WebApplication Architecture - Advice on keeping HTTPContext in the Presentation layer - asp.net

The majority of the Application Architecture advice seems to advise strongly that only Presentation Layer should have access to HTTPContext (to promote loose coupling, decrease dependencies, increase testability etc).
So, how do people deal with Caching and Session? Very specific DataAccess and Business Logic knowledge is required to determine what items need caching to best benefit application performance. However, and an ASP.Net web application, access to these is provided via the HTTPContext.
One option would be to create a CacheFactory and a SessionFactory, and an ICache and ISession interface - and then somehow use DI principle to pass and ISession and ICache to each method in the BLL and subsequently DA Layer that needs it.
Is this really what developers end up doing? Is there another, easier, way to deal with this?
Thanks for any advice.

Personally, if I'm developing for ASP.NET (web) only, and I know the class libraries are only going to target the web, I have no issues referencing System.Web or any other assembly as needed. Sometimes practicality should come first.
On the other hand if you know, or are unsure if the BLL, DAL or other layers may be reused in a client-server or other environment, you may need to look at using a more flexible approach such as a session handler interface, etc.
The main thing is you clearly understand what best practice recommends. At that point you can make rational decisions about what should apply to each project or situation. It won't always fit like a glove.

In my experience caching is done ata certain layer - and what you're caching applies within the scope of that layer, so:
You might cache data in the DAL so that the DAL returns it from memory and not by hitting the DB again; so here we're caching "raw" data at the data level.
The BL might cache similar data (say POCO's) - in other words "logical" data that has had BL applied to it; so here we're caching BL data in the BL level.
Your UI might cache (you guessed it) information that is built at the UI layer - liek a presentation of data as a webpage, XML, etc.
When you look at caching, as the architect / designer of the system you'll make decisions about what things are worth caching, generally this will be driven by a need to balance:
Performance needs to hit a specific target.
What time (and cost) options you have.
Assuming we're caching to increase performance, you'll want to analyse your system and identify the bottlenecks that need to be removed or avoided - the first pass of this analysis should at least identify which layer to focus on first.
Another thing to consider is that the more you can cache closer to the consumer - the less overall processing there is that needs to occur; in otherwords, if you can cache at the UI layer then the BL and DAL layers won't even get a look-in (you won't need to add caching there).
At this point I want to ask you what exactly it is that you're trying to achieve.
While everything I've said is true (as far as I am aware) it's all based on the assumption that we're delivering "vertical" slices of the systems functionality (like "creating an invoice", "adding a product" etc); there's another model you can apply - the cross-cutting concerns model.
Think about something like logging - every part of you system (UI / BL / DAL) should be able to log system events; my favourite tool for this is the MS Enterprise Libraries (MSEntLibs). When I work with them I consider them to be a "black-box" - a self contained unit. I (by choice) have no idea how they are architected - the thing that is important is that they are isolated and have dependencies which are relativly easy to manage.
The MSEntLibs can log to a database, but if I call an MSEntLibs logging method (to log to the DB) direct from my UI (and skipping over my BL) I don't care.
So depending on what you're trying to do the right anmswer will either be:
Simply identifying what needs to be cached at letting the appropriate layer handle it.
You don't need to try using DI to pass stuff to you BL at all - a cross-cutting black-box component might be appropriate?


Should I cache instances of frequently accessed classes

New to .net and was wondering if there is a performance gain to keeping an instance of, for example a DAL object in scope?
Coming from the Coldfusion world I would instanciate a component and store it in the application scope so that every time my code needed to use that component it would not have to be instanciated over and over again effecting performance.
Is there any benefit to doing this in ASP.Net apps?
Unless you are actually experiencing a performance problem, than you need not worry yourself with optimizations like this.
Solve the business problems first, and use good design. As long as you have a decent abstraction layer for your data access code, then you can always implement a caching solution later down the road if it becomes a problem.
Remember that any caching solution increases complexity dramatically.
NO. In the multi-tier world of .asp this would be considered a case of "premature optimization". Once a sites suite of stubs, scripts and programs has scaled up and been running for a few months then you can look at logs and traces to see what might be cached, spawned or rewritten to improve performance. And as the infamous Jeff Atwood says "Most code optimizations for web servers will benifit from money being spent on new and improved hardware rather than tweaking code for hours and hours"
Yes indeed you can and probably should. Oftentimes the storage for this is in the Session; you store data that you want for the user.
If it's a global thing, you may load it in the Application_Start event and place it somewhere, possibly the HttpCache.
And just a note, some people use "Premature Optimisation" to avoid optimising at all; this is nonsense. It is reasonable to cache in this case.
It is very important to do the cost benefit analysis before caching any object, one must consider all the factors like
Performance advantage
Frequency of use
Time available for delivery (one of the most important factor)
Finally, it is always useful to cache object which are very costly to create or you are using very frequently i.e. Tables's Data (From DB) or xml data
Does the class you are considering this for have state? If not, (and DAL classes often do not have state, or do not need state), then you should make it's methods static, and then you don't need to instantiate it at all. If the only state it holds is a connection string, you can also make that property field a static property field, and avoid the requirement of instantiating it that way.
Otherwise, take a look at the design pattern called Flyweight

Should a web site's business layer access the session state?

I am working on maintaining an ASP.NET website, and I've noticed the business layer and other supporting libraries make heavy use of HttpContext.Current.Session. This makes it hard to keep track of session variables, to determine what they're used for and why they even exist.
Is it considered bad practice to use the session in the business layer? And would it be wise to start moving all code that uses the session into the code-behind?
It's almost never a good idea. There's lots of reasons, but here's a couple:
you'll never be able to use business layer code in anything other than ASP.NET
Unit Testing becomes much more of a pain or even impossible.
We ran into huge headaches with this exact same situation when we started to build services that utilized common business layer code.
I follow this rule - any class in System.Web namespace (javax.servlet package in Java) should not be present in your business layer.
Yes - the BL should not have any knowledge about the Session. Its a dependency that you don't need.
make a class that is an indirection, in which case on the web it may return values from HttpContext.Current.Session, and in other areas would resolve that from somewhere else. IE have an interface ISessionStore and have concrete classes WebSessionStore and WindowsFormsSessionStore, etc.
this will make your code easier to test and also gives you expansion paths when say, you now want x business logic to run in a windows service where it can run x piece of code every y minutes.
In my opinion it is bad practice.
It makes it pretty hard to dissociate that business layer from the environment. If you expect to unit test the thing for example, you're out of luck.
One way to take care of that simply would be to insulate this into an abstraction for now, so that you can pass a "state cache" around and not refer to HttpContext. That will take you at least to some degree of abstraction.
Another more interesting question is, why does the business layer need to refer to that?
its always better to have a centralized Cache/Session manager which encapsulates the complete interaction with session/cache or whatever persistence method you use. having your BL to interact with sessions is definitely a very bad practice and in a way defeats the purpose of the tiered architecture altogether.

Architecture for Satellite Parts of a Larger Application

I work for a firm that provides certain types of financial consulting services in most states in the US. We currently have a fairly straightforward CRUD application that manages clients and information about assets and services we perform for each. It only concerns itself with the fundamental data points and processes that are common to all locations--the least common denominator.
Now we want to implement support for tracking disparate data points and processes that vary from state to state while preserving the core nationally-oriented system. Like this:
(source: flickr.com)
The stack I'm working with is ASP.Net and SQL Server 2008. The national application is a fairly straightforward web forms thing. Its data access layer is a repository wrapper around LINQ to SQL entities and datacontext. There is little business logic beyond CRUD operations currently, but there would be more as the complexities of each state were introduced.
So, how to impelement the satellite pieces...
Just start glomming on the functionality and pursue a big ball of mud
Build a series of satellite apps that re-use the data-access layer but are otherwise stand-alone
Invest (money and/or time) in a rules engine (a la Windows Workflow) and isolate the unique bits for each state as separate rule-sets
Invest (time) in a plugin framework a la MEF and implement each state's functionality as a plugin
Something else
The ideal user experience would appear as a single application that seamlessly adapts its presentation and processes to whatever location the user is working with. This is particularly useful because some users work with assets in multiple states. So there is a strike against number two.
I have no experience with MEF or WF so my question in large part is whether or not mine is even the type of problem either is intended to address. They both kinda sound like it based on the hype, but could turn out to be a square peg for a round hole.
In all cases each state introduces new data points, not just new processes, so I would imagine the data access layer would grow to accommodate the addition of new tables and columns, but I'm all for alternatives to that as well.
Edit: I tried to think of some examples I could share. One might be that in one state we submit certain legal filings involving client assets. The filing has attributes and workflow that are different from other states that may require similar filings, and the assets involved may have quite different attributes. Other states may not have comparable filings at all, still others may have a series of escalating filings that require knowledge of additional related entities unique to that state.
Start with the Strategy design pattern, which basically allows you outline a "placeholder", to be replaced by concrete classes at runtime.
You'll have to sketch out a clear interface between the core app and the "plugins", and you have each strategy implement that. Then, at runtime, when you know which state the user is working on, you can instantiate the appropriate state strategy class (perhaps using a factory method), and call the generic methods on that, e.g. something like
IStateStrategy stateStrategy = StateSelector.GetStateStrategy("TX"); //State id from db, of course...
Of course, each of these strategies should use the existing data layer, etc.
The (apparent) downside with this solution, is just that you'll be hardcoding the rules for each state, and you cannot transparently add new rules (or new states) without changing the code. Don't be fooled, that's not a bad thing - your business logic should be implemented in code, even if its dependent on runtime data.
Just a thought: whatever you do, completely code 3 states first (with 2 you're still tempted to repeat identical code, with more it's too time-consuming if you decide to change the design).
I must admit I'm completely ignorant about rules or WF. But wouldn't it be possible to just have one big stupid ASP.Net include file with instructions for states separated from main logic without any additional language/program?
Edit: Or is it just the fact that each state has quote a lot a completely different functionality, not just some bits?

AJAX webservices - extensions of web or biz layer?

My question is possibly a subtle one:
Web services - are they extensions of the presentation/web layer? ..or are they extensions of the biz/data layer?
That may seem like a dumb question. Web services are an extension of the web tier. I'm not so sure though. I'm building a pretty standard webform with some AJAX-y features, and it seems to me I could build the web services in one of two ways:
they could retrieve data for me (biz/data layer extension).
example: GetUserData(userEmail)
where the web form has javascript on it that knows how to consume the user data and make changes to markup
they could return completely rendered user controls (html; extension of web layer)
example: RenderUserProfileControl(userEmail)
where the web form has simple/dumb js that only copies and pastes the web service html in to the form
I could see it working in either scenario, but I'm interested in different points of view... Thoughts?
In my mind, a web service has 2 characteristics:
it exposes data to external sources, i.e. other sources than the application they reside within. In this sense I agree with #Pete in that you're not really designing a web service; you're designing a helper class that responds to requests in a web-service-like fashion. A semantic distinction, perhaps, but one that's proved useful to me.
it returns data (and only data) in a format that is reusable by multiple consumers. For me this is the answer to your "why not #2" question - if you return web-control-like structures then you limit the usefulness of the web service to other potential callers. They must present the data the way you're returning it, and can't choose to represent it in another way, which minimises the usefulness (and re-usefulness) of the service as a whole.
All of that said, if what you really are looking at is a helper class that responds like a web-service and you only ever intend to use it in this one use case then you can do whatever you like, and your case #2 will work. From my perspective, though, it breaks the separation of responsibilities; you're combining data-access and rendering functions in the same class. I suspect that even if you don't care about MVC patterns option #2 will make your classes harder to maintain, and you're certainly limiting their future usefulness to you; if you ever wanted to access the same data but render it differently you'd need to refactor.
I would say definitely not #2, but #1 is valid.
I also think (and this is opinion) that web services as a data access layer is not ideal. The service has to have a little bit more value (in general - I am sure there are notable exceptions to this).
Even in scenario 1, this service is presenting the data that is available in the data layer, and is not part of the data layer itself, it's just that it's presenting data in a different format than a UI format (ie. JSON, xml etc.)
Regards which scenario I would use, I would go for scenario #1 as that service is reusable in other web forms and other scenarios.
While #1 (def. not #2) is generally the correct approach (expose just the data needed to the view layer and have all markup handled there), be careful with the web portion of the service in your design.
Data should only be exposed as a web service (SOAP/WSDL, REST) if it is meant to be consumed remotely (some SOA architects may argue this, but I think that is out of scope for this question), otherwise you are likely doing too much, and over-designing your request and response format. Use what makes sense for your application - an Ajax framework that facilitates client/server communication and abstracts the underlying format of communication can be a big help. The important thing is to nicely encapsulate the code that retrieves the data you want (you can call it a service, but likely it will just be a nicely written helper class) so it can be re-used, and then expose this data in whatever way makes the most sense for the given application.

What are the downsides to static methods?

What are the downsides to using static methods in a web site business layer versus instantiating a class and then calling a method on the class? What are the performance hits either way?
The performance differences will be negligible.
The downside of using a static method is that it becomes less testable. When dependencies are expressed in static method calls, you can't replace those dependencies with mocks/stubs. If all dependencies are expressed as interfaces, where the implementation is passed into the component, then you can use a mock/stub version of the component for unit tests, and then the real implementation (possibly hooked up with an IoC container) for the real deployment.
Jon Skeet is right--the performance difference would be insignificant...
Having said that, if you are building an enterprise application, I would suggest using the traditional tiered approach espoused by Microsoft and a number of other software companies. Let me briefly explain:
I'm going to use ASP.NET because I'm most familiar with it, but this should easily translate into any other technology you may be using.
The presentation layer of your application would be comprised of ASP.NET aspx pages for display and ASP.NET code-behinds for "process control." This is a fancy way of talking about what happens when I click submit. Do I go to another page? Is there validation? Do I need to save information to the database? Where do I go after that?
The process control is the liaison between the presentation layer and the business layer. This layer is broken up into two pieces (and this is where your question comes in). The most flexible way of building this layer is to have a set of business logic classes (e.g., PaymentProcessing, CustomerManagement, etc.) that have methods like ProcessPayment, DeleteCustomer, CreateAccount, etc. These would be static methods.
When the above methods get called from the process control layer, they would handle all the instantiation of business objects (e.g., Customer, Invoice, Payment, etc.) and apply the appropriate business rules.
Your business objects are what would handle all the database interaction with your data layer. That is, they know how to save the data they contain...this is similar to the MVC pattern.
So--what's the benefit of this? Well, you still get testability at multiple levels. You can test your UI, you can test the business process (by calling the business logic classes with the appropriate data), and you can test the business objects (by manually instantiating them and testing their methods. You also know that if your data model or objects change, your UI won't be impacted, and only your business logic classes will have to change. Also, if the business logic changes, you can change those classes without impacting the objects.
Hope this helps a bit.
Performance wise, using static methods avoids the overhead of object creation/destruction. This is usually non significant.
They should be used only where the action the method takes is not related to state, for instance, for factory methods. It'd make no sense to create an object instance just to instantiate another object instance :-)
String.Format(), the TryParse() and Parse() methods are all good examples of when a static method makes sense. They perform always the same thing, do not need state and are fairly common so instancing makes less sense.
On the other hand, using them when it does not make sense (for example, having to pass all the state into the method, say, with 10 arguments), makes everything more complicated, less maintainable, less readable and less testable as Jon says. I think it's not relevant if this is about business layer or anywhere else in the code, only use them sparingly and when the situation justifies them.
If the method uses static data, this will actually be shared amongst all users of your web application.
Code-only, no real problems beyond the usual issues with static methods in all systems.
Testability: static dependencies are less testable
Threading: you can have concurrency problems
Design: static variables are like global variables
