Qt - QImage is there a method to paste Qimage into another Qimage? - qt

I am looking for a way to simply paste some Qimage into bigger one, starting with some given (x,y). Now, I am copying pixel by pixel all Qimage.

QImage srcImage = QImage(100, 100);
QImage destImage = QImage(200, 200);
QPoint destPos = QPoint(25, 25); // The location to draw the source image within the dest
QPainter painter(&destImage);
painter.drawImage(destPos, srcImage);

Yes, use a QPainter to paint into a QPaintDevice, QImage is a QPaintDevice, so it works.


Use QPixmap instead of QImage?

I have an application where I copy some raw image data into a QImage directly:
QImage* img = new QImage(desc.Width, desc.Height, QImage::Format_RGB32);
for (y = 0; y < img->height(); y++)
memcpy(img->scanLine(y), &rawData[y * pRes->RowPitch], pRes->RowPitch);
return img;
Later this QImage is drawn via a call
Unfortunately drawPixmap() cannot handle a QImage directly, so it first has to be converted:
m_bgImage = new QPixmap();
Due to timing reasons I would like to drop this additional conversion step.
Thus my question: are there any function in QPixmap that allow direct image data manipulation right as in QImage?
My idea would be to start with a QPixmap from the very beginning, copy the raw image data into the QPixmap object and then use it directly.
Thanks :-)
First of all you won't need that loop to create the QImage. You can:
QImage* img = new QImage(&rawData, desc.Width, desc.Height, pRes->RowPitch * 4, QImage::Format_RGB32);
Then you can
If there is any specific reason to use QPixmap (like QPixmap caching) you will have no other choice than convert it to QPixmap first.

How to copy the one QImage into another QImage?

How to copy one QImage into another QImage?
I do not want to change the size of image
QImage src=function_name();
QImage dst;
You can use the QImage::copy() function. For example:
QImage src = function_name();
QImage dst = src.copy();

Optimizing QPainter drawing & Converting QVideoFrame straight to QPixMap

Some background info about my issue. My goal is to optimize drawing of images coming from webcam, the images come as QVideoFrame and are currently loaded in to QImage and drawn from there. This solution works fine, but drawing QImage is very slow on X11. Drawing one image takes about 20ms which doesn't sound like much but when you do this for every frame this cut's the framerate of the camerafeed to half.
I did some research and testing, drawing QPixMaps in X11 can be done about 10 times faster than drawing QImages.
This is how the drawing process is done currently
QImage image(mVFcurrentFrame.bits(), mVFcurrentFrame.width(), mVFcurrentFrame.height(), mVFcurrentFrame.bytesPerLine(), imageFormat);
painter->drawImage(0,0,image); //Takes about 20ms
What i have tried so far:
Converting the QImage to QPixMap, this works but the conversion is as slow as painting the Qimage
Loading the QVideoFrame straight to QPixMap with QPixMap::loadFromData(), can't make it work.
So my question is, can i convert QVideoFrame straight to QPixMap and draw it instead of using QImage and how would you do the QVideoFrame to QPixmap conversion without using QImage in between?
I have tried using QPixMap::loadFromData() method to load the video frame but so far i have been unable to make it work.
If this isn't possible could i thread the QImage to QPixMap conversion or optimize the drawing in some other way?
This is my problem too.
camera frames are shown very slowly in QLabel.
my code is here:
QCamera *camera = new QCamera(this);
QVideoProbe *videoProbe = new QVideoProbe(this);
bool ret = videoProbe->setSource(camera);
if (ret) {
connect(videoProbe, SIGNAL(videoFrameProbed(const QVideoFrame &)),
this, SLOT(present(const QVideoFrame &)));
bool MainWindow::present(const QVideoFrame &frame)
QVideoFrame cloneFrame(frame);
QImage img(
cloneFrame.size(), QImage::Format_ARGB32);
(quint32 *)img.bits(),
return true;

Passing image to QPixMap not as path in QT

Is there a way to pass an image as a name not as a path to Qpixmap in QT(C++),, for example i have the following code in which the processed image should be displayed using Qpixmap label but when i tried that i have to save it and then to pass it to Qpixmap to be displayed,,, but it's not an efficient way so could anybody help me please i'm new to Qt and have no experience..
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_3_clicked()
cv::Mat hsv_img, seg_img,infected_area, hsv_infected,seg_input,hsv_seg;
Mat filter_img,hsv;
cv::Mat input_image = imread(this->file_name.toAscii().data());
cvtColor(filter_img, hsv, CV_BGR2HSV);
hsvSeg(filter_img,hsv, hsv_img, seg_img,14.0,0.0,117.0,255.0,133.0,179.0);//call hsv segmentation function to segment leaf
cvtColor(seg_img, hsv_seg, CV_BGR2HSV);
hsvSeg(seg_img,hsv_seg, hsv_infected, infected_area,0.09*255,0.01*255,0.1*255,0.14*255,1.0*255,1.0*255);//call hsv segmentation to segment infected areas
imwrite( "C:/Image.jpg", filter_img );
this->ui->ImageView_2->setPixmap(QPixmap("C:/Image.jpg"));// here the problem
Try this:
cvtColor(mat, mat, CV_BGR2RGB);
QImage qimg((uchar*)mat.data, mat.cols, mat.rows, mat.step, QImage::Format_RGB888);

QT: Resizing a QImage with scaled

Trying to resize an image:
size_t targetWidth = funnyImage.get_width();
size_t targetHeight = funnyImage.get_height();
QString inputWidth = 400;
QString inputHeight = 900;
QImage *jpgImage = new QImage(targetWidth, targetHeight, QImage::Format_RGB32);
QImage small = jpgImage->scaled(inputWidth, inputHeight,Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
I get this error:
cpp:125: error: no matching function for call to 'QImage::scaled(QString&, QString&, Qt::AspectRatioMode)'
QImage small = jpgImage->scaled(inputWidth.toUInt(), inputHeight.toUint,Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
Posting it here, because the wonderful reflection made me think.
QImage small = jpgImage->scaled( inputWidth.toUInt(), inputHeight.toUInt(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
Found this question when needing to scaling my window using Qt5.
QImage small = jpgImage->scaled(size());
works so much better than the proposed solution, as size() takes only in account the usable area. On the contrary, using height() and width() seems to not take into account the pixels used in the border/menu area.
