How do I retrieve version information from a WCF Web Service? -

I want to log the assembly version information into a log file each time my WCF web service is called. I know that in an application the My object has an Application object which has the Info structure, that contains the Version string that I can use. How can I get the version information for the WCF service to a log?

You will need to create either a separate service method GetServiceVersionInfo() that you can call when needed, or you could include the service's version info in some headers that travel along with the message.
If you want to add header to each and every message, the best way to go is create an extension called a MessageInspector. This is a small chunk of code that intercepts every message (in your case: every message going out of the server) and adds some header (or manipulates the actual message).
Read up on Message inspectors in this blog post showing how to write a message inspector, or read the MSDN docs on the topic to get started.


Exceptions are not shown in Request details but under Server Exceptions in Application Insights

When an exception occurs during execution of a Web.Api controller method in our system, the request is sent to Application Insights as a failure and we send the exception to Application Insights with telemetry.TrackException(actionExecutedContext.Exception);
request is shown as a failure with URL and some other data in the details
exception is shown under Server exceptions with the stack trace shown in the details.
However, when looking at the details of a failed request (due to a server exception), the Exception part does not show the correlated exception - just the default Learn how to track exceptions for failed requests.
When looking at what is sent to Application Insights inside Visual Studio 2017, I see that the exception and request are correlated (same Operation Id).
But it seams that this gets lost on the way to the detail page.
We use ASP.NET WebApi with OWIN, default Application Insights installation (of nuget packages) and applicationinsights-owinextensions (including the steps described there to setup the OWIN extension).
I think How to link exceptions to requests in Application Insights on Azure? does not apply because the data is shown as correlated in the Visual Studio AppInsights Viewer and when clicking Show telemetry for: this operation inside the details view of the exception inside AppInsights.
Maybe related:
Application Insights shows 2 requests for a failure. The first one shows the HTTP Method (e.g. GET) the second one misses the HTTP Method and has a duration that is slightly longer.
Thanks for hints :-)
As you are using applicationinsights-owinextensions, I checked the code for OperationIdTelemetryInitializer that is used to initialize operation id. I believe the reason you're not seeing telemetry linked correctly on detail blades is that this code is not setting operation.parentId field. To verify whether this is correct you can examine the payload sent to check whether field is set. The initializer that we are shipping in the officially supported .NET SDK sets, as well as operation.parentId.
So my recommendation is, once you confirm, that parentId is indeed not set, would be to to either fix the OperationIdTelemetryInitializer used in owin-extensions so it starts setting parentId, or replace it in ApplicationInsights.config with your custom one. The latter approach would make it easy to confirm this theory.
The solution was to remove the Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Web.OperationCorrelationTelemetryInitializer from the application insights config file.
This initializer gets in the way of the initializer from applicationinsights-owinextensions nuget package.

Adding correlation id to automatically generated telemetry with App Insights

I'm very new to Application Insights, and I'm thinking of using it for a set of services I plan on implementing with webapi. I was able to get the basic telemetry up and running very easily (right-clicking on a project on VS, Add Application Insights), but then I hit a block. I plan to have a correlation id set in the request headers for calls to downstream services, and I would like to tag all the telemetry related to one outside call with the same correlation id.
So far I've found that there is a way to configure a TelemetryInitializer, but if I understood correctly, this is run before I get to access the request, meaning I can't check if there is a correlation id that I should attach.
So I guess there might be 2 ways to solve this: 1) if I can somehow actually get access to the request headers before the initializer, that would obviously solver the problem, or 2) somehow get a hold of the TelemetryClient instance that is used to report the automatically generated telemetry.
Perhaps the last resort would be to turn off all of the automatic stuff and do all of it manually, when I could of course control what properties are set on the TelemetryClient. But this would be quite a lot more work, so I'd prefer to find some other solution.
You were rights saying that you should use TelemetryInitializer. All TelemetryInitializers are called when Track method is called on any telemetry item. Autogenerated request telemetry is "tracked" on request OnEnd, you should have all your custom headers available for you at that time.
Please also have a look at OperationId - this is part of the standard context managed by App Inisghts and is used exactly for the purpose of correlating requests with downstream execution. This is created and passed automatically, including traces (if you use trackTrace).
Moreover, we have built-in support in our UX for easily seeing all telemetry for a particular operation - it can be found in "Search->Details-->Related Items-->All telemetry for this operation"

Accessing workflowArguments in a hosted workflow

We are mixing workflows, a workflow using receive activity's more at the end. But at the start we want to pass in some arguments (not using a receive activity!)
Our workflows are already being created and resumed using a dynamic endpoint with IWorkflowCreation and a class derived from WorkflowHostingEndpoint. In the OnGetCreationContext the creationgContext is filled with WorkflowArguments and the workflow runs. At a later part the receive activity's are creating a bookmark which can be resumed with a message. All seems nice.
But in a xamlx there are no WorkflowArguments, i understand why, except that i want them anyway. I though about an activity in which i can write some code to get the Arguments myself, but i do need some help here.
Or is there another way to pass along the WorkflowArguments into a xamls without using Messaging?
You can't pass arguments into a starting workflow service except through the SOAP message that starts it. But there is nothing preventing you from reading any properties in your workflow service. So it is perfectly fine to do read settings or something similar instead of passing them in at startup.
We have solved this exact situation by creating another WCF service which sits alongside our xamlx service on a slightly different url (e.g. /WorkflowMetadata) and this is where we implement a service method that returns a dictionary of string, type.
In the implementation of this service we simply read the xamlx and determine the arguments.
This is what we use to interrogate a target workflow in an activity designer when creating something like a launch-workflow activity.
Creating an activity will not work as that activity will need an instance in order to run. All you want is some metadata about the xamlx service. And if you are using a WorkflowCreationEndpoint to construct a creation context then you are probably only allowing a dictionary of string, object as the start parameters. Therefore standard metadata will not work. This left us with the only option being to provide another service beside the workflow which serves metadata.
Background here:

Biztalk, need to consume a web service

What I need to do to send a request and to receive answer from the Web Service that I want to consume.
What i have done:
I have done the "add web Reference"
I added a Send Shape and a Receive Shape and a I configured a port that sent and received with web Type, the port binding Specify later and I connect with the Request and response to the Send and Receive shape.
I believe I am missing something ?
From your description I am guessing you might be missing -
A definition of the request and
response messages; you need to
ensure you have a request and
response message defined, with their
types being the generated web types.
Select the correct message for both
the send and receive shape. send
shape uses the request message,
receive shape uses the response
Construct the request message using a construct and a transform or assignment shape before the send shape. the easiest way to get started is to use a map in a transform shape to create the request from whatever message triggered your process, but the exact implementation detail will, of course, depend on your scenario
This should be enough to call the service I would have thought
There are many blog posts on the subject, here's one I found with a quick search that shows all the pieces needed
I'm currently working my way through a project using Biztalk to consume a web service. I think you may have a error when compiling similar to :
"Use of unreconstructed message"
If this is the problem, add a construct message shape to the orchestration before the send to the web service port.
I'm stuck with creating the message syntax but this should get you moving.

Calling Web Service with primitive types within Orchestration - Can't map request message

I'm running into this problem when trying to call a SOAP Web Service from within a Biztalk orchestration.
The Web Service is an abapi exposed by SAP as a SOAP Web Service, and the signature of the web method I want to call is something like this:
Operation(param1 as System.String, param2 as System.String, param3 ArrayOfSomeClass)
When I see the schemas generated I noticed that only 'ArrayOfSomeClass' and 'SomeClass' were generated. But I don't see any schema that represents the whole request.
I also noticed that a web port type was generated, and the request message is represented as a multi-part message. The parts of this message contains all the scalar parameters (param1, param2) and also the array.
I know I can just use the assignment shape and fill the message by code, but this is not what I want because I would like to map another message to the web service request.
Is this possible? Any one had a similar issue?
Thanks in advance!
You observation is correct, schemas won't be generated for simple types and its clearly documented here and explains how you should work with such types.
XSD will not contain nodes for simple parameter types
When you add a Web reference and the Web method has a parameter that is a simple type, the generated XSD will not contain nodes for that parameter. Instead, the multipart message that is generated will contain a part that is of the simple type. The orchestration should handle this message part appropriately. If it is a part of the request to the Web service, manually assign the value to that part with a message assignment shape. If it is a part of the response from the Web service, manually access that part in an expression shape to see the value.
I didn't get your second point
I would like to map another message to
the web service request.
