Disabling themes in a subdirectory with ASP.NET - asp.net

This should be a simple one. I am using a program that has themes defined in its Web.config file. I want to turn these off for a subdirectory.
I copied Web.config into a subdirectory and tried removing the theme attribute from the pages element on Web.config but that didn't get me anywhere. I got a bunch of errors about elements that are apparently not allowed in non-root Web.config files so I removed all of those elements, but I am still getting the same error.
I tried adding EnableTheming="False" in the ASPX Page header, the thing that defines Language=C#, etc., but it didn't work either.
So if someone can tell me a tested, confirmed way to make this work, I would appreciate that. I am using .NET Framework 2.0 on Server 2003.

Got it with a very basic Web.config:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<pages theme="" />


Migrate ASP from root to subdirectory

I'm in the process of converting an existing ASP website into PHP while retaining the ASP website as an older version. Since I'm not an ASP developer, I thought it would be simple as moving the contents of the root directory into its own directory that I've labeled as v1.0 so that the ASP version can be viewed by going to www.mysite.com/v1.0 while the new PHP version (v2.0) can be viewed by going to www.mysite.com
Herein lies the problem. Doing this causes flags all kinds of errors (all related to "Server Error in '/' Application. Runtime errors"). The best I can figure out is that the web.config file needs to be tweaked in the v2.0 directory. Can any of you ASP experts recommend a simple solution to make this happen? I would like to have an empty root directory if possible since the new v2.0 version will be in all PHP and want to "self contain" the ASP version within the v1.0 directory as much as possible.
After a bit of wrangling, finally figured out that I needed to set up v1.0 as its own application under the IIS control panel. Once that was done, then all the contents of the root directory could be moved over to the v1.0 sub-directory and viewed via www.mysite.com/v1.0 -- thanks to Sean! for his help!
Most Classic ASP pages use Server Side Includes, if the site is using a SSI such as:
<!-- #include virtual = "include-file.inc" -->
, then you will need to change all of these to be
<!-- #include virtual = "v1.0/include-file.inc" -->.
I assume that you are using IIS 7 or IIS 7.5, since you are not seeing the actual error, you will need to modify your web.config file.
<asp scriptErrorSentToBrowser="true" />
<httpErrors errorMode="Detailed">
Since it now sounds like you are using ASP.NET, you would need to change your web.config as below to see the full error:
<customErrors mode="Off" />

Custom HttpHandler never running

Forgive me if this is basic. I've never made one before and can't seem to figure out why it's not working. I wrote a little handler to do some parsing on CSS files. I added this:
<remove verb="*" path="*.css"/>
<add verb="*" path="*.css"
type="MyNameSpace.CssRelativePathHandler,CssRelativePathHandler" />
Nothing ever happens. CSS files get parsed normally. No errors, nothing, the code never runs. What am I missing? Shouldn't this cause the handler to be used when *.css files are served? (I added the "remove" later, since I thought perhaps I needed to do that to override a built-in hander, again, no difference either way).
This is IIS 6. I added the IIS 7 code anyway (after searching for answers) but makes no difference.
<add name="CssHandler" verb="*" path="*.css"
type="MyNameSpace.CssRelativePathHandler,CssRelativePathHandler" />
You need to configure IIS6 to send requests for .css files to ASP.Net.
Had you been using IIS7, your <system.webServer> element would have done that for you, but IIS6 predates this.
For IIS 6 you need to have to tell it to send *.css files to ASP.NET.
Launch IIS Manager
Right-click on Default Web Site
Click on the Home Directory tab
Under Application Settings click on Configuration...
Add a new association for .css and map it to .NET executable:
It sounds like you need to configure IIS to enable ASP.NET to execute the .css extension.
Phil Haack has a walkthrough on doing that (just replace .mvc with .css under the heading "Mapping .mvc to ASP.NET"):
Or you can set up a wildcard mapping in IIS 6:
I'd recommend going with the first method as doing the wildcard approach will send all requests to ASP.NET - so it has a more overhead.
PS: Further down Phil's post, he also lists "IIS6 Extension-less URL" and also covers the wildcard mapping method.

ASP.NET 3.5 application with multiple web.config files (IIS 7)

We are working on a web application that creates more web applications.
Each web application will have to get a Url Rewrite rule (URL REWRITE MODULE 2.0).
As far as I know, there's no way to add such rules without modifying the web.config file (am I right??).
So my plan was to work with multiple web.config partial files. One main .config file, and lots of .config files per application (every file will contain it's web application url rewrite rules).
This way sounds a little bit messy, but I can't think of anything else, and suggestions will be welcomed.
So is it possible to use very-multiple web.config files for the root application?
Thanks in advance, Gal.
This following Tag will do the trick.
The absence of this tag was the main reason for my problem when i using with two web.config files for my two different application running in my website.
**<location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false">**
<!-- ... -->
Every application must have a full web.config and not partial, exept if you go with net 4
The trick is to use a lot the remove command on the other inside web.config and remove the parents setting that must not used on this.
For example if on the main root you have the a module that you do not won to use it on the other trees, you use the remove command on all other web.config to remove it. Especial the modules that are on one Bin and not on an other directory bin.
<remove name="TheHttoModuleNotNeedHere" />
<remove name="AnonymousIdentification" />
... add here your other modules for that directory...
The remove command is working for almost all sessions on config.
You can do make it work, I have done it, but its a lot of work to find all the conflicts/unnecessary configs and remove it.
For some other session there also the clear command. For example on role Manager you can clear all and add new.
<roleManager enabled="true" ...>
<clear />
<add name="MyName" ... type="System.Web.Security.SqlRoleProvider" />
Hope this help as tips to make it work.

asp.net, web.config inheritence, and clearing the authentication setting

I have an ASP.net 1.1 application.
In a sub-folder, I've installed blogengine.net, which is a 2.0 app.
The folder is set to be an application and is using the proper framework.
It works...except for authentication.
The issue is inheritence from the web.config in the root application.
The common fix for this issue is to use 'clear' in your nested app's config file for each thing you want to reset.
The problem is that 'clear' does not appear to be allows within authentication tags:
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms... rest of my child app's settings for authentication...>
Doing that gives me a syntax error.
Anyone know of a way to get this working? I need to prevent the root app's authentication info in web.config from being inherited within the child application.
UPDATE: per curious_geek's answer, one option is to modify the root config to not allow inheritance. However, my understanding is that will also block the system.config properties. Is that usually a big deal? This isn't my server, so wonder if doing that will open up some security issues that might not go over with with the server admin.
You need to tell the parent web.config no to force section inheritance in child-application.
If you want to stop system.web section inheritance to child-app then you'd wrap your system.web section with location element mentioned as below.
<location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false">
You can also apply this technique for stop inheritance for connectionstrings and appsettings section as well.
PS: when you actually add this
lines in web.config, visual studio will
not recognize it as valid and mark it
as error, but be rest assured that it
will work well under IIS when

How do I get ASP.Net CompositeScript to cache in the browser?

I have been trying to improve the performance of a web page that references several separate JavaScript files. I found the new CompositeScript feature in .Net 3.5 SP1 that allows you to combine scripts at runtime through the ScriptManager and it works great to reduce the number of hits on our server at page load.
But the problem is that the combined script never caches on the client side. From everything I've read so far, it should do that automatically. I don't have anything set to prevent it from caching (other scripts we reference that could not be combined cache fine, as do the ScriptResource.axd files). I even added the following to explicitly enable caching in the web.config:
<scriptResourceHandler enableCompression="true" enableCaching="true"/>
But it doesn't seem to have an effect.
Has anyone seen this problem or have some suggestions on things I can try to fix it?
Is debug mode on anywhere? Make sure your webserver's Machine.Config has Retail="True"
<deployment retail="true"/>
