How do I Sweave a multiple-file project? - r

I am writing my thesis in LaTeX and because things got a bit long for my taste, I had split it into several files. Let's call them thesis.tex, intro.tex, mat_n_met.tex, rslts.tex and discsn.tex. I have linked intro.tex, mat_n_met.tex, rslts.tex and discsn.tex through thesis.tex with \include{intro} (and so on...).
I have also created a separate file called r_crunching.Rnw (that I run through Sweave) that holds a chunk that runs the R script with data analysis and chunks that produce pdf outputs of graphs that I embed via \includegraphics (in e.g., rslts.tex). Still following?
If I run a Rnw (i.e. I renamed rslts.tex to rslts.Rnw) without "a link" to the chunk with the R script, you will get a Sweave() error saying the reference in \Sexpr{} doesn't exist. Is there a way, without merging all the files into a single .Rnw, to call \Sexpr{} in say rslts.Rnw?
Other methods how to accomplish this are welcome.

I recommend using RStudio ( Sweave is nicely integrated into that IDE and it supports multi-file documents. Even Synctex and TeX error log navigation still work when working with multi-file documents.
From the master file you can include child files using
You can link a child file back to the master file by including the directive
% !Rnw root = Master.Rnw
in the child file. That way when working on a child file and typesetting it, RStudio know to typeset the master file.
The details are explained in the RStudio documentation at

Forget for a second that you are dealing with Sweave and just think of the latex problem -- for which \include and \includeonly offer solutions. Try that with a few simple test files.
Once you have that figured out, fold Sweave back into the mix and it just work as Sweave is after 'merely' a pre-processing step, albeit a very clever one.

To expand Dirk's and mjm's answer, I would suggest using \include's and Makefiles.
Suppose you have a master file: master.tex. In that file, you include some .tex and .Rnw files, i.e.
\include chapter1
\include chapter2
\include chapter3
Now the following Makefile provides functions for creating the .tex, .R and .pdf files:
.SUFFIXES: .tex .pdf .Rnw .R
MAIN = master
##List your your .Rnw includes
RNWINCLUDES = chapter1 chapter2 chapter3
all: $(MAIN).pdf
$(MAIN).pdf: $(TEX) $(MAIN).tex
R CMD Stangle $<
R CMD Sweave $<
pdflatex $<
bibtex $*
pdflatex $<
pdflatex $<
Essentially, the .SUFFIXES provide a set of rules for convert from one file format to another. For example, to convert from .Rnw to .R, we use the command
`R CMD Stangle $<`

one fairly obvious answer is to use a makefile, possibly using package cachesweave, to process the relevant files in the right order.

My solution to multi-file projects in Sweave (under Rstudio) is the following:
1) Create a master file, say master.Rnw, in which you have the calls to the subfiles intro.Rnw, matmet.Rnw, etc:
% \usepackage{blah, blah} as you wish
\graphicspath{ {./figs/}
\include{intro} % a call to 'intro.Rnw'
\include{matmet} % a call to 'matmet.Rnw'
\include{results} % a call to 'results.Rnw'
\include{discuss} % a call to 'discuss.Rnw'
2) Create the subfiles. I'm giving here only the first one, intro.Rnw. Please note that in the subfiles you do not use preambular commands such as \documentclass or \begin{document}
\section{This is section 01}
In section 01 we are concerned about whether \texttt{Sexpr} could possibly work. The chunk below creates a variable \em{a} which will be referred to by this command later on.
a <- 1+2
Ok, if it is working, we shall see number 3 right here: \Sexpr{a}.
3) After saving modifications in 'intro.Rnw', simply go to 'master.Rnw' and compile it using Ctrl+Shift+K and... voilá:
Screenshot of the file created by the above command.


Keep auxiliary TeX files when rendering a rmarkdown document

I am rendering two documents, that cross-reference items in each other. For that I am using the LaTeX package zref.
To make zref work, it needs the *.aux file of the documents which are created when calling pdflatex.
Unfortunately, using RStudio and its basic approach to render the document (the knit button, Cmd+Shift+K or rmarkdown::render()) these files will be deleted after the compilation was successful.
Unchecking the global option Tools -> Global Options -> Sweave -> Clean auxiliary output after compile does not help.
I know of two options to go around this:
Manually compile the tex file after the pdf was rendered.
Write a makefile that does that.
But is there another option I am not aware of?
rmarkdown::render() eventually calls tinytex::latexmk() to compile the intermediate .tex to .pdf. To preserve auxiliary files, you need tinytex::latexmk(..., clean = FALSE). One way to set clean = FALSE is through the global option options(tinytex.clean = FALSE). You can set this in either your .Rprofile or a code chunk of your Rmd document.
The RStudio option you mentioned is only for Sweave documents (.Rnw).

Latex and Sweave, cannot include figure

I have a file for my thesis, which include the chapters.
A few weeks ago, I worked with R-Statistic and *.rnw files to produce a *.tex paper.
Now, I want to include these *.tex paper in my thesis. However, every time I get several errors.
/home/UserName/tex-Files/Dokumentation5.tex // from Dokumentation5.rnw files
In the following folder, I put the TeX and the figures (*.pdf).
Edit the Dokumentation5.tex, remove the beginning and "end document"
In thesis file, I added the following commands:
\usepackage{Sweave} \include /home/UserName/Documentation/chapter/
run latex
If I run LaTeX, I got several errors like:
File `Dokumentation5-004' not found.
\begin{document} ended by \end{Schunk}.
Too many }'s
File `Dokumentation5-033' not found.
Create a file master.Rnw that contains nothing but the LaTeX setup (packages to be used, geometry, title, begin/end document, bibliography style and file......)
If you need to use R functions in various places in your paper, create a file func.Rnw where you create these functions. Make this file the first to \SweaveInput{func.Rnw} in your master.Rnw - see here for details
Now create one file for each "unit" of your paper (chapter, section, whatever you like). Make them all chapX.Rnw files, whether they contain R code or not.
\SweaveInput{chapX.Rnw} them in the desired order in your master.Rnw file.
At any time during the process, run Sweave("master.Rnw") in R and then pdflatex master.tex from the console to see what you have produced.

R, Sweave: How to pass file encoding to patchDVI::SweavePDF?

I have a master file master.tex containing the preamble and which inputs (via
\input{chapter01}, \input{chapter02}, ...) chapters. The chapters are .Rnw
files. My goal is to use patchDVI::SweavePDF to compile the chapters (say,
chapter.Rnw) individually (each chapter starts with sourcing Sweave preliminary
settings but [of course] does not have a preamble). When I execute
Rscript -e "patchDVI::SweavePDF('chapter.Rnw')
I obtain
Error: ‘chapter.Rnw’ is not ASCII and does not declare an encoding
Normally one uses \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} to solve this problem. However, I
can't put this into chapter.Rnw since it is only allowed in the preamble, so in
master.tex. But there it has no effect. The question is how to solve this.
I found this but I couldn't figure out how to adjust it to make it work with patchDVI::SweavePDF.

How to convert R Markdown to HTML? I.e., What does "Knit HTML" do in Rstudio 0.96?

What commands are run when pressing "Knit HTML" on an R Markdown file in Rstudio 0.96?
My motivation is that I might want to run the same command when I'm in another text editing environment or I might want to combine the command in a larger makefile.
Basic Script
So now that the R markdown package has been released, here is some code to replicate the features of Knit to Html.
require(knitr) # required for knitting from rmd to md
require(markdown) # required for md to html
knit('test.rmd', '') # creates md file
markdownToHTML('', 'test.html') # creates html file
browseURL(paste('file://', file.path(getwd(),'test.html'), sep='')) # open file in browser
where test.rmd is the name of your R markdown file.
Note that I'm not 100% confident about the browseURL line (hence my question here about opening files in a web browser).
markdownToHTML Options
The good thing about markdownToHTML is that there are heaps of options in how the HTML is created (see ?markdownHTMLOptions). So for example, if you want just a code fragment without all the header information, you could write:
markdownToHTML('', 'test.html', options='fragment_only')
or if you don't like hard wrapping (i.e., inserting line breaks when there are single manual line breaks in the markdown source), you can omit the 'hard_wrap' option.
# The default options are 'hard_wrap', 'use_xhtml',
# 'smartypants', and 'base64_images'.
markdownToHTML('', 'test.html',
options=c('use_xhtml', 'base64_images'))
This could also all be added to a makefile perhaps using Rscript -e (e.g., something like this). Here's a basic example makefile I put together, where test indicates that the rmd file is called test.rmd.
html :
Rscript -e "require(knitr); require(markdown); knit('$(RMDFILE).rmd', '$(RMDFILE).md'); markdownToHTML('$(RMDFILE).md', '$(RMDFILE).html', options=c('use_xhtml', 'base64_images')); browseURL(paste('file://', file.path(getwd(),'$(RMDFILE).html'), sep=''))"
The makefile uses my preferred markdown options: i.e., options=c('use_xhtml', 'base64_images')
Put Sys.sleep(30) in a chunk and you will see clearly what commands are called by RStudio. Basically they are
library(knitr); knit() to get the markdown file;
RStudio has internal functions to convert markdown to HTML;
The second step will be more transparent in the next version of the markdown package. Currently you can use knitr::knit2html('your_file.Rmd') to get a similar HTML file as RStudio gives you.
Update on 2019/09/17: The above answer applies to RStudio v0.96 (in the year 2012). Now R Markdown is compiled through rmarkdown::render(), which uses Pandoc instead of the retired R package markdown. See the post Relationship between R Markdown, Knitr, Pandoc, and Bookdown for more details.
Very easy command line method from knitr in a knutshell:
R -e "rmarkdown::render('knitr_example.Rmd')"
This requires rmarkdown to be installed with install.packages(rmarkdown) and that pandoc is installed (apparently it comes with Rstudio, see knitr in a knutshell for more details).
So far when I've used this it nicely puts all the plots in the HTML file rather than as images in a figure directory and cleans up any intermediate files, if any; just like compilation in RStudio does.
It seems you should call rmarkdown::render() instead of knitr::knit2html() because a.rmd appears to be an R Markdown v2 document.

How to make sweave copy generated graphics to a subfolder?

I would love to use some shell script based pdfcrop on all the graphics.pdf created from my Sweave report. Hence i'd be nice if all the graphics were stored to a subfolder instead of being dropped where all the latex stuff like .aux .log files (and so on) is located. If I just had to use the crop script on ALL files in a particular directory it would be much easier.
Here's my Sweave chunk:
\caption{my graph}
If I run the sweave code mygraph.pdf is stored in the same directory as the report.tex file itself.
Is there a way to store this file in an existing subfolder like /graphics ?
Insert this:
into your Sweave source file, preferably up the top in the preamble. The above line is taken from the Sweave FAQ, and indicates that the created figures will be stored in the subdirectory (of the directory where the Sweave source is) foo, and each image filename will begin with bar. This, and a whole lot more is discussed in the Sweave FAQ.
Okay RTFM, ran2.
Here's how:
See also: the manual.
graphics is directory and report is a substring you might wanna use. At least you'll find SO better on google :)
For the sake of completeness I'll add my several lines of shell script here:
R CMD Sweave report.Rnw
for file in `ls graphics`;
do pdfcrop "$file" graphics/"$file"
pdflatex report.tex
open report.pdf
Maybe some of you want to use $1 as a directory argument.
