In WordPress how do you register built-in taxonomies with custom post types in code? - wordpress

The WordPress codex has a lot of examples of how to register custom taxonomies with custom post types, but I couldn't find much about using built-in taxonomies (tags & categories) with cpts.
I have a cpt called listings, and I need to add the standard category and tag UI elements to the listing cpt page. I also need to do this with code in my functions.php, rather than using a plugin.

Not a problem at all. When you register the post type, just add this argument to the array:
'taxonomies' => array( 'category', 'post_tag' )

Suppose you defined your cpt (custom post type) by the following:
register_post_type('listings', $args); // where $args is an array of your cpt settings
Then you could use the following to add taxonomy:
// category-like:
register_taxonomy('listing_category', array('listings'), array('hierarchical' => true, ...));
// tag-like:
register_taxonomy('listing_tag', array('listings'), array('hierarchical' => false, ...);
In fact, I personally put those custom type definitions in my own plugin (not open for public as it provide my own site functionalities, which obviously not suit the others at all).
The problem of putting in functions.php increases the difficulty to change to a new theme (although changing theme is not so often, but for self-owned blog, it do happen in some day).
Moreover, the custom post types should be site-wide, not depending on the current theme. So semantically it should not be in the theme's directory.


Any way to add metaboxes in custom settings page of custom post type in wordpress? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Add meta box to WordPress options page
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
Hi I would like to add metaboxes under custom settings page which is under a custom post type. I can create metaboxes for custom post types also I can create a theme options. But can't find any way to add the metaboxes on a custom settings page. Like my post type hierarchy is like below:
- All item
- Add Item
- Product Category
- Product Settings
I want to add the metaboxes & create a options page on that settings page. Can you please guide me through this one.
I've been trying to follow this gist but can't find a way.
Also can you let me know if I can achieve something by tweaking this code where key|value operates
$cmb = new_cmb2_box( array(
'id' => $this->metabox_id,
'hookup' => false,
'show_on' => array(
// These are important, don't remove
'key' => 'options-page',
'value' => array( $this->key, )
) );
I've created the settings page by this code
add_submenu_page('edit.php?post_type=ch_product_showcase', 'Product Showcase Settings', 'Showcase Settings', 'edit_posts', basename(__FILE__), array( $this, 'chProductShowcaseSettingsOptions') );
I've done it many times. Use this code and tweak it to your needs:
Found as a link in the comments of this page:
Originally posted here:
Wordpress - Add meta box to options page
Normally I don't like answering with links to another site, but in this case the code is on gist and hopefully will never go away!

Best method for creating a custom Wordpress post type just like a page

I have a site where I need to add a post type that has all of the exact same features as a normal PAGE in Wordpress but is a post type of "AGENT".
I thought the easiest way to do this would have been to create a normal page with a specific category that I could reference elsewhere in the code...but I know categories are not available on pages.
Is the best way to do this with a custom post type, or is there an easier method?
Well, we can add categories to pages.
add_action( 'init', 'wpse34528_add_page_cats' );
function wpse34528_add_page_cats()
register_taxonomy_for_object_type( 'category', 'page' );
Or you can create a Custom Taxonomy and assign it to Pages.
Or create the Custom Post Type and configure it as you wish.

How to make your own post format in Wordpress?

How can I create my own custom post formats?
Or how can make my custom post type make work with a function like
For example i have a custom-post type with the type of "accordion" and i like to be able to use it with as content element in the loop, but only if it exists...
get_template_part( 'content', get_post_format() );
So i am looking for a function like
which does not exists in Wordpress.
Anybody tried something similar?
I'm not sure if you're asking how to create custom post formats or custom post types so I've provided the answer to both.
If you're asking whether you can create custom post formats...
...then the answer is no. See the quote below from Post Formats on the WordPress codex:
The Post Formats feature provides a standardized list of formats that are available to all themes that support the feature. Themes are not required to support every format on the list. New formats cannot be introduced by themes or even plugins. The standardization of this list provides both compatibility between numerous themes and an avenue for external blogging tools to access this feature in a consistent fashion.
If you're asking how to create a custom post type:
The most basic example of creating (registering) your own custom post type is to add the following code to your functions.php file inside your theme.
function register_recipes_post_type() {
$args = array( 'public' => true, 'label' => 'Recipes' );
register_post_type( 'recipe', $args );
add_action( 'init', 'register_recipes_post_type' );
The above code hooks our register_recipes_post_type function to be executed when the init action is triggered by WordPress core.
Once you've added this code, if you go to your wp-admin you'll see a new menu on the left called 'Recipes', that's your new custom post type. If you add a new recipe, give it a title and some content, publish it and then try to preview it, you'll notice that you get a 404 error. After creating a new custom post type you need to go to your Settings > Permalinks in your wp-admin, just visiting that page will fix your permalinks to include the new custom post type so if you now go back and refresh the preview of the recipe you just created you'll see that it now works rather than 404s.
Now if you create a new file called single-recipe.php and put some code inside it, just put 'test' now for the purpose of seeing that it works and once you have, refresh the preview of the recipe you just created once again and you should see that it just displays the word 'test'. Using that file you can create a completely custom template to be displayed for showing single entries (posts) of that custom post type, or you could use content-recipe.php if your single.php includes a get_template_part( 'content', get_post_format() ); as you said in your original post.
Obviously your custom post type probably won't be for recipes but just update instances of recipe and recipes to whatever you want it to be.
There are also other post type specific templates you can create too for your archive of the post type etc. The above should be enough to get you started though.
There are also other arguments you can pass when registering your post type, you can see the full list here:
I hope this helps. Good luck! =)
Creating New post format is not allowed currently by WordPress. you can’t define any post format apart from what WordPress allows.

Create a blog post from content in another post type

The Wordpress site I'm working on has a section for "News" (which is the regular blog/posts) which will be used for any news the company has to write about. Then I have a custom post type for Promotions, which has it's own page.
I want the client to be able to add his promotion content through the custom post type, which is going on the Promotions page, however I'd like this content to also be "cross posted" into the blog/news without forcing the client to write it up twice.
Is there a way to do this? Thanks.
Just a note: The reason I have the promotions as a custom type on it's own instead of just having them do it all from the blog is because I needed custom fields that would be unnecessary for any other kind of blog post.
Two options:
1) Use the Shortcode API
And in your cross-post you'd add the shortcode [crosspost id="POST-ID"]. Where POST-ID corresponds to the numeric ID of the other post (post type). Instead of ID, the title could be used, see the function get_page_by_title.
Create your own plugin for this. Add a sample shortcode from the Codex and use the function get_post to get the contents of the cross-post.
2) Use Advanced Custom Fields plugin
With it, adding meta boxes with custom fields is a breeze. And it has a Post Object field that's basically a Cross Post functionality.
You could do it a lot more simply by adding a filter to wp_insert_data(). For example, in your theme's functions.php file add the following:
add_filter('wp_insert_post_data', 'post_to_other', 99, 2);
That filter will then run anytime you add a new post. In the function post_to_other(), you look to see what type of post is being submitted. If it's a promotion, then insert a second copy as a News item.
function post_to_other($post_id, $post){
/** check $post to see what type it is, if it's a promotion */
if($post->post_type == 'promotion'){
$second_post = array(
'post_type'=> 'post',
'post_title'=> $post->post_title,
'post_name' =>$post->post_name,
'post_content'=> $post->post_content,
'post_author'=> $post->post_author,
'post_status'=> 'publish',
'tax_input'=> array('taxonomy_name'=>array('news'))
I'm running out the door so I don't have time to double check the exact code but that's the basic structure of it. The tax_input bit is optional, lets you specify a category if you want. You'll probably need to tweak it a bit but that's the basics.

what hook to hook into for creating custom post types?

I hate putting things into the functions.php file and therefore wanted to hook into a pre-existing WP-hook to register/configure my custom post-types (and taxonomies). Somewhere I was reading that "template-redirect" would be a good one but it appear that that hook isn't fired when you're on the admin pages and therefore is fairly useless.
Any help would be appreciated.
You can use init hook.
An example of registering a post type called "book".
function codex_custom_init() {
$args = array( 'public' => true, 'label' => 'Books' );
register_post_type( 'book', $args );
add_action( 'init', 'codex_custom_init' );
Reference: Codex.
I was reviewing my open questions and it reminded me that I hadn't closed this one out. Marty's answer was helpful but really pointed to a different solution path. In retrospect, I'm not sure what hook I had tried but the kind of obvious one is "init" and I'm using that now and it works.
Here's my flow:
My plugin is loaded with the 'plugins_loaded' event
It does some basic initialisation and then hooks into the 'admin' hook
When the 'admin' event is fired my plugin then this fires off the following function:
function add_hooks () {
// fire a hook that a configuration file can pick up
do_action ( 'lg_custom_types_definition');
// now fire hooks to register custom types
do_action ( 'lg_custom_type_cpt_registration' ); // register
do_action ( 'lg_custom_types_registered_post_types');
do_action ( 'lg_custom_type_tax_registration' ); // register
do_action ( 'lg_custom_types_registered_taxonomies');
This approach gives me a completely decoupled approach which means I can enable the "custom_types" plugin and I now have the 'capability' installed. Then I create a configuration plugin that hooks into the events that the capability has added.
Hope this helps.
You could use an include file within functions.php to include all your custom work.
// functions.php
I've created a very simple page to create your custom post types,
you input the options you want for the custom field and it spits out the code needed in order to generate it in wordpress..
its located here:
for example:
Input the Post Type Name: Video select where in the menu you want it positioned.
then select the options you want for that custom post type.
Edit labels, if you want, by default just uses name,
Read more on custom post types and the register_post_type #
hope that helps a little ;)
