How to Decode ASN.1 format to CSV format using Unix Programing - unix

I have ASN format files i have to convert into CSV format also readable one
I need a Decoder with some advanced options like schedule,Auto FTP like that

Pretty old thread but it still comes at top on Google search and it will be good for people to get an answer. Not exactly Unix programming but you can find a "generic" Javascript based ASN decoder at
You can also download this and run natively on your box.

Erlang provides very good support for reading and writing BER-, DER- and PER-encoded ASN.1 packets. The Erlang compiler even accepts ASN.1 syntax natively and produces a custom codec as an Erlang module.
It's a whole new programming language for most people though, so whether it's worth learning it just for this exercise, I'll leave up to you. It is a very fun language to learn, however, and will teach you a very different way to think about programming.

You could have a look at asn1 compiler.
It converts asn.1 syntax files to C code.
As Marcelo noted in you question, you didn't exactly say precisely what you need, so can't tell if it covers all your bases, but you will be able to compile the code to binary (from C code, obviously)

There is an open source package called asn1c which will do ASN.1 encoding and decoding. Its a C library that you need to build and then write code around to implement your program. In order to build the library, it requires the ASN.1 syntax file that is used to construct the encoded messages. When decoding, one option is to output the data to an XML file which you would then need to convert to a CSV file somehow. At a minimum, it supports BER, XER, and PER.

In Python, there is also the PyASN1 library and tools:


Convert Ada type definitions in spec files to ASN.1 schema

I was wondering if anyone has ever gone from Ada source->ASN.1 Schema. Ideally I want to suck up all the type definitions in my spec files to create a library of data types in ASN format that could later by run through an ASN.1 compiler for other languages. I also want to use this to auto generate the serialize/deserialize functions for my existing record definitions.
The goal is to create a "dumb" test driver that could be fed commands from an external application, that includes the test inputs, and spits back the outputs.
The effort by hand would be massive (~2-3k type/subtype declarations).
I'm pretty sure I've read something about an ESA funded Open Source Ada ASN.1 compiler. It may do the job.
If that's not quite doing your job, you are welcome to grab the sources for my command-line driver generator and reuse the ASIS based Ada package specification parser from it to generate types in ASN format.

parse uniVerse hash / data files in R

I have inherited a uniVerse database (link to Rocketsoftware site) and would like to know if it's possible to read/parse the underlying data files (which I believe are hash tables?) into 'R'?
I'm aware there are ODBC drivers as well as .NET libraries, but I'm interested in parsing the files in R (if possible) without these drivers?
(I've searched and seen a few topics on parsing hash tables in Java and C#, but nothing in R yet)
It's a propriety format, so unless you want to reverse engineer it and re-implement in R that isn't the path forward. Also note that it isn't a single hash-table format either, aside from the standard modulo and bucket sizes, there are several different formats you'll encounter.
If you don't want work with any of the native APIs of the database to read the data, you can issue database commands that will dump it to CSV or XML flat files. Take a look into the RetrieVe query language manuals to learn more.

How to obfuscate lua code?

I can't find anything on Google for some tool that encrypts/obfuscates my lua files, so I decided to ask here. Maybe some professional knows how to do it? (For free).
I have made a simple game in lua now and I don't want people to see the code, otherwise they can easily cheat. How can I make the whole text inside the .lua file to just random letters and stuff?
I used to program in C# and I had this .NET obfuscator called SmartAssembly which works pretty good. When someone would try check the code of my applications it would just be a bunch of letters and numbers together with chinese characters and stuff.
Anyone knows any program that can do this for lua aswell? Just load what file to encrypt, click Encrypt or soemthing, and bam! It works!?
For example this:
print('Hello world!')
would turn into something like
Just precompile your files (chunks) and load binary chunks. luacallows you to strip debugging info. If that is not enough, define your own transformations on the compiled lua, stripping names where possible. There's not really so much demand for lua obfuscators though...
Also, you loose one of the main advantages of using an embedded scripting language: Extensibility.
The simplest obfuscation option is to compile your Lua code as others suggested, however it has two major issues: (1) the strings are still likely to be easily visible in your compiled code, and (2) the compiled code for Lua interpreter is not portable, so if you target different architectures, you need to have different compiled chunks for them.
The first issue can be addressed by using a pre-processor that (for example) converts your strings to a sequence of numbers and then concatenates them back at run-time.
The second issue is not easily addressed without changes to the interpreter, but if you have a choice of interpreters, then LuaJIT generates portable bytecode that will run across all its platforms (running the same version of LuaJIT); note that LuaJIT bytecode is different from Lua bytecode, so it can't be run by a Lua interpreter.
A more complex option would be to encrypt the code (possibly before compiling it), but you need to weight any additional mechanisms (and work on your part) against any possible inconvenience for your users and any loss you have from someone cracking the protection. I'd personally use something sufficiently simple to deter the majority of curious users as you likely stand no chance against a dedicated hacker anyway.
You could use loadstring to get a chunk then string.dump and then apply some transformations like cycling the bytes, swapping segments, etc. Transformations must be reversible. Then save to a file.
Note that anyone having access to your "encryptor" Lua module will know how to decrypt your file. If you make your encrypted module in C/C++, anyone with access to source will too, or to binary of Lua encryption module they could require the module too and unofuscate the code. With interpreted language it is quite difficult to do: you can raise the bar a bit via the above the techniques but raising it to require a significant amount of work (the onlybreal deterent) is very difficult AFAIK.
If you embed the Lua interpreter than you can do this from C, this makes it significantly harder (assuming a Release build with all symbols stripped), person would have to be comfortable with stepping through assembly but it only takes one capable person to crack the algorithm then they can make the code available to others.
Yo still interested in doing this? :)
I thought I'd add some example code, since the answers here were helpful, but didn't get us all the way there. We wanted to save some lua table information, and just not make it super easy for someone to inject their own code. serialize your table, and then use load(str) to make it into a loadable lua chunk, and save with string.dump. With the 'true' parameter, debug information is stripped, and there's really not much there. Yes you can see string keys, but it's much better than just saving the naked serialized lua table.
function tftp.SaveToMSI( tbl, msiPath )
assert(type(tbl) == "table")
assert(type(msiPath) == "string")
local localName = _GetFileNameFromPath( msiPath )
local file,err =, "wb")
assert(file, err)
-- convert the table into a string
local str = serializer.Serialize( tbl )
-- create a lua chunk from the string. this allows some amount of
-- obfuscation, because it looks like gobblygook in a text editor
local chunk = string.dump(load(str), true)
-- send from /usr to the MSI folder
local sendResult = tftp.SendFile( localName, msiPath )
-- remove from the /usr folder
return sendResult
The output from one small table looks like this in Notepad++ :
LuaS У
Vx#w( # АKА└АJБ┴ JА #
& А &  name
Coulombmetervalue?С╘ ажў

finding duplicate source code

I'm analyzing some legacy code. It is about 80.000 lines of old plsql code. On a fist look there is quite some duplication in the source which needs to be removed. Instead off doing diff's manual and looking at each file there must be some tool/commandline confu out there to detect duplicate lines of source code.
My goal is to make an educated guess about the minimal size of a rewrite of source and about how much actual knowledge is captured in this program. I wrote some a basic static code analyzer to find the amount of control statements IF ELSE FOR etc and Functions in each file.
But duplicated code still needs to be removed from my statistics.
Have you looked at Simian - Similarity Analyser? (Just checked and it's no longer free, but it is available for a period of 15 days for evaluation purposes.)
Simian (Similarity Analyser)
identifies duplication in Java, C#, C,
Visual Basic, Groovy source code and
even plain text files. In fact, simian
can be used on any human readable
files such as ini files, deployment
descriptors, you name it.
I have used it in practice and it does work well.
Sonar has duplication detection and claims to support PL/SQL, though I've never used it for that.
You would need to beg/borrow/steal/write a plsql parser and compare the resulting abstract syntax trees. With the size of the code base you have, that might be worthwhile. There would be other uses for the parser once you're done.
How about this:
It is opensource, and is said to be used by commercial software. It is a plugin to Eclipse, by the way.

Is it possible to read music file metadata using R?

I've got a bunch of audio files (let's say ogg or mp3), with metadata.
I wish to read their metadata into R so to create a data.frame with:
file name
file location
file artist
file album
Any way you know of for doing that ?
You take an existing mp3 or ogg client, look at what library it uses and then write a binding for said library to R, using the existing client as guide for that side -- and something like Rcpp as a guide on the other side to show you how to connect C/C++ libraries to R.
No magic bullet.
A cheaper and less reliable way is to use a cmdline tool that does what you want and write little helper functions that use system() to run that tool over the file, re-reading the output in R. Not pretty, not reliable, but possibly less challenging.
Possible, yes, easy, no.
You "could" use a combination of readChar and/or readBin on the file and parse out the contents. This would be highly dependent, though, on parsing the frame tags from the raw bytes of the ID3v2 tag (and mind you it would change if it was a version 1 tag). If would certainly be a lot of work to implement a straight R solution. Take this Python code for example, it's very clean straight python code but a lot of branching and parsing.
You can use exiftool with system command available in R. Optionally, you can create regexp to handle the fields you need... If I were you, I'd stick with Dirk's advice (as usual) =)!
Out here in 2021, I wanted to do this so I did the following...
Create a new playlist while in 'songs' view.
Select all songs and drag to the new playlist. Highlight that playlist
File> Library>Export Playlist. My default file was to save as .txt, if not, designate.
Open Excel to save as csv or read.delim() in r as the txt file is tab-separated
import to R
