How to get data of EditorFor with nested viewmodels -

Here is my situation -
I have two nested view models:
<%=Html.EditorFor(x => x.DisplayEntitiesWithRadioboxesViewModel)%><br />
Which sit within their parent (StructureViewModel), I can populate the nested ViewModels easily and pass it through to the main View:
Within the Controller - Example
var moveDepartment = new StructureViewModel();
moveDepartment.DisplayEntitiesWithRadioboxesViewModel = fullDepartmentList.Select(x => new DisplayEntityViewModel
Id = x.Id,
Path = x.Path,
PathLevel = x.PathLevel,
Description = x.Description,
return View(moveDepartment);
EditorTemplete - Example
<%# Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<IEnumerable<Site.Areas.Administration.ViewModel.DisplayEntityViewModel>>" %>
<table class="aligncenter"><%
if (Model != null)
foreach (var entity in Model)
<tr class="tRow">
<td style="text-align:left; text-indent:<%=Html.Encode(entity.PathLevel)%>em">
namespace Site.Areas.Administration.ViewModel
public class DisplayEntityViewModel
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Path { get; set; }
public string PathLevel { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
However when I try to pull back this information the nested ViewModels are null:
public ActionResult Move(StructureViewModel StructureViewModel)
When I hover over StructureViewModel it only contains data set at the parent ViewModel. For example: a hidden value can been seen but DisplayEntitiesWithRadioboxesViewModel = null.
The only way I know how to access the DisplayEntitiesWithRadioboxesViewModel is to use FormCollection and iterate throught the FormCollection and pull out the information I need from the nested ViewModels.
This however just doesn't seem right, as I have found at I then have to re-populate the DisplayEntitiesWithRadioboxesViewModel with the values from the FormCollection, if for example an error has occured and the user needs to be sent back to the same View.
I have tried searching the web/books but cannot find a solution.
Is there a better way?
Thanks in advance for any help.
And why did you use an EditorFor for a
simple dropdown, which is easily to
use with DropDownFor
This has now been altered to use the DropDownFor.
what is the Key of the
value in FormCollection
[0] = "DisplayEntitiesWithRadioboxesViewModel.radiobutton"
[1] = "Action"
[2] = "OldParentId"
Clare :-)

Your problem is pretty common and somewhat easy to fix once you understand how it works.
Right now you have a view model that has a property which is an IEnumerable<T> (doesn't matter what the generic parameter is).  You are trying to pass the items to the view and populate the IEnumerable<T> with the same values when the response comes back, using the values originally written to the page, and augmented with the selected item (at least from the code you have posted anyway, it would help for you to state your exact intention in the question).  The problem you have here is that you must send those values to the page in a way in which they can be returned.
Let me just say now that you probably should NOT be using this technique.  It is typically a much better idea to return the selection only and generate the list again if you need to server side.
From the looks of things, you want to return the whole list and then look for the item that is selected, which is after all the point of a drop down or radio button group.  In order to get the selection back, the parameter to your controller action must have properties which match the variables passed back in.  In this case, it looks like you are using the parameter name radiobutton for all of your radio buttons (the same hold true for drop down list, only it uses the name of the list).  Which ever one is selected, the value associated with it is returned with that name.  The MVC framework takes care of trying to find the appropriate action which has as many names specified as possible.  
What you need to use for your action parameter is a new class that contains a property for all of the field names being submitted back to the server!  Or of course you could simply add the radiobutton property to your StructureViewModel too.  In fact, you'll notice that it is trying to set that value already, only it doesn't currently exist on your view model.  You still will not receive the original list back however, but thats okay, because even if you did receive the original list back, you have no identifier on it to let you know which item was selected!
Hopefully this helps you understand what is going on, if you have more questions, please ask.

I would recommend you using strongly typed helpers everywhere so that you don't have to worry about naming your controls. Here's how to proceed:
public class DisplayEntityViewModel
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Path { get; set; }
public string PathLevel { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public class StructureViewModel
public IEnumerable<DisplayEntityViewModel> DisplayEntitiesWithRadioboxesViewModel { get; set; }
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
var moveDepartment = new StructureViewModel();
moveDepartment.DisplayEntitiesWithRadioboxesViewModel = new[]
new DisplayEntityViewModel
Id = 1,
Path = "some path 1",
PathLevel = "some path level 1",
Description = "some description 1"
new DisplayEntityViewModel
Id = 2,
Path = "some path 2",
PathLevel = "some path level 2",
Description = "some description 2"
return View(moveDepartment);
public ActionResult Index(StructureViewModel StructureViewModel)
return View(StructureViewModel);
Main View (~/Views/Home/Index.aspx):
<%# Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<SomeNs.Models.StructureViewModel>" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
<% using (Html.BeginForm()) { %>
<table class="aligncenter">
<%= Html.EditorFor(x => x.DisplayEntitiesWithRadioboxesViewModel) %>
<input type="submit" value="Go" />
<% } %>
Editor Template (~/Views/Home/EditorTemplates/DisplayEntityViewModel.ascx)
<%# Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<ToDD.Models.DisplayEntityViewModel>" %>
<tr class="tRow">
<td style="text-align:left; text-indent:<%=Html.Encode(Model.PathLevel)%>em">
<%= Html.Encode(Model.Description) %>
<!-- Remember that you need to place input fields for each property
that you expect to get back in the submit action
<%= Html.HiddenFor(x => x.Description) %>
<%= Html.TextBoxFor(x => x.Path) %>
Now submit the form and everything should be bound correctly. An important thing to note is that the editor template is strongly typed to DisplayEntityViewModel and not IEnumerable<DisplayEntityViewModel> as in your case. When in your main view you write:
<%= Html.EditorFor(x => x.DisplayEntitiesWithRadioboxesViewModel) %>
the framework automatically detects that the property is a collection and will call the editor template for each item of this collection so you no longer need to loop through the elements which makes your code more elegant.
Using dropdown lists is also very easy: checkout this answer.

Can you tell me how the EditorFor looks exactly? And why did you use an EditorFor for a simple dropdown, which is easily to use with DropDownFor.
what is the Key of the DisplayEntitiesWithRadioboxesViewModel value in FormCollection
If I understand it correctly, you have a View, with some parent-info, and at the same time multiple iterations of these 2 fields in the same view. Is that right?
Then I know how to fix this.


Html.ValidationMessage renders on all fields, regardless if they're valid or not

My model is correctly validated. If I take a peak in the validation results during debug, I will see that everything is correct. However, all my validation results will show, even if only one is invalid. Again, during debug, only one field is correctly showing up in the validation results, but when my view is rendered all our displayed:
public ActionResult Create(Widget widget)
if (widge.Valid)
// Save to db
retun View(widget);
My view:
<%# Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" AutoEventWireup="true" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<Widget>" %>
// took out a lot of html here
<form action="Create" method="post">
<input name="Widget.City" value="<%= Model.City == null ? "" : Model.City%>" />
<%= Html.ValidationMessage("Widget.City")%>
<input name="Widget.Department" value="<%= Model.Department == null ? "" : Model.Department %>" />
<%= Html.ValidationMessage("Widget.Department")%>
<button type="submit">Save</button>
Let us say City and Department are set to NotNull in my model and I correctly put in a City, but leave Department blank. Again, it will show it is invalid on the controller, with the property Department having a problem, yet in my view I'll get "may not be null" messages for both properties. If I have 4 properties and 4 ValidationMessage tags in my view, even if one property is not valid ... all 4 will show. What's the deal?
If I'm not mistaken, I think you want to be using
Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.City)
Not what you're using currently in your view.
Also... Since you're using a strongly typed view, you should be checking ModelState.IsValid to determine whether or not you should save your Widget. That is if you're using data annotations on your view model.
What are you using as your input to the [HttpGet] action of the view?
Since you're using the format Widget.Property the view expects the model to have a Widget property containing the data for the widget.. i.e it is looking for Model.Widget.Property but your model only contains Model.Property. Based on the code posted here, you're only passing the widget back to the view and it will interpret that as having a NULL Widget property, thus triggering all NotNull validation.
A solution here is to assign the Widget post model (what you're accepting in the [HttpPost] action) to a Widget property of the of the model you're passing back to the view.
public class CreateViewModel
public Widget Widget { get; set; }
public ActionResult Create(Widget widget)
if (widge.Valid)
// Save to db
var viewModel = new CreateModel() { Widget = widget };
retun View( viewModel );
Hopefully I articulated that correctly.. Its been a long day = )

Accessing models from view in MVC 2 Timesheet application?

I am trying to create a timesheet application in MVC 2, but I feel like I am still struggling to grasp the model/view relationships and all that.
The problem I have is, I want to let the user report a new time segment in a create view. But I want to have dropdownlists populated with Projects, Tasks, and Consultants from the model.
Basically the database structure looks like this:
(table) TimeSegments
ConsultantID (FK)
TaskID (FK)
ProjectID (FK)
(table) Projects
(table) Tasks
(table) Consultants
This design may be extended in future, right now I want to get basic functionality working before I complicate it further.
Now, I am passing the entire model to the create view (actually a viewmodel based on it, just to simplify some coding, but it might as well have been the entire model).
The problem is, normally when I have done similar things with a create view, I would have created a new object in the controller and passed that to the view. In this case it would have been the TimeSegment object, since it is a new time segment that should be created in the database. Then I could just submit it and update the database in the controller. However, if I only pass a new TimeSegment object to the view, I can't populate the dropdownlists with Projects, Tasks and Consultants.
And oppositely, if I only pass the entire model, how would I bind a textbox to a new TimeSegment to be updated in the database?
I feel like I need to send both a new TimeSegment object and the entire model to do this, but then I have no idea how I would access it (there's only that one "Model" to access from the view). Also, back in the controller after a submit, how would the controller know what to update?
I'm sure I'm just thoroughly confused still by the MVC way of thinking, but I would really appreciate it if someone could clarify this for me and tell me (as pedagogically as possible) what to do to solve this.
Okay, I will give it a shot.
MVC is not hard, but you do have to alter your way of thinking a bit. In MVC you have the Models (your data layer[s]), the Views and the Controllers.
Before we continue, I make the assumptions with my examples below that you are using LINQ to SQL for you data access layer (Model), and I have labeled it as dc.
The Controllers fetch and format the data out of the Models and hand it off to the Views to display. So lets start with your first view which would be the view to create a TimeSegment.
public ActionResult CreateTimeSegment() {
return View(new TimeSegmentView {
Consultants = dc.Consultants.ToList(),
Projects = dc.Projects.ToList(),
Tasks = dc.Tasks.ToList()
This action will create a TimeSegmentView object and pass that to the View as its Model. Keep in mind that this action is decorated with [HttpGet]. TimeSegmentView` is a container class for the objects you need to pass to the view to create your UI and it looks like this:
public class TimeSegmentView {
public IList<Consultant> Consultants { get; set; }
public IList<Project> Projects { get; set; }
public IList<Task> Tasks { get; set; }
public TimeSegment TimeSegment { get; set; }
NOTE: I'm not using the TimeSegment property yet, it's further down...
In the view make sure you have it inherit from TimeSegmentView. Assuming that you're following the default MVC project structure and with me taking the liberty to add a Views folder into the Models folder your full reference would look like this:
<%# Page Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<PROJECTNAME.Models.Views.TimeSegmentView>" %>
Now you've typed the view to that object and you can now interact with its properties. So, you can build a form such as:
<form action="/" method="post">
<input name="TimeSegment.Hours" />
<input name="TimeSegment.Date" />
<select name="TimeSegment.ConsultantID">
<% foreach (Consultant C in Model.Consultants) { %>
<option value="<%=C.ConsultantID%>"><%=C.ConsultantName%></option>
<% }; %>
<select name="TimeSegment.ProjectID">
<% foreach (Project P in Model.Projects) { %>
<option value="<%=P.ProjectID%>"><%=P.ProjectName%></option>
<% }; %>
<select name="TimeSegment.TaskID">
<% foreach (Task T in Model.Tasks) { %>
<option value="<%=T.TaskID%>"><%=T.TaskName%></option>
<% }; %>
As you can see it created 3 select fields and just performed loops in each of them to build up their values based off of the model.
Now, taking a submission of this form, we'll need to get the data and add it to our database with:
public RedirectToRouteResult CreateTimeSegment(
[Bind(Prefix = "TimeSegment", Include = "Hours,Date,ConsultantID,ProjectID,TaskID")] TimeSegment TimeSegment) {
return RedirectToAction("EditTimeSegment", new {
TimeSegmentID = TimeSegment.TimeSegmentID
Okay, first notice that I've named the action the same, but this one has an [HttpPost] decoration. I'm telling the action that I'm sending it a TimeSegment object and that I want it to bind the properties in the Include clause (this is mostly for security and validation). I then take the TimeSegment object I've passed in, add it to the data context, submit the changes and redirect. In this case I'm redirecting to another action to edit the object I just created passing in the new TimeSegmentID. You can redirect to what ever, this just felt appropriate to me...
public ActionResult EditTimeSegment(
int TimeSegmentID) {
return View(new TimeSegmentView {
Consultants = dc.Consultants.ToList(),
Projects = dc.Projects.ToList(),
Tasks = dc.Tasks.ToList(),
TimeSegment = dc.TimeSegments.Single(t => t.TimeSegmentID == TimeSegmentID)
In the edit action your doing the same thing as in the create action by building a new TimeSegmentView object and passing it to the view. The key difference here is that you're now populating the TimeSegment property. Your form would look something like this (shortened from above):
<form action="/<%=Model.TimeSegment.TimeSegmentID%>" method="post">
<input name="TimeSegment.Hours" value="<%=Model.TimeSegment.Hours%>" />
And your receiving action on the controller would look like this:
public RedirectToRouteResult EditTimeSegment(
int TimeSegmentID) {
TimeSegment TS = dc.TimeSegments.Single(t => t.TimeSegmentID == TimeSegmentID);
TryUpdateModel<TimeSegment>(TS, "TimeSegment", new string[5] {
"Hours", "Date", "ConsultantID", "ProjectID", "TaskID"
return RedirectToAction("EditTimeSegment", new {
TimeSegmentID = TimeSegment.TimeSegmentID
Lastly, if you want to display a list of TimeSegments you can do something like this:
public ActionResult ListTimeSegments() {
return View(new TimeSegmentsView {
TimeSegments = dc.TimeSegments.ToList()
And TimeSegmentsView looks like this:
public class TimeSegmentsView {
public IList<TimeSegment> TimeSegments { get; set; }
And in the View you'd want to do this:
<% foreach (TimeSegment TS in Model.TimeSegments) { %>
<% }; %>
I hope this is enough to give you a start. It's by no means complete, but its 5 AM and I haven't slept yet, so this will have to do for now (from me). Feel free to name your actions what you want, you don't have to stick to my naming conventions.
I would suggest however that you change the naming of the properties of your tables. For example when your writing the expressions like in the table above you'll have to do TS.Project.ProjectName and that's redundant. You're already accessing the Project property of TS through their relationship so you know you're only going to work with a Project. This then makes ProjectName a pointless blob of text re-describing the object your working with. Instead just use Name, and turn your expression to TS.Project.Name.
Anyway, just a suggestion, do what you like better. I'm passing out, so good night and happy Thanksgiving!
The process with collections is essentially the same as far as the controller side is conserned. It's the client side and the JavaScript that's more difficult to get going, so I'll assume that you have something established on that end.
So, here's how the controller would work. You pass in an array of TimeSegment and the model binder is smart enough to figure it out through the Prefix of your form elements.
<form action="/<%=Model.TimeSegment.TimeSegmentID%>" method="post">
<input name="TimeSegment[0].Hours" />
<!-- Notice the array in the prefix -->
<input name="TimeSegment[1].Hours" />
<!-- Notice the array in the prefix -->
And the controller:
public RedirectToRouteResult CreateTimeSegments(
[Bind(Prefix = "TimeSegment", Include = "Hours,Date,ConsultantID,ProjectID,TaskID")] TimeSegment[] TimeSegments) {
return RedirectToAction("ListTimeSegments");
And that's it. Of course you'll want to validate or do other stuff before sending to the database, but that's roughly all there is to it.
I believe you can do an IList<TimeSegment> instead of TimeSegment[] without issues, but as far as if it's better, that's up for debate. The way I look at it the browser still sends a virtual array to the server so having the action receive an array feels natural, but its up to you what you want to use.
So, a generic list action would look like this:
public RedirectToRouteResult CreateTimeSegments(
[Bind(Prefix = "TimeSegment", Include = "Hours,Date,ConsultantID,ProjectID,TaskID")] IList<TimeSegment> TimeSegments) {
return RedirectToAction("ListTimeSegments");
Keep in mind that I haven't used this (meaning the IList) before so I can't guarantee it will work, just speculating...
About what you want to do with the Consultant, it sound a lot like what I do with Cookies. I have a BaseView class which is the type used by the Site.Master and then all other views extend from it. In the BaseView I have a Cookie property which is always populated by each controller action. I then use that property to get the id of the currently authorized user.
So, in code it looks like this (using examples from one of my apps):
public class BaseView {
// Don't confuse with an HttpCookie, this is an object in my database...
public Cookie Cookie { get; set;}
public class EmployeeView : BaseView {
public Employee Employee { get; set; }
And with this, say I want to add a note to an employee, my form would look like this where I pass in a hidden field which is where your ConsultantID comes into play.
<input type="hidden" name="Note.AuthorId" value="<%=Model.Cookie.EmployeeId%>" />
<!-- other fields -->
Hope this helps.

How to bind Lists of a custom view model to a dropDownList an get the selected value after POST in ASP.NET MVC?

I have following problem. In my view model I defined some list properties as follows:
public class BasketAndOrderSearchCriteriaViewModel
List<KeyValuePair> currencies;
public ICollection<KeyValuePair> Currencies
if (this.currencies == null)
this.currencies = new List<KeyValuePair>();
return this.currencies;
List<KeyValuePair> deliverMethods;
public ICollection<KeyValuePair> DeliveryMethods
if (this.deliverMethods == null)
this.deliverMethods = new List<KeyValuePair>();
return this.deliverMethods;
This view model is embedded in another view model:
public class BasketAndOrderSearchViewModel
public BasketAndOrderSearchCriteriaViewModel Criteria
get { return this.criteria; }
I use 2 action methods; one is for the GET and the other for POST:
public ActionResult Search(BasketAndOrderSearchViewModel model){...}
public ActionResult SubmitSearch(BasketAndOrderSearchViewModel model){...}
In the view I implement the whole view model by using the EditorFor-Html Helper which does not want to automatically display DropDownLists for List properties!
1. Question: How can you let EditorFor display DropDownLists?
Since I could not figure out how to display DropDownLists by using EditorFor, I used the DropDownList Html helper and filled it through the view model as follows:
public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> DeliveryMethodAsSelectListItem()
List<SelectListItem> list = new List<SelectListItem>();
list.Add(new SelectListItem()
Selected = true,
Text = "<Choose Delivery method>",
Value = "0"
foreach (var item in this.DeliveryMethods)
list.Add(new SelectListItem()
Selected = false,
Text = item.Value,
Value = item.Key
return list;
My 2. question: As you can see I pass my view model to the action metho with POST attribute! Is there a way to get the selected value of a DropDownList get binded to the passed view model? At the moment all the DropDownList are empty and the selected value can only be fetched by the Request.Form which I definitely want to avoid!
I would greatly appreciate some ideas or tips on this!
For those like me that got to this post these days I'd recommend you to fully download the tutorial from which covers this and most of the common techniques related with .NET MVC applications.
Anyway Really usefull your post and answers man (If I could vote you I would :)
Let's try to take on this one:
Answer to Question 1: How can you let EditorFor display DropDownLists?
When you call Html.EditorFor() you can pass extra ViewData values to the EdiorTemplate View:
<%: Html.EditorFor(model => Model.Criteria, new { DeliveryMethods = Model.DeliveryMethods, Currencies = Model.Currencies}) %>
Now you have ViewData["DeliveryMethods"] and ViewData["Currencies"] initialized and available inside your EditorTemplate.
In your EditorTemplate you somehow need to call and convert those entries into DropDowns / SelectLists.
Assuming you've got an ascx file of type System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<BasketAndOrderSearchCriteriaViewModel> you could do the following:
<%: Html.LabelFor(model => model.DeliveryMethods) %>
<%: Html.DropDownList("SelectedDeliveryMethod", new SelectList(ViewData["DeliveryMethods"] as IEnumerable, "SelectedDeliveryMethod", "Key", "value", Model.SelectedDeliveryMethod)) %>
Same goes for the Currencies.
<%: Html.LabelFor(model => model.Currencies) %>
<%: Html.DropDownList("SelectedCurrency", new SelectList(ViewData["Currencies"] as IEnumerable, "SelectedDeliveryMethod", "Key", "value", Model.SelectedCurrency)) %>
This setup will make your DeliveryMethodAsSelectListItem() obsolete and you can use any kind of list. Means you are not bound to KeyValuePairs. You'll just need to adjust your call on Html.DropDownList() from now on.
As you can see, I have introduced some new properties to your BasketAndOrderSearchCriteriaViewModel:
They are used to store the currently selected value.
Answer to Question 2: Is there a way to get the selected value of a DropDownList get binded to the passed view model?
In the EditorFor template we are passing the newly created Model.SelectedDeliveryMethod and Model.SelectedCurrency properties as the SelectedValue Parameter (See 4th Overload of the DropDownList Extension Method).
Now that we have the View doing it's job: How can we get the currently selected value inside the POST Action?
This is really easy now:
public ActionResult SubmitSearch(BasketAndOrderSearchViewModel model)
var selectedDeliveryMethod = model.Criteria.SelectedDeliveryMethod;
var selectedCurrency model.Criteria.SelectedDeliveryMethod;
Note: I don't have an IDE to test it right now, but it should do the trick or at least show you in which direction to go.

What am I misunderstanding about how Html.TextBoxFor works

I'm just trying to get back into .NET MVC with the new release and I can't get my head round the way may view is binding to the DataModel.
I have a model with a property "first_name" and within an HTML form I have the following
<%= Html.TextBox("first_name", Model.first_name)%>
<%= Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.first_name) %>
<input type="text" name="first_name" id="first_name" class="myLabel"
value="<%=Model.first_name %>" />
In an action on a controller if I set the first_name property on my model and do
mymodelObject.first_name = "Test";
return View(mymodelObject);
What is the reason only the third textbox picks up on this first_name value and the other two don't?
I probably haven't explained this well enough, sorry. Imagine I have 2 controller methods -
public ActionResult Register()
Registration model = new Registration();
model.first_name = "test";
return View(model);
With this one either binding works.
After this has been displayed I then click a button on the form and try and run this:
public ActionResult Register(Registration_ViewData model)
model.first_name = "Steve";
return View(model);
What I'm asking is why does the 3rd but not the first 2 bind to "Steve" as the new name.
You need to clear your model state so your code would look something like:
public ActionResult Register(Registration model)
model.first_name = "Steve";
return View(model);
Because HTML helpers read the value from the ModelState and not from the model. In order the change that behavior you'll need to work with the ModelState as well.
(see: Changing model’s properties on postback)
This should work for the first two:
<%= Html.TextBox("first_name", x => x.first_name)%>
<%= Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.first_name) %>

ASP.NET MVC View User Control - how to set IDs?

I need a dropdown list on my page that will allow a user to select their state. Since this is probably a control that will be used elsewhere, I thought it would be a good idea to create an MVC View User Control that could be reused.
I was thinking the control would look something like this:
<select name="" id="">
<option value="AL">Alabama</option>
<option value="AK">Alaska</option>
And the code in my view would be something like:
<%= Html.RenderPartial("StateDropdownControl") %>
My question is, what's the best way to set the name and id on the control? I'd want to make sure I could have multiple instances of this control on one page, if needed. Also, I'd want to be able to send in the state that should be selected by default.
Would I do it with ViewData somehow?
Corey is on to the right solution. I think declaring specific Model objects for your view makes the views VERY simple and as a side bonus makes them dirt easy to test.
So instead of just passing the ID as the object, you'd probably want to create your own Model object to pass in.
It could look something like this:
public class StateDropDownPresentationModel
public string DropDownID { get; set; }
public string SelectedState { get; set; }
Obviously, keep adding whatever you need to this model to make your view correct.
Then, you could call it like this:
<%= Html.RenderPartial("/someDirectory/SomeControl.ascx", new StateDropDownPresentationModel { DropDownID = "MyID", SelectedState = "IL" } %>
Then just make sure you put in checks for things like ID being null/blank (that should probably throw an error) and SelectedState being null/blank.
Well you can pass object data to the RenderPartial method in conjunction to the User Control to render, so you could easily do the following:
<%= Html.RenderPartial("/someDirectory/SomeControl.ascx", "MyID") %>
and in the UserControl do the following:
<select name="<%=ViewData.Model%>" id="<%=ViewData.Model%>">
Just to be sure, a better way to handle it is to make a simple DTO (data transfer object) to hold that information so you can pass more information to your user control, that you will inevitably need.
class ComboData
string ID {get;set;}
string CssClass {get;set;}
//Other stuff here
var comboData = new ComboData {ID = "myID", CssClass = "comboStyle" }
<%= Html.RenderPartial("/someDirectory/SomeControl.ascx", comboData) %>
<select name="<%=ViewData.Model.ID%>" id="<%=ViewData.Model.ID%>" class="<%=ViewData.Model.CssClass%>">
Make sure you set the Code behind for the user control to be a generic of type ComboData for this example.
Take a look at the Html.DropDownList helper method. It has a number of overloads that allow you to pass the list data and set the selected item. the simplest version just sets the name of the select.
<%= Html.DropDownList("SelectStates"); %>
If there is a value in the ViewData["SelectStates"] that is of type MultiSelectList then the list will be automatically populated.
