Is there a documented Google Reader API yet? - rss

In late 2005, Niall Kennedy blogged about Google Reader’s API:
He mentioned that a couple of guys at Google suggested to him that the API might be made official within a couple of weeks.
Has the API ever been officially and publicly documented by Google?

No, despite the talk about Google doing this some day, there is no officially documented Google Reader API yet.
However, the API has been unofficially documented.

Related: Where to start with Google Reader as an API?

I've been successfully using that is a fork of
If you want to see more samples, I wrote an article about how to use the lib to extract the main text content from an HTML. This is an alternative to boilerpipe mainly for blogs.


Does the DoubleClick Google Analytics integration support content experiments?

Does anyone know if the DoubleClick google analytics integration (dc.js) supports Google Content Experiments?
No, unfortunately it doesn't as of now. I hear GA team is revamping the whole experimenting platform though, so hopefully soon.
I suggest using other optimization tools like Visual Website Optimizer or Optimizely, they are far more advanced and easier to use.

Looking for alternative to Google Reader sync for RSS app

I'm in the early stages of designing an RSS app, and I'd like to include syncing to an online RSS feed service as a feature. Most such apps make use of Google Reader's feed/syncing features, but Google is now moving sync out of its Reader service, and also its API remains undocumented. Are there any alternatives to Google Reader that offer online syncing of feeds with a desktop client, and which have a documented API?
There should be an answer to this question, but I don't think there is.
I think we got lazy. Maybe it's time to roll up our sleeves and get to work.
What about Newsblur?
Don't know anything about them, but they appear to have a reasonable facsimile of a product in this vein.
Here are their API docs.
They are a subscription service, but you can have up to 64 feeds for free.
A couple suggestions, the original web RSS Reader BlogLines is still around, though now under new management since MerchantCircle purchased the service late last year.
The APIs maybe still functional:
Or they may be deprecated/turned off, haven't tried the APIs myself.
If BlogLines API is no longer around a better bet is LiveDoor Reader (along with it's open sourced version is called FastLadder).
Livedoor Reader is a Japanese service, but FastLadder pages and documentation are available in english and Japanese.
Downloadable Open sourced versions for running on your own machines be they windows, Mac OSX, or Linux from here
There's also a FastLadder Google source Code page.
There are RSS apps for both IOS and Android that sync with LiveDoor Reader/FastLadder instances. Just search for LDR in their respective app stores.
I don't think there's a ready answer yet, but I think Brent Simmons has a rough spec of what could be a start:
Basically, imagine a server that manages feed subscription lists and captures annotations for feed items. Those annotations for items would be things like (un)read, starred, shared, saved, deleted, or whatever else an app might want to attach to a feed item. It should stay simple and not fetch or process feeds themselves - other apps and libraries do that fine already.
Feedlooks looks close too with no ties to Google Reader - not sure about the API, though
Years back, I'd used a self hosted Open Source app called Gregarious - It appears to have gone missing recently.
Here's the Gregarious Archive from 2010
Another contender for the do-it-yourselfer might be utilizing

how does one add a subscription to a folder on Google Reader procedurally (thru the API)?

I want to manage a Google Reader "folder" of feeds that I can add and subtract feeds to programatically. I presume that's possible but I can't seem to find any API documentation on that subject. Any advice?
The public API isn't available yet unfortunately... I am eagerly awaiting it myself.
I know there is an unofficial version documented but it is outdated anyways.

Is there anyway to grab Google Analytics via some kind of API?

Basically I have an admin CP I've coded for all my sites and I'd love to integrate the information gathered by Google Analytics on it to avoid having to look at both sites every morning.
BTW I'm using PHP, but I would assume if something like this exists it would just be exported as XML.
Here's how to use Yahoo Pipes to scrape your Analytics page
Alternatively, you can export reports and use them
There's an official API in private beta. I'm looking forward to it!
Nicolas Lierman has developed an AIR application that uses an API of his own creation to gather Google analytics data. He refuses to puplish the API though as apparently it exposes some severe security flaws in Analytics interface. Google themselves have never published an API for it.
If you really want to proceed with your plan, you'll have to reverse engineer the interface yourself.

Does anyone know a good guide/book to interpreting results from Google Analytics?

I'm looking for a guide to interpreting results from Google Analytics. Also is there an API for accessing the data?
I'm looking for a guide to interpreting results from Google Analytics.
I like Advanced Web Metrics; it's come in quite handy. Recommended if you're at least somewhat familiar with analytics packages in general. Otherwise pick something a little simpler, like Google Analytics 2.0.
Also is there an API for accessing the data?
You can find the API here
Google released an Analytics API on Apr 21, 2009. As usual with Google, there are a few caveats:
It is in "public beta". Everyone can use it, but they reserve the right to modify the API at any time.
Most, but not all metrics and dimensions are available. You can mostly ignore this fact until you start doing advanced combinations.
Read-only access.
They provide full developer documentation and an Analytics API Google Group for discussion.
As a new SO user, I can't add any relevant links for this answer, so feel free to edit this post and add them in.
