How to Restrict WordPress 3 Blog Posts to Admin Only? - wordpress

I have a WordPress blog where users can contribute articles and wiki entries ( The blog posts are normal post types. The articles and wiki entries are custom post types. I would like contributors to be able to add new articles and wiki entries, but leave the creation of new blog posts to Admin.
How do I create this kind of restriction?
Currently, out of the box, the contributor can create new post, article, and wiki.

You can change the capabilities of a role, with your own code or with a plugin. Remember to change the capability_type of your custom post types, otherwise you can't make a difference between a regular and a custom post.


Multiple Part Wordpress Post

I want to create a blog with stories. Where each story may have multiple chapters. I want to publish chapter wise. Is there any plugin to handle this in WordPress?
You could use core functionalities like categories or even tags as the root of your stories and publish each chapter as new post in this category or with the assigned tag.
Then you could display your stories on an archive page with a custom loop, depending on how/what you want to display (eg. title, content, excerpt...).
You can do this with the Custom Post Type. Here is the plugin you may use.
You can set your Stories as Custom post type and Chapter as a Custom taxonomy. You can also call them on any page, sort them as your chapter vise, you can also show limited chapters stories, etc. with the WP_Query.

user post upload buddypress

I am using buddypress for my website. I am searching for a plugin which allows members to post articles, stories and poems. It is good if the member can upload documents with it. I have searched a lot but couldn't find suitable one which works with buddypress. Any suggestions?
Have you tried Front-end Editor by Scribu:
You could set up custom post types for articles, stories and poems:

Link pages to custom post types

I have a WooCommerce site which has a custom post type named 'products'.
Each product is associated with 1 or more technologies which I have detailed in a set of pages. There are 8 pages in all, one for each technology. The pages are accessible in a "Technologies" menu on the site.
I want to be able to link products and technologies so that I may call up the linked pages on product pages. I will have a technologies section where I will list the technologies, the key image and excerpt. The thing is, every product uses different technologies.
What I have imaged as a solution is a way to link the pages to the product much like I would link categories. Then on the product page, I can get the attached pages to that product.
From what I understand from your question, the answer is available at the Wordpress codex. If this is not the case, you probably have to formulate your question better.
From that page from the codex, you can pick up a line as simple as this one:
<?php wp_list_pages('post_type=yourcustomtype&title_li='); ?>
I've found a very useful plugin called "Advanced Custom Fields"( which allows this. With this plugin, you can create Relations between a post and other posts/pages.
Then in you post, you can call up the related post objects and pull all the information you like from them.

Wordpress - Best way to differentiate between Blog Posts and News Posts

I am implementing a clients website in wordpress that has both news and blog posts. The homepage is satic page but the nav bar has the links to two different types of posts - NEWS AND BLOGS. Though both are exactly same however they are to be made accessible entirely separate from each other through the navigation bar.
Now I would like to know what is the best possible way to differentiate between the two in the admin panel:
I mean i can create custom post types for either one or for both the types or on the other hand create no custom post type but just a taxonomy to divide the two into different parts as news posts and blog posts. Also I think I can use the custom field option to differentiate between the two...
Kindly keep in mind that the news and blog posts will be made by the client himself...
Going with this train of thought
Kindly keep in mind that the news and blog posts will be made by the client himself
I think that the best option would be to create a custom post type for "news" and leave the standard blog posts unchanged.
As you can see in the official documentation. Once you create a custom post type, a new top-level option will be created in the admin panel.
Which would allow for the following use scenarios:
Posts > Add New
Posts > All Posts
News > Add New
News > All News
Keeping the taxonomies out of this is also a good idea. Because that would allow you to keep them meaningful and share them among different post types.
e.g: clicking on "open source" category would show a list of "posts" and "news" related to that particular topic.
This yoast article covers a few more advanced scenarios and how to manage them.
Using custom-fields would probably confuse the end user. Especially because there will be times where they forget to add the field altogether, and wonder why the post is not showing on the page at all.
hope this helps

Building a "lecture notes" website with wordpress

I wish to build a "lecture notes" website using wordpress. And would love for any advice on what plugins to use, other considerations to have or website that perform a similar task with WP.
The website should have a form that will allow users to upload their lecture files. The results should be a new "post". When submitting the form, the users should be able to tag their subject matter so to allow others to search it.
I would search for a "Members" type plugin, that lets you really fine-tune the roles and capabilities of each user type. Then you can let your users sign up as "contributor" or other lower level, and then use the Posts as your notes pages. Each post would have the ability to upload a file (not sure what formats are accepted, you might need a doc/pdf type plugin for that). You could also narrow it down by pre-specifying categories. Then you could use the comments as a discussion forum for each "lecture". Depending on the depth of customization you wanted, this could be fairly easy, or extremely complicated. ;)
If the WordPress site is on, then you can set the site so that you can publish via email. You might create a separate category for each person that is going to post to the site. There are "shortcodes" (see WordPress Support page "post-by-email" below for a list) which can be added to each email that will direct that post to one or more categories [one category might distinguish the poster, while other categories might group postings by topics, etc.]. Another shortcode can make the posting a "draft" or "private", while I think the default is to make the posting live immediately. *If you post by email, then all posters do not have to have Admin access to the site, they just have to have the unique WP site email posting address. *If you want to try the "Audio Post" feature (call from any phone and enter unique WP site key code), I don't think there is a way for the caller to direct the audio posts to a category via the call. An admin would have to add the category to any audio posts later. **All WP site "categories" automatically have an RSS feed created for them, so each of your posters would have their own chronological list of postings.
