Asynchronous programs showing locality of reference? - asynchronous

I was reading this excellent article which gives an introduction to Asynchronous programming here and I came across the following line which I find hard to understand.
Since there is no actual parallelism(in asnyc), it appears from our diagrams that an asynchronous program will take just as long to execute as a synchronous one, perhaps longer as the asynchronous program might exhibit poorer locality of reference.
Could someone explain how locality of reference comes into picture here?

Locality of reference, like that Wikipedia article mentions, is the observation that when some data is accessed (on disk, in memory, whatever), other data near that location is often accessed as well. This observation makes sense since developers tend to group similar data together. Since the data are related, they're often processed together. Specifically, this is known as spatial locality.
For a weak example, imagine computing the sum of an array or doing a matrix multiplication. The data representing the array or matrix are typically stored in continguous memory locations, and for this example, once you access one specific location in memory, you will be accessing others close to it as well.
Computer architecture takes locality of reference into account. Operating systems have the notion of "pages" which are (roughly) 4KB chunks of data that can be paged in and out individually (moved between physical memory and disk). When you touch some memory that's not resident (not physically in RAM), the OS will bring the entire page of data off disk and into memory. The reason for this is locality: you're likely to touch other data around what you just touched.
Additionally, CPUs have the concept of caches. For example, a CPU might have an L1 (level 1) cache, which is really just a big block of on-CPU data that the CPU can access faster than RAM. If a value is in the L1 cache, the CPU will use that instead of going out to RAM. Following the principle of the locality of reference, when a CPU access some value in main memory, it will bring that value and all values near it into the L1 cache. This set of values is known as a cache line. Cache lines vary in size, but the point is that when you access the first value of an array, the CPU might have to get it from RAM, but subsequent accesses (close in proximity) will be faster since the CPU brought the whole bundle of values into the L1 cache on the first access.
So, to answer your question: if you imagine a synchronous process computing the sum of a very large array, it will touch memory locations in order one after the other. In this case, your locality is good. In the asynchronous case, however, you might have n threads each taking a slice of the array (of size 1/n) and computing the sub-sum. Each thread is touching a potentially very different location in memory (since the array is large) and since each thread can be switched in and out of execution, the actual pattern of data access from the point of view of the OS or CPU is poor. The L1 cache on a CPU is finite, so if Thread 1 brings in a cache line (due to an access), this might evict the cache line of Thread 2. Then, when Thread 2 goes to access its array value, it has to go to RAM, which will bring in its cache line again and potentially evict the cache line of Thread 1, and so on. Depending on the system resources and usage as a whole, this pattern could happen on the OS/page level as well.

The poorer locality of reference results in poorer cache usage -- each time you do a thread switch, you can expect that most of what's in the cache relates to that previous thread, not the current one, so most reads will get data from main memory instead of the cache.
He's ultimately wrong though, at least for quite a few programs. The reason is pretty simple: even though you gain nothing on CPU-bound code, when you can combine some CPU-bound code with some I/O bound code, you can expect an overall speed improvement. You can, for example, initiate a read or write, then switch to doing computation while the disk is busy, then switch back to the I/O bound thread when the disk finishes its work.


Why the memory in my pc decreases when it almost reaches the limit?

I am running a piece of code in R. Its parallelized, running in 8 cores. Interestingly enough, when my memory usage reaches 15 and something GB, it drops to 10GB (my max memory is 16GB). I am curious of what is actually happening in the background? In the end, I get the complete data from all 8 cores, so I assume that data doesn't get lost. Does the pc stores it somewhere in SSD to free memory?
For more information, I loop over a time series data and perform a lot calculations, which I store in multiple vectors. When code finishes looping, it stores all the previous vectors in a list.
While running code, if I start opening many chrome tabs, which require a lot of memory, my code running time may take longer but still retrieves all data (sometimes crashes).
Very curious of what is happening?
It's impossible to say without the specific code, but most likely, it's due to R's garbage collection running only when necessary and only when more memory needs to be allocated - unlike other languages like Python, R does not immediately garbage-collect objects when they reach out of scope, and in particular if the R objects have an underlying pointer to a C/C++ object, garbage collection can he held out until very late after the object is unreachable.
If this variable memory usage is a problem, you can try adding explicit calls to gc() at key points in your code.
Yes, you are right pc sometimes usage the hard disk as memory. it is known as Swap memory. When your ram gets overloaded it sends some of the data to the hard and stores them there temporarily.

cuda unified memory: memory transfer behaviour

I am learning cuda, but currently don't access to a cuda device yet and am curious about some unified memory behaviour. As far as i understood, the unified memory functionality, transfers data from host to device on a need to know basis. So if the cpu calls some data 100 times, that is on the gpu, it transfers the data only during the first attempt and clears that memory space on the gpu. (is my interpretation correct so far?)
1 Assuming this, is there some behaviour that, if the programmatic structure meant to fit on the gpu is too large for the device memory, will the UM exchange some recently accessed data structures to make space for the next ones needed to complete to computation or does this still have to be achieved manually?
2 Additionally I would be grateful if you could clarify something else related to the memory transfer behaviour. It seems obvious that data would be transferred back on fro upon access of the actual data, but what about accessing the pointer? for example if I had 2 arrays of the same UM pointers (the data in the pointer is currently on the gpu and the following code is executed from the cpu) and were to slice the first array, maybe to delete an element, would the iterating step over the pointers being placed into a new array so access the data to do a cudamem transfer? surely not.
As far as i understood, the unified memory functionality, transfers data from host to device on a need to know basis. So if the cpu calls some data 100 times, that is on the gpu, it transfers the data only during the first attempt and clears that memory space on the gpu. (is my interpretation correct so far?)
The first part is correct: when the CPU tries to access a page that resides in device memory, it is transferred in main memory transparently. What happens to the page in device memory is probably an implementation detail, but I imagine it may not be cleared. After all, its contents only need to be refreshed if the CPU writes to the page and if it is accessed by the device again. Better ask someone from NVIDIA, I suppose.
Assuming this, is there some behaviour that, if the programmatic structure meant to fit on the gpu is too large for the device memory, will the UM exchange some recently accessed data structures to make space for the next ones needed to complete to computation or does this still have to be achieved manually?
Before CUDA 8, no, you could not allocate more (oversubscribe) than what could fit on the device. Since CUDA 8, it is possible: pages are faulted in and out of device memory (probably using an LRU policy, but I am not sure whether that is specified anywhere), which allows one to process datasets that would not otherwise fit on the device and require manual streaming.
It seems obvious that data would be transferred back on fro upon access of the actual data, but what about accessing the pointer?
It works exactly the same. It makes no difference whether you're dereferencing the pointer that was returned by cudaMalloc (or even malloc), or some pointer within that data. The driver handles it identically.

Are global memory barriers required if only one work item reads and writes to memory

In my kernel, each work item has a reserved memory region in a buffer
that only it writes to and reads from.
Is it necessary to use memory barriers in this case?
I call mem_fence(CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE) before each write and before each read. Is this enough to guarantee load/store consistency?
Also, is this even necessary if only one work item is loading storing to this memory region ?
See this other stack overflow question:
In OpenCL, what does mem_fence() do, as opposed to barrier()?
The memory barriers work at a workgroup level, this is, stopping the threads belonging to the same block of threads until all of them reach the barrier. If there is not intersection between the memory spaces of different work items, there is not needed any extra synchronization point.
Also, is this even necessary if only one work item is loading storing to this memory region ?
Theoretically, mem_fence only guarantees the commit of the previous memory accesses before the later ones. In my case, I never saw differences in the results of applications using or not this mem_fence call.
Best regards

Hadoop - job submission time on large data

Did anyone face any problem with submitting job on large data. Data is around 5-10 TB uncompressed, it is in approximate 500K files. When we try to submit a simple java map reduce job, it's mostly spend more than hour on getsplits() function call. And takes multiple hour to appear in job tracker. Is there any possible solution to solve this problem?
with 500k files, you are spending a lot of time tree walking to find all these files, which then need to be assigned to list of InputSplits (the result of getSplits).
As Thomas points out in his answer, if your machine performing the job submission has a low amount of memory assigned to the JVM, then you're going to see issues with the JVM performing garbage collection to try and find the memory required to build up the splits for these 500K files.
To makes matters worse, if these 500K files are splittable, and larger than a single block size, then you'll get even more input splits to process the files (a file of size say 1GB, with a block size of 256MB, you'll by default get 4 map tasks to process this file, assuming the input format and file compression supports splitting the file). If this is applicable to your job (look at the number of map tasks spawned for your job, are there more than 500k?), then you can force less mappers to be created by amending the mapred.min.split.size configuration property to a size larger then the current block size (setting it to 1GB for the previous example means you'll get a single mapper to process the file, rather than 4). This will help the performance of getSplits method the resultant list of getSplits will be smaller, requiring less memory.
The second symptom of your problem is the time is takes to serialize the input splits to a file (client side), and then the deserialization time at the job tracker end. 500K+ splits is going to take time, and the jobtracker will have similar GC issues if it has a low JVM memory limit.
It largely depends on how "strong" your submission server is (or your laptop client), maybe you need to upgrade RAM and CPU to make the getSplits call faster.
I believe you ran into swap issues there and the computation takes therfore multiple times longer than usual.

Moving data from memory to memory in micro controllers

Why can't we move data directly from a memory location into another memory location.
Pardon me if I am asking a dumb question, but I think this is a true situation, at least for the ones I've encountered (8085,8086 n 80386)
I am not really looking for a solution for moving the data (like for eg, using movs n all), but actually the reason for this anomaly.
What about MOVS? It moves a 8/16/32-bit value addressed by esi to the location addressed by edi.
The basic reason is that most instruction sets allow one register operand, and one memory operand, and sticking to this format makes designing the instruction decoder easier. It also makes the execution engine inside the CPU easier, because the instruction can issue typically a memory operation to just one memory location, and at most one register block read or write.
To do a memory-to-memory instruction directly requires two memory locations to be designated. This is awkward given a register/memory instruction format. Given the performance of the machines, there is little justification for modifying the instruction format just for this.
A hack used by more modern CPUs is to provide some type of block-move instruction, in which the source and destination locations are located in registers (for the X86 this is ESI and EDI respectively). Then an instruction can just designate two registers (or in the case of the x86, instructions that simply know which registers). That solves the instruction decoding problem.
The instruction execution problem is a little harder but people have lots of transistors. Organizing a read indirect from one register, and write indirect through another, and increment both is awkward in silicon but that just chews up some transistors.
Now you can have an instruction that moves from memory to memory, just as you asked.
One of the other posters noted for the X86 there are instrucitons (MOVB, MOVW, MOVS, ...) that do exactly this, one memory byte/word/... at a time.
Moving a block of memory would be ideal because the CPU can generate high-bandwith reads and writes. The x86 does this with with a REP (repeat) prefix on MOV- to move a larger block.
But if a single insturction can do this, you have the problem that it might take a long time to execute (how long to move 1Gb? --> millions of clock cycles!) and that ruins the interrupt response rate of the CPU.
The x86 solves this by allowing REP MOV- to be interrupted, with the PC being set back to the beginning of the instruction. By updating the registers during the move appropriately, you can interrupt and restart the REP MOV- instruction having both a fast block move and high interrupt response rates. More transistors down the tube.
The RISC guys figured out that all this complexity for a block move instruction was mostly not worth it. You can code a dumb loop (even the x86):
copy: MOV EAX,[ESI]
JNE copy
which does the same basic thing as REP MOV- . Pretty much the modern CPUs (x86, others) execute this so fast (superscalar, etc.) that the bus is just as utilized as the custom move instruction, but now you don't need all those wasted transistors (or corresponding heat).
Most CPU varieties don't allow memory-to-memory moves. Normally the CPU can access only one memory location at at time, which means you need a temporary spot to store the value when moving it (a general purpose register, usually). If you think about it, moving directly from one memory location to another would require that the CPU be able to access two different spots in RAM simultaneously - that means two full memory controllers at least, and even then, the chances they'd "play nice" enough to access the same RAM would be pretty bad. The chip designers might have been able to pull some tricks to allow direct copies from one RAM chip to another, but that would be a pretty special-application kind of feature that would just add cost and complexity to solve a very uncommon problem.
You might be able to use some special DMA hardware to make it look to your program like memory is being moved without that temporary storage, at least from the perspective of your CPU.
You have one set of address lines, one set of data lines, and a few control lines between the CPU and RAM. You can't physically move directly from memory to memory without a second set of address lines and a whole bunch of complicated logic inside the RAM. Therefore, we have to store it temporarily in a register.
You could make an instruction that does the load and store together and looks like one instruction to the programmer, but there are other considerations like instruction size, non-duplication of effective address calculation logic, pipelining, etc. that make it desirable to keep it more simple.
Memory-memory machines turn out to be slower in general than load-store machines. This was deduced/figured out/invented by the RISC researchers in 1980ish or so. So the older architectures (VAX/OS360) tend to have memory-memory architectures; newer machines do load-store.
Another interesting variant is stack machines; they seem to always be around as a minority.
