How to restrict text length of a field while in WordPress editor? - wordpress

I would like to restrict the fields while creating a new post in WordPress. For the title, it should not exceed 40 characters. For the content, it should not exceed 400 characters. If these maximum values are exceeded, I would like to show an error message and not let the user continue. How do I do that in WordPress?

You should be able to use wordpress filters to modify the code that gets outputted when the editor is called. Essentially you would want to use it to insert some javascript and an extra div tag to display your error, then just read the contents of the "editorcontainer" id and show the error once it reaches a certain character limit.
I don't have the time at the moment to write a case example, but depending on your skill level, the functions you are looking for are:
apply_filters("the_editor", "customfunction_limitarea");
Where customfunction_limit area is your created function to insert the javascript. You can see how the_editor is currently called and how the default filters are applied in "wp-includes\general-template.php" on line 1822. The default looks like this:
$the_editor = apply_filters('the_editor', "<div id='editorcontainer'><textarea rows='$rows'$class cols='40' name='$id' tabindex='$tab_index' id='$id'>%s</textarea></div>\n");
I would try modifying that statement by placing a new filter in a functions.php file located in your themes directory, that way you don't have to worry about it getting over-written during an update. Otherwise, if you absolutely have to edit the wordpress core (generally a no-no), general_template.php would be the place to do it I think.
Essentially just read up on wordpress filters a little bit (be warned there's not a ton of documentation or examples available for it other than the basic stuff), and that should provide everything you need. The input verification end is easy enough to find scripts, just google jquery post limiting. Something like this might be exactly what your looking for:


Docxtemplater - Newlines between loop iterations

TLDR - how do I use either a custom parser function or modify the loop module to it'll add a newline after each iteration?
Long story:
I'm using old templates that used to be rendered with some MS tools, now trying to render them with docxtemplater. Main requirement is to not modify the templates. Use them as they are, and be able to render documents as identical as possible to that MS tool.
Here's what a loop looks like in one of the templates:
«TableStart:MortgageInfo»« MortgageInfo_Name»
« MortgageInfo_MortgageStreet»
I used custom delimiters for « and » and created a custom loop module to handle the custom TableStart: and TableEnd: format.
There is no linebreak between «CityStateZip» and «TableEnd:MortgageInfo» so the 2nd item is rendered immediately after the 1st without a linebreak.
Anybody has any idea how I add this missing linebreak? Please bare in mind - no modification to the template is allowed...

Wordpress Loop get_the_id()

I tried the following functions in header.php, footer.php, single.php etc.
The first function gives false (meaning we are not in the loop) and the second function gives the post id every single time.
Description of get_the_id() from wordpress :
Retrieve the numeric ID of the current post. This tag must be within The Loop.
I just want a simple explanation what the hell is going on why do i get the post id if I call the function out of the loop !?
must is a little strong for get_the_id() ...delivers evil eye to Wordpress.
It works in the header and non-loop (confirmed).
Please note that post/page are essentially interchangeable in this conversation.
Think of WP this way -> You always have a post id in some way, all the time, every page, unless you do weird stuff or talk about non-page edge cases. When you are at the install root (such as there are posts being called, something has to be displayed. There are other settings that will impact post/page such as static front page settings. On a category listing, if there are pages, I got the first ID returned before the loop.
On post/pages the page ID is (more or less0 set before the loop. This is a result of the URL (pretty or ?p=123 format) dictating the content. Using pretty names, the page at will try to look up if there is content available via the permalink rules for "foo-bar". If there is content, the post ID is obtained. (simplified)
Later in the page build you get into the loop. However, before the loop you are also offered opportunities to change, sort, or augment the loop - such as changing the page IDs to be looped or sorting.
Regarding in_the_loop(), WP says
"True if caller is within loop, false if loop hasn't started or has ended." via
in_the_loop() evaluates if the loop is in action (loop being key to the WP world). Also important - when you are in the loop WP can iterate over multiple page/post (IDs).
I don't have a 100% bulletproof explanation as to how the ID always shows, but when you dig into the API and various methods for hooking this might be a result.
I understand your confusion and agree with you. I think WP intended get_the_id() as a loop based tool, outside the loop you will get unpredictable results.
Hope that helps, I do enjoy working in WP, and I hope you do to.

Yahoo Pipes - Build an RSS-URL using specific parameters pulled from another RSS feed's content

The main Data Type used by Yahoo Pipes is the [Item], which is RSS feed content. I want to take an RSS's content or sub-element, make it into [Text] (or a number might work), and then use it as an INPUT into a [Module] to build a RSS-URL with specific parameters. I will then use the new RSS-URL to pull more content.
Could possibly use the [URL Builder Module] or some work-around.
The key here is using "dynamic" data from an RSS feed (not user input, or a static data), and getting that data into a Data Type that is compatible (and/or accessible) as an INPUT into a module.
It seems like a vital functionality, but I cannot figure it out. I have tried many, many work-around attempts, with no success.
The Specific API and Methods (if you are interested)
Using the LastFM API.
1st Method: user.getWeeklyChartList. Then pick the "from" (start) and "to" (end) Unix timestamps from 1 year-ago-today.
2nd Method: user.getWeeklyAlbumChart using those specific (and "dynamic") timestamps to pull my top albums for that week.
tl;dr. Build an RSS-URL using specific parameters from another RSS feed's content.
I think I may have figured it out. I doubt it is the best way, but it works. The problem was the module I needed to use didn't have and input node. But the Loop module has an input node, so if I embed the URL builder into the Loop module I can then access sub-element content from the 1st feed to use as parameters to build the URL for the 2nd feed! Then I can just scrap all the extra stuff generated by the Loop, by using Truncate.

CMS links on frontend not converting ie href=[sitetree_link_id=xx]

An issue has been noticed on one of our old sites running 2.4 where when the user creates a link in the CMS content, selecting an existing page to link to, the link is not being converted to the actual URL on the front end and all links are coming through in the format of <a href="[sitetree_link_id=12]">
What would be causing this and how do I fix it?
The tag looks like it's being set incorrectly. It should be [sitetree_link id=12], not [sitetree_link_id=12].
We later added support to the parser for [sitetree_link,id=12] so that links didn't need to contain spaces, but I can't recall if that's in 2.4 or only 3.0+.
Can you confirm that your WYSIWYG insertion is putting in that errant _? If so, you might want to checkout the handleaction_insert function in tiny_mce_imporvements.js to confirm that it has a line like so:
case 'internal':
href = '[sitetree_link id=' + this.elements.internal.value + ']';
If the inserted links don't actually have the errant _ but they aren't being parsed, then try checking your sapphire/_config.php file for this:
ShortcodeParser::get('default')->register('sitetree_link', array('SiteTree', 'link_shortcode_handler'));
If your site makes changes to the ShortcodeParser at all you might have inadvertently turned off sitetree_link support.
If all of that looks in order, perhaps the ShortcodeParser isn't being called for some reason. In HTMLText::forTemplate(), put a debug statement (I like die("I got here!");) to confirm that HTMLText::forTemplate() is actually getting called. If it's not, you might need to manually call it in some pre-processing of your Content variable. Instead of this:
$content = $this->Content;
Do this:
$content = $this->obj('Content')->forTemplate();
I hope that one of those answers help. Either way, it would be great if you could post back, so we could isolate what caused this. It might help us make the API easier to use in SilverStripe 3.1.

Take data from a field from exsisting node and make that the default value of a field in different content type

I don't know if I'm on the right track but I'm trying to let users of my web site create there own versions of pages on my web site.
Basically I'd like to make our documentation used as a starting point where they just add details and make a new page for themselves in the process.
I have a 'book' content type that I have changed with CCK and a 'client edits' content type that uses a nodereferencefromURL widget to link itself to the book node.
So simple version of what I'm saying is I have a link on my book pages that creates a node using client edits content type. I would like to put some fields on the client edits content type that take the values of some of the fields from the book page it is linked from.
I'm sure I'm missing something as I would have thought someone would have tried this before but I can't even find a hint on how to go about this.
All I really need is a point in the right direction if my current thinking is wrong.
Current thinking is that I use a php script to get the default value for a field on the new node add screen that drags the value for a field from the book I'm linking from.
I'm thinking this is the case because there is an option for default values for the field in cck manage fields that lets you put in a php value to return a default value for your field.
Am I on the right track or is there already a module or process that does what I'm talking about and I'm just too dumb to find it.
This sounds a little strange, are your client edits going to be a diff from the original node or just coppied data?
I would prehaps do it a more simple way, just have book nodes, and have different fields disaply depending on who edits it (enable the content_permissions module). That way you can use the node clone module to create the users copy.
You will need to make a module to contain your custom php code.
I ended up using rules to save information from the user and the cloned node into hidden fields.
One that saved the original node ID into a field when ever you create content of that type unless the url ends with Clone. This means that when you create the clone the original node ID is kept in the field.
That made it easy to use a views argument that took the node ID to make the clone appear along side the original when a user visits the original page.
The second rule trick was to compute a field that saved the "store name" from the profile of the user only when saving clone content.
This meant that there was a hidden field on the clone that stored the info so I could then use another views argument to restrict the view to only people with the same store name in their profile.
I am no good with PHP but I managed to find a snippet (can't remember where) that returns the store name of the current logged in user as the argument.
global $user;
return $user->profile_store_name;
