mvvm light - messaging - mvvm-light

I'm curently teaching myself the MVVM pattern.
I've hit my first snag with the concept of messaging.
I know messaging is contained in the mvvm-light toolkit. But I cannot find an example of usage anywhere (no sample projects are provided in the download).
If anyone can direct me to some information as to how to use messaging in that toolkit, that would be ace.

I have posted an example of using Messaging here, as part of my Intro to MVVM Light series.
My goal in this example is to send a message indicating that navigation is needed. The VM can't manage the navigation so it sends a message to the view. We do this in three steps:
Create a class to contain the message that is to be passed
In the view model, instantiate the message class and broadcast the message
Within MainPage.xaml.cs register for the message and handle it when received
The complete source code is posted and also available for download.

I found the following article on the subject. The subject line seems a little unrelated but that link is for part 2 of the article and if you read and scroll down a bit you will find info on the RelayCommand, Messenger, EventToCommand, and ICleanup.
Good luck.
Here abit about it.

I posted some simple MVVM Light messaging code on this other question with sample compiled code and explanations.
Send a empty Message or Notification with MVVM toolkit light


Create record via client script in a relation model in App Maker

Could someone point me to documentation that shows how to create a record in a model with one to many relation via client side script.
Thanks in advance!
There are two ways of creating a new record.
1. Via a client-side script
You can do this by calling a createItem function from a widget. This link might help with that.
2. Via a server-side script
You can do this by directly creating a new record, assigning it to the relation of a model and then saving that model. This link might help with this method. By the way, it's easier to do this in a server-side script, as the guide itself says.
Since you just requested the link to official documentation, I've limited my answer to links only. Please feel free to ask if you need clarifications!

Pre-Built Intents for Watson Conversation

After setting up the IBM Watson Conversation service on my Raspberry Pi today I was disappointed to see that I'd have to write out every possible input (intent) and output (entity). Chalk this up to my extreme naivety around machine learning, But isn't there a way to tie into an existing set of conversation capabilities?
For example, I'm sure Watson already knows all the words for Hello and their proper responses. Or how to answer a variety of silly questions. Is there any way to tap into the Watson we all saw on Jeopardy?
Thanks for your help!
There are a number of options here.
System Entities
These are pre-defined to allow you to understand certain common concepts. Numbers, Currency and Dates are the available ones at the moment, but there are more coming.
You can also pull public lists and import as CSV. For example: . You may need to check the licensing before using though.
As you mentioned there is no pre-defined intents. But there are two solutions available that augment conversation.
First is "Watson Virtual Agent". This is a SaaS that contains pre-defined training sets for certain industries, as well as custom UI you can slot into your application. It's not cheap, but you can get a trial to play with it.
The other option is "Project Intu". It's still experimental, but it's purpose is to help in building robots/IOT devices. It contains pre-defined chit chat and some off topic stuff.
They have a "TJ Bot" project which can be used with a raspberry pi.

qt3d and the oculus sdk

Given qt3d's structure, is it possible to integrate the oculus sdk with a qt3d application?
I have tried but my two main obstacles are:
I cant use the textures from the texture swap chain created by the oculus sdk as a render target attachment
I am not able to call ovr_SubmitFrame at the end of each frame since qt3d doesnt have a signal that would allow me to do so.
Has anyone successfully gotten the oculus sdk to work with qt3d? If so, how did you overcome these issues?
Are there any plans for allowing the integration of VR SDKs (not just oculus') in qt3d in further releases?
You could probably do it with some sort of custom framegraph that encapsulated the stereo rendering functionality and included a custom component that could take the currently rendered content and submitted it to the SDK prior to the swapbuffer call.
Alternatively you could dive into the code that processes the framegraph itself and see how hard it would be to customize it to work against a VR API. I've done significant work with integrating Qt apps with VR, but not specifically with Qt3D.
The frame graph will indeed provide one part of the solution for the stereoscopic rendering setup. There is already an anaglyphic stereo example showing most of what you need that ships with Qt 3D.
To integrate the swap chain of the occulus SDK will require deeper integration. I do not know the details of the Occulus SDK as yet but we can take a look.
From what I can see you should be able to do something analogous to the Scene3D custom Qt Quick 2 item to be able to render to the textures provided by the Occulus SDK and to tell Qt 3D which OpenGL Context to use. See
Nicolas, I also do not appreciate you publicly saying that KDAB are not much help. I only received an email from Karsten on Friday which I responded to despite being on vacation saying that we can help but it will be on a best efforts basis since you are not paying and I have a very full workload preparing Qt 3D for release at the end of the month along with Qt 5.7. Today is a public holiday in the UK, as you are aware, yet you are already saying detrimental things about us.
You were also directed to post to the mailing list on the qt-forums as I do not tend to monitor SO or the qt-forums on a regular basis. You could have also emailed us directly or via the development#qt-interest mailing list.
We would be more than happy to set up a support agreement with you.

How to analyze the network traffic with Javafx

I'm trying to intercept the http calls which are generated during page loading. In other words, I would to realize a network traffic analyzer like the Firefox Firebug Net Panel.
Is it possible in Javafx?
Call URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory
Read A new era for Java Protocol Handlers to understand the background for this.
Answer assumes you are using the standard WebView implementation or the class for networking and not some custom method.
A code sample for this would take me some time. The recommended approach is to follow the instructions provided in my answer. I'll put together a code sample in a few days if I have time and the question asker or nobody else has provided a sample.

BTstack on MSP430F5438A + CC2564 bluetooth module

First, is there any good documentation for the btstack API's. I am trying to learn how to fully use btstack , send and receive data, look for devices within range and initiate connection.I am implementing this for MSP-430F5438A + CC2564 Bluetooth module.
This website has some examples, but I am still confused, I need someone to break it down for me.Is there a template that I can start of. Anything would be helpful. If there is a step by step reference on how to connect to a device and exchange packets, it would be really great. Thanks is advance
In the regular "GettingStarted" page is a little explanation on what goes on in the packet handler, which is the main part of where you basically put all of your new code.
