#font-face alias issues on PC - css

Just started using this technique and am having strange results on the PC side. Virtually every browser I preview this site in on a PC makes the font look totally horsey. Example:
On the Mac:
On a PC:
Anyone have experience with this issue? Is there a resolution? Does it have anything to do with how the fonts were created? Appreciate any help I can get. I used the font-face generator over at fontsquirrel.com.

That's a Hinting problem.
When you generate your font-face kit (like in FontSquirrel), you need to specify Hinting on the Expert options.
Choose Expert, and under Rendering, select:
Apply Hinting - Improve Win rendering.

probably you can specify font-size in px for example
this might help you because i have faced same problem and i solved it like this only

I had this same issue, and just like Rinkalkumar I'd suggest specifying font-size.
But I've also found out that some fonts in some sizes simply render ugly.
So you may wanna try adjusting size few px +- just to check is this the issue.
Font face support isn't perfect yet, so if this proves to be an issue, you
may wanna try http://cufon.shoqolate.com/generate/ - it involves javascript
but has proven to be great when you want fonts render consistently across browsers/platforms.

ttfautohint will rebuild the font's hinting for you.


Weird space showing in font in IOS only - what could be triggering this?

I have a website that uses a font with ligatures, and for some reason, ONLY in IOS (in both Safari and Chrome), there is a large gap showing between certain letters (see image). I've been told that this issue might be being caused by the way the ligatures are being rendered, but I'm not really sure where to go from there.
You can view the problem on the website at: http://kaizenmedia.co/coda-signature-edibles/.
Apologies in advance, because my typography vocabulary is very limited so I'm not sure that I'm articulating the problem clearly.
Does anybody know why this might be happening and how I might be able to troubleshoot? Any help or ideas is much appreciated!
I think this is an iOS font-kerning issue which appears from time to time with, as you mentioned in your question, font with ligatures. I turned on the web inspector and tried debugging connecting my iPhone to Mac and found that and words that have 'fl' together face this issue. I tried replacing 'Truffles' with 'fluffy', 'flies', 'floop' etc. and the problem persists. I haven't tested if any other letter combination faces the same problem.
I notice that you have text-rendering: optimizeLegibility !important in your code-signature-edibles.css. Try changing it to text-rendering: optimizeSpeed, at least for this particular selector.

Difference size font rendering on Windows VS MacOS. How to solve?

I've been wondering myself why on windows my font looks smaller, and much crappier than on OSX.
Screenshot Mac VS Windows : http://screencast.com/t/UUxqLRhM
Is that because i used "em" on some rules instead of "px" ?
(This is from a comment, but I'll post as an answer.)
This is nothing on your end, and the culprit is different font rendering engines. Mac OS X tries to render fonts exactly as they were designed, whereas Windows tries to alter them slightly to make them more readable. The problem is, with certain fonts and sizes, it actually makes them look worse. (This article is a good read on the subject.)
If you make the font bigger, it will probably make it look better on Windows. I would venture to say that if you removed the bold font-weight, it would also look cleaner. You could also try a different font.
Overall though, all you can do is just play with different settings and see what looks good and what doesn't; the actual rendering is out of your control.
Different browsers do have different standard font-sizes. Maybo other font-types and the different way to show fonts of the OS.
100% same look is... not possible
The way MAC and PC handle fonts is different, but that is not what is happening here. You have set a font that is not web-safe, "MyHelveticaBold", and the font windows is using is clearly not the same as the one on your Mac. If you don't want to use a web-safe font then you should use open source web fonts that you can serve to the user upon visiting.
There are some CSS properties that can adjust how a font is rendered such as -webkit-font-smoothing. Read more here: http://blog.typekit.com/2011/01/26/css-properties-that-affect-type-rendering/

CSS for Firefox and Safari on Mac OS?

This might be a stupid question, but I have a scenario where I fixed someone's webpage, and it is looking good on all major web browsers on my Windows machine. However, when I uploaded the website to Adobe BrowserLab, and when I looked at Safari and Firefox on a OS X, the footer is a bit off from Safari and FireFox on a Windows operating system.
My questions are:
Is there a way to target only Safari and Firefox on OS X and not touching those on a Windows? I mean, is there a way to create a stylesheet only for OS X?
Or are there any conditional comments (for example, ) that targets Mac OS X? If not, are there any other ways?
Or, am I F out of luck?
Thank you people!
Best practice: Try to fix it without doing user agent detection. Analyze the problem, you could try to ask specific advice on your problem here. Especially Gecko and WebKit rendering engines behave almost exactly the same on each platform, bugs should be easy to squash.
If you really can't fix it, you can do JS browser detection, and include a CSS dynamically.
detect: http://www.quirksmode.org/js/detect.html
insert css: http://www.hunlock.com/blogs/Howto_Dynamically_Insert_Javascript_And_CSS
This is a bad practice however: whenever you make changes, you need to change each css for each browser.
You can target browsers specifically normally firefox chrome etc work roughly the same and ie may work slightly differently.
A way to target browsers is described here
Yes, but this is rarely the right approach. I'd imagine that it's a font issue - perhaps you are using a font that is only on Windows, or one where the OSX version is slightly different.
If you did want to do this, you could either use a server side language (for instance, PHP) to check the user agent, then include an extra style sheet, or use JS to add the styles using the same technique.
When researching this, any info on CSS hacks should be avoided at all costs.
This is a good way to do this: http://www.quirksmode.org/js/detect.html as it avoids hacks, and produces an easy to use object containing the relevant information.
I would only use this technique in dire situations - in all the sites I've ever made, I've never had to do this, other than for old IE and iOS.
You can use JavaScript to target specific browsers but also operating systems for the browser.

Operating sytem detection for CSS hacks (aka need a "PC only" CSS hack)

I don't like Microsoft's font rendering.
I've created a site for a client and the last unticked box on my debugging list is the biggest. (it's not 'live' yet btw so please ignore any other bugs - http://baked-beans.tv/bb)
I'm using font-family to import a non standard web font. It renders fine on Mac, but it looks like sick old man on its last legs on PC.
The biggest irony is that the font is actually ok to read in internet explorer 8. This is the first time I've EVER seen IE beat other browsers in anything. But anyway, the font doesn't look good in FF, Chrome, or Opera, on a PC.
So my solution is to serve different fonts to PC users. There are a lot of css hacks for different browsers, but not for different OS. the php OS detections are really really complex. I'm just looking for something simple like if(PC) do this; else do that;
Any advice would be immensely helpful
Just one other thing... Just wondering if there is a way I could prevent Windows from anti-aliasing type on the Internet? The reason why it looks so bad is because it's trying to anti-alias it, maybe if it left the poor font alone it wouldn't look so bad.
The CSS Browser Selector can target different OS's. :)
No, you can't "kill" anti-aliasing.
But, you could use http://www.stoimen.com/blog/2009/07/16/jquery-browser-and-os-detection-plugin/ for detection.
From what I saw only the headlines are crap so you could as well use http://cufon.shoqolate.com/generate/ for those and make your life easier.
My favorite article on this topic is here:
There is a lot of good discussion including TypeKit developers on the reasoning behind that, and it has a link to an interesting article about using JavaScript to detect whether font smoothing is in use (you definitely can't do it with CSS alone).
Good luck.

Font Rendering between Mozilla and webkit

I'm not sure if this has anything to do with the recent Safari update, but I'm beginning to notice this a lot. There is a drastic difference in the way each browser is rendering fonts.
for instance, I took screenshots of what I am seeing here on stackoverflow...
I have verified that this is a trend via my co-workers machines.
has anyone noticed this or have any thoughts on non-hack solutions?
Font rendering isn't specified anywhere in the standards and therefore may (and will) vary between browsers and platforms.
In particular, Safari on Windows renders fonts like OS X does which tends to look weird to Windows users as Windows has quite a different take on how to render fonts than OS X.
You can definitely notice this, especially if you use Expression Web SuperPreview. This is just a general problem of the web, just like folks can hit Ctrl-+ and make your text bigger. Try not to use many absolute coordinates in CSS and the layout engine will ensure it's still readable
I first noticed this in OSX in October 2010. It is especially noticeable with Helvetica Neue. I suspect that an OSX update broke font anti-aliasing in font sizes above 12 pixels. I've posted an Apple Support message here.
