How to upload files without using FileUpload control -

I want to open file dialog on click of a button in without using file upload control. Is there a way to do this?

You could use HTML directly if you don't like server controls: <input type="file" name="foo" />

The only way to open a browse dialog (short of using from client side plugin, such as a Java Applet) is to use the file type input:
<input type="file" name="somename" />
This is what the FileUpload control renders.
If you don't want to use that control, you can just use the direct HTML element.
Each browser will render this slightly differently though.


HTML File Upload in ASP.NET: HttpPostedFile Attributes Are Empty

In my ASP.NET web form, I'm trying to customize my File Upload panel. What I do is simply put an HTML input button and a textbox. And there's a hidden HTML file upload control. When user clicks on the button, file select window appears, when user selects the file, the value is written to the visible textbox.
It's all good so far. But I'm having a problem while trying to attach the selected file to email in code page.
Here's the HTML markup:
<asp:ImageButton ID="clickme" runat="server" ImageUrl="Images/browse.png" OnClientClick="$('#uploadme').click(); return false;" />
<input id="uploadme" name="uploadme" type="file" style="visibility: hidden;" onchange="CopyMe(this, 'txtFileName');" />
<input id="txtFileName" type="text" name="txtFileName" readonly="readonly" class="file-path" />
And the JS (I use this in order to copy the file name only and write it into txtFileName just to show to user):
<script type="text/javascript">
function CopyMe(oFileInput, sTargetID) {
var arrTemp = oFileInput.value.split('\\');
document.getElementById(sTargetID).value = arrTemp[arrTemp.length - 1];
And the CSS:
input[type=file] { width: 1px; }
I'm using the below code in my .cs file to get the file attributes:
HttpPostedFile file = Request.Files["uploadme"]
But I kept on getting null value. So after some research, I've learnt that my form has to use enctype="multipart/form-data" property. Since my .aspx file is under a master page file, I added this property to the form in my master page file. Now Request.Files["uploadme"] is not null but its file name is empty string and its ContentLength is 0.
I'm unable to understand what might be the source to this issue. If it's because of using Master Page's form, I can't add a form to my child page because it says a page can have only 1 form. I don't know if I could use JavaScript for uploading because I need to email the file after uploading so I don't know how to get the file after I upload via JS.
How can I solve this problem? It could be one way or another, all I need is a stylized upload panel and to e-mail file after uploading.
You're using a master page and I'm presuming that you are using .net 2.0 or greater. If that's the case, use a FileUpload control (you can still hide it using CSS). Using the FileUpload control means you won't need the enctype attribute (although you shouldn't generate any problems having it there).
This all being said, I don't believe to you copy values into file type fields and have documents upload. This would be a MAJOR security flaw as a website could potentially upload files from your machine without your knowledge.

input types on server side controls

I'm using to build an ipad webapp. I know that using input type="email" will cause the keyboard layout on the ipad to change to handle email input more easily than the default. The problem is I'm using a server side text box control. Does anyone know how to make a server side control do this?
textBox.Attributes.Add("type", "email")
or write it out like this in your aspx
<input type="email" id="emailTextBox" name="emailTextBox" runat="server" />

File upload using HTML file type

I want to upload a file on my aspx page.
I am using
<form id="frmId" method="post" enctype="Multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" id="file1"/>
<input type="submit" id="btnsubmit"/>
and in code behind I am trying to get this file. Its not letting me to get the file until I use server side input file control. I don't want to use runat="server" attribute with my file control.
Do anyone know how to do this.
Have you tried the Request.Files collection?
You can not access control on server side code with out runat="server" attribute.

How to upload a file using without posting the whole page back?

I want to upload a file using so I do not want to post back the page while uploading . How can I do that and is there any way to do it using Ajax .
Make the file upload form target a hidden iframe.
<iframe name="UploadTarget" style="display:none"></iframe>
<form target="UploadTarget" action="postfile" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="MyFile">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Send me a file">
The final trick is to add to your response page:
<script type="text/javascript">parent.somecallbackfunction("Here is some data")</script>
To let your parent page ( the one containing the hidden iframe) know that the the file upload has completed.
An iframe can be placed on your page and can contain an input element, type=file. You can manipulate and submit the iframe form via javascript. You can hide the iframe by setting its CSS style to display:none. This is generally known as the hidden iframe method.
Use something proven like SWFUpload and save yourself the time of writing your own client code.

Handling elements generated by Javascript in Asp.Net

I have several elements in my web page generated by JavaScript.
Here's an example of such content:
<input id="uploadfile01" type="file" onchange="change(1);" />
<input id="uploadfile02" type="file" onchange="change(2);" />
My question is:
How can I interact with these elements in the server side, ( after a post?
(Since the elements were dynamically generated they do not exist in the original page)
I dont think that would be possible.....if i am not mistaken you want to give the option to attach multiple files. i think it would be better to place a set number of fileupload controls and set there display to none and you can use javascript to show them.
i know that this is not what you are looking for but after a postback the controls will be lost and even if they are added again they will lose there contents.(had you been generating them through code behind)
