qtmessaging: no such file or directory (Qt-Mobility) - qt

I had a problem while I'm compiling the existing example in Qt-mobility. It's a code example shows how to use messaging API in Qt for symbian. After run the program there was an error occured:
Cannot open include file :
'qtmessaging.h': no such file or
So what to do for use the qtmessaging library?
Thanks in advance.

This seems to be a bug in Qt Mobility. qtmessaging.h is not listed as a public header file.
In later releases of Qt Mobility such as the most recent 1.0.2, qtmessaging.h seems to be removed completely and the examples updated to not use it. So the solution is simple: update your Qt Mobility to the most recent version.

your pro file seems to be correct.
just look at the example provided here, do cross check your profile with example one here


Cannot find feature windows_vulkan_sdk in qt

I have newly installed Qt and when I tried to open my projects and have not even tried to compile, I got this mysterious cannot find feature windows_vulkan.
My QT has been working earlier but I had to reinstall it because it complained I had missing libicuun65.dll and libicuuc65.dll and recommended reinstallation. I have removed everything and installed qt from scratch.
Below is my error
I went into the directory it specified and clearly see the file. I am just not sure the content of the file is complete as it only contains 2 lines below:
Maybe there are lib that are missing like libicuun65.dll and libicuuc65.dll and/or others?
Also, please note the uncompleted "Prepare C++ code Model" status bar. It has never completed as I saw it there for hours...it should not take that long.
What should I do to rectify this issue? Please help.
Update: My paths are set up too...
I think I understand why this happens for you, you install your Qt in Drive D but install Vulkan SDK in Drive C.
These should be on the same Drive.
Maybe Qt can't find your Vulkan SDK because of that please reinstall Vulkan SDK in Drive D.
another thing is this link in bugreports.qt.io
and also this GitHub issue.
They have problems like you and their compiler was MSYS2.
From: load(windows_vulkan_sdk)
To: load(win32/windows_vulkan_sdk)

dependency qt.core not found for product

I get a lot of same errors when try to compile my project using qbs.
Like this:
Dependency "Qt.core" not found for product "dist".
Please create a Qt profile using the qbs-setup-qt tool if you haven't already done so.
Product 'dist' had errors and was disabled.
I use QtCreator. Should I "create a new Qt profile using the qbs-setup-qt tool"?
Please, can you explain what does it mean?
No, Qt Creator sets up the profiles automatically. The most common cause for this message is that the Kit you are using does not have a (valid) Qt version set. Please verify this first. If everything looks okay in that regard, please file an issue at bugreports.qt.io, and we will take it from there.

Qt 5 and C++11 (qobjectdefs_impl.h won't compile)

NB: I have tried asking this question here (on the Qt Project forums), but to no avail for the moment, so I'm trying my luck here.
I’m using Qt 5.0.1 (on a laptop with Ubuntu 13.04), the compiler is gcc 4.7.3 (and I'm working with Qt Creator 2.7.0).
In order to have C++11 working, it seems that simply adding the following line to the .pro file of the project does the trick (or at least it's supposed to):
CONFIG += c++11
However, when I do that, I get a ton of errors in the file qobjectdefs_impl.h upon compilation.
Anyone know how to fix this problem? Thanks in advance!
Edit: Here is a screenshot so that you can see what the errors look like (apparently the errors happen when I do #include <QColor>):
NB: link to the image if it shows too small here.
Edit: I still have the errors after having upgraded to gcc 4.8.1 and Qt 5.1.2, which I compiled from the sources.
Yay, someone (JKSH) found what the problem was on Qt Project forums (here).
In short:
The problem was that I had written somewhere #define I complex(0.0, 1.0), which created a name clash in qobjectdefs_impl.h (where complex was a typedef for std::complex<double>). For some (weird) reason that didn’t cause any problems as long as I didn’t write CONFIG = c+11 in the pro file, but not it did after writing it.
Many thanks to JKSH, and also Greenflow for helping!
Edit: The credit for finding the issue should go to Thiago Macieira from the Qt Project Interest mailing list, see comment.

Qt5 reference documentation: qch files

I want to view Qt reference documentation inside QtAssistant, but the installation of Qt5 did not come with .qch documentation files for Qt libraries.
I have tried to find them on the http://qt-project.org but could not find them anywhere.
How do I get the Qt5 documentation files ?
I am using Ubuntu 12.10, I have installed the new qt-library sdk from the qt-project website.
Open Assistant (5.0.1/gcc/bin/assistant) and then go to Edit -> Preferences menu.
There's a Documentation tab. If the list is empty, add the .qch files found in the 5.0.1/gcc/doc/ directory.
This is how it looks. This is Ubuntu 12.10 as well.
Qt 5.0.1 installed with the qt-linux-opensource-5.0.1-x86-offline.run package (388Mb).
Yes, the official Ubuntu-documentation for Qt5 is very incomplete. You don't have information about nearly any class.
If you want to use the QtCreator/QtAssistant build from Ubuntu you have to acquire the docs yourself. I did and uploaded these on my personal Mega-account. Here are the docs. I installed the Qt framework with the installer from qt-project.org, grabbed the documentation and inserted it into the software-center-version.
I don't use QtAssistant as a stand-alone program but integrated in QtCreator. To add the docs to QtCreator go to Tools>Options>Help>Documentation and click add. Then select all .qch files, click apply and enjoy. Maybe try the way as mentioned above.
After all, you can just download the necessary *.deb file from the store of the Ubuntu packages, and install it on your system. As they wrote here, this package will install the *.qch files in /usr/share/qt5/doc. The pitfall is that you will have to remember that you have done that, since your Ubuntu will not take any records for you.

How to use QtCopyDialog?

I include this library:
#include <QtCopyDialog>
When i compile, i see this error
"QtCopyDialog: No such file or directory"
How to solve this problem?
QtCopyDialog is not part of the core Qt library, but was released as part of Qt Solutions, a now discontinued add-on. The official Qt site links to a newish Git repository containing a few of the original Qt Solutions classes. This appears to be the most (only?) maintained location for the Qt Solutions source, but QtCopyDialog appears not to have made the grade. The only place I can find the source for QtCopyDialog is here. Judging from the docs, the last time it was maintained was pre Qt 4.5. You might need to make some changes in order to get it to work with whatever version of the Qt libs you're using.
