Can't debug ASP.NET application stored in IIS -

I have a question regarding IIS (version 7.5) and ASP.NET (.NET Framework 4) . I am trying to debug ASP.NET web application which is stored on IIS. Now, I have done this in past and everytime it worked perfectly.
But now when I try to do same, **Visual Studio 2010** always gives me error, **"unable to start debugging on the web server. the iis worker process for the launched URL is not currently running" ...** even the application I had created in past (& stored in IIS) can't debug using Visual Studio. But all applications (new & old) can be accessed if I type their path in Browser, and they work fine too.
I did search on internet about my problem and I found many posts, but almost every post talks about activating **Windows Authentication** in IIS for the application in question. But, I am using Windows 7 home premium and the IIS shipped with this version doesn't support option for Windows Authentication. Also, if this is the only reason then why my old applications were working just fine till now without this Authentication method?? I found MSDN help about this error but it is not much helpful to me. I also checked APPLICATION POOL selection in IIS and my Application (both are using V.4.XX.XXX)... I have also checked **BINDING** , which is *:80 to Default Website, that means all requests to port 80 will be directed to default website (where my all applications reside)
As a side note, I have SharePoint Server 2010 installed. Which has its own website (which I have disabled while debugging) ...
I think there is something is changed in my IIS configuration, but I cant figure out what it is. And I am sure that it has something to do with SharePoint installation (may be because of more than one website on IIS for same port ??). Because I am using IIS for first time after installing SharePoint and I am having this error.
I will really appreciate if any one has answer ...

UPDATE: As I suspected ... having more than one site in IIS was root cause of trouble, Once I uninstalled Sharepoint Server 2010 and its web sites from IIS, my Visual Studio 2010 debugger was able to "Auto-Attach" w3wp.exe process while debugging any application ... ( I really don't see any reason that even after disabling all other websites why still it was giving me error at first place ?? )
I know its not a solution, because I have to remove Sharepoint Server ... but at present its more important for me to work on that application then Sharepoint Server.
But I am still open for any suggestions which might help me to run both together ....

Check the Bug fix for this issue in the Microsoft's Connect site.
Is it with .NET 3.5 in Visual Studio 2010 , if yes , then check for information


Local Host redirected you too many times Issue with IIS

I am working on bringing a working web application onto a new computer running Visual Studio 2022 version 17.4.2 and .NET Framework 4.7.2. When running on local IIS (version 10.0) host there is a "local host redirected you too many times" issue. It suggests clearing cookies which has been done with no effect.
The same code works on other machines with no issues. Is there anything in IIS set up/configuration or that may be missing from Visual Studio or other installations? Thanks in advance.
So far we have tried debugging the code and including breakpoints for where the issue may be occurring, ensuring that the installations of windows feature and IIS management is the same as another where the program is working. Also created a .txt file that can be reached on local host and is in same location as the rest of the project.
Here are a few things you can try:
Try on another machine.
Try to remove as much rules as possible from web.config and keys and so on. Or if it's a single page you're having the error with try to remove as much code from it especially if there are redirect codes. And add breakpoints and debug.
Check the LOCAL application pool version if it's set same as the online .net framework version.

Problems publishing site to localhost on windows 2008 rs server

I must preface this post by saying that I am not an experienced developer, I am in the process of learning through trial and error and a lot of google searches so detailed (step-by-step) feedback would be greatly appreciated. I created a website, which does not use a database, using visual studio 2015 and I am attempting to host it locally on a Windows 2008 R2 server.
I installed IIS and loaded the v4.0 framework. The site works fine, produces no errors when I test it and works after being published only if the visual studio is still running.
However, when I close the Visual studio and open my browser window to http://localhost:50044 (which is the URL listed in properties menu in VS), I also tried using port :80 and nothing. When trying to add Web Site via the IIS management utility I receive the following authentication error: ”Cannot verify access path (C:\Inetpub\wwwroot).”
I checked the permissions and windows authentication is enabled with read access, and all other permissions seem to be correct. I am at a loss, I'm sure it is probably something simple that I am missing due to my lack of knowledge and experience. Any help would be appreciated.
It's sounds like you are running on IIS express which in your case stops running when you close visual studio. Normal process is create a new website in IIS and point to the folder where your web.config is. You can then hack your host file (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc) so DNS works. Add an entry like "". I hope that helps
So I figured out part of what was happening. I didn't realize that visual studio has built in IIS and was using that by default.
I ran VS as an admin, created a new project, then attempted to create a virtual directory thru VS under the project/properties/web tab. I selected local IIS and entered http://localhost/boc and it returns an error: unable to create vd. Web server http://localhost... Could not be found.
I then went in to the IIS manager and set up a virtual directory with no issues. However, when I attempt to reference it thru VS I again receive an error message.
Any ideas?

Visual Studio 2010 displays IIS 7 page on debug instead of my project

This is my first ASP.NET project so I am a bit of a rookie when it comes to a lot of the configuring of IIS/Visual Studio so bear with me...
I am using Visual Studio 2010 running on Windows Server 2008 SR2. We recently did some updates on the server and now my project no longer loads when I attempt to debug. When I try to debug the default "Welcome" page for IIS 7 loads instead of my project. I am set up to use the development server to debug, not IIS so I don't understand why I get the IIS page. Before the updates the debugger was pulling up my page without any issues.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
It looks like IIS is now bound to the port number that Visual Studio Development Web Server was using previously. You can change the port number in the properties of the web site project.
I have found a solution to my issue. I decided to use IIS instead of the Development Server for debugging. After attempting to debug unsuccessfully yet again, I took a look at the identity that was being used in the application pool and I changed to one with more privileges and that seemed to do the trick. Thanks for the suggestions.
I had the same problem but non-of the earlier answers worked.
I am using Windows 7 enterprise 64-bit, IE11, VS2010, Silverlight 5
I have been developing and maintaining a number of Silverlight projects for the past 5 years, and have always been able to debug them within VS2010 using the ASP.NET Development Server. However, on returning from some well deserved holiday, I found that none of my existing Silverlight projects would run in the debugger. In each case there is a Web project set as the start-up project, and in each case on starting the project within VS2010 (with or without debugging) I got the IIS7 web page instead of my application.
I tried creating a new Silverlight web application, and found that this started normally in the ASP.NET Development Server. I checked my source code and found that no changes had been made in my absence.
After a lot of head scratching, etc., the solution was to clear the IE cache. These are the explicit steps I used:
Close all instances of IE and ASP.NET Development Server.
Open Internet Properties from the Control Panel.
Click "Delete" on the General Tab.
In the Delete Browsing History box check the following options:
a) "Preserve Favourites website data"
b) "Temporary Internet files and website data"
c) "Cookies and website data"
Leave the others unchecked
5) Click "Delete" and wait for the command to complete.
6) Close the Internet Properties box.
7) Rebuild ASP.NET project
8) Start (with or without debugging) in VS2010 - it should now load normally.
Hope this works for you.

Visual studio : when i checkout any file, session in my web application is lost

very strange that on checkout visual studio kills sessions, so when i checkout any file i have to log back in to my application again and again, its annoying :(
I have noticed above behaviour in visual studio 2010 and 2012, using it with VSS or Team Foundation Server. MSDN documentation Checkout does not have any details about such behaviour.
Wondering is it me ? or my code ? or its something Visual studio does?
anyone else is facing same problem ?
If Visual Studio detects a change in certain files, it will restart the web application if it's hosted on the internal development server (perhaps even IIS Express), which will in turn invalidate your user sessions. I'm not sure it works for every type of file, but I know it happens for me with the cshtml views since Visual Studio 2012. Obviously, like in IIS hosted web apps, a change to the web.config will cause a restart also.
Your best bet would be to externally host your site, meaning host it in IIS, not in the development server (Cassini). You can configure this in your Web Application's project properties.
There IS a workaround. I found it out by accident:
App_offline.htm created/deleted whenever I check out a file in TFS
The title is misleading; nevertheless it's all about the checkout process and the annoying session drop.
It does work for VS 2013 and VS 2015.
The answer above is so much difficult to access that it's worth creating an answer here. Thanks to the moderators for their understanding.

Why is IIS not serving aspx pages?

I'm deploying an ASP.NET application to Windows Server 2003 under IIS
IIS is serving html pages fine but I get a page not found when I try and serve IIS pages
You may need to "register" IIS for ASP.NET applications. As an administrator, run the command "%systemroot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis -i". In addition, you may need to convert your web site to an application through the IIS management console.
By default, IIS has ASP support disabled in IIS6.
A server running a member of the Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003 family supports application server functionality, with Microsoft ASP.NET as an option that you can enable when configuring the application server role. To deploy ASP.NET Web applications to a production server, you must be sure to enable the ASP.NET and Internet Information Services (IIS) roles on the production server before you distribute the application.
See here for instructions to enable it:
Other possible reason could be Web Service Extensions, where ASP.NET version could have been disabled. My other post here explains steps to solve this.
Make sure the right .NET framework is installed properly
Make sure the ASP.NET extension is enabled
Under website properties, ASP.NET tab, make sure the right version is set.
After having this same issue and trying all of the above without any luck. We reinstalled SP2 for Windows 2003 and this resolved our issue. I too have seen this problem resolved a few times with the other answers. Most of the time just reinstalling .Net 2.0 resolves the issue but not this time.
For future reference, this could also be the issue:
IIS on a Windows Server 64-bit can only to run in either 32 or 64 bit mode.
In short you need to:
1) run adsutil.vbs to enable 32 bit apps on win 64
2) re-register IIS calling aspnet_regiis.exe
3) re-open IIS Manager, go into Web service extension list and ensure ASP.Net version {2/} (32-bit) is set to Allowed
(You might need to do Steps 2 and 3 for both Framework 2.0 and 4.0 if you want to run apps on both versions)
Full details are in the following link:
Another future reference in case this is helpful to anyone who used a similar path to mine.
My back end for the ASP.NET app was MySql not Sql Server, which for me meant having a mysql connector, the reason my IIS was not serving the .aspx file is because on my development environment I was using a different version of the MySql connector than the one installed on my production environment, I updated the MySql connector on the production server to match the version Im using on the development environment and it worked great.
