ,#query)
(clsql:disconnect :database ,db))))
(defmacro change-to-path (project-name)
`(uiop:chdir (merge-pathnames (write-to-string ,project-name) "/Users/vince/quicklisp/local-projects/")))
As you can see, change to path changes the repl dir. Then use-db reads the sqlite db from the root of the project folder. This works fine.
However, when I try to read a db as part of a route (easy-routes + hunchentoot):
(defroute test-file ("/results" :method :post)
(get-one-col-as-list-db #'first "firstname"))
(defun get-one-col-as-list-db (fn tablename)
(ki:use-db "new.db" 'custom-sender
(mapcar fn
(concatenate 'string "Select * from " tablename)))))
I get the following error:
Error in SB-POSIX:CHDIR: No such file or directory (2)
without using the change-to-path macro, clsql function would note find the database.
Is there a better way to use sqlite (from the file system) and manage the pathing for specific db files?
To change the current working directory, temporarily, use uiop:with-current-directory:
(uiop:with-current-directory ("/tmp/")
(edit) chdir has a side effect: it effectively changes the current working directory (uiop:getcwd), while with-current-directory doesn't, or it does but only temporarily for the code under it. For your sanity you want to avoid chdir's side effets (or I do, I want to work at a project root). It could have an effect on bare-bones Hunchentoot, if it looks at a www/ directory under the project root, but in your case I'm not sure.
Your use-db mimics a well-known pattern: get a resource, and be sure to release it in case of errors. These macros are often named "with-something", just like "with-current-directory". Does CLSQL have such a macro? It does: with-database.
Why is your change-to-path a macro? It can be a function that concatenates strings and calls chdir.
Inside use-db, "project-name" is an unknown variable. Look at the compiler warnings:
; caught WARNING:
; undefined variable: COMMON-LISP-USER::PROJECT-NAME
How do you use the two anyways?
Error in SB-POSIX:CHDIR: No such file or directory (2) […] without using the change-to-path macro
what is the directory it tries to go to? You'd have a tip on how things are not working.
I try to never rely on the process working directory, because from Common Lisp I am much happier using *default-pathname-defaults* (no side effects!). This is a special variable with a long name, and what I want is to use merge-pathnames in most of the cases, so I have this macro:
(defmacro with-path (pathname &body body)
`(let ((*default-pathname-defaults* (merge-pathnames ,pathname)))
It is just a local binding of a special variable so unwinding is trivial, and it comes with all the benefits of CL pathnames (and some of its drawbacks but that's fine).
On the Posix side of things, programs want a native namestring so I also use this a lot:
(defun fullname (pathname)
(osicat:native-namestring (merge-pathnames pathname)))
I do also have a concept of projects in my environment so it looks as follows. Note that I try to carry the special variable until the last moment, until it needs to be given to other processes, like:
(within-project projects:my-project
(with-path "build/"
(run "make")))
Here run grabs the current *default-pathname-defaults* for its :directory argument (using sb-ext:run-program but this is a detail).
Since it is a pathname, some components can be wild too, if that makes sense in your use case. For example, you can avoid giving a ".db" suffix if you prefer:
(defmacro using-db ((name db) &body body)
`(with-path #P"*.db"
(with-database (,name (list (fullname ,db)) :database-type :sqlite3)
For example, here I enter the "/tmp/" directory and open database "test.db":
(with-path "/tmp/"
(using-db (database "test")
Edit: with respect to the following code:
(merge-pathnames (write-to-string project-name)
Note that you can use ASDF to access files relative to systems:
(asdf:system-relative-pathname :cl-ppcre "ppcre.lisp")

sdl2:load-bmp Problem with current working directory, common-lisp

While trying to work through cl-sdl2-tutorial, I'm having trouble loading a bitmap due to a wrong current working directory.
I'd like to get a proper solution to the problem using relative path names.
A minimal working example:
Having modified the code of example two from above mentioned tutorial.
(defpackage #:sdl2-tutorial-2
(:use :common-lisp)
(:export :main))
(in-package :sdl2-tutorial-2)
(defparameter *screen-width* 640)
(defparameter *screen-height* 480)
(defmacro with-window-surface ((window surface) &body body)
`(sdl2:with-init (:video)
(sdl2:with-window (,window
:title "SDL2 Tutorial"
:w *screen-width*
:h *screen-height*
:flags '(:shown))
(let ((,surface (sdl2:get-window-surface ,window)))
(defun main(&key (delay 2000))
(format t " cwd: ~a, ~% dpd: ~a, ~& e-p: ~a, ~% pf: ~a, ~& load: ~a"
(uiop:file-exists-p "hello_world.bmp")
(probe-file "hello_world.bmp")
(sdl2:load-bmp "hello_world.bmp"))
(with-window-surface (window screen-surface)
(let ((image (sdl2:load-bmp "hello_world.bmp")))
(break "1 here with ~a~%" image)
(setf image (sdl2:load-bmp "hello_world.bmp"))
(break "2 here with ~a~%" image)
(break "3 error: ~a~%" (sdl2-ffi.functions:sdl-get-error))
(sdl2:blit-surface image
(sdl2:update-window window)
(sdl2:with-event-loop (:method :poll)
(:quit () t)
(:idle ()
(sdl2:delay delay))))))
Before compiling above code and running (main), I changed working directory in the REPL, via:
(sb-posix:chdir (truename "/test/cl-sdl2-tutorial/2/"))
(setf *default-pathname-defaults* (truename "/test/cl-sdl2-tutorial/2/"))
The above code prints, as expected, when running (main) in the REPL:
SDL2-TUTORIAL-2> (sdl2-tutorial-2:main)
cwd: /test/cl-sdl2-tutorial/2,
dpd: /test/cl-sdl2-tutorial/2/,
e-p: /test/cl-sdl2-tutorial/2/hello_world.bmp,
pf: /test/cl-sdl2-tutorial/2/hello_world.bmp,
load: #<SDL-SURFACE {#X7F5CBC018DD0}>
The bitmap can not be found and therefore not loaded.
Calls to (sdl2:load-bmp "hello_world.bmp") always return a a zero pointer (#<SDL-SURFACE {#X00000000}>) and breakpoint 3 states:
3 error: Couldn't open /home/jue/hello_world.bmp
but evaling (sdl2:load-bmp "hello_world.bmp") during a break from breakpoints 1 or 2 or 3, is successful and continuing (main) displays the picture.
Why is sdl2:load-bmp using the "wrong" working directory and why is it using the "correct" working directory during breakpoints?
How to make sdl2:load-bmp use the wanted working directory (instead of "/home/jue/") when using relative paths?
(I'm using current released versions of sbcl, Emacs, sly on a Linux machine, if that matters. I'm only intermediate experienced with Common Lisp and its development environment, but advanced at elisp)
I suspect but don't know that the problem is that the sdl2 library is doing fanciness with threads, with the result that the working directory isn't what you think.
The solution to this in my experience is never to let the implementation second-guess you like that. In any case where there's some interface which says "do something to a file" give it an absolute pathname so it has no chance to do any thinking of its own. Do something like.
(defparameter *where-my-bitmaps-live* (merge-pathnames
(pathname "lib/bitmaps/")
(defun load-a-bitmap (name)
(load-bmp (merge-pathnames (pathname name) *where-my-bitmaps-live*)))
And now it really has no excuse.
(You want to check that the above pathname-mergery is actually right: it seems to be for me but I forget the details of pathname rules every time I look away for more than a few minutes).

lexical binding lost when switching package

All I wanted was to load an initialisation file for swank which wouldn't affect my lisp when it's started without swank...
I first tried #+swank (defun...) in my file that's loaded from ccl-init (trying this on ccl 1.10 + windows), and soon realised it's sourced before swank is loaded (obviously).
My aim is to define a simple function in :cl-user everytime I start swank. I just ended up with a swank add-hook to load my init.lisp file, and since I want to define the function in cl-user, I tried this in the init.lisp:
(let ((current-package *package*))
(in-package :cl-user)
(defun cd (dir)
(parse-namestring dir)))
(in-package current-package))
Now, I don't recall if a defun in let was allowed, but lisp doesn't complain for it, but rather tells me that cur-pck symbol doesn't exist, and it seems when we switch the package, cur-pck binding gets out of scope. I thought cur-pck is a lexical binding, and that it should be reachable from within the lexical region, being independent from a package, am I wrong?
Why do I switch packages? I'm thinking that loading this file from swank at some initialisation point will define things in some swank package, that's why I wanted to try switching to cl-user first, define the function symbol, and switch back to let swank do it's thing.
At this point I guess I need someone to tell me I'm approaching the problem from the wrong angle, and that I should better choose an easier solution.
Additionally, out of curiosity in case above is the complete wrong approach, is there a way to define a symbol in another package within a function or a closure?
Switching packages in a form has no direct effect on the form
Let's look at this:
(in-package "FOO")
(let ((x 10))
(in-package "BAR")
(setf x 20))
Which x does it set to 20? FOO::X or BAR::X?
Well, it is FOO::X. Switching packages during execution has no effect on the symbols already read. The whole let form is read at once and the *package* value is used for that. Having an IN-PACKAGE in the form itself has no effect on the form itself.
Symbol with a package prefix
If you want to use a symbol in a certain package, just write the package prefix:
cl-user:foo ; if FOO is exported and the package exists
cl-user::foo ; if foo is not exported and the package exists
for example:
(defun cl-user::cd (...) ...)
Computing with symbols
You can also compute new symbols in packages you don't know yet:
(let ((sym-name "A-NEW-SYMBOL")
(my-package-name "SOME-EXISTING-PACKAGE"))
(intern sym-name my-package-name))
If the package does not exist, you can create it.
You can also set the function of a computed symbol:
(setf (symbol-function (compute-a-function-symbol))
#'(lambda ()
If you want to define a function in a different package that the current one you can use a qualified symbol for a name
(defun cl-user::cd (dir)
(parse-namestring dir)))
The binding is not being "lost". To test so yourself add (princ cur-pck) before the in-package form.
If you try evaluating (in-package *package*) you will see why your code fails to switch packages. The in-package macro does not evaluate its argument. The code that would give us the code we would want to evaluate is:
(let ((cur-pck *package*))
(in-package :cl-user)
(defun cd (dir)
(1+ 2)))
(princ cur-pck)
`(in-package ,cur-pck))
However, as Rainer Joswig noted in his answer the in-package has no effect on forms already read, so it wouldn't work as desired even as a macro.
A style nitpick, don't use abbreviations, write current-package.
IN-PACKAGE is a macro, not a function. The problem in your code is that saying (in-package cur-pck) tries not to switch into the package denoted by the cur-pck variable but to the package named CUR-PCK (which obviously does not exist).
You can set the package temporarily with
(let ((*package* (find-package :cl-user)))
(defun cd (dir)
But then again, the easiest way to achieve what you are doing would be
(defun cl-user::cd (dir)
which totally eliminates the need to set the current package.

Importing scripts at runtime

I'm using Clojure to write a small test framework.
(ns pvt.core.runner
(defn- run-test
{test-name (test-and-log test-name)})
(defn- run-all-tests-in-namespace
(vals (ns-publics (symbol namespace-name))))
(defn run-all-tests
(map run-all-tests-in-namespace namespace-list))
My run-all-tests function accepts a list of clojure scripts, loads all the public functions in those scripts and runs them. This is great, only that i have to actually import those scripts. I call my function like this (run-all-tests ["pvt.tests.deployment" "pvt.tests.files" "pvt.tests.jms"]), but this only works if I import each of these scripts as seen at the beginning of my code excerpt. This is not ok, since I hvae no idea who will call run-all-tests, and what parameters will be used.
I was wondering if there's a way of importing these scripts at runtime. I already know the namespace of each script, so I have all the required information. Can this be done?
Yes, you can import Clojure source files from arbitrary file paths using load-file. If the source file contains a namespace declaration, those namespaces are now available to your Clojure application (framework).
Obviously, at a minimum you'll have to write some code that either takes names of Clojure source files from the command-line, or points to directories where the source files are located. Then your code will load the files using (load-file).
Your stated problem is that you want to execute some tests from the namespace without knowing the namespace names in advance. There are two ways to achieve this:
1) Use a naming convention. i.e. run your tests for each namespace that has the name matching your convention, i.e.
user=> (load-file "/home/noahlz/foo.clj")
#<Var#1e955d29: #<core$foo foo.test.core$foo#48a7a9bd>>
user=> (filter #(re-matches #".*\.test\..*" %) (map str (all-ns)))
Using code like the above, you've obtained a list of namespaces upon which you can execute your framework code.
2) Use metadata. Rather than follow a naming convention, require users of your framework to add metadata to their namespaces. This reduces the chance of accidentally testing a namespace that accidentally followed your convention.
(See: What are some uses of Clojure metadata?)
Note that this is the approach used by Clojure's own clojure.test/deftest macro.
Here is an example of finding namespaces with your custom metadata. Your namespace declaration in a source file defining tests:
(ns ^{:doc "some documentation" :my-framework-tests true}
At the REPL, an example of how you can obtain these programmatically:
user=> (load-file "foo.clj")
user=> (filter (fn [[n m]] (:my-framework-tests m))
(map #(vector (str %) (meta %)) (all-ns)))
(["foo.test.core" {:my-framework-tests true, :doc "some documentation"}])
Now you have a list of namespaces that have been flagged as containing tests for your custom test framework. You could even use metadata in the namespace functions to avoid needing a naming convention for those as well.
There might be a more concise way to obtain namespaces having certain metadata (if someone knows of it, by all means, comment!)
Another important note: I'm loading arbitrary files to demonstrate it's possible, buy you really should consider following conventions followed by Leiningen, Maven or other build frameworks. For example, see lein-perforate
Good luck!
Thanks for helping me out. I managed to find what I was looking for. It was actually simpler than I thought. Didn't know that use is actually a function. Now i simply do this:
(defn- run-all-tests-in-namespace
(use (symbol namespace-name))
(vals (ns-publics (symbol namespace-name))))
I create a symbol from the namespace name and then pass it to the use function. Works great!

Why can I not access my Leiningen dependencies with Clojure code?

In Clojure, if I want to pull in the clojure.inspector functions, I can go like this:
(use `[clojure.math.numeric-tower :include (expt)])
From the REPL, and I can now evaluate the function expt.
However, it seems to me that there should be (and probably is) another way to do it - pulling in the code using Leiningen dependencies.
I add this line to my project.clj:
[org.clojure/math.numeric-tower "0.0.2"]
And I restart the REPL to pull in the new dependency. I even do "lein deps" to be safe (there is no output for that command). When I try to evaluate expt, it gives me a RuntimeException, and says its Unable to resolve the symbol.
How can I access the expt function, only using Leiningen dependencies?
You can't. It doesn't work like that. Adding a dependency puts the code on your classpath, which merely means it is available for you to use. In order to actually use the things inside the namespaces, you need to use
(require '[the-namespace :refer [the things you want to use]])
(require '[the-namespace :as tn])
or do either of those things in an ns declaration (when not in the REPL and working with a file)
(ns foo
(:require [the-namespace :as tn]))
