analysing network traffic - networking

Whats the best way to identify network behavior??
Behavior of the ports/interfaces and routers?
I can get data and analyse the traffic but trying to search for a pattern for a meaningful classification.
Any help appreciated.
Thank you

WireShark is a great tool, too.
Features are similar to other, but one is the exporting to CSV. You could then import the CSV into Excel and run some analysis there.

Try Fiddler.

I would say Ethereal is the best tool out there.
It was some time since I used it, but by what I remember you could choose a number of filters and features like that which made it very clear what was going on.


How to specify gender in Google Cloud Translation API

I am using Google Cloud Translation API in one of my projects. I want to specify the gender for the translation. I am unable to find about this in Google Cloud Translation. I have also searched a lot on the Internet but not found any way to do this. I know how to specify the gender in Google Text to Speech API using the SSML, but I need it for the translation. Any help will be highly appreciated.
After much searching I have discovered that there is currently no way to do this.
I have made a feature request along these lines at the invitation of GCP support.
The documentation indicates that feature requests are prioritised by how often an issue is starred, so for now my best answer is to star the issue here so that they know how many people are interested in this.
Looking for the same...
As it is NMT (Neural Machine Translation), it reacts to context.
I tried many combinations and found that this works well so far (says, not 'to', not 'talk').
Examples are EN > ES
However, sometimes its effect doesn't reach far in the translation.
So you have to stick the 'prefix' before each sentence.
Sometimes you get irregular behavior (see lower case "estoy"). And when you change something irrelevant (to you, but not to the model) ... buala!
So the final version (for now) is:
I guess the point is:
Understanding how it works (Machine Learning Language Models)
The Model (Algorithm) they use is evolving, so you need to keep an eye, as what works today may break tomorrow.
Once you get the response you will have to filter out you 'prefix', but that is not too difficult.
Please comment if you find better ways (or the API gets updated).
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Use a url shortening service like

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An example would be to look into the path /home/temp/test/[Current Date]. I vaguely remember it being along the lines of /home/temp/test/%m/%d/%y, but I am not confident. Within /home/temp/, there will be multiple directories with separate dates. Any insights would be greatly appreciated.
Ok so through some more testing, I figured it out. It was pretty close to what I initially had. To specify the time in the path, it really is as straight forward as /home/temp/test/%Y%d%m. I made the mistake of attempting to glob which was a separate error and I interpreted as a related error. Sorry about that.

Wire-shark network traffic dump

I have a question to answer for one of my classes. But I'm having some trouble finding the information on this.
"So you have network traffic dumps as files on a USB given by the victims. How can you know that it is accurate? List some of the ways that it could have been changed. What things would you look for within the dump file that might indicate tampering."
Can someone please point me in the right direction?
Thanks alfasin. Your link helped,

Are there any tools for diffing HTTP requests/responses?

I am trying to debug some problems with very picking/complex webservices where some of the clients that are theoretically making the same requests are getting different results. A debugging proxy like Charles helps a lot but since the requests are complex (lots of headers, cookies, query strings, form data, etc) and the clients create the headers in different orders (which should be perfectly acceptable), etc. it's an extremely tedious process to do manually.
I'm pondering writing something to do this myself but I was hoping someone else had already solved this problem?
As an aside does anyone know of any Charles-like debugging proxies that are completely opensource? If Charles were open source I would definitely contribute any work I did on this front back to the project. If there is something similar out there, I would much rather do this than write an separate program from scratch (especially since I imagine Charles or any analog already has all of the data structures I might need etc).
Just to be clear -- text diffing will not work as the order of lines (e.g. headers at least) may be different and/or the order of values within lines (e.g. cookies at least) can be different and in both cases as long as the names and values and metadata are all the same, the different ordering should not cause requests that are otherwise the same to be considered different.
Fiddler has such an option, if you have WinDiff in your path. I don't know though if it will suit your needs, because at first glance it's jus doing text comparisions. But perhaps it normalizes the sessions before that, so I can't say.
If there's nothing purpose built for the job, you can use packet capture to get the message content saved to a text file (something that inserts itself in the IP stack like CommView). The you can text diff the results for different messages.
Can the open-source proxy Squid maybe help?
