how to get the string from dropdown list -

I have this code in my controller for Index view..
public ActionResult Index(int? id)
_viewModel.ServiceTypeListAll = new SelectList(_bvRepository.GetAllServiceTypes().ToList().OrderBy(n => n.ServiceTypeName).ToList(), "ServiceTypeId", "ServiceTypeName");
return View(_viewModel);
Using this I am able to dispaly all the ServiceTypes in my view in dropdownlist box. the code is
<%=Html.DropDownList("ServiceTypeListAll", new SelectList(Model.ServiceTypeListAll,"Value","Text"))%>
When I am trying to get the Selected Dropdownlist value from View to controller I am acceesing like this..
string categoryName = collection["ServiceTypeListAll"]; // collectoin refers FormCollection
I am expecting CategoryName should be string like what ever I am showing in Dropdownlist box.
I am getting Integer values?
is that somethign I am doing wrong

The value of a dropdownlist is its ID property, which you're specifying as ServiceTypeId.
You need to specify the ID as ServiceTypeName instead, like this:
_viewModel.ServiceTypeListAll = new SelectList(_bvRepository.GetAllServiceTypes().OrderBy(n => n.ServiceTypeName), "ServiceTypeName", "ServiceTypeName");
Also, Model.ServiceTypeListAll is already a SelectList; you don't need to wrap it:
<%=Html.DropDownList("ServiceTypeListAll", Model.ServiceTypeListAll)%>

This is what a select box looks like in HTML
<option value="1">Item 1</option>
<option value="2">Item 2</option>
<option value="3">Item 3</option>
So the value you get in your controller is the selected value from the select box, and this is a number.
If you want to use the items text then there are two possibilities:
1) set the value of the options to the value of the text
public ActionResult Index(int? id)
_viewModel.ServiceTypeListAll = new SelectList(_bvRepository.GetAllServiceTypes().ToList().OrderBy(n => n.ServiceTypeName).ToList(), "ServiceTypeId", "ServiceTypeId");
return View(_viewModel);
2) after getting the int value load the appropriate object from your repository
int categoryId = Convert.ToInt32(collection["ServiceTypeListAll"]);
string categoryName = _bvRepository.Get(categoryId); // or whatever method loads your object

Your call to Html.DropDownList() will produce html that looks like this:
<select name="ServiceTypeListAll">
<option value="1">Service Type 1</option>
<option value="2">Service Type 2</option>
<option value="3">Service Type 3</option>
The value attribute is for whichever option is selected is what will appear in the FormCollection. If you really want the ServiceTypeName string instead of the ServiceTypeId, you can modify your SelectList constructor like this:
_viewModel.ServiceTypeListAll = new SelectList(_bvRepository.GetAllServiceTypes().ToList().OrderBy(n => n.ServiceTypeName).ToList(), "ServiceTypeName", "ServiceTypeName");
in order to produce html that looks like this:
<select name="ServiceTypeListAll">
<option value="Service Type 1">Service Type 1</option>
<option value="Service Type 2">Service Type 2</option>
<option value="Service Type 3">Service Type 3</option>
Also, incidentally, you should be able to simplify you HtmlHelper call to this:
<%=Html.DropDownList("ServiceTypeListAll", Model.ServiceTypeListAll)%>
No need to create another SelectList ...


How to populate dropdown in thymeleaf with hashmap set from controller

I want the dropdown in the view to be get filled with value set from the controller. In my controller using model attribute I have added the list limits
#RequestMapping(value = "/works", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String searchWorks(Model model){
Map< Integer, String > limits = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
limits.put(20, "20件");
limits.put(25, "25件");
limits.put(30, "30件");
limits.put(35, "35件");
limits.put(40, "40件");
limits.put(45, "45件");
limits.put(50, "50件");
return "workSituation";
In view Page in order to populate the dropdown with the value set using model attribute I have used this code
<div class="col-sm-3">
<select class="form-control" name = "limit" id="limit" onchange="getList(this.value)">
<option selected>-- select number of items--</option>
<option data-th-each="limit : ${limits}"
data-th-text="${limt.getValue()}" >
I am getting the error
caused by: org.attoparser.ParseException: Exception evaluating SpringEL expression: "limt.getKey()"
caused by: org.attoparser.ParseException: Exception evaluating SpringEL expression: "limt.getValue()"
What will be the cause for this. Actually dropdown is iterating 7 times(the number of records in the limits list) but the key and value is not able to fetch with code.What is the correct way to get the dropdown filled with
<option value="20">20件</option>
<option value="25">25件</option>
<option value="30">30件</option>
<option value="35">35件</option>
<option value="40">40件</option>
<option value="45">45件</option>
<option value="50">50件</option>
For thymeleaf try the following
<option th:each="limit : ${limits.entrySet()}" th:value="${limit.key}" th:text="${limit.value}"></option>

Angularjs 1.2 adds empty option in select

I have a dropdown that gets its items from database. The default value to be selected in this dropdown is retrieved from a cookie.
The problem is,
1. there is an empty option tag as the first option and also,
2. the default value is not selected.
There is no issue at all when I use v1.3.16. This happens when using v1.2.0. (I have to use only v1.2.0)
How to fix this.
<select id="ddlItems" data-ng-model="ItemId">
<option value="-1">-- All Circles --</option>
<option data-ng-repeat="item in Items" value="{{item.AreaCode}}"
var promise = MyFactory.GetItems();
promise.then(function (success) {
if ( != null && != '') {
var data =;
$scope.Items = data.lstItems; //bind items to dropdown
$scope.ItemId = itemIdFromCookie; //select default value
alert(itemIdFromCookie); //it pops -1
else {
Rendered HTML:
<select id="ddlItems" data-ng-model="ItemId">
<option value="? string:"-1" ?"></option>
<option value="-1">-- All Circles --</option>
//...other options
Try to use ngOptions instead
Like this
<select id="ddlItems"
ng-options="item.AreaCode as item.AreaName for item in Items">
<option value="-1">-- All Circles --</option>
This happens becausedata-ng-model="ItemId" is empty when your model is App is Loaded.
To Have some initial value. you can put default value in ng-init
For Ex : data-ng-init='data-ng-model="--SELECT--";'
Or per your Array list Item which you are getting from database set one of the values.
Remember init will get triggered b/f you complete the Ajax Call. mvc dropdownlist option disabled selected

Is there any elegant way to create something like this
<option value="" disabled selected>Select your option</option>
<option value="1">Option1</option>
using #Html.DropDownListFor helper in ASP.NET MVC 4?
Unfortunately not. There is no way to add attributes to a SelectListItem, which is what gets rendered as an <option>.
You would need to extend the SelectListItem class, and then extend the DropDownListFor to use it. It is unfortunately not very straightforward... It would have been nice for there to be an Attributes dictionary on SelectListItem for this purpose.
Here is an implementation of a custom attribute being applied:
Adding html class tag under <option> in Html.DropDownList
Here's one way you could do it using tag helpers.
<select asp-for="#Model.Orders.FruitsId" class="form-control">
<option value="">Select a Fruit</option>
#foreach (var Fruit in Model.Fruits )
if (barber.Name.Equals("Orange"))
<option disabled="disabled" value="#Fruit.Id">#Fruit.Name </option>
<option value="#Fruit.Id">#Fruit.Name </option>
After struggling I've done this via js function:
function handleSubAction(select) {
var item = document.getElementById(select);
item.children[0].disabled = true;
item.children[0].hidden= true;
return false;
and event handler in HTML:
<body onload="handleSubAction('subAction');"/>

ModelMap attribute not passing the value

I am having issues with modelmap attributes.. this is my xyz.jsp file..
<select name="list">
<option value="-">Choose a Value</option>
<c:forEach items="${sectionList}" var="section">
<option value="${section.code}">${section.description}</option>
and the controller class...
#RequestMapping(value="index", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String mainList(ModelMap modelMap){
modelMap.addAttribute("sectionList", sectionService.getAllSectionList());
return "home";
But on the web page I don't see the options in the drop down.. All I see is only one value saying "${section.description}".. infact this is the source in html..
<select name="division" >
<option value="-">Choose a Value</option>
<option value="${section.code}">${section.description}</option>
Any help on what am I doing wrong here? Thanks!
did you try <c:out value="${section.[attribue]}/>? otherwise it will be displayed as string.
It looks like you dont have jstl-{version}.jar in your lib folder.

get selectlist text

when i bind my select list to a dropdownlist in a view i see where i can get the selected value (but in my case, it's a number). is there a way i can get the description/text from the select list?
Here is one way:
$(function() {
$('select').change(function() {
alert($('select option:selected').text());
<option value="0">Zero</option>
<option value="1">One</option>
<option value="2">Two</option>
<option value="3">Three</option>
Working jsfiddle:
If you have multiple select elements on a page you will need to change the selector accordingly.
The the value of the selected option is what will be transferred as the form key of a select list.
<select name="list1">
<option selected value="1">one</option>
will produce a key list1=1
If you need the description, bind the description to the value of the select list.
<select name="list1">
<option selected value="one">one</option>
will produce a key list1=one
If you are using SelectListItem this option would be:
new SelectListItem {
Text = "one",
Value = "one"
Not sure if I understand your question but :
Assuming our collection we want to use for populating our dropdown list is made from :
public class Animal
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
Then you can populating your list would be
#Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.AnimalId, new SelectList(AnimalList, "ID", "Name"))
For the sample above ID is the "Value" and Name would be displayed as option to choose. If you want it the other way around - just replace names of the class properties/fields
If you want both ID and Name to be displayed on the dropdown list to produce
<option value="1">1 - Horse</option>
I would go with
#Html.EditorFor(model =>, "PickAnimalTemplate", new { animals = ViewBag.Animals})
which is defining custom EditorTemplate for this property, where you can pretty much do whatever you want with the layout for example :
#foreach (var item in animals)
<option value="#item.ID">#item.ID - #item.Name</option>
