hook_nodeapi() - How to order additional fields - drupal

I used hook_nodeapi to add my custom field to a type of node
$node->content['my_new_field'] = array(
'#value' => $content,
However the new field is only appeared at the end of the content. Is there anyway for me to select a place for it to display ? e.g: between Title and Body.
For some reason I won't be able to use CCK, I want to do it programmatically.
Thanks in advance

There is something called weight. If you llok at the code from API docs, you'll see how that is supposed to work. Lower numbers appear before higher numbers.
So you could do something like
$node->content['my_new_field'] = array(
'#value' => $content,
'#weight' => 5, //play with the values until you are happy with the output

Couldn't you implement hook_load instead to append the node object with your custom fields:
Then you could theme it however you want in node-customtype.tpl.php. Just a thought.


In Wordpress Visual Composer, is it possible to set default values for the fields under Select Custom Fields?

Specifically I'd like to give every new post a particular sidebar by default. Seems like setting default values should be possible, but I can't see where in the interface and a Google turned up nothing, so any advice appreciated. Thanks!
You can do this by using the "value" property of the parameter array(s) for vc_map() or vc_add_parameter(). Documentation is here... see the description of the value property.
An example would be:
function vc_myshortcode(){
'name' => 'My Shortcode',
'base' => "myshortcode",
'params' => array(
add_action( 'vc_before_init', 'vc_myshortcode' );
So the default value for the color parameter would then be set to #333333

How do i set a specific template for a specific module in drupal 6 using hook_theme

Is there any way by which i could assign a template to my custom module.I heard it may be possible.I tried out with the hook_theme function.My hook_theme looks something like this
function special_theme() {
return array(
'special' => array(
'template' => 'special',
'arguments' => array('link' => NULL),
I do have a special.tpl.php file in my module folder.But the tpl file is not called.Its my default template that is been shown as output.Could someone please help me in the right direction.would be very helpful.
What you define via hook_theme() is an available template, not one that is automatically used. In order to use that template you need to call theme('special', $link);.
It is also advised to avoid using simple words for theme names to avoid collisions ( try mymodule_special instead ).
Also note (though basic), that you also need to print the return value of theme(), it does not get automatically printed. So for instance,
print theme('special', $link);

Treat the node nids as a field (for display only in a content type) in drupal 7

I need to use the nid of a node as field in a content type: i need to choose where to print it (put it before some fields but after others) and format it as i wish. the only thing i could think about is create a "fake" custom field with no widget to insert it buth with a theme formatter to display it but it seems to me that this is a little to complicated. How should i do it?
If I understand correctly, you just want to expose data to the node view. Could it be as easy as using hook_node_view() from a module?
With that, you can set a 'fake' field to be sent out to the content array of the node, which you can access in the node template.
From drupal.org:
function hook_node_view($node, $view_mode, $langcode) {
$node->content['my_additional_field'] = array(
'#markup' => $additional_field,
'#weight' => 10,
'#theme' => 'mymodule_my_additional_field',

Drupal form with custom ID

Correct me if I'm wrong, after reading drupal fapi related articles, I got the impression that fapi generates 'id' attributes by itself. It allows developers to assign 'name' attribute only. If that's the case, is there a way I can set desire 'id' value for elements? Because, I want my elements to have meaningful 'id' so that html/jquery code would be easier to read as well as save my time from going through already written jquery code to change those all 'id's that I've used inside.
P.S:drupal version - 6.x
Ok found the solution. I can use the #attributes key of the $form element to set any additional attributes (such as class, id, etc.). Thanks for your help so far.
I had a similar issue to deal with. I needed to have multiple forms on the same page so I had to change the ids of the form and its elements to prevent duplicate ids. I did something like the following:
function voci_comment_form($form, &$form_state, $cid) {
$form['#attributes']['id'] = 'voci-comment-form-' . $cid;
$form['#attributes']['class'][] = 'voci-comment-form';
$form['body'] = array(
'#title' => 'Post a comment',
'#type' => 'textarea',
'#resizable' => FALSE,
'#rows' => 1,
$form['comment'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => 'Comment',
foreach ($form as $k => &$element) {
$k = str_replace('_', '-', $k);
$element['#attributes']['id'] = "edit-$k-$cid";
$element['#attributes']['class'][] = "edit-$k";
return $form;
This basically sets unique ids based on the $cid that is passed in. The code also adds classes to each element in the form so you can style it easily. I'm sure a more robust solution is possible but this is the basic idea. Tested in Drupal 7.
It's true that you can set $element['#attributes']['id'] and that will apply to the form field. However, it will break labels and #states in Drupal 7 because the rest of the rendering pipeline reads the ID from somewhere else. So for your labels and #states to keep working, use set the ID to $element['#id'] instead (an undocumented property that nonetheless is how the form API watches ID internally).
Make sure to pass your ID through drupal_html_id as well to ensure no conflicts.
This problem doesn't really have much to do with the Drupal-FAPI itself, but more with how Drupal theme forms (create the markup).
If you want to alter all forms on your site, you can overwrite the theming functions that is used for forms and the different type of form fields.
If you just want to overwrite some forms or form fields, you can set the #theme attribute on the form or an element, to change which function should be used for creating the markup.

Drupal 6 passing variables from Forms to Content, how to?

I created a BLOCK (left) with this simple form.
Now I want to PROCESS and DISPLAY results on PAGE (center)
How can I do it ?
name = James
surname = Bond
output I want :
<div style="color:red">Welcome, James Bond</div>
here is a BLOCK which i wrote and works.
echo drupal_get_form('myForm');
function myForm($form_state) {
$form['name'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Name'),
'#size' => 20,
'#maxlength' => 10
$form['surname'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Surname'),
'#size' => 20,
'#maxlength' => 10
$form['submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('Save')
return $form;
function myForm_submit($form,&$form_state)
Now I need to display the output :).
Please don't suggest to use VIEWS or any other addon.
I want to learn Drupal from Inside out. Not the other way around ;)
Well, it depends a bit on how you want to do things. Since you are learning how to make a drupal module, you might want to start with an implementation of hook_menu(). This hook is used to define menu items, which basically means that you can register urls with that function. Going that route you can:
Implement hook_menu()
A general way of handling redirects is using drupal_goto(). However, in this case it is much more fitting to use the $form_state['redirect'] as Henrik explained in his comment.
For the url you are redirecting to, you should have a call back function which is where you put your logic, the way you setup the hook_menu and the callback function will determine how you get your variables available. You probably want to look into the arg() function which is what generally is used to get the values from the url.
Run the user input through a filter to make sure that they haven't posted nasty stuff like script tags ect, use check_plain
return a theme function, alternatively make your own, look at theme() and hook_theme()
There are quicker ways to do this, but doing it this way, you will generate urls for every search result that drupal can cache, which is nice. Also not being dependent on the post parameters people can bookmark the search results
Another thing is that you might want to put some basic validation to your form. That would be a good practice to learn. That would look something like this:
* Validation handler for myForm.
function myForm_validate($form, &$form_state) {
$name = $form_state['values']['name'];
// do some checks to $name.
if ($error) {
form_set_error('name', t('error message to be displayed, showing the value of the field: #name', array('#name' => $name);
You could implement AHAH in your form, and specify an element inside your page's content area as the 'wrapper' (the element in which the results of the callback function will be placed). But, you would need to understand the excellent advice of Mr. Opel before you even attempt it.
How about using drupal_set_html_head() to write a string of script to the head section of the page? I am doing this on specific pages (getting user latitude and longitude and passing them into my gMap function), but I am interested in dong the same thing directly from hook_form_submit(). I have made a few tries at it, and I am obviously outputting the script string but calling the function from submit doesn't seem to work.
if the submit function creates a page full of html output; what is the best way to pass this to a page callback? i doubt that passing as an arg on the url would work.
i stuffed into a session var but maybe a better way?
