Wowza + Flex not reproducing whole audio - apache-flex

I'm writing a flex app, which must record an audio and then playback. It records just fine, I can hear the flv on the server, but when it comes to the playback it cuts the end a little bit, and each time I ask to reproduce again it cuts a little bit more. What can it be? I guess it's something related to buffer management, but I don't know exactly. Any thoughts?
EDIT: Here's the code I'm using to playback. It is called from a mediator:
var streamPlayClient:Object = new Object(); = streamPlayClient;
streamPlayClient.onPlayStatus = function(infoObject:Object):void {
if (infoObject.code == "NetStream.Buffer.Flush") {
}"flv:" + this.streamName);

As it turns out, I have to handle the NetStream.Buffer.Empty event, instead of the NetStream.Play.Complete or the NetStream.Buffer.Flush.


Get total Latency - UDP Audio Communication

Okay i am currently trying to make a Voice chat software using NAudio and c#.
But i currently have a problem, latency seems to bet worse and worse the longer the application runs.
Now, i am a total beginner, so i have no idea what can be the cause of it.
But to troubleshoot, i would like to know if i can get the total latency to see how much it adds over time.
Total Latency = Input buffer + network latency + output buffer (and more if there is any, i am using UDP).
So if i have something like:
Label.text = TotalLatency();
It will get updated all the time.
while (!bStop)
byte[] datanbefore = waveStream.GetBuffer();
waveStream.Position = 0;
captureBuffer.Read(offset, waveStream, halfBuffer, LockFlag.None);
readFirstBufferPart = !readFirstBufferPart;
offset = readFirstBufferPart ? 0 : halfBuffer;
//TODO: Fix this ugly way of initializing differently.
//Mute Mic when button is checked
if (MuteMic.Checked)
waveStream = new MemoryStream(halfBuffer);
byte[] datanaudio = waveStream.GetBuffer();
udpClient.Send(datanaudio, datanaudio.Length, otherPartyIP.Address.ToString(), 5550);
So here is the sending part. I am not really sure how the buffering works, as i started the application using a free sample, and have been changing it here and there, but some parts still remain, but i think that buffer can be improved though.
while (!bStop)
//Receive data.
byte[] byteData = udpClient.Receive(ref remoteEP);
waveProvider.AddSamples(byteData, 0, byteData.Length);
Here is the Receive part, and it´s much simpler, it just get´s the data from the UDP, ass it to a buffer and play it.
You can work out roughly the input and output latency by knowing the buffer sizes of WaveIn and WaveOut. By default in NAudio they are each 100ms.
For network latency, you could try timestamping your audio packets although the clocks of both machines would need to be in sync.

progress bar while creating excel file

I've got a page that create an excel file using eeplus library ( my problem is that I create a really big file. It take times to be done and showed to the client. I search a way to show a kind of progressbar of the creation.
for the moment, the client click and wait til the file is created, so I cant really showed something.
What you're trying to do is actually pretty complicated. You might just want to show a spinning wheel gif or something and save yourself the headache.
However, if you're feeling adventurous, read on.
To use a progress bar, you need to create a way to measure how much % complete your task is. This usually involves some kind of incrementer that gets measured against the total number of rows/column/whatever that you're creating. I don't know what language you're using, so here's some pseudo to help you out:
var totalRows = 100;
var processedRows = 0;
var progress = 0;
while( processedRows < totalRows ){
progress = processedRows / totalRows;
So there's your basic mechanism for tracking progress. On the client, you'll need to set up a way to poll the value of the progress variable. This gets messy because you'll quickly learn that you need a way to isolate the progress variable for every individual request. Its up to you how to implement this -- there are lots of ways to do it. One solution I saw stored the progress value in a static dictionary keyed by username so that it could be easily polled by the client with webmethods.
A quick solution would be to use the Ajax.NET UpdateProgress control. Just display a GIF that spins while the server is processing.

Flex - Error #2015: Invalid BitmapData

I really need some help on this, as I have no idea how to fix it! :/
Got a problem here.
My application is working fine on my computer, both offline and online (flash uploaded to our webservers). It works fine in both IE and Firefox.
However, some user do have problem running it in IE, while Firefox is still ok..
The app itself works, the error comes when trying to buffer some frames to a BitmapData.
So, in Firefox, it works great.
In IE (on my computer) it works great.
In IE (on other computers) it does not work, and this error is cast. It happens right at the end, which means it all works fine until the last time the function is run. (it's run like this to allow updating the progressbar. If I set the for loop to 180 then it all freezes untill completed. Thats why I do 10 and 10.)
Any help regarding this would be great, as I'm completely stuck here...
I've traced the size of the bitmapdata, and at the time of the error it's 1920x1080, which is what it's supposed to be.
This is the code where it fails:
fpsoSWFBuffer = new BitmapData(fpsoMC.width, fpsoMC.height, false, 0x00ff0000);
And this is the whole function where the code is located:
public function bufferFpsoImages(evt:TimerEvent):void{
for (var i:int = 0; i<10; i++){
fpsoSWFBuffer = new BitmapData(fpsoMC.width, fpsoMC.height, false, 0x00ff0000);
fpsoImgArray[currentFpsoFrame] = fpsoSWFBuffer;
if (currentFpsoFrame <= (totImg360-10)){
// Still buffering frames //
var fpsoTimer:Timer = new Timer(1,1);
fpsoTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, bufferFpsoImages);
// All frames buffered //
currentFpsoFrame = 0;
fpsoLoaded = true;
fpsoLoading = false;
myLoadingPanel = null;
var fpsoBitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap(fpsoImgArray[0]);
fpsoBitmap.smoothing = true;
fpsoImage.source = fpsoBitmap;
I've added some debugging functions to it now, to be able to know where it fails. (as it works during debugging, I need to debug the realtime version online).
This is what I get:
ErrorMessage=Error #2015
ErrorPos=fpsoSWFBuffer = new BitmapData(1920, 1080, false, 0x00ff0000);
Position in For Loop=8
EDIT2: And here is the error message I finally got inside of Flash Builder. So now it's crashing here too.. =/
ArgumentError: Error #2015: Invalid BitmapData.
at flash.display::BitmapData/ctor()
at flash.display::BitmapData()
at Main/bufferTemplateImages()[E:\Workspace - Flash Builder\vCog Workspace\vCog Communicator 3.0\src\Main.mxml:461]
at flash.utils::Timer/tick()
Your buffering 1.5gb of memory? Flash keeps requesting memory from the OS until the OS can't give anymore. If it works on your computer, but not others, maybe their computers are running a lot of other program requesting memory and can't supply enough memory to your project. The other thing I would check is, what version of the OS they are using 32bit windows only can see a max of 2Gb of memory. Although This is simply a theory. Maybe try and compress the images first to limit memory usage.
It seems like IE have some sort of max memory useage restriction with flash, and Firefox does not.
I might be wrong, but I fixed it by rewriting my code to handle smaller files (less memory useage) and loading in a high-res image after the user have rotated the view.
I used to buffer 1,5GB meory, now I buffer about 750MB and it works.
Still strange that IE has limitations, and Firefox and Chrome does not...
Oh well.. =/

audio playback in c4 framework (c4iOS

new user to c4iOS framework. Working my way thru the tutorials/examples - wondering how one goes about playing back audio (as opposed to video, which is covered in the example texts).
thanks in advance for answering my less-than-advance 'n00b' question
Audio samples are fairly similar to movie objects, albeit they don't have an option like shouldAutoplay that will get them running as soon as the application loads.
The easiest way to construct a sample is like this:
#implementation C4WorkSpace {
C4Sample *audioSample;
-(void)setup {
audioSample = [C4Sample sampleNamed:#"C4Loop.aif"];
Which builds the audio sample object as a variable that you can then reference in other methods. For instance, if you want to play a sound clip when you first touch the screen you would do the following:
-(void)touchesBegan {
[audioSample play];
To toggle the playback for each touch, you would do something like:
-(void)touchesBegan {
if(audioSample.isPlaying) {
[audioSample stop];
} else {
[audioSample play];
A working copy of a C4 app that toggles playback can be found HERE.
There are also a lot of properties for audio samples that let you control things like playback rate, volume, panning and so on.
An example of changing the volume is like this:
audioSample.volume = 0.5; //0 = mute, 1 = full volume
An example of skipping to a specific time in a sample would be like:
audioSample.currentTime = 1.0f; //this will put the "playhead" to 1.0 second
You can have a look at the C4Sample documentation to see more properties and other aspects of the class. The documentation is also available via the Xcode organizer.

VLC-Player in adobe Air App does not stop/quit

Well i have an adobe air , downloaded from below link.. it is wonderful app..
and this works fine. It captures my screen , record audio but it just does not stop or quit as vlc-player.exe continues to run in the task manager.
i tried lots of vlc- commands but it just does not stop once it starts capturing screen video.
I need help on it..
I know this is a old thread, but just in case someone wants to know...
You can't use rc-fake-tty because Windows doesn't support terminal. For Windows, tell VLC to run with only one instance, then send it the quit command as a separate NativeProcess call.
So, in the linked article, change the stopRecording() method to this:
public function stopRecording():void{
var startupInfo:NativeProcessStartupInfo = new NativeProcessStartupInfo();
startupInfo.executable = vlcFile;
var processArgs:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>();
processArgs.push("rc"); //Remote control
startupInfo.arguments = processArgs;
var killSwitch:NativeProcess = new NativeProcess();
And make sure to add this:
To your initial screen record startupInfo in startRecording() method.
I quit using vlc for the same reason and started to write my recording application using .Net 4, but i am having less performance using c# now.
VLC for windows does not support fake rc control so setting rc-fake-tty is useless. As the very last try, i wanna control is via socket. If you got it working this way, please make me informed.
