less.js, lessframework & CSS grids ala Blueprint or 960.gs - css

Ok, so Less.js has come along, and it seems that my dreams of creating a CSS framework (especially a 'grid' system), with an 'abstracted' CSS language might be about to come true.
That is, 960 and Blueprint are great and all... but it so irked me to put style information in HTML markup, such as:
class="article grid_4 pull_2"
or whatever the syntax was :)
So, now it seems that we can do it this way:
.article {
So, I'm about to get stuck into developing this for myself -- but I'm sure there are some brainiacs out there that have already done it -- so before I get into any heavy lifting...?
Any leads?

This is the CSS framework you're looking for - http://semantic.gs/
The Semantic Grid System - Page layout for tomorrow.
Set column and gutter widths, choose the number of columns, and switch between pixels and percentages.
All without any ugly .grid_x classes in your markup. Oh, and did we mention it's responsive?
Brought to you by LESS.js and the creator of 1KB Grid.

I checked out less , it was a push between that and the new sass (scss) syntax, but what made me choose sass is that it has a way to turn css into scss code.
The round trip was something I definitely wanted. Once that happened, then Compass presented itself. I was going to try using something to code everything in python, but it makes perfect sense to me to preprocess the css, especially since I'd like to use HTML5, and if the spec changes, then I can tweak the generation.

BTW folks, I've started that framework I was talking about.
I'm having fun with it.


css/html framework with structure and usage style similar to java/android layouts?

*Note: if you dont know how android layouts work, or have never seen how java layouts are used, please do NOT answer this question.
in android you have LinearLayout, which can be vertical | horizontal, it can be fill_parent | wrap_content, etc - also you can put a Linear|OtherLayouts inside other LinearLayouts and combine them however you like
also I know GWT has layouts like that, but you cant use them independently of GWT (that I know of... or can you ?)
also the Qt c++ ide (i forget what its called) has similar layouts in the GUI designer.
blueprint css, 960.gs, yui, etc, are not exactly similar to the above
(the closest thing I can think of is html tables)
is there something like this for html & css ?
Typically I would use the <div> tag and use stylesheets. width=100% would be similar to fill_parent, wrap_content is the default. Vertical and horizontal can be achieved by judicious use of float and perhaps <ul><li> styles.

How to get started with Blueprint [CSS Framework]?

Is it worth adapting to a css framework or just use the css we all know?
How to get started with Blueprint [CSS Framework]?
Any other css frameworks which is really worth a try?
If not Blueprint, I recommend at least using a CSS reset file, which standardizes many default browser settings that differ across browsers; such as the Yahoo "YUI Reset CSS".
Otherwise, if I were you I guess I would just start in the Blueprint wiki and look through the tutorials. Then make something of your own!
To determine if it's best to use a css framework or not, you need to look at your overall web design and see how easily you can break it down into elements. If you find yourself using a lot of container divs and floating them all left or right, a CSS framework may be a good idea.
Another reason it may be beneficial to use Blueprint is that you can decrease the amount of CSS you need. Rather than creating a div id for every column or container and putting in a width and height in your CSS file, you can just use the framework and quickly assign a class.
I built Intronis.com using the Blueprint CSS framework. It worked well because it is a very clean site with common elements and it's based on a grid.
I'd use a CSS framework on a case by case basis. Let the design dictate if you use it or not. For some sites it's a good fit. For others it's not.
To get started, download it here, then just unzip the file and put it in a local test environment to try it out.
Also, make sure you take a look at the IE6 CSS included with Blueprint and take note of the .clearfix class that you can use when working with container divs and floating objects.
I've just written a brief tutorial on how to get started with Blueprint CSS, you might like it. http://flowdev.tumblr.com/post/1187039740/blueprint-css-to-grid-or-not-to-grid

Is there any way to find unused CSS in a website?

Is there any way to find unused CSS in a website?
I'm trying to clean up a project I just inherited.
Dust-me Selectors is a Firefox plugin that finds unused selectors.
I just ran into this and remembered your question: http://github.com/geuis/helium-css
Chrome 59 has built-in coverage display for CSS and JavaScript since 2017-04: https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/04/devtools-release-notes#coverage
You can enable it by opening the dev tools, then the command menu (Cmd+Shift+P on Mac or Ctrl+Shift+P on Windows and Linux), and then type "show coverage".
There is so much that can be said about best-practice methods for CSS. I'll try to stick to the main points.
Use a CSS reset.
Try to remove really general CSS statements like h1 {} and #container em {}. You're much better off using h1.section-title and #container em.important {}, because that way if you choose to use h1 or em a different way somewhere in your document, you don't have to worry about overriding any existing code.
Don't be too specific in your CSS selectors if you don't have to. You really only need to have high degrees of specificity if being in a specific section changes how the element is going to be displayed. Otherwise, to make your code for your block class reusable, #container .content .block ... could be reduced to .block ... in many cases.
Look for commonalities in your CSS and see if you can create reusable classes. If you have similar blocks class="favorites" and class="popular", turn it into class="block block-favorites" and class="block block-popular", and put the commonalities into .block.
Get in the habit of making areas in your CSS have an auto-width (can be done implicitly) so that they grow to the width of your containers. This makes it incredibly easier to move sections from a narrow portion of your website to a wide portion of your website without having to change any code.
Commenting your code and breaking it down into sections usually helps make code more readable.
You'd be surprised how much cleaner your code looks when you implement more powerful CSS selectors. Most of them are cross-browser compatible (Internet Explorer 7 and later).
Some valuable resources: When can I use... - Quirks Mode on CSS Selectors - w3 on CSS Selectors
Answer moved from:
Best Practices for Cleaning up Existing CSS/unused styles
To add to #cweiske suggestion, Google Chrome has a no nonsense way of uncovering where your "unused" and "never will be used" selectors are.
I have posted a screen capture of how to launch the CSS Coverage tool with step by step markers.
It is a reliable way to figure out where you really are not using stuff.

Benefits of using a CSS framework [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 13 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
What is the best CSS Framework and are they worth the effort?
Would you recommend using a CSS framework for ASP.NET like the Blueprint CSS Framework vs building your own css styles? What are the benefits of using such a framework?
Abstraction is the keyword.
Like every framework it delivers you a code basis you can build on. You don't have to "reinvent the wheel".
Ever considered using CSS resets? They're much simpler and allow you to start from the ground up.
I have heard of CSS frameworks but don't really understand the level of complexity they introduce.
That said, I do tend to write standard CSS and expect browsers to conform to it. If not perfectly, then similarly across them all.
I think the benefits are:
1.Easier to follow web standards.
2.You code will be consistent across the projects, and for that reason much easier for maintenance.
And definatelly give a look to reset and fonts-reset
I don't see why using CSS Frameworks.
I always do my CSS from scratch, sometimes to remember sometimes i go back to my older CSS styles and look around. And sometimes i just do some testing until I've obtained what i wanted.
EDIT: Just read some of the web standards guidelines and do some experiment and you will get the hand of it..
I did the same and at my first times.. I had some cross-browser issues and other small stuff.
now i'm pretty happy to say that i do cross-browser css, with no big problem.
But if you just need CSS for a project, and you wont be needing CSS again, using a Framework might not be a bad idea.
In my opinion a CSS framework:
Aims at cutting down development
Standardization and consistency.
Solid foundation to build upon.
Guidance\guidelines to follow. Avoid white screen of death effect.
Proven "good looking" UI.
Extra complexity
Steep learning curve
PROS: Anyone can take it and produce a result
CONS: Not everybody will be able to fix what comes out of it...
I would defenitely use a CSS framework, simply because you can assume it has been tested in a lot of browsers. I you use something like 960.gs and it looks correct in one browser, you can be quite sure it will do so in all the others.
And like Omega notes I would at least use a CSS reset file, like YUI Reset CSS.
I like to use CSS frameworks because it ensures that it looks (quite) the same in many different browsers. e.g. I'm sick of writing hacks for internet explorer 6. The framework take this part for me.
The con is that you have to learn how to use the framework of your choise, but once learned it makes fun to write new sites.
I'm using YAML btw.

Daunting task of refactoring 5000 line CSS. Any tips?

I've just been assigned the task to refactor a huge 5000 line CSS file... but here's the worst part - I also need to make it IE6 compatible. Any CSS gurus have suggestions of tools, or possibly tips (common pitfalls) for use in my monolithic expedition? Cheers.
checkout sass... it includes the ability to convert css to sass.
A sass file is a yaml file that can be parsed down into a css file. It allows you to use variables and alternate organization...
sass example:
!main_color = #00ff00
:color = !main_color
:background-color = !main_color
:color #000000
css output:
#main {
color: #00ff00; }
#main p {
background-color: #00ff00;
color: #000000; }
Some tips:
Use version control so you can roll back when needed.
Come up with a checklist of visual tests to run through after each change, in each browser. A spreadsheet of URL links and things to look for, building on them as you run across problems (think "unit tests" but not automated).
Use a CSS-specific beautifier first to get everything into the format you prefer for braces, etc.
Consider using something like SASS to "compile" your CSS as you go along.
Comment the heck out of things, especially where you're doing IE6-specific stuff.
Future-proof yourself by building a separate file with IE6-specific directives as you go along, or at least use Microsoft's way of filtering them out for other browsers.
Use the W3C Validation often.
Mechanically, I would attack it like this:
<link type="text/css" href="newhotness.css" />
<link type="text/css" href="newhotness-ie6.css" />
<link type="text/css" href="oldandbusted.css" />
Move code from the third (old) file into the other two, cleaning up as you go. That way you can validate your code without worrying about tons of errors in the old stuff, and you can track your progress, Ctrl-Tab between them more easily than between locations in a single file, etc.
(If you can't control the markup to add your CSS files, use an #import at the top of the old file.)
Start from scratch!
Assuming you can check all the major pages manually, I would be VERY tempted to wipe the entire file and start from scratch. Spot-checking for IE6 inconsistencies, you'll be doing nearly the same amount of work anyway, but it will be much, much more painful if you're modifying old, browser-specific CSS.
That 5000 lines may well be expressable in 2000 lines of modern, well-designed CSS. I think most experienced CSS developers would find it less work to write 2k lines of new CSS than modify 5k lines of horrible CSS.
which is based on this:
Not necessarily CSS, but here's worflow tip: use GIT.
start off by importing the files in git;
commit for every minor step, and record what you did;
whenever you find that you broke something, you can identify the exact same step broke using git bisect ( a good description );
For extra kicks, here's a talk about code coverage for CSS to help you quickly weed out unused rules.
As Triptych said, I would start from scratch. Also, consider the following:
use a CSS reset file to smooth out cross-browser inconsistencies: http://meyerweb.com/eric/thoughts/2007/05/01/reset-reloaded/
get it working perfectly in Firefox, then tweak for other browsers as needed
study the underlying HTML. How is it organized? Is it laid out with tables? all DIVs? Semantic tagging?
is the CSS used for layout or simply styling (fonts, colors, etc.)?
Once you get a feel for that, study the content. Categorize the layout and elements as much as possible, so that you identify all the common elements and can maximize the efficiency of your CSS
remember the C in CSS, Make the most commonly used font the body font, so that other elements will inherit it by default.
use relative units (ems) for font size, to allow proper scaling of text
try not to use ANY inline styles
make use of Firebug - it will let you inspect an element and see exactly what CSS is in effect and where the rules came from
don't be afraid to re-use portions of the old CSS, especially for things like dropdown menus, which can need very specific incantations to work properly
have fun! starting from scratch lets you implement best practices and learn a ton along the way. When you are done you are probably going to look back on this as a good experience.
there is a presentation here that should get you in the right headspace for tackling this task: CSS Systems
I would be tempted into creating a test suite first: automating page visits (perhaps with Selenium?), taking screenshots, then using something like ImageMagick to compare those with reference images.
Also, I second all the suggestions to use source control. If you later discover that your refactorings broke something that wasn't checked by the test suite, you can add a new test and then bisect your history to find the change that broke it. Git is good for that.
Get a code editor with good syntax highlighting. Also, goodluck I dont envy you.
My initial thought was does some like NCover exist for CSS, as it would be handy to see if all of the CSS is referenced. A quick Google on CSS code coverage found a few things- you might want to look yourself though: http://development.lombardi.com/?p=436
Install sass, run css2sass on your 5000 lines of css, proceed. After you are done with your sass file refactoring, run sass2css to regenerate the css file. Best of luck!
I'd suggest Stylizer - it is a CSS editor with an embedded live preview browser. It makes life much easier when editing CSS files and can tell you which rules affect which element on the page and more.
All of you guys saying he should start from scratch are wrong. You shouldn't. Try to identify the different parts the site uses. Put them on a sheet of paper. Find the parts that match together. Build a structure. Find parts of the application that are the same but are still styled with different rules.
Take that one part and name it. Then match all app parts that use that "pattern" with the correct HTML/CSS.
Repeat until you're done. Break up the large task in small chunks.
Identify whether the original CSS writer used standard methods like using a CSS reset. If he didn't, and everything is defined by #id without reusable classes, well, then maybe the guys saying you should start from scratch are in fact right. But my point here is that you can't just recommend that without assessing the situation.
Using the Dust-Me Selectors Firefox Plugin can be handy. It's a bit like a code coverage tool for CSS.
Tool suggestion: ReSharper by JetBrains. It will autocomplete CSS and rename selectors site wide from the CSS file editing window.
