New CSS3 selectors doesn't work for me? - css

Ok, I have code like this:
<div id="header"> (yeah, have to use div instead of header tag, don't ask me why)
<img src="image1.png" alt="image1" />
<img src="image2.png" alt="image2" />
<img src="image3.png" alt="image3" />
And I want to select the first image after div (first link image) and two last links in css.
I know I could do it by nth-child or first/last child selectors. But I want to use "+" and "~". But they doesn't seem to work!
For example:
#header + a {
border: solid 1px red;
Gives border to... Nothing!
This one also doesn't seem to work:
#header a + img {
border: solid 1px red;
What's wrong?
Same effect with "~". Tested in all major browsers....

You've got it wrong. The selector you're looking for is
#header > a:first-child
This will select the first anchor that are direct decedent of #header. The > is the direct decedent selector, while :first-child gets you the... well, first child. To get the image, you would need
#header > a:first-child > img
The direct decendent selector is not supported in IE6. You can choose not to use it if there are no non-direct decedents you would not want to select, like with the structure you have above, which doesn't have any other anchors other than the ones you want to select.
The + is the adjacent sibling selector: The following HTML structure is what you would need for your selector to work:
<div id="header"></div>
<img src="somewhere" alt="" /> <-- Selects this one for #header + a
<img src="somewhere" alt="" />
<img src="somewhere" alt="" />


how to style image tag by src?

I have a image tag like,
<img src="image/path/goes/here/random_id">
and the random_id is changing randomly. How to catch this tag from an external css file without using id,class or any other attribute.
You can use path contains selector on src attribute
acording to this
border:1px solid red;
<img src="image/path/goes/here/123">
<img src="image/path/goes/here/321">
<img src="this/is/another/path/321">
I don't know what you are aiming to . However this is the solution you asked for (I suggest to give a style using jQuery selector as it seems you are using dynamic IDs .
border:10px solid red;
<img src="hello/world/123">
You can put it in a div tag and the reference it as a child.
<img src="your_path/path">
Then in CSS..
div:first-child {
do css here...

CSS Selector Within a Selector

Essentially what I am trying to do is have one element react as the hover state of a different element.
.page-template-page-services-new .imgBlock:hover { .page-template-page-services-new .ButtonService {color: #6395ce; background-color: #fff; } }
Not currently working - is this a thing? If not, how might I accomplish it. I know the selectors are correct, they work independently.
What I think you are referring to is that you've seen something akin to
//style definitions
//other style definitions
This comes from pre-processors such as SCSS (Sass) or LESS, I'll assume you can do a quick google on those.
For the other part of your question, yes, you can style an element differently if it's parent container or even a sibling is hovered.
.container-hover:hover .red-on-hover{
.sibling-hover:hover + .sibling-hover{
<div class="container-hover">
<h3>Other Text</h3>
<div class="red-on-hover">Background will turn red on hover</div>
<p class="sibling-hover"> When I am hovered, my sibling will be blue</p>
<p class="sibling-hover"> Blue? Blue</p>
For the sibling hover, please note that if you added more .sibling-hover elements that all but the first one would be able to turn blue if you hovered over it's immediately prior sibling.
It can work if they have a parent child relationship.
.page-template-page-services-new {
background: #ccc;
.page-template-page-services-new .imgBlock:hover .ButtonService {
color: #6395ce;
background-color: #fff;
<div class="page-template-page-services-new">
<div class="imgBlock">
<img src="" alt="">
<div class="ButtonService">
This is a test

How to style last tag img css?

Hi all I have problem with wordpress content . the code is hide and when I inspect the element the code looks like:
<img src="vassasa.jpg">
<img src="qqassasa.jpg">
<img src="zzffassasa.jpg">
<img src="assasa.jpg">
<img src="qqfhassasa.jpg">
So I want to css style last tag img
and my code:
but not work, Help me please.
You should define :last-child only within the parent element but if that's not the case you may use :last-of-type pseudo class:
img:last-child selects the last img of the body.
You need to specify the parent element of those img tags. Like this:
#dess-events-single p a:last-child img {
/* style here */
<img src"vassasa.jpg">
Replace with:
<img src="vassasa.jpg"> //missing = sign

CSS nth with image

I have a slideshow that is imported with a shortcode in WP.
I'm trying to add custom css to each 4th image that is displayed, but with no luck.
Any help would be awesome, thanks.
.thumb-res .ngg-gallery-thumbnail:nth-child(4) img { border: 1px solid #000 !important; }
<div class="thumb-res">
<div class="ngg-galleryoverview" id="ngg-gallery-97131261c1bb7b3c15f04e8ef0f97c77-1">
<div class="slideshowlink">
<a href='url'>[Show as slideshow]</a>
<div id="ngg-image-0" class="ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box">
<div class="ngg-gallery-thumbnail">
<a href="url" title=" " data-image-id='48' class="ngg-fancybox" rel="97131261c1bb7b3c15f04e8ef0f97c77">
<img title="slide4" alt="slide4" src="url" width="174" height="150" style="max-width:none;"/>
<div id="ngg-image-1" class="ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box">
<div class="ngg-gallery-thumbnail">
<a href="url" title=" " data-image-id='46' class="ngg-fancybox" rel="97131261c1bb7b3c15f04e8ef0f97c77">
<img title="slide2" alt="slide2" src="url" width="174" height="150" style="max-width:none;"/>
Your ngg-gallery-thumbnail elements are all single children of their respective parents, so the selector never selects anything. You should select based on elements with the class ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box, which are all siblings:
.thumb-res .ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box:nth-child(4) img { ... }
That said, this is still not going to work exactly as expected because it looks like there are also siblings that are not thumbnail boxes.
$(".thumb-res .ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box:nth-child(4n+1)").addClass("fourth");
.thumb-res .ngg-gallery-thumbnail-**box**:nth-child(**4n**) img {
border: 1px solid #000 !important;
with your code you're selecting just the 4th image. you need 4n for each 4th:D
You need to use nth-child(an+b) for direct siblings.
.thumb-res .ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box:nth-child(4n+1) img { border: 1px solid #000 !important; }
Also for add custom css to each 4th image that is displayed you need to use argument in format of "an+b".
For example 4n+1 select 4th, 8th, 12th element etc.

css affecting one div when img is hovered

i've searched around and seen some examples of how this is done, but i don't really get it and tried all methods but none worked, so i would like to ask if anyone can show me, for my code below, how can i affect the tournytitle when the img is hovered?
<div id="upevents" class="righty">
<div class="tournytitle">
<div style="font-weight: bold;">Test 2 Hat</div>
<div style="color: #888888; font-size: 10px;">17 . 12 . 2011</div>
<img src="/images/tourny/jomjom2.jpg" />
<div class="tournytitle">
<div style="font-weight: bold;">Test 1 Hat</div>
<div style="color: #888888; font-size: 10px;">12 . 12 . 2011</div>
<img src="/images/tourny/bane5.jpg" />
how should i write my css code for this?
i tried something like
.upevents img:hover + #tournytitle { background-color: yellow; }
but doesn't seem to work.
help much apperciated
As mentioned, your .tournytitle class must be a child of the img your trying to roll over. Your code .upevents img:hover + #tournytitle { background-color: yellow; } is certainly close, you just need to figure out how to comply to the above rule. With this your saying that .tournytitle is an adjacent-child of img, which is not the case in your given code. Also, your class and id symbols are incorrect, watch out for that.
I managed to get your code working by switching .tournytitle and img so that the class is now the adjacent-sibling - - I realize this may not be the design your looking for, but its a start.
This may be helpful to you -
The .tourneytitle must be a child of the img element for you to achieve this. This fiddle shows the way you can reveal your image by hovering over your .tournytitle:
To get what you want, you would need to change your HTML so that somehow your tournytitle div is a child of your img tag. Maybe you can use span's inside of your image tag instead of using div's for everything.
