SSRS - find, scroll -

SSRS has a find button on the toolbar. Hosting an SSRS report control in ASP.NET and when you use the find and it finds something at the bottom of the report, it doesn't scroll down automatically. Wondering if anyone has seen or done anything to make the scroll happen on find in the SSRS report?

Make sure you are running the most updated version of SSRS. I recall in the past some of these controls were broken and fixed in a later release.
Ensure Javascript is enabled on your browser and add the site to your trusted list. If I recall correctly, IE has strict default permissions for intranet sites. If that doesn't work, see if it works in another browser and that will help you determine if it is browser related.
Make sure you have all CSS and javascript resources on your server. My reports contain a reference to: "assets/js/app-ffc8de72-74aa-48f8-bf1d-634ee0627bca-bundle.min.js".
I can confirm this feature is working in SSRS 2016.


Forcing PDF to be displayed in Browser, not to Download

Good day.
So, here is my issue.
I'm currently using sharepoint 2010 for web applications, I am supposed to display pdf as part of a web page. Currently, the browser tends to download the pdf file instead of displaying it.
Content-disposition is already set to inline.
I've also used iframe, and src is pointing to custom httpHandler.
I've already added "application/pdf" MIME type in the list of AllowedInlineDownloadedMimeTypes as per the advice in this link
However, the application still failed to display it, and it prompts the user to download the file instead.
I'm using mozilla firefox v12 and ie8 to test the application, they both exhibit the same behavior.
What else is missing? Thank you.
It's important to remember that not all browsers, especially older ones like Internet Explorer 8, have the ability to render PDF content inline. In these older browsers, this was generally accomplished through plug-ins like Adobe Reader or Foxit being installed on the client machine.
Basically, if you are using an older browser, your users will likely need one of these (or a similar) plug-in installed. Otherwise when the browser encounters a PDF file, it will serve it to the user, as it doesn't really know how to deal with it.
There is also a chance that this could be a permissions / settings issue similar to the one addressed in this related question. You may want to review over some of the discussions within that thread as well as this Sharepoint 2010 one, which details a a setting called "Browser File Handling" and how it's default value of "strict" can affect how PDFs and other files are accessed.
He came across the solution while looking at the "Web Application General Settings". There is a setting called Browser File Handling and by default it is set to strict.

Compatibility mode IE

I made a lot of research on this topic but none of the found solutions helped me.
So, let's start: I have a VB ASP.NET WEB Application.
The problem is the users can see the source code of the aspx files in the browser (IE) when the Display intranet sites in Compatibility View is unchecked.
I tried all of the methods, settings compatibility from IIS, web.config or even from the meta tags from <head>.
I discovered that also with the checkbox unchecked if I use Enterprise Mode the browser displays the page ok.
I tried then to find a solution to force the Enterprise Mode from code but I didn't find anything without changing registry keys. Changing registry keys can also be done to the above checkbox.
If I go in the DOM Explorere in IE and I try editing the source, anything I delete from there, the page is displayed ok.
How can I force the Enterprise Mode, or the Compatility View Mode from code? or is there another solution for me to solve this problem?
In my opinion you need to check the caching of the application if you say that if you modify something in DOM the page appears.

.net localhost website consistently making get arterySignalR/poll?transport=longPolling&connectionToken= calls

I created a new VS 2013 project and viewed the default.aspx page with the Firefox browser. When I check the net calls it has made, I see it making constant calls to:
Why is it doing that?
How do I stop those calls?
I see an infinite number of calls made to the above URL every 6 seconds.
Please help me understand this and fix this.
This is working as intended. Artery aka BrowserLink is a real-time connection from Visual Studio to all browsers running your code. It essentially allows Visual Studio to interact with every browser.
For instance if you have IE, Opera, Chrome and Firefox all running your code and you're trying to ensure cross browser correctness; instead of going to each browser and hitting f5 to refresh you can just click the browser link refresh button which will auto-refresh all of the pages for you.
Not everyone wants or needs to have this functionality so if you do want to disable it, as Gustavo Armenta said you can disable it by following the steps here: How can I disable __vwd/js/artery in VS.NET 2013?
I would recommend you to read this post first Browser Link feature in Visual Studio Preview 2013 to understand about this new feature that comes in with VS 2013.
And then to disable this, simply uncheck the "Enable browser link" option.
You can hide the polling requests from the Chrome developer tools Network tab so that the requests you are actually interested in become visible. You can hide the polling requests by adding a negative filter:
On the Network tab, click the filter button to open the filter options
Enter "-poll" without the quotes to hide the polling requests.
Had issues with that on site running with KnockoutJS framework. Pages were freezing for 10 seconds until "BrowserLink" external scripts were loading (using Chrome browser).
Issue solved by disabling "Browser link" feature in VS 2013
Steps How to disable "Browser link" (thanks to Gustavo Armenta for leaving comment with link in question)

Visual Studio | ASP.NET Configuration error

I have a problem as I have struggled with for a week.
Now I give up! I really can not figure out how to solve it. Every time I open the ASP.NET Configuration in VS10, then comes the first with this error:
**An error was encountered. Please return to the previous page and try again. **
If I then press:
How do I Use this Tool
so this comes up:
**Tool Has Timed Out
As a security measure, the Web Site Administration Tool times out after a period of inactivity. Changes to machine.config or web.config may also result in the tool needing to be restarted. To continue configuring your web site, restart the tool. **
Some who can answer me on what's happening here?
"Special characters in the path may be the problem, according to the posts." as Posted above by Dave Swersky
THIS worked perfectly for me! I had a special character ("#") in my folder path I removed this and removed spaces for good measure!
I was getting the error "Tool has timed out" among other errors when accessing the WSAT(Web site administration tool) from the ASP.NET configuration menu item.
I saw a post somewhere else that said the problems was solved when the default browser was changed to Internet Explorer. I have been using Firefox and have the exact same problem. When I changed the default browser to IE, the configuration page came up with no problem. But it won't work twice in a row without going in and setting the default browser back to IE each time. When I go back in to Program Access and Defaults, "Use by current browser" is selected. I have to reselect IE, and then it will work one time.
Judging by the Connect site, this error has been reported and is not well understood:
Special characters in the path may be the problem, according to the posts.
This is what worked for me.
I'm using Visual Studio 2010 trying to create the membership role. I was trying to use the ASP.NET Configuration in Visual Studio.
Set the 'Default Browser' to Internet Explore.
To do this:
Right click on one of the .aspx pages you have under "Solution Explorer".
Select "Browse With..."
Select Internet Explore and Click on Set as Default.
Close the box.
Go back and click on "ASP.NET Configuration"
This will automatically open Internet Explorer.
Problem Solved :D
I guess what I was doing wrong was using Firefox as the default browser with Visual Studio. I'm guessing Visual Studio works good together with Internet Explorer since Momma and Daddy made them together (awww how cute)
The issue might be related to an application path that has spaces. After googling I managed to bypass the issue by appending the application path to the url manually ie.
As a firefox user, I closed firefox then executed the "ASP.NET Configuration" option in VS2010. It automatically opens firefox (default browser) and now I am seeing WAT page contents.

How can I debug this Internet Explorer issue?

I have a Web Application (ASP.NET C# for .NET 3.5) that uses the Session object to store, amount little things the debug information so when things go wrong, this is the first place to go.
The process is simple actually,
no matter what browser (except IE), when I navigate to a page, in the Debug Log I have data, just like the one show below
alt text
problem is that in Internet Explorer, the Debug Log is always blank (blank as no information, not no html code)
alt text
What can I do?
I tried several Security settings of IE8:
add the site (machine name) to Trusted Sites
disable Protect Mode
set Local intranet security level to LOW
set Accept All Cookies under Privacy
checked the Allow Active Content under Advanced tab
I really don't know what more can I do :-(
Any help is greatly appreciated!
You could try using Fiddler - a web debugging proxy - to check traffic between IE and your site. Also, if you can, try other versions of IE on different machines/networks to see if it's a global problem, or just related to one browser. And don't forget you can hit F12 to enable developer console in IE.
