should I call event->accept() on resizeEvent() in Qt4? - qt

I've override resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * /* SizeEvent */) in a custom widget and I'm wondering if I should call SizeEvent->accept() on the event or just let it pass along.
Since I'm getting it from the parent widget, I'm assuming I can safely accept it, but I haven't been able to find a definitive answer.

You don't have to. If you do, nothing bad will happen. (Except perhaps your team believing they have to accept resize events.) See a few implementations of resizeEvent() in Qt:
void QWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * /* event */)
void QMenuBar::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *)
d->itemsDirty = true;
void QComboBox::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *)
QResizeEvent::isAccepted is not used in a meaningful way in Qt (as of 4.6.3). As a rule, the documentation of the event class will be explicit when accept() and ignore() have a special meaning. It usually is the case with input events (mouse, key, tablet, touch), notifications that something should be displayed (context menu, help, what is this, tooltip) or that something will hapen, but you can avoid it (close a window).

if you want the event to end there itself then call accept() or else if you want the event to move to the base class so that let other can use it then call ignore


QT , my form was hidden after calling setWindowFlags() in my slots

I just want to disable form's close button while doing a task(by QThread), So I connected the thread's signal "started()" and "finished()" to my two slots, for controlling my form's close button.
m_pTestThread = new TestThread();
connect(m_pTestThread, SIGNAL(started()), this, SLOT(onThreadStart()));
connect(m_pTestThread, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(onThreadFinish()));
void QTest::onThreadStart()
this->setWindowFlags(this->windowFlags() & (~Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint));
void QTest::onThreadFinish()
this->setWindowFlags(this->windowFlags() | Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint);
After the thread started, my form was hidden... that is strange.
So I call show() after setWindowFlags() function to avoid this problem,
but still don't know why this happened...
Is this the expected behaviour? Should I call show() after setWindowFlags()?
Check the documentation for setWindowFlags here:
Note: This function calls setParent() when changing the flags for a
window, causing the widget to be hidden. You must call show() to make
the widget visible again..

How to filter out «back» events in a [Qt] web view?

I develop an application with WebKit-based forms and it’s important that, when on a form, a user can press Backspace without returning to previous page. How do I do this in QtWebKit?
I found out that one can inherit a class from QWebPage and overload QWebPage::triggerAction() to selectively filter out events, e.g. QWebPage::Back. Nevertheless, it works only on the first page, and if you open another page in the same webview child the triggerAction() overload will not be called.
For now, answer is «there is no simple way to do it». I've got and answer on Qt's bug tracker, see
Hope this will be fixed.
You could try one of these alternatives:
1. eventFilter:
bool CWebView:eventFilter( QObject *pObj, QEvent *event )
QKeyEvent* pkeyEvent = (QKeyEvent*)event;
if (Qt::ControlModifier == pKeyEvent->state())
switch (pKeyEvent->key())
case Qt::Key_Backspace:
//something (eg. return false)
return true;
2. clear history:
#include <QWebHistory>
QWebView* CWebView;
3. Javascript (I consider the best alternative):
after using replace() the current page will not be saved in session
history, meaning the user won't be able to use the Back button to
navigate to it.

How to detect QTableWidget scroll source (code itself/user (wheel)/user (scrollbar))?

I'm writing a program using Qt 4.8 that displays a table (QTableWidget) filled with filenames and file's params. First an user adds files to the list and then clicks process. The code itself updates the contents of the table with simple progress description. I want the table by default to be scrolled automatically to show the last processed file and that code is ready.
If I want to scroll it by hand the widget is being scrolled automatically as soon as something changes moving the viewport to the last element. I want to be able to override the automated scroll if I detect that it was the user who wanted to change view.
This behavior can be seen in many terminal emulator programs. When there's a new line added the view is scrolled but when user forces the terminal to see some previous lines the terminal does not try to scroll down.
How could I do that?
I created an object which filters event processed by my QTableWidget and QScrollBar embedded inside. If I spot the event that should turn off automatic scrolling I just set a flag and stop scrolling view if that flag is set.
Everything is implemented inside tableController class. Here are parts of three crucial methods.
bool tableController::eventFilter(QObject* object, QEvent* event)
switch (event->type())
case QEvent::KeyPress:
case QEvent::KeyRelease:
case QEvent::Wheel:
case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick:
case QEvent::MouseButtonPress:
case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease:
_autoScrollEnabled = false;
return QObject::eventFilter(object, event);
void tableController::changeFile(int idx)
if (_autoScrollEnabled)
QTableWidgetItem* s = _table.item(_engine.getLastProcessed(), 1);
void tableController::tableController()
_autoScrollEnabled = true;
Thanks for all the help. I hope somebody will find it useful :)
Subclass QTableWidget and overload its wheelEvent. You can use the parameters of the supplied QWheelEvent object in order to determine if the user scrolled up or down.
Then use a simple boolean flag which is set (or reset) in your wheelEvent override. The method which is responsible for calling scrollToBottom() should then consider this boolean flag.
You will have to find a way to figure out when to set or reset that flag, e.g. always set it when the user scrolls up and reset it when the user scrolls down and the currently displayed area is at the bottom.
connect(_table->view()->verticalScrollBar(), &QAbstractSlider::actionTriggered, this, [this](int) {
_autoScrollEnabled = false;

How to make QComboBox popup upwards?

my QComboBox-derived class lives in a QGraphicsScene at the bottom end of the (visible) screen - but it pops up downwards, thus out of view.
(How) is it possible to force the popup to open above the widget?
I've tried re-implementing showPopup like this:
void MyComboBox::showPopup()
QAbstractItemView *popupView = view();
The result is, that the content seems to be shifted, but not the underlying popup object.
I think it might be possible to find a solution with styles as indicated in
this article, but I can't find any Styles control that might be helpful here. I am rather new to C++ as well as Qt, so I might be missing something obvious.
I'd appreciate any help on this matter!
Best regards,
With the information found here, I was able to get it done this way:
void SteuerQComboBox::showPopup() {
QWidget *popup = this->findChild<QFrame*>();
Note that it's crucially important to call the base classes "showPopup" first.
Thanks to everybody who was reading my question and thinking about it!
user1319422's solution isn't bad, but it has two problems.
If your platform has GUI animation, the listbox will animate opening downwards, then is moved above the text box.
If you disable combobox animation (or you don't have it), the call to QComboBox::showPopup() still makes the GUI element start to appear on the screen already. So, moving it there would cause it to flicker as it appears in the first place and moves to the next.
So, to address the first problem, I just switched off animation:
void MyComboBox::showPopup()
bool oldAnimationEffects = qApp->isEffectEnabled(Qt::UI_AnimateCombo);
qApp->setEffectEnabled(Qt::UI_AnimateCombo, false);
qApp->setEffectEnabled(Qt::UI_AnimateCombo, oldAnimationEffects);
Then, for the second problem, I moved the frame in the Show event:
bool MyComboBox::eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e)
bool handled = false;
if (e->type() == QEvent::Show)
if (o == view())
QWidget *frame = findChild<QFrame*>();
//For some reason, the frame's geometry is GLOBAL, not relative to the QComboBox!
mapToGlobal(lineEdit()->geometry().topLeft()).y() - frame->height());
/*else if other filters here*/
if (!handled)
handled = QComboBox::eventFilter(o, e);
return handled;
if you want to force popup to open above only when it is out of view you can do this:
void SteuerQComboBox::showPopup() {
QWidget *popup = this->findChild<QFrame*>();
if((popup->y() + popup->height()) > this->window()->height())

Design pattern for mouse interaction

I need some opinions on what is the "ideal" design pattern for a general mouse
Here the simplified problem. I have a small 3d program (QT and openGL) and
I use the mouse for interaction. Every interaction is normally not only a
single function call, it is mostly performed by up to 3 function calls (initiate, perform, finalize).
For example, camera rotation: here the initial function call will deliver the current first mouse position,
whereas the performing function calls will update the camera etc.
However, for only a couple of interactions, hardcoding these (inside MousePressEvent, MouseReleaseEvent MouseMoveEvent or MouseWheelEvent etc)
is not a big deal, but if I think about a more advanced program (e.g 20 or more interactions) then a proper design is needed.
Therefore, how would you design such a interactions inside QT.
I hope I made my problem clear enough, otherwise don't bother complain :-)
I suggest using polymorphism and the factory method pattern. Here's an example:
In my Qt program I have QGraphicsScenes and QGraphicsItems with mousePressEvent, mouseMoveEvent, and mouseReleaseEvent, which look like this:
void CustomItem::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
// call factory method, which returns a subclass depending on where click occurred
dragHandler = DragHandler::createDragHandler(event /* and other relevant stuff */);
void CustomItem::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
void CustomItem::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
delete dragHandler;
The idea in this particular case is that depending on where I click on CustomItem, mouse pressing, moving, and releasing will have different functionality. For example, if I click on the edge of the item, dragging will resize it, but if I click in the middle of the item, dragging will move it. DragHandler::onMouseMove and DragHandler::onMouseRelease are virtual functions that are reimplemented by subclasses to provide the specific functionality I want depending on where the mouse press occurred. There's no need for DragHandler::onMousePress because that's basically the constructor.
This is of course a rather specific example, and probably not exactly what you want, but it gives you an idea of how you can use polymorphism to clean up your mouse handling.
Qt makes this beautifully simple.
Instead of all the switch mouse_mode: stuff you used to write, simply have each mouse event handler function emit a signal ie. mouseDown/mouseUp/mousePosition and use signals/slots to route those to the appropriate model functions.
Then you can accommodate different uses of the mouse (selecting, rotating, editing etc) by connect/disconnect different SLOTS to the signal sent in the Mouse...Event()
I find Apple's UIGestureRecognizer design quite nice and extendable.
The idea is to decouple the recognition of the gesture (or interaction) and the action that will be triggered.
You need to implement a basic or abstract GestureRecognizer class that is able to recognize a certain interaction or gesture based on events MousePressEvent, MouseReleaseEvent MouseMoveEvent or MouseWheelEvent etc. GestureRecongnizers have a target to report changes periodically.
For example your very basic class would be like: (sorry my poor semi c++ pseudo-code ... recently I don't use it that much)
class Recognizer {
int state; // ex: 0:possible, 1:began, 2:changed, 3:ended/recognized 4:cancelled
void setTarget(void &theTarget); // or even better a touple, target/method. In this case target is assumed to have a method gestureHandle(Recognizer *r);
virtual void mouserPress() = 0;
virtual void mouserRelease() = 0;
virtual void mouserMove() = 0;
virtual void mouserWheel() = 0;
And if you want to detect a swipe with the mouse
class SwipeRecognizer : Recognizer {
int direction; // ex: 0:left2right 1:bottom2top 2:...
void mouserPress() {
state = 0; // possible. You don't know yet is the mouse is going to swipe, simple click, long press, etc.
// save some values so you can calculate the direction of the swipe later
void mouserMove() {
if (state == 0) {
state = 1; // it was possible now you know the swipe began!
direction = ... // calculate the swipe direction here
} else if (state == 1 || state == 2) {// state is began or changed
state = 2; // changed ... which means is still mouse dragging
// probably you want to make more checks here like you are still swiping in the same direction you started, maybe velocity thresholds, if any of your conditions are not met you should cancel the gesture recognizer by setting its state to 4
void mouserRelease() {
if (state == 2) { // is swipping
state = 3; // swipe ended
} else {
state = 4; // it was not swiping so simple cancel the tracking
void mouserWheel() {
// if this method is called then this is definitely not a swipe right?
state = 4; // cancelled
Just make sure above methods are called when the events are happening and they should call the target when needed.
This is how the target will look to me:
class Target {
void gestureHandler(Recognizer *r) {
if (r->state == 2) {
// Is swipping: move the opengl camera using some parameter your recognizer class brings
} else if (r->state == 3) {
// ended: stop moving the opengl camera
} else if (r->state == 4) {
// Cancelled, maybe restore camera to original position?
Implementation of UIGestureRecognizer is quite nice and will allow to register several targets /method for the same recognizer and several recognizers to the same view.
UIGestureRecognizers have a delegate object that is used to get information about other gesture recognizers, for example, if two gestures can be detected at the same time, or should one must fail as soon as the other is detected, etc.
Some gesture recognizer will require more overrides than others but the big PRO of this is that their output is the same: a handler method that informs about the current state (and other info).
I think is worth taking a look at it
Hope it helps :)
