How do you change the color of a Telerik GridGroupByExpression arrow? -

Does anybody know how to change the color of GridGroupByExpression arrow shown at the link below?
I haven't figured out how to change the color from the default black. I'd like to change the several I have in my project to white (in the above demo it's a shade of blue) but I have no clue how to pull this off (the demo doesn't show how to change it), so if anybody knows how I can accomplish this I'd greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance.

The easiest thing to do would be to just subscribe to the OnColumnCreated event and use the following code-snippet:
if (e.Column is GridGroupSplitterColumn)
(e.Column as GridGroupSplitterColumn).ExpandImageUrl = "image.gif";
(e.Column as GridGroupSplitterColumn).CollapseImageUrl = "image.gif";
The images that are used for these groups are the "SingleMinus.gif" and "SinglePlus.gif" images that you can find within the local Telerik install folder. They should be found in the Skins/[Skin Name]/Grid/ folder.

#Kswift : we can not change the colour of an image , we have to use the OnColumnCreated event what Carl suggested ,if you want to change the color of an image , you can do it with any photo editor and than use the above method to bind with the grid.


How can I change the size of images inside a p-galleria of PrimeNG?

I have a problem while using a p-galleria of PrimeNG with angular6.
The images inside it are coming with an automatically size and I don't have any idea how to change their size.
Hence I use a panelWidth or panelHeight : it changes the panel but not the images inside it.
Any answer will help my, thanks!
You can do this with "frameWidth" and "frameHeight".
<p-galleria [images]="images" panelWidth="573" panelHeight="430" [frameWidth]="120" [frameHeight]="80"></p-galleria>
I hope it will be usefull to somebody.

Setting fill style of flex legend item not working

I have been trying (but to no avail) to set the background color of a legend item in Flex to a color of my choosing.
Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be working.
I obtain a reference to the legendItem in question and then set the fill style like so:
var legendItem:LegendItem = event.item;
var legendItemColor:SolidColor = new SolidColor(0x00FF00, 0.5);
legendItem.setStyle("fill", legendItemColor);
I am able to set other styles of the legend item but, for some reason, this isn't working.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Check out this example
Managed to get the effect I was looking for by setting the opaqueBackground property of the legendItem.
legendItem.opaqueBackground = 0x00FF00;
Doesn't really make sense and I had even found an example where setStyle of fill was used and seemed to work for them.
Oh well, as long as it works!

Flex Change image color dynamically?

I have a image declared like the following:
[Embed( source="assets/banana.png" )]
public var iconBANANA : Class;
It is involving into itemRenderer, but I wish to change the color of the image when some event occurs (like clicking above or something).
The rest of the objects used the image shall remain unchanged, only the object on which the event has occurred shall change the color of the image.
But the biggest question is :
How to change the image color mainly - like there is a Blue area on image - to turn it on Green, or Yellow ?
I believe what you're looking for are Filters. What you're explaning (changing one color to another) is not exactly trivial and going into some fairly complex image manipulation but you can get some results using the ColorMatrixFilter.
You're looking for beginBitmapFill.

how to code NSButton to look just like image

Using code (not the Interface builder) I need to create an NSButton that looks like an image. Specifically I want to use NSImageNameStopProgressFreestandingTemplate and I need it not to look like button but to look like the image. This means:
1. No 'button down' look
2. No border, no any visibility of the button
I know this response is a bit late, but you could try this, given thisButton:
[thisButton setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:NSImageNameStopProgressFreestandingTemplate]];
[thisButton setImagePosition:NSImageOnly];
[thisButton setBordered:NO];
That last line is the key bit: removing the button border effectively strips it of its bezel, leaving only the image to click on. (BTW, I haven't tried the above code specifically, so you may need to throw in a couple of other tweaks, such as setting the imageScaling or buttonType, to get it to work best.)
One final note: If you're using a template image (as you said you would), Cocoa will automatically display it with a slight dark-grey gradient; when the button is clicked, it will momentarily darken to solid black. This is an automatic "'button down' look" you didn't want; however, it is very subtle, and is a good indicator that the button worked. If you don't want this to happen, you could get an instance of the desired image and [stopImage setTemplate:NO]; on it.
Disable isBordered
let button = NSButton(
image: NSImage(named: NSImage.Name("plus"))!,
target: self,
action: #selector(onButtonPress)
button.isBordered = false
If you don't want to use a templated but want the push down highlight anyways, you can also use the following setup for an NSButton:
let imageButton = NSButton()
imageButton.image = NSImage(named: "MyImage")!
imageButton.bezelStyle = .shadowlessSquare
imageButton.isBordered = false
imageButton.imagePosition = .imageOnly
The important thing to make the highlight work on any image is to set bezelStyle to shadowlessSquare.
I know this behavior wasn't requested in the question, but it might be useful for others.

Change background color in spark VideoPlayer

is there any way to change the black in background in the VideoPlayer component that comes with Flex 4 ?
I can change every color but i can't change the black in background.
if this one option doesn't help you, use this page to extend VideoPlayer with your own vision of logic, or if you are really have another option to add build your own component based on raw VideoDisplay like this.
Here is a sample changing background color
