Convert NCPDP script from XML to EDI - ansi

Is there a tool out there that can convert a Surescripts XML NewRx message to the NCPDP script 8.1 EDI format?
I did my messaging for Surescripts in XML, and now read the NIST test at as requiring the EDI format instead!

There are two tools that I can think of that would be able to help you:
Softshare Delta / ECS - is a universal data translator that can map "any to any". The mapper is quite slick, and inexpensive as well.
The other tool you might want to check out is BridgeGate. They have some solid NCPDP integrations out there.


How to integrate gRPC with karate [duplicate]

We have a requirement where we need to send .avro file as an input request to our API's. Really stuck at this point. If any detail example provided would be more appreciated.
Just use Java interop:
You need to write a helper (start with a static method) to convert JSON to Avro and vice versa. I know teams using this for gRPC. Read this thread for tips:
Also there is even a "karate-grpc" project:
Also see:

Does bluenrg-1 supports the voice over control?

I'm working on a task to build the end to end communication on the Bluenrg1/2 chip,does it supports the audio commands and converts it to the digital signals, though it has the PDM streaming.
Could anyone give more insight on this.
Thank you in advance
Please check FP-AUD-BVLINK1 software package:
The package is based on BlueNRG-MS which also works with BlueNRG-1 acting as a network coprocessor.
The user manual is evaluable:
It describes also the ASR (automatic speech recognition) demo with
Google Speech API (English) and iFlyTek MSC service (simplified Chinese)

Is there a way to get GraphML representation of an in-memory TinkerGraph without writing to file?

I have an in-memory TinkerGraph. I want to write a Spring Boot REST controller to expose a serialized (as GraphML) representation of this Tinkergraph. The serialization APIs ( needs a String filepath to be passed to it. Currently I am having to write to a /tmp file and then read the file to get a String representation of the serialized GraphML.
Is there a way to directly get a String output of the serialized GraphML? Without having to write into a tmp file and read it back in?"graph.xml").write().iterate()
As of the current latest release 3.4.2, I'm afraid that there is no way to do it with the Gremlin language. The reason it only writes to a file and not to something like an Java OutputStream is that the io() step is meant to be programming language agnostic. Python and other languages off the JVM have no way to construct or specify such an object so writing to file makes it work across the board. I don't know if that will change in the future, unless we came up with a reasonable API that would work intuitively across programming languages.
Since you are using an in-memory TinkerGraph you could bypass Gremlin and got back to the very old way of doing things:
Graph graph = TinkerFactory.createModern();
try (OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream("tinkerpop-modern.xml")) {, graph);
You would just replace the FileOutputStream with whatever kind of OutputStream you wanted to use. This approach uses the old Graph API which I think is just deprecated in newer versions, so the option should still be available to you. Note that if you are not on the JVM the only way to do return a String would be by submitting a Gremlin script to Gremlin Server.

How to programmatically create a database in ADX using Java

I am using REST API ( to interact with the database in ADX.
I want to create more databases in the same cluster. How should I do it using Java?
I am not using the Java SDK. I have relied on the REST APIs so far.
I think I cannot create a new database using the REST API, so looking for alternative.
It would have been really helpful if there was a command like ".create table tablename" just for the database.
Clusters and databases can be managed using the "Control Plane", aka ARM APIs. These APIs have libraries in different languanges (as well as REST).
For instance, for the java library use this link, for C# use this link
Example for how to create a database in C# library (Java should be very similar):
var database = managementClient.Databases.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup, clusterName, databaseName, new Database(location, softDeletePeriod: softDeletePeriod, hotCachePeriod: hotCachePeriod));
Read more here
I think you'll need to use the Azure ARM REST API since the database is treated as a resource. From that point you can interact with it through the ADX APIs.

which s best way to test the database packages?

I am currently working on a project where we need to test the database packages and functions.
We need to provide the input parameters to the database package and test the packages returns the expected value, also we want to test the response time of the request.
Please advice, if there is any tool available to perform this or we can write our test cases in Junit or some other framework.
Which one will be best approach?
I've used a more native approach when I had to do DWH testing. I've arranged the Test framework around the Dev data integration framework that was already in place. So i had a lot of reusable jobs, configurations and code. But using OOP like you suggest
write our test cases in Junit
is a way to go too. But keep in mind that very often the DWH design is very complex (with a lot of aspects to consider) and interacting with the Persistence layer is not always the best candidate for testing strategy. A more DB oriented solution (like tSQLt) offers a significant performance.
Those resources helped me a lot:
My framework Acolyte provides a JDBC driver & tools, designed for such purposes (mock up, testing, ...):
It's used already in some open source projects (Anorm, Youtube Vitess, ...), either in vanilla Java, or using its Scala DSL.
handler = handleStatement.withQueryDetection(...).
withQueryHandler(/* which result for which query */).
withUpdateHandler(/* which result for which update */).
// Register prepared handler with expected ID 'my-unique-id'
acolyte.Driver.register("my-unique-id", handler);
// then ...
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl);
// ... Connection |con| is managed through |handler|
