Serial port access error in WINE - serial-port

I have a setup in which i use a USB serial adapter + some applicationwhich sends and receives data using that serial usb. But this setup which works on a Windows, or even in a VMWare Virtual windows, does not work under WINE. IT transmits data but i cannot receive data. The cable and the applications are same as in the working and non-working scenarios. I guess The fact that the application works over the USB serial cable just as fine under Virtual Windows(VMware running on linux) by mapping /dev/ttyUSB to the com port, no external software/DLL needed, means it does not need any specific driver. (Am i correct in this assumption that application doesnt need any driver?)
(I also tried with a different setup(different USB serial adapter + different application under WINE, but even that does not work under WINE, but it works fine under WIndows/Virtual Windows)
How can i get it working under WINE?
Any pointers appreciated.

Never tried wine with a serial port, but this could help:
cd .wine/dosdevices
ln -s /dev/ttyUSB0 com1


Serial port communication not working via .net 5 for Marlin board

I am trying to get a simple Serial Port connection between dotnet 5 and a Marlin based printer board which is running some variant of a micro controller (LPC1768FBD100
I can open a connection to the board using other tools, send a "M503\n" command and receive a response, the tools I've used successfully are
Pronterface (Windows)
Arduino Serial Monitor (Windows)
miniterm (Linux)
putty (Windows)
So I know the board to be functioning correct in both Linux and Windows, but when attempting from .net, I am yet to succeed in getting any response back from the board. I have uploaded a simple tool in .net 5 that connects to a serial port and allows you to TX / RX strings,
I have tested this code in Windows and Linux, same port settings, no response back. I have also tested this exact code against a simple echo program running on an Arduino Uno board and it all works as expected, but for the life of me I can't get anything back from the other board.
I'm wondering if there's something about serial comms that these other apps are doing that I just don't know about. I'm using the same port settings which are shown in device manager across the board when testing in Windows, and also the same settings when testing in Linux.
In Linux the board comes up as ttyACM0, which is how my Arduino Uno is also mounted.
Any suggestions? I'm sure this isn't a "Marlin" issue, as only one of the other tools I've tested with is specific for Marlin and the Arduino serial monitor is about as basic as you can get. There's something I'm not doing in the .net code I think...
I've also tried someone elses old .net code and it also doesn't get a response back from this board, but does from my Arduino Uno running the echo program.
I'm currently looking to see if it's just .net and the underlying mechanisms that is effected here and have found this page,
I've modified my tester code to access to base stream for sending / receiving data just in-case, but this has not fixed the issue.
Okay I got it, I knew I was missing something,
port.DtrEnable = true;
This fixes it and now I'm receiving and sending data to the Marlin board.

Simulating PIC18F4520 Serial connection using Proteus

Hy, I am working on a project which uses PIC18F4520 micro-controller to send data to my windows machine. In Windows, I am developing a python GUI using tkinter which will show the data after reading it through Serial port. The micro-controller would be connected to PC using Serial to USB converter.
The Problem is that I don't have that hardware physically available to test it, So I made a Proteus Simulation. Now I want to simulate the virtual port so that I connect to it using pyserial and receive data, How can I achieve that...
You can use Virtual Serial Port. With this software, you need to make a virtual port and connect it to Proteus.

COM port lockup with Mbed Virtual Serial Port

I am working with someone using Mbed and a LPCXpresso11U68 board.
I'm not intimately familiar with this particular board, but it has two USB connectors on it, one for the OpenSDA-ish debugger, and a second one is a direct connect to the CPU. I can connect both of these ports to my PC and attach a terminal emulator to each of them, and both ports show output (with a small installed program running on the board).
The device manager shows me that one port (COM51) is using "mbed Serial Port" driver and the other port (COM52) is using "Mbed Virtual Serial Port.
So far so good...
There is a reset button on the board. If I press that button, the port that is attached to the PC using the Mbed Virtual Serial Port driver (in my case COM52) stops operating. The other port (COM51) just restarts cleanly.
The problem I'm having is that after I exit the terminal program (note this happens with both TeraTerm and uCon), if I attempt to reconnect to that port, its not in the list of available comports. Strangely thought, it is still present in the Device Manager.
The only way I've found that I can clear this problem is to unplug/plug that usb cable (COM52) or issue a BREAK condition to COM51 (which AFAIK, resets the board).
I am the writer of uCon and I'd like to be able to detect this (which I can), and also be able to restart the comport connection without any other manual intervention.
One final note: apparently this is not specific to the LPCXpresso11U68 board; my guess it is some issue with the Mbed Virtual Serial Port driver.
Anyone have a clue what may be going on here?

Arduino COM port not found

For the past week I have been programming an Arduino Uno with a computer running Windows 7. When I first started, I found the device on COM6 and was able to upload code no problem. Recently it suddenly stopped receiving code under the error:
Serial port 'COM6' not found. Did you select the right one from the
Tools > Serial Port menu?
The Serial port menu though is grayed out. Research has told me to open up Device Manager and update drivers but there is no other devices tab in my Device Manager. The Arduino is run off the power of the USB cable and runs the code I uploaded a few days ago just fine. What can I do to be able to upload code to the Arduino?
I installed the Arduino software on another computer and it does not recognize the Arduino either. One of the comments indicates that this could be a problem with the FTDI chip. How can I test if this is the case, and if it is, can I fix it?
There are two types of cable:
Charging Cable
Data Transfer Cable
So try changing the cable, if you have already tried every USB driver and port; or else
Install a new driver using this link,
But after installing the driver, if it doesn't work, then change the cable.
For Linux:
To solve the problem, simply run the IDE as super user, so go to terminal and type 'sudo arduino'.
To solve this problem permanently:
In the terminal, run 'gksudo gedit'
In gedit, open the /usr/share/applications/arduino.desktop file.
Change the line Exec=arduino
to Exec=gksudo arduino. Save the file.
Similarly, do the same for Windows...
Also try to re-install Arduino driver.
The Arduino probably started using a different port. When you plug Arduinos into a different USB port it sometimes defaults to a new COM port. Check your device settings for which ports are being used and try each of those. Also try plugging it into a different USB port (if no ports are displayed) and it should register with a new COM. If that fails reboot your machine and repeat the above. If that fails reinstall the Arduino USB driver and repeat above. If that fails you might have fried your Arduino's USB chip (or some other hardware on the Arduino).
For Linux: Vinayk93 is completely right. Adjust the serial port's access rights like so:
$ cd /dev/ ; ls -l ttyA* -- find the right portname, then
$ sudo chmod 666 ttyACMx -- x is 0 or 1

USB to Serial emulation

I bought this magnetic strip reader writer (MSRE106) and I use USB adapter to connect it to my laptop because I have no serial port in my computer. But now I have a problem since the software of the device recognizes only serial ports on windows. After looking up I found someone that wrote a python script for Linux (found here The Script).
Still even in this python script in the settings file it has this variable
## Com port.
COM = "COM1"
How can I change this to be one of my USB ports instead of a serial one because I have none
This script is made to use serial port as well, which means you can't just modify COM="USB1" or whatever to use your USB adapter. If you have a look at line 264 a serial port is open using function SerialPort().
To fix this issue you must install your USB adapter's driver that will emulate a serial port and create a fake COM1 you can use with this script or the original software of the MSRE106.
