RSS Feeds WordPress (.COM) - wordpress

Is there a way (hack or work-around) to display RSS feeds on a page in a WordPress (.com) blog? I do not want to use the RSS widget because I do not want the feed to be displayed on every page. Thanks in advance. doesn't allow javascript, which is probably the only other way for this to work. Maybe you should move to

Can you run javascript on a page at .com?
Developer's Guide - Google AJAX Feed API - Google Code
If not, might be time to self-host Wordpress. There are cheap hosts out there.


Upload info that appear when share web link on Facebook

I have made a website. I did it with wordpress, making a custom theme.
All works fine, but I have a problem.
When I share any url on facebook, the info is not showed correctly. Only shows correctly if I go to open graph stories and I fetch the newest info.
I must do it for any url of the website?
Is posible do it for all urls once?
Or any other option?
Thank you!
I would propose to check if ALL your OG tags are correct,
or just simply use Facebook OGP plugin for Wordpress, which makes your work easy. Search WP plugins here

use rss from different website to automatically publish their post in your website?

Is there is any way that you can use a rss from a website and automatically publish their post in your website? Or anything similar?
This service makes it really easy to do what you are asking.

How can I display WordPress posts on a sub domain not running wordpress?

I have recently taken over a site which has a wordpress blog on a subdomain. I need to list all the posts on a 'news' page.
The page I need to display it on is a HTML page. I have looked into doing an RSS feed but had no luck. I've also looked into pulling the data from the database but I lack the skills!
Any help would be great.
I have looked into doing an RSS feed but had no luck.
That's the best way to do it. What doesn't work?
See Developer's Guide - Google AJAX Feed API - Google Code and Magpie RSS - PHP RSS Parser
Or see for code examples and list the posts.

Easily incorporate blog feed into site

I built a site for a client not too long ago and built it fairly standard. Now she has a Wordpress blog and would like an area on the main site to have links to the most recent blog posts. Is there an easy way for me to pull a list of the most recent posts into this content area without having to chop the page up into a Wordpress template?
You want to place the WP feed on the static site? Maybe Developer's Guide - Google AJAX Feed API - Google Code
I have a WordPress blog integrated into my hand-coded site. I use SimplePie to display my latest posts on my website's home page. I wrote a blog post about how to do this - Displaying WordPress posts on a separate web page. Hopefully that will work for you as well. Let me know if you need more information or help.

Transfer website to a wordpress blog retaining the older links and RSS feeds

I have around 40 pages on my website. I also have a Wordpress blog. I would like to shift my website to this blog. When I transfer the website to the blog, I want to transfer its pages to the blog as pages and not blog posts. Would that be possible.
The existing pages on the website have the URLs like;
When I create a blog, I want these links to be redirected to new links on the blog, like: should redirect to should redirect to should redirect to and so on.
How can I do this?
Also could existing RSS feeds to the current blog, be updated/migrated or redirected after this transfer?
I would highly recommend the redirection plugin for this.
It's quick and easy to use and manages everything inside the WordPress admin.
This is one we're using and it seems to do a pretty good job :)
