is it possible to do URL re-write in -

I have developers working on a site for me, they have told me there is no possible way to re-write the URL so there is no second level category e.g.
Remove "/category" from this URL
I understand that page.aspx can simply go in the root folder on the server however I don't want to do this as adding heaps of pages will slow down server load time

Do not believe them... It's easy and can be done for example by library which is easy to use and open source. Also they can write own rewriter which is also not more then an hour of work, for example like here.

check whether it will helpful for your requirement: URL Rewriting in ASP.NET


Creating SEO friendly urls in Classic ASP

I have to make all links SEO friendly on our website.
I have the following url:
I need it be:
I have no way of accessing the IIS so this has to be done thru code. Any ideas about how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks,
The standard way of solving this as far as I know is to use a rewrite engine in IIS (such as ISAPI_rewite or IIS7 url rewrite module)
However, you don't have access to IIS you say... That makes it tricky. Two thoughts come to mind:
1) Could you create a dynamic (asp) 404 page that then looks at the request header and does a transfer according to the page requested?
2) Or, and this is rather lame, could you create a static folder structure that goes some way to looking like that url structure?
If you upgrade to IIS7 and use ASP.Net then you can control the URL rewrite module from your code.
I've done something similar to Matts suggestion 1 in the past and it can work. The important thing is you make the 404 page directly feed the true page content and not do a redirect. Otherwise your defeating the point of SEF URLs for SEO gain.
From the few references I still have to the code. asp has a Server.Transfer() function but you may have issues that you can't pass query string parameters. I think I ended up streaming the real page through the 404 page using the MSXMLServerXMLHTTP object and Response.BinaryWrite().

Extensionless url rewriting / filtering url rewrites

I've done some url rewriting, always using the Intelligencia.UrlRewriter and it always worked fine. But now i want to achieve the following and somehow i can't get it right.
i want: > rewrite to
this works fine, because i can set my criteria to /products/.. > rewrite to
and of course i want to function normally
and these last 2 don't work together.
is there a way i can tell my rewrite rule to only rewrite when there is no extension in my url? or is there an other trick?
Thanks in advance!
Well, a bit off the road, but try using ASP.NET Routing instead of URL Rewriter.
I was playing (and messing up) with the rewriter, and here on Stackoverflow I was advised to use Routing, and it is MUCH better (and easier when you get it).
You'll need some little changes to your ASPX files though, but very small.
I thought i'd solve this old, unanswered question. The problem with the extensionless urls turned out to be some configuration problem in IIS. Our system admin fixed this by allowing these urls and after that the rewriter had no problems picking up and translating the URLS.

Best practices for converting an existing website into a website with SEF URL

I've got a website that was created about an year ago and its been constantly revised since then. The website is coded in classic ASP, contains about ~50 pages -- some are multi-purpose, and contains old-school style links such as:
I have IIRF v2 installed which allows access to URL rewriting functionality so this I do not have to worry about. What I am worried about is how to replace about 300 links to .ASP pages with SEF urls. As far as my understanding is concerned, I have to add a database query (to extract title of the record being linked) for each link.
I need advice on how to begin converting the website into a SEF URL powered website with as little code change as possible. Wrapper classes and tried-and-tested techniques and pointers to best practices will be appreciated.
If you want to do URL Rewriting without changing frameworks or anything, may I suggest that you take a look at IIS7 Url Rewriting Module?
However, if you are rewriting part of your application in .NET ... you might want to consider ASP.NET MVC. It already build simple built-in URL Rewriting module and definitely allows you to keep on using your old "WebForms" (if ASP.NET) or your classic ASP pages.
Don't forget to permanently redirect each and every old link to a new one (use 301 HTTP code).
At news.asp (and whatever other old pages you have) put something (a class? I don't know, I have never used ASP) that parses the old-style URL and redirects (with a HTTP redirect code) to the new URL.
I'm not trying to be funny here but seriously how long would it really take to convert 300 links manually? I really suspect that it would take less time than trying to find some automated approach.

How to SEO friendly an existing ASP .NET 3.5 web application under IIS6

So, I know there's a lot of this subject here and over the Internet. But most articles/questions refers to "static" url rewriting, like:
So they rewrite it to
That's ok but I need something else.
The site is like a CMS, it has different types of content.
Nowadays to read the article titled "How StackOverflow helps you in your development" you need to go to an URL like the following.
What I want to achive is:
So as I understand, I need to involve ASP .NET in that, because first I need to retrieve the article (an its title of course) and then rewrite the URL.
But I'm wondering how the hell ASP .NET will know how to get that article if I go to that URL, it doesn't include the id anywhere...
So maybe I could accept something like
I'm kind of lost here really.. I've never done any URL Rewriting at all and I've googled a lot and I cannot find a way to do what I want. Maybe what I want is not called url rewriting??? I don't know...
The site is running under Windows 2003 Server, IIS6, ASP .NET 3.5 SP1
And of course, I need a free solution, cannot spend 100usd on the ISAPI mod (besides I don't know if that is going to do what I need).
Thanks to all and sorry if this is a duplicated question, but I couldn't find it.
EDIT: I don't need to support non-ASP.NET files (jpgs, gifs, etc) don't need to be rewritten. I just need to rewrite the viewContent page to include the content title into the URL.
You can use the new Routing that comes with ASP.Net 3.5 sp1 to have clean URLs.
This can even be done in web forms and not just MVC. ( I have done it myself). See here and here for exanples of how to set it up.
You can throw the Id of the article and the title in the URL and make the Id the real parameter that gets used to search for the article. That is what SO does. Try removing the question for the URL and it will take you to the same place.
Even if you don't use the Id you can pass the title of the article "how-to-stackoverflow-helps-you-in-your-development" to your DB and retreive the article based on the title.
With regards to IIS 6 it is a little trickier since IIS 6 by default can't handle extension-less URL's.
There are a few work arounds:
Use the wildcard mapping in IIS to map all requests to Asp.Net
Put Default.aspx at the end of your urls
See this post for other possible solutions.
Although the first solution may have performance issues if all content in your site goes through Asp.Net (even images, css, .html ...) in a small site it shouldn't matter. I have used this approach and there wasn't any major performance issues. I think it is the simplest solution. Here is the website I built with it
I hope this helps.
This one is free, I have used it and it works pretty well:
The nice thing is that it will handle url's without an extension (i.e. .aspx, .html, etc.)
You can achieve this with ASP.NET routing.You can do this with ASP.NET MVC as well as Webforms.No need to do anything with IIS.
Check the below link
I did URL routing in my web application within 1 hour with the details from the above link.Its quite simple to learn .They provide sample codes too.It will help you to do it easily
You can retrieve the Id of the content using the title.But title should be unique.You can use ajax to check whether the title is a already existing one when user takes mouse out from the textbox.
Easiest way is to add a http module to your current webforms project.
This shows you the basics of it, But it can easily be expanded so that the pages you want to rewite is taken from a database or even built on the fly. MVC is your friend for that
stackoverflow use MVC

ASP.NET Web Dev: Map one directory to another?

We are thinking of renaming our web directory schema to be more user friendly. However, we need any URL requests for the old directory structure to forward to the new one. so....
How do I forward requests for all of these:
to each of these respectively:
Any suggestions and perhaps some general guidance as far as gotchas?
You can use a number of things to do something like this. Basically, you're doing URL Rewriting. One of these products should help you get the job done:
ISAPI Rewrite
IIS Rewrite
I use IIRF on many of my websites, and it has always worked without failing. You use regular expressions to define the rules, and it takes care of the rest. It would be extremely easy to setup a few redirects using IIRF.
