Draggable scrolling. How to scroll while dragging? - apache-flex

When I was starting to drag any element, mouse wheel scrolling is turned off, how to scroll while dragging?
I'm newbie here, so I can't insert a picture, here's a link http://i.stack.imgur.com/4tp69.gif

Hm... I would say it is because the scrolling is caught by the dragged element, as it is on top of the VGroup. So - I guess the solution would be to listen to scrolling event in the dragged element and send that to the VGroup / something that will handle the drag'n'scrolling of the VGroup.
Also - I am not sure, but when you are dragging, the VGroup might no more be specified as the dragged element's parent - so, just add a realParent reference or whatever so you can always access it.


Getting QScrollArea to resize its child widget immediately

I have a QScrollArea (we'll call it myContainer) that contains and scrolls a child view (we'll call it myChildWidget). All works almost fine - when I change the height of myChildWidget dynamically in response to something, if the height exceeds that of myContainer (the QScrollArea), a vertical scroll bar pops into view, effectively narrowing myChildWidget since I've set it to resize its child using:
The problem is that myChildWidget is not actually resized until later, rather than right when I set its new height or try resizing myContainer, so I can't do certain things depending on its new width without subclassing and putting in a whole bunch of extra code. Surely there's something I can call to get the QScrollArea to auto-resize its child right away, right? I can use:
but the problem with that is that it causes the widgets to flash and redraw when I'm not done setting things up. I've tried update(), updateGeometry(), and adjustSize(), both on the container and its child, and none work. Anything I'm missing? Thanks for any help.

React when a scrollbar activates

I have a TextInput in a container. I need the horizontal scrolling capabilities of the container so that when the textInput is to big it allows me to scroll to see the text on the left and right. The scrollbar track and thumb were set to null so I can see the text.
trackSkin: ClassReference(null);
thumbUpSkin: ClassReference(null);
thumbOverSkin: ClassReference(null);
thumbDownSkin: ClassReference(null);
thumbSkin: ClassReference(null);
Now I want to listen to an event or watch a property that changes when the horizontal scrollbar activates. Then I would like to set a padding on the container or left and right property on the text input so that the left and right arrows do not get in the way of the user to see the first and last characters.
Before adding listeners and accessing the HScrollBar of the Scroller, you may find this setting/variable of some use: measuredSizeIncludesScrollBars
From the API: (Please forgive the terrible formatting)
If true, the Scroller's measured size includes the space required for the visible scroll bars, otherwise the Scroller's measured size depends only on its viewport.
Components like TextArea, which "reflow" their contents to fit the available width or height may use this property to stabilize their measured size. By default a TextArea's is defined by its widthInChars and heightInChars properties and in many applications it's preferable for the measured size to remain constant, event when scroll bars are displayed by the TextArea skin's Scroller.
In components where the content does not reflow, like a typical List's items, the default behavior is preferable because it makes it less likely that the component's content will be obscured by a scroll bar.
In the event this doesn't work, I would probably add an event listener attached to the lifecycle of the Scroller. During that event handling, I would check to see if the Scrollbar was null or not. If it wasn't, I would store it off to the side, but not before adding a listener to its "show" and "hide" event. That way, you can kick off whatever you need to whenever the scrollbar changes its state.

Not allowing a component underneath a canvas to be clickable when the canvas is visible in Flex 3

I have a component (a canvas) that has a click event listener on it. However, there is sometimes an opaque canvas that lays over that component. When that overlaying canvas is visible, I don't want the underlying component to be clickable.
Is there a way to do this without manually removing the click event listener when the overlaying canvas becomes visible and adding back the click event listener when the overlaying canvas becomes invisible?
As a side note, interestingly enough, the overlaying canvas contains label elements and when the overlaying canvas is visible, the underlaying component is only clickable for the area of the overlaying canvas where there is not a label element.
Also, since this is Flex, I should note that the click event listener was originally added through Actionscript and not through mxml.
I believe what you want to do is set mouseEnabled="true" and useHandCursor="false" on the opaque canvas. That should stop any mouse events to go 'through' the canvas.
I'm pretty sure if you set the mouseEnabled and mouseFocusEnabled properties to false, then the canvas will not fire the click event handler.
Of course, I didn't think canvases (or any Container) could be Clickable; so for the event to fire; there has to be something inside the canvas that actually fires the click event. I'm not sure if the mouseEnabled and mouseFocusEnabled properties trickle down to the container's children.
Just mask the opaque canvas so it wont be over the canvas with the click effect

Canvas Scrolling

I have a Canvas with a VGroup inside that is populated with objects of various types, some of which have mouseEvents such as MOUSE_OVER.
The problem I am having is getting the Canvas to scroll properly with the mouse wheel. It will only work if the mouse is over the scrollbars.
I tried faking it by listening for the mouse wheel on the stage, then manually scrolling the Canvas. But when the the Canvas scrolls to where an object moves under the mouse, things get screwey.
Any suggestions?
take care,
Ok. I found that if I use the canvas without my addition, it scrolls only when the mouse is over an object inside it. If the mouse is in an empty area, it does not scroll.
When I say 'the mouse is over an object inside it', I mean text fields and other objects that have visual elements.
Ok. I've found a partial solution. If I intercept the mouseWHeel event on the VGroup, the scrolling works. However, when I get to a RichEditableText object in the VGroup, the scrolling stops. Before, it scrolled just fine.
Found an interesting solution here. The mouseWheel event is not triggered in a canvas unless it is over an InteractiveObject, i.e. text fields etc. However, as I was testing to make sure my mouse was actually in the canvas I discovered that the event is triggered in the 'white' space between objects if the canvas has it's backgroundColor property set. So, set that backgroundColor and, if you didn't want a background, then set backgroundAlpha to 0.

drag and drop in Canvas

I'm doing an application in flex where I draw different sprites inside a canvas. Depending of the dimensions, scrollbars can be appear. I would like to move the "image" with the movement of the mouse as you can see at the Adobe Reader when you are reading a document with zoom (hand mouse icon). In this way, you dont have to touch the scrollbar.
I'm start trying with drag and drop properties of the canvas, setting the position of the scrollbar according with the movement of the mouse but that is not as I expect.
Any ideas or suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
Listen for the mouseMove (MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE) event on the canvas
In event listener, examine event.localX, event.localY
Based on those values and the canvas's width and height, set the canvas's horizontalScrollPosition and verticalScrollPosition accordingly
Hope this helps.
What you can do is, change the position of the scrollbar , when the mouse reaches the last 20 pixels on the left or the right, or the top and bottom.
What you would really need to do is, have a mouseMove listener on the whole application, and when the mouse is within the end ranges of any of the sides, you can use the scroll.scrollTo function to move the scrollbars.
