web application -

i am new for i want to develop a simple web application( which display
questions and multiple choice answers and calculate result. i want to know which one is the best way for me to do it.
i want to use linq to sql.
please guide me.
thanks in advance and sorry if you feel my question style is bad.

Here is where you can start
Start by this examples...
Oh and here is something very close to what you ask


make fxml screen static, not able to open other running services

i want to make a user not able to do anything else of my application, i want a user to do things available on my application only.
I will get this done on swing by Robot class, but in fxml i have no idea.
Can anybody guide me?
Thanks in advance
I'm not quite sure what you're asking.
If you want the user to be restricted from interacting with the rest of your application while a window is open, then you could use stage.initModality(Modality.WINDOW_MODAL);.
If you want the user to be restricted from interacting with all other application windows, you could use stage.initModality(Modality.APPLICATION_MODAL);.
If this is not what you were looking for, sorry in advance as your post kind of confused me. If this was not what you were looking for, could you try and clarify your question a little bit so I can understand it?
Thanks and good luck with your project!

Advice for listing multiple items like a catalog

I'm hoping someone might have a solution for a problem I have. I need a sort of catalog of used pianos complete with pricing, descriptions, etc. Previously someone else did it in a table, which was very ugly and hard to maintain. The problem is that our site is hosted on an asp server and I think the latest version of is 2.0. Our website is built in classic asp using includes to build the webpages server side. That's right, classic asp. I can't really think of a good solution to this problem. In the next 6 months we are going to move to an cms for our ecommerce, but for the next little while I have no other option but to use the asp site. Any help coming up with a maintainable solution would be greatly appreciated.
Decoding your question ("...need a sort of..." => "...need to sort a..." !=> "..need a type of..."), I think you have an HTML table that you want to sort.
Have you looked at I have found it very good for this sort of thing
Good luck

What does update panel do?

I am quite new to and i want to know what exactly does update panel do.
I've looked into several answers regarding the question, but i can't seem to understand.
Can someone explain it to me in more simplistic manner?
Best Regards,
Update panel is used to execute ASP.NET Ajax calls.
Read more about it here

Starting in DevExpress

I am looking at integrating DevExpress to a webapp Im doing in C#.
Finding it difficult to get a good article or book on how to begin. any where to find these?
Here's a list of thing I used to get familiar with DX controlls:
As Aseem Gautam's answer web casts gives good overall prospective
To get more detailed picture you can look through few sample apps
DX documentation, knowledge base
And finally you could ask for assistance the DevXpress support team
you can find some demonstration here :
Professional DevExpress ASP.NET Controls by Wrox
Best is to watch the online webcasts.
View the online videos at the Developer Express site.
I would recommend the devexpress site as the best source. They even have online demos that will help a lot.

What would be the simplest way to implement Flexigrid with ASP.NET 3.5?

I've been trying to follow the top Google results for ASP.NET + Flexigrid for jQuery such as CodeProject's approach but they all seem kind of sophisticated, I'm rather looking for something way more basic in terms of simplicity, a kind of Hello World approach if you will. I'd be more than happy if you guys would like to share any resource that you might think would be helpful. Thanks much in advance!
This example seems fairly simple to me. How To Populating a FlexGrid Control with ADO and ASP
But if you are using ASP.NET 3.5, why would you use a flexgrid instead of a GridView?
simplest way would be to use someone else's code. have you seen
