mvc 2, select content by routing string -

I am having trouble to what i should name this in the title field...
Question is. I want to select a blogpost by entering its title, like this:
The title of the blogpost should be ".net programming". So i have setup a route to look for a year a month and finally a string. But how should i save this in the database to be able to search for it?
Should i add a field, like id, that contains asp-programming? or should i parse the title for every search? or should i convert the title and then convert it back before displaying it to the user?

The standard method is to create a separate column in the database (usually called 'slug' or permalink) that stores the html-friendly name that may be used by Urls. Then, if the title of the post changes you would normally keep the slug the same so that anyone who has bookmarked the link can still find the post. The value us usually defaulted from the blog title, replacing spaces with - and removing any non url friendly characters.

There are two possible solutions I can think of
Create your own Route handler and within its code, search for the actual record in the database
Create an action method in a Controller that accepts a string parameter and call that parameter id (or whatever the default is in your MapRoutes method).


Creating own Report in Odoo: t-field for date, Customer ID etc.?

First of all I'm kinda new to Odoo and I'm trying to understand some Basic logic. I created my own Report based on the Basic Report of Odoo.
There are a lot of fields like t-field="o.date_invoice" or t-field="o.partner_id etc. which work really fine but where can I find all functions? Is there any list?
For Example I Need a Field for the order date and for the print date or for a Customer ID.
With a t-field attribute you can access and print fields from the actual model or from a related model, for example with the following element you can print the content of the phone column (field) of the actual record:
<span t-if=""
t-field="" />
Explanation of t-field in the documentation:
The t-field directive can only be used when performing field access
(a.b) on a "smart" record (result of the browse method). It is able to
automatically format based on field type, and is integrated in the
website's rich text edition.
Check this link for further information if you want to build reports and this one, where you can read about some the elements that you can use in Qweb
In addition, you can check here a list of some attributes that you can use in a Qweb template

Filter to Group URL on Visitors Flow

I have found a similar question earlier here:
Google Analytics Visitors Flow: grouping URLs?
However I'm confused because people suggest different way to write the Replace String, and either way I try it am not able to make it work.
So I have a ecommerce site with hundreds of different pages. The different parts of the website is: (Root)
When I go to the visitors flow. I want to see the amount of people that go from example Root to Category, and from Category to Product, and from Product to Designer Tool, and from Designer Tool to Checkout. However now when I have so many different pages it becomes very difficult to follow the visitors flow, because the product pages are for example not grouped together.
So instead of above. I would like to remove the 1-name/ part in the end. And only see /sv/category/, /sv/product/, /sv/designer-tool/.
In the earlier post I understand you can use an advanced filter to do this. I have set the following settings:
Type: Search & Replace
Field: Request URI
Search String: ^/(category|product|designer-tool)(/\d*)(.*)
Replace String: /$A1$A3
I guess that my search string and my replace string is wrong. Any ideas?
EDIT: I updated my filter to the following:
Search String: ^/sv/(category|product|designer-tool)(/\d*)(.*)$
Replace String: /sv/\1/
Still testing and unsure if it's the correct way to set it up.
I was able to solve this by the Search String and the Replace String in my edit above.
So basically what I did was:
Create a secondary view/profile for your site. If you apply your filter to your one and only view/profile that means that you won't be able to see any detailed data about specific pages, because the filter removes/filter that.
Add an Advanced Filter with the following settings:
Type: Search & Replace
Field: Request URI
Search String: ^/sv/(category|product|designer-tool)(/\d*)(.*)$
Replace String: /sv/\1/
You need to wait 24h after creating your new profile/view before you can see any data in it.
So my confusion was regarding the Search and Replace String. The Search String is an regular expression for matching everything after your .tld. So for example, the Search String will only search within /sv/mypage/1-post/.
The Replace String is what it should replace the whole Search String with. So in my case, I matched all URL's that had /sv/category/1-string/. I wanted only to keep the "category" part, so I replaced the whole string with /sv/category/ by inputting Replace String /sv/\1/
/sv/ means just what it says. \1 means that it should take the value of the first () of my Search String (In this case "category"). The ending / is just an ending slash.
All in all, it means that any URLs that looked like was changed to Meaning that I can now see data for all my categories as a group, instead of individual pages.

getting textfield output partly unvisible

In a Drupal content type a need to get the output of a field partly unvisible. These are bank account details, the IBAN.
Normally the field shows 1234567. I need to get xxxx567. I need to show only the last 3 numbers/letters.
Also I need this output in field edit form.
On the display end you could change the output using a simple PHP function in the theme template by grabbing a substring of the field's last three digits and concatenating it with "xxxx" before printing.
You might also consider doing this at the formatter level by using the 'custom formatter' module perhaps?
To do this on the edit screen is trickier. I suppose you could do a hook form alter to use PHP to change the field value, but I am afraid you will rewrite the field value when you save the node with the 'xxxx' instead of the real data.
I wonder if it would make sense to 1.) hide the actual field, 2.) create a dummy field that displays the text formatted as "xxxx567" to the user, and 3.) write some javascript that populates the hidden field with the visible field's value if it is changed. Presumably the form would still throw values if the hidden field did not meet formatting requirements.

MVC Filtering, how do you sort artists for a music site by A-Z?

I have made the MVC Music Store through the tutorials and I'm now currently changing and adding things to the site to my liking. What I'd like to be able to do is open the Artist page and have the letters A-Z and All written across the screen in a bar at the top to allow users to browse Artists by the first letter of the bands name. What method would I use for this? Would a parameter help me?
You can use a parameter to filter data. When you populated model in controller action use default filter parameter as either 'All' or 'A' (first letter). Then filter model data and then return it with view. For 'All' obviously skip filtering logic.
On view you can have ActionLink for every letter linked to same action and passing letter as parameter. This way you can use same action to display data and all you will need action links passing parameter to that action and displaying data will be same (either use webgrid or any other way to display data).

Processing variable number of form fields

I am working on a form which displays information about orders. Each order has a unique id, but they are not necessarily sequential on the form. Also, the number of fields can vary (one field per row on the form). The input into the form will not be mapped straight into the database, but will be added to the current value in the database, and then saved. An example of the form is in the picture below - the callout on the right shows the id for each row.
I know how to generate the form like this, but I can't work out how I can easily process each of these rows reliably. I also know how to give each of the fields a unique identifier, like name="order-23" or name="order[23]", but how can I translate that name so that I can update the related record in the database?
EDIT: One solution I can think of would be to iterate through every form field in the FormCollection, and if the name of the field matches the pattern, then I will extract the number from that field-name and process it.
However, I feel that there must be a much easier way to go about it - this method would likely involve a fair bit of string processing on each field, and there would possibly fall over if I have to add extra fields for each row later on.
Don't you have a list of IDs after postback? I believe you should not depend on what IDs are actually sent from the form, as anybody could change the IDs on the form to whatever they want, so it's a security issue. So you should after postback have a list of IDs you want to update (the same list you used to create the form with). In that case, you know exactly what id string you should use to retrieve the value from FormCollection.
In case you really can't get the list of IDs you are going to update, just use the FormCollection iteration as you suggested in your comment. The string processing is not that expensive in comparation with all other stuff being done at request processing.
If you have the names, then simply read the values by using Request.Form["order-23"] or re-create the controls in page pre-init and you'll have access to the values in your save event directly through the created controls.
I've done this loads in my CMS.
Essentially i sort of cheated.
The idea is something like this ....
render the form to the client, then look at the source code gneerated.
You should see that it generated a form tag with an action attribute.
When you click the submit button the form will be sent to that url so in the case of an order submission you would post the page back to OrderPage.aspx?OrderId=xxxx
then on the server you would build an update statement for your db that contained something like ...
"Update orders where order id =" + request.querystring["OrderId"]
So how do you update the action ...
In the calling page lets say you have a link called "New Order", when that link is clicked you need to do 2 things ...
redirect to this page.
generate an order id for this new order.
ok the first is simple, simply link it to this page.
the second ...
if this page is not a postback if(!IsPostback) { /* get a new id */ } depending on your order id's this may involve generating a new guid or doing something like getting the next number in a list by doing a select max(id) from a db.
once you have this new id you should still be in the page_load event.
this.form.Action = this.form.Action + "?OrderId=" + yourNewOrderId;
... tada ...
Send page back to the client.
view the source.
