Are there any good tools to generate a Google Sitemap? [closed] -

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Can you recommend any tools? Should we build our own? Should we create the sitemap manually?

The Google Sitemap Generator for IIS generates a sitemaps based on actual HTTP requests to your server (unlike other sitemap generators that rely on a crawlable path from the homepage, Google's approach doesn't actually crawl your site).
It is uniquely suited to dynamic applications, particularly those that have a deep bank of data that's surfaced through user queries alone.

I have personally used Google's sitemapgen, a Python script, which automatically generates the sitemap according to an XML configuration file and a url list.
There also seems to be a newer tool called googlesitemapgenerator, which according to its website is newer and supports more formats:
Google previously released sitemapgen,
a Python-based tool, to Sourceforge.
In comparison to sitemapgen, Google
Sitemap Generator is a next-generation
tool that relies on web server
filtering rather than crawling,
provides enhanced features, and
supports more formats.

I always used this one XML-Sitemap. It's an online site thou, not a standalone application..

I would recommend you build your own if you have this ability. A sitemap should include all the files you want to be crawled and this is not always every file in the site. An automated downloadable script will likely require a decent amount of configuration to address content you do not want listed in the sitemap.
Unless you want every file on the site spider-ed, in this case perhaps one of the scripts listed are a good option. Myself, I put a bit more effort into SEO typically and details like controlling what pages are being submitted and how is important to me.

the big question is: how big is your site: is it <3000 pages you propably do not need any sitemap at all if all pages are linked on your site. is it <50000 you can use one of the many scripts on the internet. if it's bigger then >50000 you should make your own sitemap.xml. because then you are in the distribution SEO business where you need absolute control over your site and what you communicate to google (and when), because then you can controll: ok, i submitted google 25.000 pages, he crawled 99% of them and indexed (according to google webmaster tools) 30%, i get X visits from it, lets add another 25.000 ... and so on.

GSiteCrawler is one I've used in the past and it's done me good.


Office web apps alternative for [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is there a component to allow in browser editing of doc, xls, ppt files alternative of Office web apps?
Note for bounty: as i wrote in a comment i would like to write an app (not necessarily in which the end user can edit MS Office (or Open Office) documents in browser. Is there some solution for this? I guess a solution is also linking the app strongly to Google Drive or Office Web Apps but it is something I would like to avoid for now.
I leave "" in the title even if I could develop also on other platforms. I am in an R&D phase where technology is still a variable.
I'm not sure if it's exactly what you want, but there is a powerful library which is called Aspose. It allows you to create Word/Excel/PowerPoint documents as well as documents of several other formats. There are versions for .NET and Java, and even cloud API.
I have some experience using this library in a different way, but I can say that it's very good in generating documents at back-end. And it's not connected to MS Office or Google Docs. I'm not sure about web components, but it seems that they have some: e.g for excel
Also, I should mention, that it's not free - don't know if it's a problem in your case.
Probably you should check it out, maybe it can fit your requirements.
Don't search for "Office", search for "Open Document Format" instead. You may want to try WebODF JavaScript library which you can easily install on your existing web application.
Here is the demonstation and gitgub page.
You can read from the file if its a doc and place them in rad control update what you want then save and the changes will be applied on file back.
Go through the link below this should fit in your requirement.
Online Demo:
Note: this is not available for free.

flat file blog engine powered by

Regarding blog engines, are there any blog engines that meet all of the following criteria?
exists in the ecosystem
flat file
option to edit files as raw html (not markdown)
actively maintained project
I have come across AtomSite and DasBlog, but these projects do not
seem particularly active.
The number of options in ASP.NET seems limited, and the closest option I have come across so far is BlogEngine.NET.
Update 4/16/2014
MiniBlog could be the way to go. (Hanselman writes about it here.)

CMS track & trace tool [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm developing website for freight(cargo) forwarding/logistics company.
It will be CMS based (Joomla or Wordpress). What I need is component/plugin (can be commercial)
that has this functionality: (doesnt have to work exactly this way)
It can be simple e-commerce/virtuemart extension, whatever that is close.
Client logs in
Adds his tracking number(cargo/order number whatever)
He will see his his cargo status and current place.
Cargo status can be managed manually in CMS backend via admin.
Doesn't have to work exactly this way, but basic idea is this.
It does not matter joomla or wordpress these are the things you have to do.
Before You Start, Solidify Your Business Goals:
Do you fully understand the business outcome and goals that you’re trying to accomplish? Do you understand how you're going to measure the success of your implementation? Example: sales & marketing metrics.
Quick Qualification:
Does the extension work for your Joomla version? Is the extension in the expected category? How popular is the extension brand name? What is the extension type (Component, Module, Plugin)? Do you a long and short list of your possible extension choices? Does the extension meet your hosting requirements? Is the extension GPL? Is the extension encoded? Are some or all files encoded? What is the extension rating score on the official Joomla resource directory? What is the number of ratings? What's the extension popularity and number of downloads?
Critical Features to Meet Business Objectives:
Feature A) < Enter your specific feature requirement here > Feature B) < Enter your specific feature requirement here > Feature C) < Enter your specific feature requirement here > Feature D) < Enter your specific feature requirement here > Feature E) < Enter your specific feature requirement here >
Other Secondary Features:
Do you understand the total list of features you need (captcha type, ability to embed in articles, database storage, confirmations, styling options, …) Does it unnecessarily complicates the site installation (example: job extension and you have only 3-4 jobs)?
Security Concerns / Scam-Like Internet Practices:
Do you understand security issues and problems related to installing this extensions? Can developers/company be trusted? What's the company online reputation? Are their extensions listed in the Joomla extensions directory? How long has the extension existed? Does the extension contain or require backlinks? Are their hidden links? Ads inserted in the control panel or front end? Does the extension contain call home functions? They're only welcomed if the extension can work normally without a developer server connection, it is possible to install it without call home and it only calls home for the version check. Does the public version of the extension contain security risks? Is it listed in the vulnerable extension list?
Does it limit use per domain/installation? Does it limit distribution of extension? Does it require a nondisclosure agreement? Does it limit usage of non GPL media files to a domain/installation? Is the extension not listed at JED? Does it limit support per domain/installation? Does it require payment to remove owner visible or hidden links?
User Experience
Does it offer professional user experience for the site visitors? What is the website administrator user experience?
Does the extension follow the best industry SEO practices? Does the extension support search engine friendly URLs?
Does the extension have a solid and favorable community view?
Is there a demo or light version?
Author / Company
What's the extension website? Who is the developer or development team? What's the extension roadmap? Is the official extension easy to download? Are there FAQs, written tutorials and training available?
Test Installation
Do you have a test installation ready to evaluate an extension before trying it on your test installation?
Initial Set Up
Do you understand how to set up test installation, have time, resources, knowledge, experience, etc? Do you have to manually copy extension files for it to install?
Will the extension be easy to maintain? Is the extension easy to update? When was the last version released? Are security patches being promptly published? What is the stage of the extension development? Does the extension modify Joomla core files? Do you must have file/folder permissions set to 777 to install & run? After the extension is uninstalled, does the site or admin return errors? Does the extension team offer good technical support?
Is the extension free/commercial? Does the plugin require one time payment or membership subscription?
Read more on How to choose a Joomla! Extensions
If you end up using Joomla, look into extension called Fabrik - , that will give you an ability to maintain a list of custom defined entries (database table) and give the end-user ability to search through it (filter by individual fields). You can restrict which records (shipments) are visible to each user based on their username, etc.
I've created a few Web sites for freight forwarders, including cargo tracking sites and one thing I can say for sure - if they already use a TMS (Transportation Management System) where they already have tracking / status information they won't like the idea of double-entering it in another system. Fabrik is easily configurable to connect to external databases if this data is available elsewhere and tracking it there in real time.
Watch their tutorials, it is really powerful. Good luck.
You could do that with any of the well rated forms components for Joomla, which you can find at

Tools/Components for building a Survey Application [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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We are designing a survey application with the following features
The users will be able to select questions from a set of predefined questions.
Each question has a question type defined which dictates the type of answer (multiple choice, DB look up, free text etc)
The user can create a hierarchy of sections with multiple questions with in each section.
The responses of the survey will be stored to an SQL server database.
There is also a requirement to generate an output document from each survey response.
We are planning to implement this application using
I am looking for suggestions which will help us reduce the development effort. Is there any commercial/open source application which we can customize for our needs? is there any ready-made components which helps creation of dynamic pages? I am only interested in application which i can host locally, as this has to be integrated to an existing application.
This may not be an exact fit, but worth looking at: Surveymonkey.
Unless feedback systems are your business's core competency, you'd be best off using a third-party system. Building a survey system is not as easy as it might seem, especially when it comes to reporting. Sure, you'll be able to bang out some simple reports without too much trouble, but every change wanted by a customer (or your boss) is time you'll be dumping into your survey and reporting engine when it could be spent on your actual business. Do yourself a favor and outsource that headache to a third party.
If your needs are simple, a freebie site like SurveyMonkey would be just fine. If you're looking for something more sophisticated, such as support for phone surveys, more advanced reporting, etc., you'd need to pay for a more advanced service, such as (cough) the one I work for.
looks like a good place to start
Try Zodiac.NET Survey Engine. It can be integrated direct in your ASP.NET website. No much work needed.
NSurvey used to exist for this, but I think they've gone solely commercial. If you can dig up the last open source release, it might be a good starting point.
Otherwise, don't build it. Subscribe to Wufoo
Another option would be to have users use InfoPath or Adobe Designer to create the survey forms that are distributed to survey takers (either by e-mail or web-site).
With InfoPath, you can have the responses call back to Web Services that you have written. Or, with both the packages, you can have the responses e-mailed back to a particular address and the XML that is sent can be parsed and processed.

License a .Net Web Site [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I was wondering what is the preferred method of licensing a web site?
I distribute precomplied versions of my web sites with editable APSX files, the code behind is complied into separate DLL's for each page.
I have thought of implementing some sort of text injection into each page, similar to what Telerik controls do, when using a trial version. This demo text would disappear if using a licensed version.
One way I would think is to have the web site contact a web service to determine the license status but this would be an issue if the web service is down for any reason.
It's absolutely unacceptable to have your controls rely on an external web service to check the license. The only thing you're going to get out of that is pissed off customers and maintenance issues for yourself.
I strongly encourage you to go with the honor system, or a very simple licensing key file (that never expires). You're selling a web site, not video games. Unless you know for a fact that you are losing significant money because of piracy of your product, do not waste your time. Remember the first rule of optimization!
you could build some sort of license controlmechanism into your website. therefore you could use the URL of the site (typically you sell your app for one or two urls to somebody), and e.g. you could also build some hardware-key-references into your license mechanism, so that a copy of your software is not possible to run on a different machine.
but keep in mind, all restrictions you build in will result in more work for your paying clients, and there is always somebody who want to try to use your software without paying it!
