error in reading R file while submitting a r job to condor - r

I have a R Job that is submitted to the condor, The R file(one.R) which is submitted to the condor is reading another R file(two.R), when I submit the job to the condor its is failed and the reason for that is the submitted R(one.R) file is not reading the called R file(two.R)
Error in text file is :
Error in file(file, "rt") : cannot open the connection
Calls: read.table -> file
In addition: Warning message:
In file(file, "rt") :
cannot open file 'C:/Users/pcname/Desktop/test_case/two.R': Permission denied
Execution halted
and my submit file is
executable = C:\R\R-2.10.1\bin\Rscript.exe
arguments = one.R
universe = vanilla
getenv = true
#requirements = ARCH == "INTEL" && OPSYS == "WINNT60"
input = one.R
should_transfer_files = yes
transfer_executable = false
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
transfer_input_files = C:/Users/OmegaAdmin/Desktop/test_case/two.R
log = test_input.log
output = test_input.out
error = test_input.err
Appreciate any ideas on this.

This is not an R-related problem, but a problem of accessibility. The error message seems rather clear to me: the server has no reading rights for that file. Make sure you share the file or folder you want to read in. I don't know what the setup is of the network and clusters wherever you're located, but you better contact the admins to ask how you get your files to the right places.
Also make sure that if you transfer files to the servers/cluster, you adapt your R script so it points to the right directories. Which is probably not your own harddrive...

When you say
transfer_input_files = C:/Users/OmegaAdmin/Desktop/test_case/two.R
That tells Condor to copy two.R into the current working directory when the job starts. The current working directory is a specially created workspace, not (usually) a home directory. Thus I would expect the full path to look something like
However, R is actually looking in
Why is R looking there? Does one.R potentially say "Find two.R in $HOME/Desktop/test_case"? Does it perhaps say, "Look in Desktop/testcase/two.R" and R has configuration that wants to look relative to the user's home directory?
The solution is almost certainly to modify one.R or your R configuration to look for two.R in the current working directory. If for some reason R changes its current working directory, the environment variable _CONDOR_SCRATCH_DIR should contain it.
On a related note, you said:
arguments = one.R
input = one.R
The first is an argument passed to Rscript.exe, which I'm guessing tells R to load and run a file called one.R. Except that script isn't present! If you want that to work, you'll need to add it to transfer_input_files. But it obviously appears to work; why? Because "input=one.R" means "take the contents of one.R and pipe it in as standard input to Rscript.exe; the same as if you'd typed those contents in." I'm guessing you can remove the arguments, or remove the input and add one.R to your transfer_input_files, removing the ambiguity.


R Studio not recognizing files when compiling raw db

I have long-read RNA sequencing data from PacBio IsoSeq and trying to use IsoPops software ( to generate graphs to interpret the data. I am new to R-studio so have limited proficiency. There is a walkthrough for the program which seems quite intuitive. I have successsfully installed the package on R Studio, and have opened the library and assigned variables to the files I have (which include a fasta file, gff file and abundance files). Once I've successfully assigned variables to the files, I'm supposed to generate a rawdb using the function compile_raw_db. However, when I do this function I get the error:
Error in system(command = paste("head -n1 ", filename, step = ""), intern = T) :
'head' not found
I've used the head -n1 function in linux command line, and can see that there definitely is a header and contents in the file. The error occurs for any file that I give to R studio, so my reasoning is that the programme is not recognizing the files.
Thought the files might have been empty, opened on Ubuntu and head -n2 function worked fine for each file, so I don't think it's an issue with the files.
My data was originally stored on an online shared network drive, moved files to local computer to eliminate any possibility for path errors. Still have the error message.
Have tried the same function with a number of different files, and I always have the same error message. So I think the issue is with how R studio is reading the files, and not the files themselves.
Would really appreciate some support with this, at the end of my PhD trying to analyse the last piece of my data and really struggling with this. Thanks in advance for any feedback!
> library(IsoPops)
Welcome to IsoPops version 0.3.1.
> transcript_AD3 <- "C:/R_Package_for_IsoSeq/IsoPops/IsoPops_Data/AD3-hq_transcripts.fasta"
> abundance_AD3 <- "C:/R_Package_for_IsoSeq/IsoPops/IsoPops_Data/AD3_Collapsed_Filtered_Isoform_Counts.abundance.txt"
> GFF_AD3 <- "C:/R_Package_for_IsoSeq/IsoPops/IsoPops_Data/AD3-collapse_isoforms.gff"
> rawDB <- compile_raw_db(transcript_AD3, abundance_AD3, GFF_AD3)
[1] "Loading sequences..."
Error in system(command = paste("head -n1 ", filename, step = ""), intern = T) :
'head' not found

Error in: Could not find a root 'DESCRIPTION' file that starts with '^Package'

I'm developing a shinyapp with golem. From my computer everything works perfectly, but then I loaded the package on github and installed on another computer. The app has two main parts: the first where you can process raw data and save the output as a .rds file, and the second where you can analyze the elaborated data (you can also upload a .rds file already processed). The problem is in the first part and when I have to read multiple files. It gives me this error:
Error in: Could not find a root 'DESCRIPTION' file that starts with '^Package' in 'C:\Users\Della Rocca\Documents'.
Are you in your project directory, and does your project have a 'DESCRIPTION' file?
I can copy the server part where the problem appears:
# this makes the directory at the base of your computer.
volumes = c(Home = fs::path_home(), shinyFiles::getVolumes()())
####select the data folder where to read data
shinyFiles::shinyDirChoose(input, 'datafolder', roots = volumes, session = session)
data_path = reactive({
if(length(input$datafolder) != 1 ) {
stepb = eventReactive(input$readdatabttn,{
req(data_path(), targets(), analysis())
stepa = list(targets = targets(), analysis = analysis())
withProgress(message = "Reading data...", value=0, {
#external function that takes the path and reads multiple .txt files catching names from the target_file (a .xlsx file)
read_advise_lipidomics(out = stepa, datapath = data_path(), target_file = stepa$targets$targetfile_lipidomics)
data_path() it's ok because it has the correct path. The problem is when I trigger the eventReactive() with the button input$readdatabttn.
Do you know what is that error? I have the description file and running devtools::check() I have no errors and just a warning:
> checking Rd \usage sections ... WARNING
Undocumented arguments in documentation object 'calibplot_advise_lipidomics'
Undocumented arguments in documentation object 'create_beautiful_radarchart'
'vlabels' 'title' '...'
Undocumented arguments in documentation object 'na_advise_lipidomics'
'na_filter_lip' 'na_filter_sam' 'imputation_met' 'imputation_val'
Undocumented arguments in documentation object 'read_advise_lipidomics'
Undocumented arguments in documentation object 'recovery_advise_lipidomics'
Functions with \usage entries need to have the appropriate \alias
entries, and all their arguments documented.
The \usage entries must correspond to syntactically valid R code.
See chapter 'Writing R documentation files' in the 'Writing R
Extensions' manual.
I solved. The problem was that in the code I take the package version and save it in a variable. I used the function golem::get_golem_version() and this function works only in my dev project directory, in every other project (even on the same computer) doesn't work. For now I write by myself the version, but I would like to automate it.
I used packageVersion() with my package name inside and for now it works.

How to eliminate security concern while accessing to the file through program in R in Windows?

While accessing to CSV file from disk with the help of the R program, where a path to the CSV file is provided in the configuration file ( A path is like "testData/Amazon S3/Inventory/Accounts.csv" which is provided in the Configuration file and cfig[2]$save.location is variable who is having value of this path accessed from Configuration file). Few lines of code are below
path <- cfig[2]$save.location
test_data <- fread(path,stringsAsFactors = FALSE,drop=col_ignor,blank.lines.skip = TRUE)
but it gave the message below:
Taking input= as a system command ('testData/Amazon
S3/Inventory/Accounts.csv') and a variable has been used in the
expression passed to input=. Please use fread(cmd=...). There is a
security concern if you are creating an app and the app could have a
malicious user and the app is not running in a secure environment;
e.g. the app is running as root. Please read item 5 in the NEWS file
for v1.11.6 for more information and for the option to suppress this
'testData' is not recognized as an internal or external
command, operable program or batch file. Warning messages:
1: In (if
(.Platform$OS.type == "unix") system else shell)(paste0("(", :
'(testData/Amazon S3/Inventory/Accounts.csv) >
execution failed with error code 1.
2: In fread(cfig[2]$save.location,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE, drop = col_ignor, : File
'C:\Users\sharmb5\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpOa25kH\filea78b5351f1' has
size 0. Returning a NULL data.table.
when the following line of code executes,
config[4]$save.location <- stri_replace_all(config[4]$save.location, cp_val, fixed = cp_key)
It gives an error like as, Error in [<*tmp*, j, value = list(TestCaseID = "C419760", : Supplied 14 columns to be assigned 15 items. Please see NEWS for v1.12.2.
The above error was a warning but after manually updating of packages. This warning turns into an error. What will be the reason behind this issue and how to solve it? Thanks for Advance!!!

Error in file(con, "w") : cannot open the connection [Using R-Studio to plot interactive bar graphs using rCharts, knitr]

I am getting an error when I am trying to run the code below in R-Studio 3.3.2 on a Mac (OS Sierra)
haireye <-
n1 <- nPlot(Freq ~ Hair, group = 'Eye', type = 'multiBarChart',
data = subset(haireye, Sex == 'Male')
n1$save('fig/n1.html', cdn = TRUE)
cat('<iframe src="fig/n1.html" width= 100%, height=600</iframe>')
Pls see output below:
Error in file(con, "w") : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning message: In file(con, "w") : cannot open file 'fig/n1.html': No such file or directory
But I am able to generate the reqd bar graph in the viewer when I use:
n1$show(cdn = TRUE)
in lieu of n1$save('fig/n1.html', cdn = TRUE)
To take care of write permission issues (if any), I also tried including the line below, altering the WD path wherever necessary.
But it did not help. I see the n1.html file created but it only opens an empty browser.
Any help to resolve this is appreciated.
A lot of times we face this error due to caching in RStudio and in that case, actual code errors don't show up. Restart RStudio and this error will be gone and actual code errors would show.
You have two separate problems.
The connection error appears because the fig/ folder does not exist. Create the folder and the save command will work. R has functions to check the existance of directories and create new ones if you would like to do it in your code.
The second problem comes from the way you save, you should use n1$save('fig/n1.html', standalone = TRUE). Here you have a similar situation.
As a side-note, I would say rCharts is not currently developed or mantained at all, so I would recommend you to use another library for your charts. In my opinion Plotly is quite nice. rCharts brought the NVD3 project to R and the chart style is in my opinion really nice. However, as far as I know both projects are stopped so I would look for a library that is still alive.
I have fixed this problem with good old rm(list=ls()) . I know I have
fallen into sequences where the error stops execution of my script. I fix the error, and then it won't run. This is likely due to lazy evaluation but it is a near impossible problem to diagnose, so the solution at the top works almost all the time.

In R, after installed a package,' pixmap', Error in file(file, open = "rb") : cannot open the connection

I'm learning R programming, using the book, "The Art of R Programming".
In chapter 3.2.3 Extended Example: Image Manipulation. The author Matloff tries to use a Mount Rushmore gray-scale image to illustrate that the image is stored in matrix. He used a library called pixmap. And I downloaded the package, installed it.
> library(pixmap)
> mtrush1 <- read.pnm("mtrush1.pgm")
> mtrush1
Pixmap image
Type : pixmapGrey
Size : 194x259
Resolution : 1x1
Bounding box : 0 0 259 194
> plot(mtrush1)
This is what the book has written, and I tried to run this, but got the error message,
> library(pixmap)
> mtrush1 <- read.pnm("mtrush1.pgm")
Error in file(file, open = "rb") : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning message:
In file(file, open = "rb") :
cannot open file 'mtrush1.pgm': No such file or directory
starting httpd help server ... done
What does this mean? cannot open the connection? And also the mtrush1.pgm does not exist? How should I fix it here? Any help? Much appreciated.
Add the argument cellres=1 to your function call and you should be fine.
The second error you saw--Warning message: In rep(cellres, length = 2) : 'x' is NULL so the result will be NULL--is because you haven't set the cellres argument and, as a result, "cellres" assumes its default value (i.e. 'NULL'--hence the warning). For what you're working on, setting the cellres argument to 1 will do the trick (though you can pass in a two-element vector with unequal values and see just how it affects your figure by plotting the resulting object).
Note: Though it's a little late to be answering, I figure that since I had the same problem earlier today (and since Google was no help) a response was probably warranted.
This means that the file mtrush1.pgm is not in current directory. You should either setwd to the directory that contains this file, or specify the complete path in read.pnm.
For the file mtrush1.pgm, you can download it from
The file mtrush1.pgm and the R scripts from the book "The Art Of R Programming" can be found at this GitHub site.
