Double description for images CCK field - drupal

I've noticed the images in the products content type in ubercart shop have 2 description fields:
I was wondering if I can do this only with programming or there is some module to do it.
Also, it would be nice to have a text area instead of a single line text field for the description.

Those are not descriptions, those are image attributes that can be enabled during the content type definition.
I wouldn't recomment using long texts in ALT or TITLE, but if you really want to, you can change the field to a textarea implementing hook_form_alter() on that form.

If you look under you can see that under Title Text Settings and Alt Text Settings they have those enabled. Just do the same on your content type with the Filefield -> Imagefield field type.

The functionality you describe is provided by ImageField, which is one of the modules recommended from Ubercart.


Drupal 7: add html block as field in content type insert/edit form

I created my content type with fields of different kinds (text, date, entity relation...).
I would like to add an html block (my purpose is to add a link) between two fields. It should not be editable by the user filling the form and the link should be clickable.
I searched for modules (like "html block field") but I still haven't a solution.
Could you help me?
Please used markup field module.
Here you can show simple text or html text.

add custom field to image widgert in Drupal

I have a content type within which i'm using the Image field type and widget which provides a field for alt text and title. Now I'd like to add another field "link" to each image where I can define a custom link with each image. How can I do this?
Oh, I'm using Drupal 7...
If you want to avoid having to build your own module, I suggest you try Field Collection module. The module allows you to create a set of fields, combine it into one field and then use it as a field on content type.
You can create a field collection with one image field and link field, then output that as an image with link.
Please try this alter function - "multiupload_imagefield_widget_field_widget_form_alter"

One textbox to search three fields of a CCK content type, how?

I have a CCK content type which is composed of node Title, Color, Width, Height, Comment.
Currently I have a view with one exposed field Title to search content.
Is it possible to make the single search field (Title) to search on more than one field, such it will search in any of Title, Color or Comment?
It's not desirable to expose three fields for the purpose.
The solution I used is here
While it sounds complicated, this is the simplest and most useful.
If you need further help, don't hesitate to contact me.

Drupal: CCK ImageField, multi-line description

I'm using CCK Image field (multi-images) and for each image I have the "Description" field, where I can add the image description.
I was wondering if I can have multi-line description, instead of only one line.
(Even using some specific symbol to go next line)
If you are wanting a textarea instead of a textfield for the image description field, the only way to do this would be to create a custom module that creates a compound field. There is a really great tutorial on the state of compound fields in Drupal and how to create one here:
Alternatively, if you only have one image you are uploading, you could disable the description on the image field and create an additional CCK textarea to be used as the description.
When you create CCK imagefield, there is a setting called "Title text settings", where you can set the checkbox "Enable custom title text" and select Input type: textarea instead of textfield.
So now there is nothing you must to specially to make a multiply description for your every imagefield.

drupal edit attachment field of a node

I have a content type named Properties, users can create the content types
I have file cck field in the content type (properties), now I want to add the attachments to the or edit the attachments field only in a block or panel for the particular property.
Not showing all the fields when user try to edit the content type.
I have heard that this is possible in panels using contexts.
Thanks in advance
Not sure I understand what you want here, but it sounds like you want to change the visibility/editability of fields based on role and display.
To change the visibility and/or editibility based on role, use something like this
To change it based on display, use the "display fields" tab on the content type edit form.
I think this is what you are looking for
