Remove drupal module javascript, replace with my own in template.php - drupal

I am trying to remove the default lightbox.js file coming from the Lightbox2 module, by using template.php, and load in my own. I would like to do this via template.php if possible, and not place this code in a custom module. I am adding my javascript file, then unsetting the module javascript file. The problem is $vars['scripts'] isn't getting replaced with the output from $js, and still outputting the module javascript. krumo($js) shows the default lightbox.js removed. Below is what I have in template_preprocess_page. Thanks in advance.
drupal_add_js(path_to_theme() . "/resources/js/lightbox.js", 'theme');
$js = drupal_add_js(NULL, NULL, 'header'); //get header js files in an array
$lightbox_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'lightbox2');
unset($js['module'][$lightbox_path . '/js/lightbox.js']); //unset lightbox default js
$vars['scripts'] = drupal_get_js('header', $js);

Alright, let's take another look at it, then.
Having just looked at a second time, I note that the lightbox code is probably in
$js['header']['module'][$lightbox_path .'/js/lightbox.js']
and not in
$js['module'][$lightbox_path .'/js/lightbox.js'].
I suggest sneaking a dpm($js) in before your 'unset' call, and then hit refresh a couple of times until it shows up, and make sure you've got the exact correct combination of $scope and $type to find the lightbox code at.
(Note: dpm() is a function provided by the devel module, which I guess I'm assuming your'e already using. If you're not, then drupal_set_message('<pre>'. print_r($js, TRUE) .'</pre>); will do as well.


Add font_formats to ImpresspagesCMS tinyMCE

Trying to add custom font formats I cant seem to figure out how. I have been able to do other stuff with config files and created a few things already but this one isn't working whatsoever.
originalConfig.toolbar1 = originalConfig.toolbar1 + ' fontselect ';
originalConfig.font_formats = 'Arial=arial,helvetica,sans-serif;Courier New=courier new,courier,monospace;AkrutiKndPadmini=Akpdmi-n';
return originalConfig;
Even this way originalConfig.font_formats = originalConfig.font_formats + '';
however it is throwing the error
"Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined"
that is coming from the e.addButton("fontselect", function(){}); tinymce.min.js which handles the default font family formatter in TinyMCE which makes me believe that I am close to succeed. Somehow data is not being passed to the Index in order to populate the listbox containing the different fonts.
this would be fairly simple in TinyMCE but your override system isn't documented.
any help is appreciated.
There are two concepts in TinyMCE: fonts and styles. Not sure which one you are referring to. But in any case I would suggest to go with styles and here is how you can add your own styles:

PhpStorm forcing file type

I have my script.php file in project. It contains javascript, but I wanted it to ne created dynamicly, based on server-side data.
I setted it's Content-type to text/javascript with php, but PhpStorm does not see it as javascript file. So I loose javascript syntax hightlighting, error detection, live templates...
How can I force PhpStorm to see that .php file as javascript file?
You could make a naming Convention for this type of file.
Something like
And then go to Options ALT + F7, navigate to File Types, and register *.js.php to javascript
What you are trying to do sounds like bad practise.
You maybe want to have something like this:
A real JS File which is compileable by Closure Compiler or something like that, which provides "bootstrap" functions, which take your values as parameter.
And if you write this in your template.php, everything is fine for PHP Storm:
doFoo(<?= $myFirstValue ?>, <?= $myFirstValue ?>);
Maybe you can work with data attributes in Your HTML which i think is cleaner then inline script tag.
Also take a look here:
Settings | Template Data Languages
Find your file there and assign JavaScript in right column to it (or whole folder --then it will be applied to all files in that folder and subfolders).
This will tell IDE to use JavaScript instead of default HTML as outer language for that file.
You can use the <<<JS heredoc syntax to make PhpStorm highlight a specific part of your file as Javascript. For example:
echo 'This is using PHP syntax highlighting';
echo <<<JS
<script>document.write('This is using JavaScript highlighting');</script>
You can also use file-specific language injection with ALT+ENTER, also see for further details on that.
You can also use the built-in Language Injection of IntelliJ (which is the platform on which phpStorm is built). For that, just mark the part of your file then press ALT + ENTER and use "Inject Language/Reference".

preprocess_views_view not getting called

Drupal 7,
Bootstrap theme sub theme in use
I have a views-view-table.tpl.php file in my sub theme and I am trying to preprocess some of the variables sent to this tpl. I created a function bootstrap_preprocess_views_view(&$vars) in my template.php and it is not getting called when I visit one of my views pages. Why would this be? Other preprocess functions are getting called from the same template file. I have tried flushing the cache.
function bootstrap_preprocess_views_view(&$vars) {
I'm assume you've tried all the regular things like clearing your cache, etc before expecting to see the change.
If yes, perhaps this old Drupal issue may be affecting your function: (since your syntax looks fine).
Do you actually have a corresponding template file in your sub-theme? If you place one in there (even just by copying and pasting the default one from the views module), does it solve your issue?
Let us know!

How to add conditional CSS and JS to every page from a module?

I am building a module that lets the administrator choose a number of optional CSS and JS files that should be included when every page is rendered.
The function hook_init seems to be the right place, but on the hook_init page it says that this is actually not the right way to do it:
To add CSS or JS that should be present on all pages, modules should not implement this hook, but declare these files in their .info file.
Does this not apply to my case, or is there a better way to do it?
That doesn't apply in your case. It only applies if the include of the CSS and JS are not conditional on anything.
My problem was aggregation if the css was added conditionally(in my case conditioned on language).
The result was the css not being loaded when aggregation was enabled.
Simply reading the documentation of drupal_add_css helped me a lot.
I had 2 options preventing this from working:
'every_page' set to TRUE because I misinterpreted it ( I actually wanted it on all pages, but only for certain languages )
'preprocess' has a default value of TRUE and it causes a css to be included in aggreation, problem being that if it is not loaded at the time the aggregated files get created, it will not be loaded at all afterwards.
Solution was: drupal_add_css(path_to_theme() . '/css/language-override.css', array('weight' => 101, 'preprocess' => FALSE));

How does one inject variables into page templates from a custom Drupal module?

We've created a custom module for organizing and publishing our newsletter content.
The issue I'm running into now -- and I'm new to theming and Drupal module development, so it could just be a knowledge issue as opposed to a Drupal issue -- is how to get each newsletter themed.
At this point the URL structure of our newsletter will be:
/newsletters/{newsletter-name}/{edition-name}/{issue-date} which means that we can create template files in our theme using filenames like page-newsletters-{newsletter-name}-{edition-name}.tpl.php, which is great. The one issue I'm running into is that all of the content comes through in the $content variable of the theme. I'd like to have it come through as different variables (so that I can, inside the theme, place certain content in certain areas.)
Is there a proper way for doing this?
Edit: To answer some questions: The issue is a node (there are issue, edition and newsletter nodes) and the path is being set using hook_menu with wildcards and a router.
The best answer I could find was to add a check inside of phptemplate_preprocess_page to send the vars back to the module and have them be updated.
Like so:
function phptemplate_preprocess_page(&$vars) {
if (module_exists('test_module')) {
then in my test_module.module file I created this function:
function _test_module_injector(&$vars) {
$vars[] = call_to_other_functions_to_load_vars();
It seemed to work. I wish there was a way to do this without having to touch the theme's template.php file, but otherwise this works well.
If there were better documentation for template preprocess functions, Drupal would be a lot more accessible - as it is, you need to piece together the information from a lot of different explanations. One place to start is here:
but if you take the time to work through the tutorial below, you'll find you can do most things:
This is an old post, and the OP's issues seems to have been solved.
However, just for others finding this through Google (or otherwise):
Install the 'Devel' module:
Also the 'Devel Themer' module:
Use Devel Themer to go through the $content variable and find what you need to pull out.
There are a bunch of Devel/Themer docs/tuts out there, but its usage is pretty straightforward. Note, though, that some stuff in there will need to be sanitized before printing in the theme.
The suggestion to show the node as a View and then modifying the view templates sounds pretty crazy, though it'll work.
